[Python-ideas] PEP 505 [was Re: Null coalescing operators]

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 19:34:14 CEST 2015

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 11:47 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info>

> I've now read PEP 505, and I would like to comment.
> Executive summary:
> - I have very little interest in the ?? and ?= operators, but don't
>   object to them: vote +0
> - I have a little more interest in ?. and ?[ provided that the
>   precedence allows coalescing multiple look-ups from a single
>   question mark: vote +1
> - if it uses the (apparent?) Dart semantics, I am opposed: vote -1
> - if the syntax chosen uses || or !| as per Nick's suggestion,
>   I feel the cryptic and ugly syntax is worse than the benefit:
>   vote -1
> In more detail:
> I'm sympathetic to the idea of reducing typing, but I think it is
> critical to recognise that reducing typing is not always a good thing.
> If it were, we would always name our variables "a", "b" etc, the type of
> [] would be "ls", and we would say "frm col impt ODt". And if you have
> no idea what that last one means, that's exactly my point.

from collections import OrderedDict

> Reducing typing is a good thing *up to a point*, at which time it
> becomes excessively terse and cryptic. One of the things I like about
> Python is that it is not Perl: it doesn't have an excess of punctuation
> and short-cuts. Too much syntactic sugar is a bad thing.
> The PEP suggests a handful of new operators:
> (1) Null Coalescing Operator
>     spam ?? eggs
> equivalent to a short-circuiting:
>     spam if spam is not None else eggs
> I'm ambivalent about this. I don't object to it, but nor does it excite
> me in the least. I don't think the abbreviated syntax gains us enough in
> expressiveness to make up for the increase in terseness. In its favour,
> it can reduce code duplication, and also act as a more correct
> alternative to `spam or eggs`. (See the PEP for details.)
> So I'm a very luke-warm +0 on this part of the PEP.
> (2) None coalescing assignment
>     spam ?= eggs
> being equivalent to:
>     if spam is None:
>         spam = eggs
> For the same reasons as above, I'm luke-warm on this: +0.
> (3) Null-Aware Member Access Operator
>     spam?.attr
> being equivalent to
>     spam.attr if spam is not None else None
> To me, this passes the test "does it add more than it costs in cryptic
> punctuation?", so I'm a little more positive about this.
> If my reading is correct, the PEP underspecifies the behaviour of this
> when there is a chain of attribute accesses. Consider:
>     spam?.eggs.cheese
> This can be interpreted two ways:
>     (a)  (spam.eggs.cheese) if spam is not None else None
>     (b)  (spam.eggs if spam is not None).cheese
> but the PEP doesn't make it clear which behaviour they have in mind.
> Dart appears to interpret it as (b), as the reference given in the
> PEP shows this example:
>     [quote]
>     You can chain ?. calls, for example:
>     obj?.child?.child?.getter
>     [quote]
> http://blog.sethladd.com/2015/07/null-aware-operators-in-dart.html
> That would seem to imply that obj?.child.child.getter would end up
> trying to evaluate null.child if the first ?. operator returned null.
> I don't think the Dart semantics is useful, indeed it is actively
> harmful in that it can hide bugs:
> Suppose we have an object which may be None, but if not, it must
> have an attribute spam which in turn must have an attribute eggs. This
> implies that spam must not be None. We want:
>     obj.spam.eggs if obj is not None else None
> Using the Dart semantics, we chain ?. operators and get this:
>     obj?.spam?.eggs
> If obj is None, the expression correctly returns None. If obj is not
> None, and obj.spam is not None, the expression correctly returns eggs.
> But it is over-eager, and hides a bug: if obj.spam is None, you want to
> get an AttributeError, but instead the error is silenced and you get
> None.
> So I'm -1 with the Dart semantics, and +1 otherwise.
I have to kind of agree here. In reality, I don't see any issues like this
with approach (a).

> (3) Null-Aware Index Access Operator
>     spam?[item]
> being similar to spam.attr. Same reasoning applies to this as for
> attribute access.
> Nick has suggested using || instead of ??, and similar for the other
> operators. I don't think this is attractive at all, but the deciding
> factor which makes Nick's syntax a -1 for me is that it is inconsistent
> and confusing. He has to introduce a !| variation, so the user has to
> remember when to use two |s and when to use a ! instead, whether the !
> goes before or after the | and that !! is never used.
> --
> Steve
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