[Python-ideas] Deprecating the old-style sequence protocol

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 02:51:13 EST 2015

On 31 December 2015 at 04:09, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de> wrote:
> On 29.12.2015 03:59, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> On 28 December 2015 at 03:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>>> [ABCs are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!]
>> [collections.abc.Indexable would be a good one.]
> Maybe, I still cannot wrap my mind enough around the
> types-everywhere-in-python-please world.
> But, what's so wrong about checking for __getitem__ or __len__ if necessary?

Most of the time when I care, it's for early error detection. For
normal function calls, your best bet is to just try the operation, and
let the interpreter generate the appropriate exception - the traceback
will give the appropriate context for the error, so there's little
gain in doing your own check.

Things change when you're handing a callable off to be invoked later,
whether that's through an object queue, atexit, context manager,
thread pool, process pool, or something else. In those cases, a
delayed exception will trigger in the invocation context, and so the
traceback won't give the reader any information about which part of
the code provided the bad arguments.

There are two main remedies for this:

1. Use runtime argument checking at the point the arguments are passed in
2. Use some form of structural type checking that allows code to be
analysed for correctness without running it

The abc module provides a framework for the former task - if you know
an algorithm needs a sequence (for example), you can write
"isinstance(arg, Sequence)" before submitting the operation for
execution and raise TypeError if the check fails. Folks passing in the
wrong kind of argument then get a nice error message with a traceback
at the point where they provided the incorrect data, rather than an
obscure traceback that they then have to debug. As Andrew explains in
his reply, this can be as simple as checking for a specific attribute,
but it also extends to more complex criteria without changing the way
you perform the runtime check.

Static analysers like mypy, pytypedecl and pylint provide support for
the latter approach, by checking for consistency between the way
objects are defined and created and the way they're used. While it's
possible for incorrect code to pass static analysis, the vast majority
of correct code will pass it (and any which fails would likely be
confusing to a human reader as well). Since the analysis is static,
runtime dynamism isn't relevant - the analyser can point out both
sides of the inconsistency, even if they're encountered at different
times or in different threads or processes when executed.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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