[Python-ideas] Making concurrent.futures.Futures awaitable

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 10:12:33 CEST 2015

On 8 August 2015 at 03:08, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> FWIW, I am against this (as Alex already knows), for the same reasons I
> didn't like Nick's proposal. Fuzzing the difference between threads and
> asyncio tasks is IMO asking for problems -- people will stop understanding
> what they are doing and then be bitten when they least need it.

I'm against concurrent.futures offering native asyncio support as well
- that dependency already goes the other way, from asyncio down to
concurrent.futures by way of the loop's pool executor.

The only aspect of my previous suggestions I'm still interested in is
a name and signature change from "loop.run_in_executor(executor,
callable)" to "loop.call_in_background(callable, *, executor=None)".

Currently, the recommended way to implement a blocking call like
Alex's example is this:

    from asyncio import get_event_loop

    async def handler(self):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        result = await loop.run_in_executor(None,
        await self.write(result)

I now see four concrete problems with this specific method name and signature:

    * we don't run functions, we call them
    * we do run event loops, but this call doesn't start an event loop running
    * "executor" only suggests "background call" to folks that already
know how concurrent.futures works
    * we require the explicit "None" boilerplate to say "use the
default executor", rather than using the more idiomatic approach of
accepting an alternate executor as an optional keyword only argument

With the suggested change to the method name and signature, the same
example would instead look like:

    async def handler(self):
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        result = await
        await self.write(result)

That should make sense to anyone reading the handler, even if they
know nothing about concurrent.futures - the precise mechanics of how
the event loop goes about handing off the call to a background thread
or process is something they can explore later, they don't need to
know about it in order to locally reason about this specific handler.

It also means that event loops would be free to implement their
*default* background call functionality using something other than
concurrent.futures, and only switch to the latter if an executor was
specified explicitly.

There are still some open questions about whether it makes sense to
allow callables to indicate whether or not they expect to be IO bound
or CPU bound, and hence allow event loop implementations to opt to
dispatch the latter to a process pool by default (I saw someone
suggest that recently, and I find the idea intriguing), but I think
that's a separate question from dispatching a given call for parallel
execution, with the result being awaited via a particular event loop.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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