[Python-ideas] From mailing list to GitHub issues

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat Aug 13 19:59:56 EDT 2016

Oleg Broytman wrote:

>    From the recent and not so recent discussions of Moxi Marlinspike
> about centralized vs decentralized solutions (unfederated messaging vs
> email/jabber): "Indeed, cannibalizing a federated application-layer
> protocol into a centralized service is almost a sure recipe for a
> successful consumer product today. It's what Slack did with IRC, what
> Facebook did with email, and what WhatsApp has done with XMPP. In each
> case, the federated service is stuck in time, while the centralized
> service is able to iterate into the modern world and beyond.".

If I've managed to unravel that pile of buzzwords and tortured
metaphors correctly, what he seems to be saying is "Locking you
into a proprietary messaging system is good for you, really,
believe me."


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