[Python-ideas] Framework for Python for CS101

Rustom Mody rustompmody at gmail.com
Mon May 25 19:50:43 CEST 2015

On Monday, May 25, 2015 at 10:14:50 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Barker wrote:
> Just a note here, that (as an intro to python teacher), I think this is a 
> pedagogically bad idea.
> At least if the goal is to teach Python -- while you don't need to 
> introduce all the complexity up front, hiding it just sends students down 
> the wrong track.
> On the other hand, if you want a kind-of-like-python-but-simpler language 
> to teach particular computer science concepts, this kind of hacking may be 
> of value.
> But I don't think it would be a good idea to build that capability inot 
> Python itself. And I think you can hack in in with monkey patching anyway 
> -- so that's probably the way to go.
> for example:
> """So for example I prefer to start with the immutable (functional) 
> subset"""
> you can certainly do that by simply using tuples and the functional tools.
> (OK, maybe not -- after all most (all?) of the functional stuff returns 
> lists, not tuples, and that may be beyond monkey-patchable)
> But that's going to be a lot of hacking to change.
> Is it so bad to have them work with lists in a purely functional way?
> -Chris
> I guess there are  2 questions here one about teaching, one about 
python-ideas, both having somewhat OT answers...
Anyways here goes.
About ideas for python:

This is really about some kids and I mucking around inside python sources.
That will become something used by other teachers -- far away
That will be suitable for patches to python -- even further

About programming pedagogy:

| Rob Hagan at Monash had shown that you could teach students more COBOL 
with one semester of Scheme and one semester of COBOL than you
| could with three semesters of COBOL


No this is not about 'pro-scheme' but about 'pro-learning-curve'
I dont believe we should be teaching python (or C++ or Java or Haskell 
or...) but programming.
[I started my last programming paradigms with python course with the koan:
You cannot do programming without syntax
Syntax is irrelevant to programming
So what is relevant?
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