[Python-ideas] Pass a function as the argument "step" of range()

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 2 19:02:50 CEST 2015

On 02/07/2015 07:30, Pierre Quentel wrote:
> In languages such as Javascript, the incrementation of a for loop
> counter can be done by an operation, for instance :
> for(i=1; i<N; i*=2)
> would iterate on the powers of 2 lesser than N.
> To achieve the same thing in Python we currently can't use range()
> because it increments by an integer (the argument "step"). An option is
> to build a generator like :
> def gen(N):
>      i = 1
>      while i<=N:
>          yield i
>          i *= 2
> then we can iterate on gen(N).
> My proposal is that besides an integer, range() would accept a function
> as the "step" argument, taking the current counter as its argument and
> returning the new counter value. Here is a basic pure-Python
> implementation :
> import operator
> class Range:
>      def __init__(self, start, stop, incrementor):
>          self.start, self.stop = start, stop
>          self.incrementor = incrementor
>          # Function to compare current counter and stop value : <= or >=
>          self.comp = operator.ge <http://operator.ge> if
> self.stop>self.start else operator.le
>          self.counter = None
>      def __iter__(self):
>          return self
>      def __next__(self):
>          if self.counter is None:
>              self.counter = self.start
>          else:
>              self.counter = self.incrementor(self.counter)
>          if self.comp(self.counter, self.stop):
>              raise StopIteration
>          return self.counter
> Iterating on the powers of 2 below N would be done by :
> for i in Range(1, N, lambda x:x*2)
> I haven't seen this discussed before, but I may not have searched enough.
> Any opinions ?

-1 from me.

I don't like the idea as it doesn't fit in with my concept of what 
range() is about.  A step is fixed and that's it.  Changing it so the 
output has variable increments is a recipe for confusion in my mind, 
especially for newbies.  I suppose we could have uneven_range() with 
uneven_step but there must be millions of these implementations in 
existence in all sorts of applications and libraries with all sorts of 
names so why implement it in Python now?

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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