[Python-ideas] Reprs of classes and functions

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 09:12:03 CET 2015

This idea is already casually mentioned, but sank deep into the threads 
of the discussion. Raise it up.

Currently reprs of classes and functions look as:

 >>> int
<class 'int'>
 >>> int.from_bytes
<built-in method from_bytes of type object at 0x826cf60>
 >>> open
<built-in function open>
 >>> import collections
 >>> collections.Counter
<class 'collections.Counter'>
 >>> collections.Counter.fromkeys
<bound method Counter.fromkeys of <class 'collections.Counter'>>
 >>> collections.namedtuple
<function namedtuple at 0xb6fc4adc>

What if change default reprs of classes and functions to just full 
qualified name __module__ + '.' + __qualname__ (or just __qualname__ if 
__module__ is builtins)? This will look more neatly. And such reprs are 

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