[Python-ideas] PEP 485: A Function for testing approximate equality

Nikolaus Rath Nikolaus at rath.org
Fri Feb 6 02:42:47 CET 2015

Chris Barker <chris.barker-32lpuo7BZBA at public.gmane.org> writes:
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 3:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis-xNDA5Wrcr86sTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> I think it is a nuisance that this PEP doesn't work at zero by
>> default.
> I think this is the biggest point of contention -- it' s a hard
> problem.

I think the PEP does a very good job of explaining why a default
absolute tolerance does not make sense, and why 1e-8 is a reasonable
default for relative tolerance.

Until someone makes an at least equally good case for a non-zero default
absolute tolerance (and "too bad it doesn't work when testing against
zero" isn't one), there really isn't much to discuss (IHMO).


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