[Python-ideas] Make len() usable on a generator

Alexander Belopolsky alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 18:32:14 CEST 2014

On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 12:27 PM, Ian Cordasco <graffatcolmingov at gmail.com>

> > Builtin range is not a generator.
> It is on Python 3 (but not Python 2):
> $ python3
> >>> range(100000)
> range(0, 100000)
> And I assumed that most discussion for Python-ideas pertained to
> features for Python 3, am I incorrect in that?

You are correct about python-ideas, but range is not a generator in python
3 either:

Python 3.4.0a0 (default:e9cecb612ff7+, Oct  3 2014, 12:07:42)
>>> type(range(10))  # not a generator
<class 'range'>
>>> type(x for x in range(10))  # a generator
<class 'generator'>
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