[Python-ideas] A way out of Meta-hell (was: A (meta)class algebra)

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri Feb 20 17:29:02 CET 2015

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 02:33:05PM +0100, Petr Viktorin wrote:

> No, Martin had every right to call me out. I have offended, thus I was
> rude. It was my mistake.

One can give offense, or the other can take offense. There are people 
who take offense at the mere existence of homosexuals, or women who 
show their face in public, or black people wanting access to the same 
opportunities as white people. That does not mean that homosexuals, 
women or blacks have *given* offense, only that some people will *take* 
offense when it suits their alterior motives.

I do not believe you said anything to Martin that gives offense. I'm not 
even sure that Martin took offense. As I recall, he merely said he had 
been yelled at, which is a much milder comment: "Instead of yelling at 
me...". All the posts I've read have been quiet, respectful, and have 
treated Martin fairly even if they have been critical of his ideas.

> Being called out when something I write turns out to be
> offensive is necessary for calibrating the proper level of rudeness.

This is a community. Neither Martin nor you get to decide alone what the 
"proper level of rudeness" is.

We all should keep in mind the meaning of the word "offend", and 
don't mistake mere vigorous disagreement for offensive behaviour.

    Offend: To displease; to make angry; to affront.

    An affront is a designed mark of disrespect, usually
    in the presence of others. An insult is a personal
    attack either by words or actions, designed to
    humiliate or degrade. An outrage is an act of extreme
    and violent insult or abuse. An affront piques and
    mortifies; an insult irritates and provokes; an
    outrage wounds and injures.
    (The Collaborative International Dictionary of English)


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