[Python-ideas] "else if" as equivalent for "elif"

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Thu Oct 22 12:22:31 EDT 2015

On 22.10.2015 14:19, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> Obviously this is sometimes a cause of confusion to people new to the 
> language, when people think "oh, Python is just like English, so I 
> should use 'is' instead of '=='" or "why doesn't `if foo or bar == 
> 'baz'` do what I mean?", but for the most part having easy-to-read 
> actual English words for keywords and functions with names that 
> actually say what they do instead of making some obscure reference to 
> a badly-named C library function written at a time when limiting 
> identifiers to 6 letters seemed like a good idea to save precious disk 
> space (or room on a punchcard), in my opinion, has greatly contributed 
> to Python's reputation as a readable language.

So, why stop there? ;)

> "elif" is a wart, but again, one I think we're stuck with.

Dangerous thinking.

I don't regard changing it to be a big deal given 10 years or so of 
parallel usage.


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