[Python-ideas] List Comprehensions

Alexander Walters tritium-list at sdamon.com
Wed Feb 3 05:26:24 EST 2016

On 2/3/2016 05:18, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 9:10 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
>> Chris Angelico writes:
>>   > I wonder, does python-ideas need a bit more clarification somewhere
>>   > that this is (almost) exclusively for the discussion of Python 3,
>>   > as that's where new ideas can actually be implemented?
>> It's not that simple because sometimes ideas for Python 3 are intended
>> to making porting or transition from Python 2 simpler.  True, we hope
>> that phase of Python 3 development is over by now, but you never know.
>> %-Formatting for bytes was approved in March 2014 according to the PEP
>> (and released in Python 3.5 last September).
> Yes, that's true - but it's still a new feature for Python 3.5, not a
> change to Python 2. Same with reinstating the u"..." prefix for
> Unicode strings - clearly and solely for Py2 compat, but not a change
> to Py2. Anyone who's proposing changes to the language needs to at
> least be aware of Python 3, and have tried the code in question under
> it. (Yes, there are very rare exceptions, where changes DO happen in
> Py2 - hash randomization comes to mind - but if I were explaining the
> list's purpose to someone, I'd ignore those rarities in the interests
> of simplicity.)
> ChrisA
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And of course my eyes missed about HALF the last paragraph there. This 
is the problem with being on a list during a bout of insomnia.

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