[Python-ideas] Adding jsonschema to the standard library

Ludovic Gasc gmludo at gmail.com
Thu May 21 07:46:27 CEST 2015

As a end-dev that uses your library for a small time, it's an useful tool.

We're migrating quicker an Erlang application to Python with your library
because the legacy application uses JSON schema.

>From my point of view, validating I/O data is a common problem of most
developers, however, it means that you have a lot of developers that have a
strong opinion how to validate data ;-)

At least to me, it's a good idea to include this library in Python, even if
you have plenty of libraries to do that with several approachs, for now, I
didn't find a simpler approach that via JSON schemas.

The bonus with that is that you can reuse your JSON schemas for migrations
and also in your javascript source code.

It isn't a silver bullet to resolve all validation corner cases, however
enough powerful to resolve the most boring use cases.

Ludovic Gasc (GMLudo)
On 21 May 2015 07:29, "Demian Brecht" <demianbrecht at gmail.com> wrote:

> Disclaimer: I’m not the author of jsonschema (
> https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema), but as a user think that users of
> the standard library (and potentially areas of the standard library itself)
> could benefit from its addition into the standard library.
> I’ve been using jsonschema for the better part of a couple years now and
> have found it not only invaluable, but flexible around the variety of
> applications it has. Personally, I generally use it for HTTP response
> validation when dealing with RESTful APIs and system configuration input
> validation. For those not familiar with the package:
> RFC draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-04
> Home: http://json-schema.org/
> Proposed addition implementation: https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema
> Coles notes stats:
> Has been publicly available for over a year: v0.1 released Jan 1, 2012,
> currently at 2.4.0 (released Sept 22, 2014)
> Heavily used by the community: Currently sees ~585k downloads per month
> according to PyPI
> I’ve reached out to the author to express my interest in authoring a PEP
> to have the module included to gauge his interest in assisting with
> maintenance as needed during the integration period (or following). I’d
> also be personally interested in supporting it as part of the stdlib as
> well.
> My question is: Is there any reason up front anyone can see that this
> addition wouldn’t fly, or are others interested in the addition as well?
> Thanks,
> Demian
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