[Python-ideas] Adding jsonschema to the standard library

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sat May 23 08:55:16 CEST 2015

Andrew Barnert writes:

 > > If a maintainer (obvious extension: 3rd party recommendations and
 > > voting) wants to recommend other packages that work and play well with
 > > her package but aren't essential to its function, how about a
 > > dictionary mapping Trove classifiers to lists of recommended packages
 > > for that implmenentation?
 > This is a really cool idea, but it would help to have some specific examples.
 > For example, BeautifulSoup can only use html5lib or lxml as
 > optional HTML parsers, and lxml as an optional XML parser; nothing
 > else will do any good. But it works well with any HTTP request
 > engine, so any "global" recommendation is a good idea, so it should
 > get the same list (say, requests, urllib3, grequests, pycurl) as
 > any other project that wants to suggest an HTTP request engine. And
 > as for scraper frameworks, that should look at the global
 > recommendations, but restricted to the ones that use, or can use,
 > BeautifulSoup. I'm not sure how to reasonably represent all three
 > of those things in a node.

Well, #2 is easy.  You just have a special "global" node that has the
same kind of classifier->package map, and link to that.  I don't think
#3 can be handled so easily, and probably it's not really worth it
complexifying things that far at first -- I think you probably need
most of SQL to express such constraints.  I suspect that I would
handle #3 with a special sort of "group" package, that just requires
certain classifiers and then recommends implementations of them that
work well together.  It would be easy for the database to
automatically update a group's recommended implementations to point to
the group (which would be yet another new attribute for the package).

I'll take a look at the whole shebang and see if I can come up with
something a bit more elegant than the crockery of adhoc-ery above, but
it will be at least next week before I have anything to say.


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