[Python-ideas] MRO local precedence ordering revisited
Andrew Barnert
abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 10 16:26:15 EST 2015
On Dec 10, 2015, at 12:03, Stephan Sahm <Stephan.Sahm at gmx.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> this is a highly sensitive topic, isn't it?
Well, it's an _interesting_ topic. If there really is something new to be done here that could improve the way inheritance works, that's a big deal, so people want to think about it, which means asking you challenging questions.
> =) Thank you all for your extensive responses. Of course I was a bit provocative with the sentence in bold, but I haven't said this would be a bug, and if I have, I am sorry for that.
> I am in fact not familiar with what precisely are all the problems the C3 algorithm tries to solve, however my own intuitiv MRO would not be anything proposed so far, but:
> (B, mixin, A, mixin, object)
> or in the simpler, more trivial version
> (B, object, A, object)
First, think about what kind of algorithm could get mixin to appear twice in the first list without also getting object to appear twice. I don't think there's any obvious way to do it. (Well, you could special-case object, but that doesn't help the more general diamond problem.) If you have a non-obvious answer to that, even though that still might not be a complete solution to what you really wanted, it would be a major contribution on its own.
> As you haven't mentioned this as a possibility at all, I guess having a class twice in this list produces some weird behaviour I do not know about yet - if someone can point out, that would be great.
For an obvious problem: how could any cooperative inheritance tree ever super anything if object, which obviously doesn't cooperate, might end up on the MRO between one class and the next?
Plus, if a class can get called twice on the super chain, how does it know which of the two times it's being called? Imagine a trivial mixin that just counts how many instances of its descendant get created. How do you avoid counting twice when a C gets constructed. (If you're thinking of using __mangled names to help, notice that _mixin__mangled and _mixin__mangled are the same name.) More generally: the code in a class generally assumes that it's not going to somehow super itself. Breaking that assumption, especially for code that adds attributes, makes the code much harder to write, and reason about.
You probably can come up with a manual solution to these problems that doesn't work fully generally, but does work for your use case. (By adding specific rules on how classes in your tree interact, you can simplify the problem as far as you want.) Which you'd implement in a metaclass. But once you're writing a metaclass that interferes with the MRO mechanism, why do you care what the default MRO mechanism is?
(That last might not be a rhetorical question--maybe the answer is "I wouldn't care, but it's too hard to override the setup of __mro__ in a metaclass __new__ method" or something, in which case there may be something to improve here.)
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