[Python-ideas] Adding "+" and "+=" operators to dict

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 16:32:11 CET 2015

On 02/17/2015 11:50 PM, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull
> <stephen at xemacs.org
> <mailto:stephen at xemacs.org>> wrote:
>     C Anthony Risinger writes:
>       > I'm not versed enough in the math behind it to know if it's expected or
>       > not, but as it stands, to remain compatible with sets, `d1 | d2` should
>       > behave like it does in my code (prefer the first, not the last).  I
>     kinda
>       > like this, because it makes dict.__or__ a *companion* to .update(),
>     not a
>       > replacement (since update prefers the last).
>     But this is exactly the opposite of what the people who advocate use
>     of an operator want.  As far as I can see, all of them want update
>     semantics, because that's the more common use case where the current
>     idioms feel burdensome.
> True... maybe that really is a good case for the + then, as something like
> .update().
> Personally, I think making dict be more set-like is way more
> interesting/useful, because of the *filtering* capabilities:

Maybe it would work better as a multi-dict where you can have more than one 
value for a key.   But I think it also is specialised enough that it may be 
better off on pypi.


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