[Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Thu Aug 4 08:35:58 EDT 2016

On Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 04:35:55PM -0700, Chris Barker wrote:

> If someone is passing a NaN in for a bound, then they are passing in
> garbage, essentially -- "I have no idea what my bounds are" so garbage is
> what they should get back -- "I have no idea what your clamped values are".

The IEEE 754 standard tells us what min(x, NAN) and max(x, NAN) should 
be: in both cases it is x.


    In order to support operations such as windowing in which a NaN 
    input should be quietly replaced with one of the end points, min 
    and max are defined to select a number, x, in preference to a 
    quiet NaN:

        min(x,NaN) = min(NaN,x) = x
        max(x,NaN) = max(NaN,x) = x

According to Wikipedia, this behaviour was chosen specifically for 
the use-case we are discussing: windowing or clamping.

See also page 9 of Professor William Kahan's notes here:



    For instance max{x, y} should deliver the same result as max{y, x} but
    almost no implementations do that when x is NaN. There are good 
    reasons to define max{NaN, 5} := max{5, NaN} := 5 though many would

It's okay to disagree and want "NAN poisoning" behaviour. If we define 
clamp(x, NAN, NAN) as x, as I have been arguing, then you can *easily* 
get the behaviour you want with a simple wrapper:

def clamp(x, lower, upper):
    if math.isnan(lower) or math.isnan(upper):
        # raise or return NAN
        return math.clamp(x, lower, upper)

Apart from the cost of one extra function call, which isn't too bad, 
this is no more expensive than what you are suggesting *everyone* should 
pay (two calls to math.isnan). So you are no worse off under my 
proposal: just define your own helper function, and you get the 
behaviour you want. We all win.

But if the standard clamp() function has the behaviour you want, 
violating IEEE-754, then you are forcing it on *everyone*, whether they 
want it or not. I don't want it, and I cannot use it. There's nothing I 
can do except re-implement clamp() from scratch and ignore the one in 
the math library.

As you propose it, clamp() is no use to me: it unnecesarily converts the 
bounds to float, which may raise an exception. If I use it in a loop, it 
unnecessarily checks to see if the bounds are NANs, over and over and 
over again, even when I know that they aren't. It does the wrong thing 
(according to my needs, according to Professor Kahan, and according to 
the current revision of IEEE-754) if I do happen to pass a NAN as bounds.

Numpy has a "nanmin" which ignores NANs (as specified by IEEE-754), and 
"amin" which propogates NANs:


Similar for "minimum" and "fmin", which return the element-wise 

By the way, there are also POSIX functions fmin and fmax which behave 
according to the standard:


Julia has a clamp() function, although unfortunately the documentation 
doesn't say what the behaviour with NANs is:



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