[Python-ideas] Fwd: Re: Unambiguous repr for recursive objects
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 21:10:00 EST 2015
Newlines in OrderedDict.__repr__ and/or pprint(OrderedDict) would be
* http://bugs.python.org/issue10592 closed; superseded by:
* http://bugs.python.org/issue7434 "general pprint rewrite"
As a workaround, a suitable JSONEncoder and json.dumps(obj, indent=2) works
On Dec 27, 2015 7:55 PM, "Steven D'Aprano" <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 10:16:34AM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I really feel you all are overworrying and overthinking this. A downside
> to
> > me is that <...> isn't clear about what the type of the object is. The
> use
> > case here is not sophisticated users, it's beginners who have
> accidentally
> > managed to create a recursive list or dict. They have most likely not
> even
> > encountered Ellipsis objects yet. There's nothing clearer than the
> current
> > notation to help them see that they've done something unusual.
> As a data point, or perhaps an anecdote point, I've been a regular on
> the tutor@ and python-list@ lists for many years now, and I don't recall
> seeing recursive lists being an issue. I can't categorically say that it
> has *never* come up, but it certainly isn't common.
> My sense is that the not-really-an-invariant-more-of-a-guideline that
> eval'ing the repr of an object returns the object is not that important
> here. There are many things you can put in a list which will break the
> invariant. It is a little unfortunate that [...] is no longer a syntax
> error, giving us this:
> eval("[[...]]") == [[Ellipsis]]
> but I don't see that as a problem worth fixing.
> I think the repr of OrderedDict is fine the way it is, and I like
> the fact that it uses a bare ... to refer to itself rather than
> wrapping it in braces like regular dicts. It just looks nicer in the
> OrderedDict repr:
> OrderedDict([('key', ...)])
> versus
> OrderedDict([('key', {...})])
> I thought I would generate an extreme example, an OrderedDict with
> multiple references to itself in values which contain references to
> themselves as well:
> py> from collections import OrderedDict
> py> o = OrderedDict([(1, []), (2, {}), (3, ('a', []))])
> py> o[1].append(o[1])
> py> o[1].append(o)
> py> o[2]['x'] = o[2]
> py> o[2]['y'] = o
> py> o[3][-1].append(o[3])
> py> o[3][-1].append(o)
> py> o[4] = o
> py> o
> OrderedDict([(1, [[...], ...]), (2, {'y': ..., 'x': {...}}), (3, ('a',
> [(...), ...])), (4, ...)])
> As an extreme case, I would hope that I would never need to debug
> something this complex in real life, but I think it is useful to see all
> the different kinds of recursive reprs in one place. I think it is
> useful that they are all slightly different. If it looked like this:
> OrderedDict([(1, [<...>, <...>]), (2, {'y': <...>, 'x': <...>}),
> (3, ('a', [<...>, <...>])), (4, <...>)])
> we would lose valuable hints about the types, and if they all used
> object __repr__ the amount of visual noise would be overwhelming:
> OrderedDict([(1, [<list object at 0xb7bcf7cc>, <collections.OrderedDict
> object at 0xb7bcbc5c>]), (2, {'y': <collections.OrderedDict object at
> 0xb7bcbc5c>, 'x': <dict object at 0xb7c6f96c>}), (3, ('a', [<tuple
> object at 0xb7bb320c>, <collections.OrderedDict object at
> 0xb7bcbc5c>])), (4, <collections.OrderedDict object at 0xb7bcbc5c>)])
> Given the risk that any such change will break doctests, I don't think
> this is a problem worth fixing:
> +1 on keeping the status quo
> -1 on using the verbose object.__repr__
> -0.5 on consistently using <...> for all types
> -0.5 on changing the repr of recursive OrderedDicts to be more like dict
> --
> Steve
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