[Python-ideas] From mailing list to GitHub issues

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sun Aug 14 08:15:10 EDT 2016

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 01:57:03PM +0200, Arek Bulski wrote:
> ​I throw a proposal on the table: lets create a "python-ideas" repo under
> "python" account on GitHub and move this and only this thread onto it. If
> it fails, 

What is your definition of "fails"?

If three people follow you onto Github, and say "Well, isn't this 
nice!", is that a success?

Its all well and good to say "let's try it and see", but unless you have 
concrete, object criteria for success or failure, all that will happen 
is that some person or group of people will decide on subjective grounds 
that they like the new way of doing things, or don't, and we all should, 
or shouldn't, change.


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