[Python-ideas] Buffering iterators?

Michael Selik mike at selik.org
Tue Dec 22 17:22:09 EST 2015

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 7:02 AM Michael Mitchell <epsilonmichael at gmail.com>

> Have you considered doing this at the plain Python level? Something such
> as the following would have the desired semantics from my understanding.
> def buffered_iterator(it, size):
>   while True:
>     buffer = [next(it) for _ in range(size)]
>     for element in buffer:
>       yield element

There's a recipe in the itertools module for something like this (
Check out ``def grouper``.

A combination of starmap, repeat, and islice might work fine as well.
    args = (iterable, buffersize)
    chunks = starmap(islice, repeat(args))

Either way, you could then yield from the chunks to make it appear like a
regular iterator.

Not being a PyPy or Pyston expert, I have no clue if this scenario exists
-- that a JIT compiling interpreter would not be able to prefetch chunks of
the iterator without the extra buffering layer, but would be able to
prefetch after the chunking step is added.
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