[Python-ideas] MRO local precedence ordering revisited

Ned Batchelder ned at nedbatchelder.com
Thu Dec 10 15:43:01 EST 2015

On 12/10/15 3:03 PM, Stephan Sahm wrote:
> (B, mixin, A, mixin, object)
> or in the simpler, more trivial version
> (B, object, A, object)
> As you haven't mentioned this as a possibility at all, I guess having 
> a class twice in this list produces some weird behaviour I do not know 
> about yet - if someone can point out, that would be great.
The MRO is a list of classes to search for attributes.  There's no point 
in having a class listed twice.  The second occurrence would never be 
used, because any attribute it could provide would be found on the first 
occurrence of the class.

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