[Python-ideas] Dict literal use for custom dict classes

Mike Miller python-ideas at mgmiller.net
Wed Dec 16 13:47:22 EST 2015

On 2015-12-15 11:02, Paul Moore wrote:
> while it's a bit too special case on its own, one
> possibility would be to have
>      callable{k1: v1, k2: v2, ...}
> be syntactic sugar for
>      callable([(k1, k1), (k2, v2), ...])

Very interesting... I've faced the issue several times over the years when I've 
wanted to unpack values into a function call in an ordered manner (but it hasn't 
been available).  Perhaps::


In fact with callables I'd even go so far as wish that ordered unpacking was the 
default somehow, though I guess that probably isn't possible due to history. 
So, would be happy to have a way to do it.  The syntax looks slightly odd but I 
could get used to it.  I found this on the subject, don't know its status:



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