[Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile devices

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 15:28:24 EDT 2016

Le 1 août 2016 07:46, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <
turnbull.stephen.fw at u.tsukuba.ac.jp> a écrit :
> Victor Stinner writes:
>  > Xavier is a core developer.  He is free to dedicate his time to
>  > supporting sourceless distribution :-)
> So are we all, core or not.  But on Nick's terms (he even envisions
> releases with the "sourceless" build broken), I don't think adding to
> core is fair to Xavier's (and others') efforts in this direction.  It
> would also set an unfortunate precedent.
> Steve

Sorry, I don't have the bandwith to follow this discussion closely.

I consider that mobile platforms (smartphones, tablets, and all these new
funny and shiny embedded devices) are important and Python would loose a
huge "market" if we decide that such platforms are not good enough for our

I consider that it's important but I'm not interested enough to spend much
time on it. For example, I don't know well configure and Makefile, whereas
many changes are needed in these files to enhance cross compilation and
android support.

Sorry but I don't think that discussing if mobile platforms are important
is worth it. Check numbers. More mobile are sold than computers. Compare
markets of smartphones versus desktop computers and watch the fall of the
desktop computer market...

Can we now focus on fixing concrete technical issues? Xavier already
explained that "sourceless" distribution are already used in the wild, it's
not something new.

It will not open a gate to the hell (of closed source softwares). People
who want to protect their IP (hide their code) already patch and compile

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