[Python-ideas] (no subject)
Ivan Levkivskyi
levkivskyi at gmail.com
Wed May 6 23:38:02 CEST 2015
On 6 May 2015 at 21:51, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:
> On May 6, 2015, at 08:05, Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Andrew,
> Thank you for pointing out the previous discussion, I have overlooked it.
> (Btw, I have found your post about the infix operators, that is a great
> idea).
> Well, nobody else seemed to like that idea, which may be a warning sign
> about this one. :)
> Also, It turns out that astropy uses a very similar idea for function
> composition.
> I agree that there are indeed to much ambiguities about the "right way",
> and thus it is not good for stdlib. However, implementing only one
> decorator as a third-party library is not good idea as well.
> You are right that no one will install such library. Probably, it would be
> better to combine it with other functionality like @infix (via overloading
> __or__ or __rshift__), @auto_curry, etc.
> Actually, many of the implementations on PyPI are part of "miscellaneous
> functional tools" libraries that do combine it with such things. And they
> still have practically no users.
> There are plenty of libraries that, despite being on PyPI and not
> mentioned anywhere in the standard docs, still have a lot of users. In
> fact, much of what's in the Python stdlib today (json, sqlite3,
> ElementTree, statistics, enum, multiprocessing, ...) started off that way.
> And there may be more people using requests or NumPy or Django than a lot
> of parts of the stdlib. "Nobody will use it unless it's in the stdlib"
> doesn't cut it anymore in the days of most Python installations including
> pip, the stdlib docs referencing libraries on PyPI, etc. If something isn't
> getting traction on PyPI, either people really don't want it--in which case
> there's nothing to do--or someone really needs to evangelize it--in which
> case you should start doing that, rather than proposing yet another
> implementation that will just gather dust.
Ok, I will try inspecting all existing approaches to find the one that
seems more "right" to me :) In any case that approach could be updated by
incorporating matrix @ as a dedicated operator for compositions. At least,
it seems that Erik from astropy likes this idea and it is quite natural for
people with "scientific" background.
> Finally, I think you've ignored an important part of my message--which is
> probably my fault for not making it clearer. Code that deals in abstract
> functional terms is harder for many people to think about. Not just novices
> (unless you want to call Guido a novice). Languages that make it easier to
> write such code are harder languages to read. So, making it easier to write
> such code in Python may not be a win.
> And the reason I brought up all those other abstract features in Haskell
> is that they tie together with composition very closely. Most of the best
> examples anyone can come up with for how compose makes code easier to read
> also include curried functions, operator sections, composing the apply
> operator itself, and so on. They're all really cool ideas that can simplify
> your logic--but only if you're willing to think on that more abstract
> plane. Adding all of that to Python would make it harder to learn. Not
> adding it to Python would make compose not very useful. (Which is why the
> various implementations are languishing without users.)
Thank you for the feedback!
> On 6 May 2015 at 15:59, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> This was discussed when the proposal to add @ for matrix multiplication
>> came up, so you should first read that thread and make sure you have
>> answers to all of the issues that came up before proposing it again.
>> Off the top of my head:
>> Python functions don't just take 1 parameter, they take any number of
>> parameters, possibly including optional parameters, keyword-only, *args,
>> **kwargs, etc. There are a dozen different compose implementations on PyPI
>> and ActiveState that handle these differently. Which one is "right"?
>> The design you describe can be easily implemented as a third-party
>> library. Why not do so, put it on PyPI, see if you get any traction and any
>> ideas for improvement, and then suggest it for the stdlib?
>> The same thing is already doable today using a different operator--and,
>> again, there are a dozen implementations. Why isn't anyone using them?
>> Thinking in terms of function composition requires a higher level of
>> abstraction than thinking in terms of lambda expressions. That's one of the
>> reasons people perceive Haskell to be a harder language to learn than Lisp
>> or Python. Of course learning Haskell is rewarding--but being easy to learn
>> is one of Python's major strengths.
>> Python doesn't have a static optimizing compiler that can avoid building
>> 4 temporary function objects to evaluate (plot @ sorted @ sqrt @ real)
>> (data_array), so it will make your code significantly less efficient.
>> Is @ for composition and () for application really sufficient to write
>> point free code in general without auto-curried functions, operator
>> sectioning, reverse compose, reverse apply, etc.? Most of the examples
>> people use in describing the feature from Haskell have a (+ 1) or (== x) or
>> take advantage of map-type functions being (a->b) -> ([a] -> [b]) instead
>> of (a->b, [a]) -> [b].
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> > On May 6, 2015, at 06:15, Ivan Levkivskyi <levkivskyi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > The matrix multiplication operator @ is going to be introduced in
>> Python 3.5 and I am thinking about the following idea:
>> >
>> > The semantics of matrix multiplication is the composition of the
>> corresponding linear transformations.
>> > A linear transformation is a particular example of a more general
>> concept - functions.
>> > The latter are frequently composed with ("wrap") each other. For
>> example:
>> >
>> > plot(real(sqrt(data)))
>> >
>> > However, it is not very readable in case of many wrapping layers.
>> Therefore, it could be useful to employ
>> > the matrix multiplication operator @ for indication of function
>> composition. This could be done by such (simplified) decorator:
>> >
>> > class composable:
>> >
>> > def __init__(self, func):
>> > self.func = func
>> >
>> > def __call__(self, arg):
>> > return self.func(arg)
>> >
>> > def __matmul__(self, other):
>> > def composition(*args, **kwargs):
>> > return self.func(other(*args, **kwargs))
>> > return composable(composition)
>> >
>> > I think using such decorator with functions that are going to be deeply
>> wrapped
>> > could improve readability.
>> > You could compare (note that only the outermost function should be
>> decorated):
>> >
>> > plot(sorted(sqrt(real(data_array)))) vs. (plot @ sorted @ sqrt @ real)
>> (data_array)
>> >
>> > I think the latter is more readable, also compare
>> >
>> > def sunique(lst):
>> > return sorted(list(set(lst)))
>> >
>> > vs.
>> >
>> > sunique = sorted @ list @ set
>> >
>> > Apart from readability, there are following pros of the proposed
>> decorator:
>> >
>> > 1. Similar semantics as for matrix multiplication.
>> > 2. Same symbol for composition as for decorators.
>> > 3. The symbol @ resembles mathematical notation for function
>> composition: ∘
>> >
>> > I think it could be a good idea to add such a decorator to the stdlib
>> functools module.
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