[Python-ideas] IntFlags

Alexander Heger python at 2sn.net
Wed Mar 4 19:37:38 CET 2015

> That should be a sanity error, but since an IntEnum devolves to an
> int, it just produces a nonsensical integer. It definitely shouldn't
> become an IntFlags. There are two distinctly different use-cases here:
> class Color(IntEnum):
>     black = 0
>     red = 1
>     green = 2
>     orange = 3
>     blue = 4
>     magenta = 5
>     cyan = 6
>     white = 7
> class FileMode(IntFlags):
>     owner_read = 0o400
>     owner_write= 0o200
>     owner_exec = 0o100
>     group_read = 0o040
>     group_write= 0o020
>     group_exec = 0o010
>     other_read = 0o004
>     other_write= 0o002
>     other_exec = 0o001
> With colors, it makes no sense to combine them in any way (addition,
> bitwise or, etc). You can't put blue and cyan together and expect to
> get something usable.

I don't see your point.  With colours it would be exactly the same:

red | blue == magenta

and for your example:

cyan | blue = cyan

As with the later discussion on file flags, cyan is just a combination
flag for green and blue.


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