[Python-ideas] Allow parentheses to be used with "with" block

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Mon Feb 16 00:47:43 CET 2015

MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com> writes:

> For example, how do you distinguish between:
>     with (as a b):

That's ‘with (a as b):’, I think you mean.

> and:
>     with (a) as b:

Are we expecting those two to have different effects?

 \      “It's up to the masses to distribute [music] however they want |
  `\    … The laws don't matter at that point. People sharing music in |
_o__)        their bedrooms is the new radio.” —Neil Young, 2008-05-06 |
Ben Finney

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