[Python-ideas] Contiguous-array-based ordering for OrderedDict

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 18:20:43 EST 2015

On 13.12.15 00:11, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:
> On Dec 12, 2015, at 04:19, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 12.12.15 13:06, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:
>>>> On Dec 12, 2015, at 01:27, Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> 2. You don't have to shift for each deletion. You can wait until some
>>>> threshold is reached before shifting, and maybe that will spread out
>>>> the cost of shift among deletions enough to make an impact.
>>> I don't think this would help nearly as much as you think. Keeping up to half the array for deleted slots also makes things more complex, doubles the extra storage. But, worst of all, whatever savings you get in the shift time (minus the increased time for the extra logic) are going to be lost in the increased search time: if the array is twice as big, the Kth real element is at 2K. So, instead of K + (N-K), you have 2K + x(N - K), and no matter how good that x speedup is, the 2K part is going to kill you.
>>> Plus, an API that spreads out about the same work but does it in large batches is less usable. Imagine that you had two functions, one which always takes 1.1ms, one which usually takes 100us but every 1000 times it takes 1s (and freezes up the interpreter whole doing so). Which one would you choose?
>> All this is true for ordinal dict too. A hashtable needs extra storage, and iterating needs to skip unused entries. From time to time you need resize the storage and fill new storage with O(N) complexity. Due to unpredictability of hashes of strings and pointers, the number of collisions an resizings is not predicable, and a time of work can significantly vary from run to run.
> That's not the same at all. The benefit of dict isn't that it's amortized, it's that it's amortized _constant_ instead of linear, which is a huge improvement, worth a bit of chunkiness. Going from linear to amortized linear, as the OP proposes, doesn't get you anything good for the cost.
> I think you may be forgetting that dict doesn't rehash "from time to time" as this proposal does, it only does it when you grow. And it expands exponentially rather than linearly, so even in the special case where 100% of your operations are inserts, it's still only going to happen a few times.

Either you or me misunderstood the OP proposition. An array of indices 
needs to be "compacted" (that costs O(n)) only after at least O(n) 
addition/deletion/moving operations. Therefore the amortized cost is 
constant in worst case.

All this looks similar to Raymond's proof-of-concept for a compact 
dictionary (ordering is a side effect). [1]


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