[Python-ideas] About people's accounts being deactivated due to bounces

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 13 22:46:20 CET 2015

I think this may be related to a problem with changes in DKIM policy at Yahoo, or an expiration of DKIM certs at Python.org, or something else that may have changed somewhere in that area.

I've noticed that since around 15 January, mailing lists (at least those that munge headers and preserve the original sender's From, as many do) have had two problems: (1) messages from Yahoo users (or other users whose provider has a DKIM policy but isn't gmail) through the list to gmail get marked as spam, and (2) a flood of bounces. I don't know why this didn't just affect every user on every mailing list all at once instead of randomly hitting some but not all users at some random time in the last two months.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 13, 2015, at 5:27 AM, Brett Cannon <bcannon at gmail.com> wrote:
> We're trying to figure out what's going on. Just re-enable your account if you got a notice that it was temporarily disabled.
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