[Python-ideas] Make Python code read-only

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed May 21 02:09:03 CEST 2014

2014-05-21 0:44 GMT+02:00 Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>:
>> Optimizations possible when the code is read-only
>> =================================================
>> * Inline calls to functions.
>> * Replace calls to pure functions (without side effect) with the
>> result. For example, len("abc") can be replaced with 3.
> I'm skeptical about how much difference this would make.
> In most of the Python code I've seen, calls to module-level
> functions are relatively rare -- most calls are method
> calls.

If the class is read-only and has a __slots__ class attribute, methods
cannot be modified anymore. If you are able to get (compute) the type
of an object, you can optimize the call to the method.

Dummy example:
for ch in range(32, 126):

Here you can guess that the type of chars in "chars.append" is list.
The list.append() method is well known (and it is read-only, even if
my global read-only mode is disabled, because list.append is a builtin

You may inline the call in the body of the loop. Or you can at least
move the lookup of the append method out of the loop.


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