[Python-ideas] A mutable alternative to namedtuple
Andrew Barnert
abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 19 09:37:26 CET 2015
On Mar 19, 2015, at 12:04 AM, Zaur Shibzukhov <szport at gmail.com> wrote:
> вторник, 17 марта 2015 г., 20:21:01 UTC+3 пользователь Eric V. Smith написал:
>> On 03/17/2015 12:52 PM, Luciano Ramalho wrote:
>> > Sometimes we need a simple class to hold some mutable attributes,
>> > provide a nice repr, support == for testing, and support iterable
>> > unpacking, so you can write:
>> >
>> >>>> p = Point(3, 4)
>> >>>> x, y = p
>> >
>> > That's very much like the classes built by namedtuple, but mutable.
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/namedlist
>> It also adds default values to the generated constructor, which may or
>> may not be desirable. But if used exactly like collections.namedtuple,
>> it ignores the default values.
>> Eric.
> Since named tuple is considered as an object that is a tuple with attribute access.
> The mutable alternative could be considered as an array with attribute access.
> Array in this context is tuple-like object that support assign operation.
> Since python have not such object there are different approaches tomutable named tuple alternatives.
Python definitely does have such an object: list. A list is effectively the same as a tuple but mutable; it's the paradigm MutableSequence while tuple is the paradigm Sequence. Under the covers they have very similar headers that both use the same storage (a C array of pointers to Python objects, in CPython), and C API functions like PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM don't distinguish between the two.
However, list is resizable, and presumably a "namedlist" would not be. That makes things more complicated for both the interface (there's no is-a relationship; a type without append is not a list--and, worse, a type that has __setitem__ but can't handle slice replacement is not a list but that's very hard to detect...) and the implementation (e.g., a list reserves extra space at the end to avoid having to reallocate on every append).
(Python _also_ has an array type, which is for homogenous simple types (like 32-bit int) which can store the values directly, as opposed to tuple and list, which store (pointers to) heterogenous normal Python objects.)
> One should note that particular property of named tuple is memory saving.
> So one can expect similar property of mutable named tuple too.
If you don't need to access the items by index for whatever reason, you don't need a namedtuple, and using one as a misguided misoptimization is a bad idea.
Besides the fact that a normal class with __slots__ is also small, and even a normal class with a dict (in newer CPython versions and PyPy) not that much bigger, besides the fact that you can eliminate the row overhead rather than just slightly reducing it by using, e.g., a 2D array, you're optimizing the wrong thing in the first place--if your rows have 9 elements, reducing the row overhead is focusing on fixing 10% of your overhead, while reducing or eliminating the element overhead by using, e.g., a 2D numpy array of low-level values fixes the 90% (along with the 10%).
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