[Python-ideas] Should our default random number generator be secure?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Sep 10 10:26:23 CEST 2015

Reading this thread is fun, but it doesn't seem to be getting
anywhere - perhaps that's part of the fun ;-)

Realistically, I see two options:

 1. Someone goes and implements the OpenBSD random function in C
    and put a package up on PyPI, updating it whenever OpenBSD
    thinks that a new algorithm is needed or a security issue
    has to be fixed (from my experience with other crypto software
    like OpenSSL, this should be on the order of every 2-6 months ;-))

 2. Ditto, but we put the module in the stdlib and then run around
    issuing patch level security releases every 2-6 months.

Replacing our deterministic default PRNG with a non-deterministic
one doesn't really fly, since we'd break an important feature
of random.random(). You may remember that we already ran a similar
stunt with the string hash function, with very mixed results.

Calling the result of such a switch-over "secure" is even
worse, since it's a promise we cannot keep (probably not even
fully define). Better leave the promise at "insecure" - that's
something we can promise forever and don't have to define :-)

Regardless of what we end up with, I think Python land can do
better than name it "arc4random". We're great at bike shedding,
so how about we start the fun with "randomYMMV" :-)

Overall, I think having more options for good PRNGs is great.
Whether this "arc4random" is any good remains to be seen, but
given that OpenBSD developed it, chances are higher than

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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