[Python-ideas] PEP 485: A Function for testing approximate equality

Anthony Towns aj at erisian.com.au
Thu Feb 12 12:39:44 CET 2015

On 27 January 2015 at 13:08, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:

> Symmetry and asymmetry of "close to" is a side-effect of the way you
> calculate the fuzzy comparison. In real life, "close to" is always
> symmetric because distance is the same whether you measure from A to B
> or from B to A. The distance between two numbers is their difference,
> which is another way of saying the error between them:
> delta = abs(x - y)
> (delta being the traditional name for this quantity in mathematics), and
> obviously delta doesn't depend on the order of x and y.

Asymmetry is bad, because it is rather surprising and counter-intuitive
> that "x is close to y", but "y is not close to x". It may also be bad in
> a practical sense, because people will forget which order they need to
> give x and y and will give them in the wrong order. I started off with
> an approx_equal function in test_statistics that was symmetric, and I
> could never remember which way the arguments went.

Time permitting, over the next day or so I'll draw up some diagrams to
> show how each of these tactics change what counts as close or not close.

​If you consider the comparsion to be:

   abs(x-y) <= rel_tol * ref

where "ref" is your "reference" value, then all of these are questions
about what "ref" is. Possibilities include:

 * ref = abs(x)
     (asymmetric version, useful for comparing against a known figure)
 * ref = max(abs(x),abs(y))
     (symmetric version)
 * ref = abs(x)+abs(y) or (abs(x)+abs(y))/2
​ (alternate symmetric version)​

​* ref = zero_tol / rel_tol
     (for comparisons against zero)​
​ * ref = abs_tol/rel_tol
     (for completeness)​​

​If you're saying:

 >>> z = 1.0 - sum([0.1]*10)​
​ >>> z == 0
 >>> is_close(0.0, z)

your "reference" value is probably really "1.0" or "0.1" since those are
the values you're working with, but neither of those values are derivable
from the arguments provided to is_close().

Assuming x,y are non-negative and is_close(x,y,rel_tol=r):

 ref = x:
   -rx <= y-x <= rx

 ref = max(x,y):
   -rx <= y-x <= ry

 ref = (x+y)/2:
   -r*(x+y)/2 <= y-x <= r*(x+y)/2
​   ​
​If you set r and x as a constant​, then the amounts y can be (below,
above) x for the cases above are:

 rx, rx
 rx, rx/(1-r)
 rx/(1+r/2), rx/(1-r/2)

Since r>0, 1-r != 1, and 1+r/2 != 1-r/2, so these each give slightly
different ranges for a valid y. They're pretty trivial differences though;
eg r=1e-8 and x=10 gives:

 rx         = 1e-7
 rx/(1-r)   = 1.00000001e-07
 rx/(1-r/2) = 1.000000005e-07
 rx/(1+r/2) = 0.999999995e-07

If you're looking at 10% margins for a nominally 100 Ohm resistor (r=0.1,
x=100), that'd translate to deltas of:

 rx         = 10.0
 rx/(1-r)   = 11.11
 rx/(1-r/2) = 10.526
 rx/(1+r/2) =  9.524

Having an implementation like:

 def is_close(a, b=None, tol=1e-8, ref=None):
   assert (a != 0 and b != 0) or ref is not None
   if b is None:
     assert ref is not None
     b = ref
   if ref is None:
     ref = abs(a)+abs(b)
   return abs(a-b) <= tol*ref

might give you the best of all worlds -- it would let you say things like:

  >>> is_close(1.0, sum([0.1]*10))

  >>> is_close(11, ref=10, tol=0.1)

  >>> n = 26e10
  >>> a = n - sum([n/6]*6)
  >>> b = n - sum([n/7]*7)
  >>> a, b
  (-3.0517578125e-05, 0.0)
  >>> is_close(a, b, ref=n)
  >>> is_close(a, b, ref=1)
  >>> is_close(a, b)

and get reasonable looking results, I think? (If you want to use an
absolute tolerance, you just specify ref=1, tol=abs_tol).

An alternative thought: rather than a single "is_close" function, maybe it
would make sense for is_close to always be relative, and just provide a
separate function for absolute comparisons, ie:

 def is_close(a, b, tol=1e-8):
    assert a != 0 and b != 0
    # or assert (a==0) == (b==0)
    return abs(a-b) <= tol*(a+b)

 def is_close_abs(a,b, tol=1e-8):
    return abs(a-b) <= tol

​ def is_near_zero(a, tol=1e-8):
    return abs(a) <= tol​


Then you'd use is_close() when you wanted something symmetric and easy, and
were mopre interested in rough accuracy than absolute precision​, and if
you wanted to do a 10% resistor check you'd either say:

   is_close_abs(r, 100, tol=10)


   is_near_zero(a-100, tol=10)

If you had a sequence of numbers and wanted to do both relative comparisons
(first n significant digits match) and absolute comparisons you'd just have
to say:

  for a in nums:
     assert is_close(a, b) or is_close_abs(a, b)

​which doesn't seem that onerous.​


Anthony Towns <aj at erisian.com.au>
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