[Python-ideas] PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Thu Nov 20 05:19:41 CET 2014

On 11/19/2014 04:25 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Here is a description of the generator protocol which could easily lead 
> the reader to conclude that raising StopIteration is the correct way to 
> exit a generator:
>     To support this protocol, functions with yield statement 
>     are compiled specially as generators. They return a generator 
>     object when they are called. The returned object supports the 
>     iteration interface with an automatically created __next__() 
>     method to resume execution. Generator functions may have a 
>     return simply terminates the generation of values by raising 
>     a StopIteration exceptions after any normal function exit. 
> http://www.bogotobogo.com/python/python_generators.php

We are not, however, responsible for third-party documentation.

> At this point, I'm convinced that there is a good argument for a 
> __future__ import changing this behaviour. But I suspect that making 
> this the default behaviour in the future will break a lot of code.

Isn't that the case with every __future__ directive that becomes the standard?  Folks have an entire minor release to
make the adjustment.


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