[Python-ideas] pep 397

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Feb 23 07:56:14 CET 2015

On 2/22/2015 12:36 PM, Liam Marsh wrote:
> "On Windows, I pin the Start -> Pythonx.y -> Idle x.y icons to my task
> bar so I can select either python + idle combination with a mouse click."
> yes, but this doesn't fix the "right click -> edit with idle" problem

As far as I know, that may be a Windows-only feature.  In any case, it 
is an installation feature, not a Python feature.  (You could 
potentially change it yourself.)  Feel free to open an issue on the 
tracker to change the Windows installer to install 'Edit with Idle x.y' 
for each Python version installed and add steve.dower as nosy.

Terry Jan Reedy

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