[Python-ideas] Things I wish Pip learned from Npm

Anders Wegge Keller wegge at wegge.dk
Wed May 7 22:50:00 CEST 2014

alonn <alonisser at gmail.com> writes:

> A "Rant" I wrote about pip and npm.  Maybe someone would find this
> interesting or even useful in thinking on Pip's future.
> I would like to stress that this is really not meant to hurt anyone and in
> particular the great members of this open source community who bear the
> burden of developing and maintaining Pip.
> https://medium.com/devops-programming/f712fa26f5bc

 One nit:

    $ Selenium==2.4.1
    $ Selenium==2.35.0
    Pip Just downgraded a package version without even asking for 

 I would say that pip upgraded Selenium 31 minor releases. However, I
come from a background where each of major.minor.rev can be a
multi-digit number, so I might be wrong in this context.


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