[Python-ideas] Issue with sys.exit and a long

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 24 13:25:25 CEST 2015

On 23/04/2015 19:52, Ryan Gonzalez wrote:
> Observe:
> ryan at DevPC-LX:~/bfort$ python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(1)'
> ryan at DevPC-LX:~/bfort$ python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(1L)'
> 1
> ryan at DevPC-LX:~/bfort$
> If I call sys.exit with a long value under Python 2, it prints it. I 
> count this as a bug because:
> 1. int and long are supposed to be as similar as possible.
> 2. When you're using Hy (which implicitly makes all ints longs), this 
> sucks.
Yes the same happens from the [2.7.3] interpreter if you exit from it with
import sys; sys.exit(0L)
> -- 
> Ryan
> [ERROR]: Your autotools build scripts are 200 lines longer than your 
> program. Something’s wrong.
> http://kirbyfan64.github.io/
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