[Python-ideas] 0-base and 1-base indexed iterables? Custom slicing rules?

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 19:50:16 CET 2015

On 03/22/2015 10:30 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
> To add to what other people have said in support of Python's indexing
> style, I'd like to point out one situation where fully-closed ranges
> are used: Scripture references.

While indexing and slicing use natural numbers, the advantage of the half 
open interval becomes more obvious if you consider examples with real numbers.

When using a closed range interval with real numbers ...

     n1 <= i <= n2
     ? <= i <= n3

Picking the start value for the next adjacent sequence is not simply a 
matter of adding 1.

The half open sequence makes that case both trivial and elegant.

     n1 <= i < n2
     n2 <= i < n3

And it works just as well with natural numbers.  And works best if the end 
value is a multiple of the step value.

As to weather to use 0 or 1 indexing,  0 indexing is very useful for 
interfacing with the hardware.  0 is a valid memory address, and the 0th 
bit is the first bit of a byte.  Indexing at that level directly correspond 
to how the hardware is built.  For other higher level things, ones indexing 
can work equally well, (in my opinion), we just don't want to mix them.

     0 <= i < n        # n equals number of items

     1 <= i < n + 1    # Dijkstra prefers the first case.

But consider in programming, the indexes are frequently variables rather 
than literals.

     start <= i < start + count

This works in both cases.  In the above case of zero indexing it's really.

     0 <= i < 0 + n

It just happens that it can be simplified a bit in the case where there 
start value is zero.  And then the end index becomes the count, but only 
when the start index is zero.

When ones indexing is used, the zero index can be used to specify the end 
value when stepping towards zero from both directions.

When zero indexing is used. it allows for wrap around behaviour when the 
index crosses zero.  Sometimes that can be very nice.

A reason a language should choose one or the other, and not both, is that 
the choice defines how many other things interact with that choice.  Trying 
to do both can mean having two versions of many functions and statements.


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