[Python-ideas] "Loose" descriptors

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Mar 28 23:51:31 CET 2015

James Edwards wrote:
> I envision (but with no real knowledge of the implications of this)
> that just as python identifies that `val` in `Holder.__dict__`
> implements `__get__`, python could similarly identify that `val` in
> `globals()` (or `sys.modules[__name__].__dict__`, or wherever is more
> appropriate) implements `__get__` and handle the indirection.

This would slow down *all* lookups of global names in
order to support a rarely-used feature. Since global
name lookup is critical performance-wise, this is
likely to meet a lot of resistance.

Similar arguments have been made concerning the
support of descriptors in module namespaces, which
is a closely related idea.


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