[Python-ideas] Responsive signal handling

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Mon Jun 22 10:16:52 CEST 2015

On 22.06.2015 04:16, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
> On the topic of obscure concurrency trivia, signal handling in Python
> is not very friendly, and I'm wondering if anyone is interested in
> reviewing changes to fix it.
> The world today: handlers only run in the main thread, but if the main
> thread is running a bytecode (e.g. a call to a C function), it will
> wait for that first. For example, signal handlers don't get run if you
> are in the middle of a lock acquisition, thread join, or (sometimes) a
> select call, until after the call returns (which may take a very long
> time).

IMO, the above can easily be solved by going with an application
design which doesn't use the main thread for any long running
tasks, but instead runs these in separate threads.

I don't know what the overall situation is today, but at least in
the past, signal handling only worked reliably across platforms
in the main thread of the application.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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