[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Random832 random832 at fastmail.com
Thu Feb 4 15:27:05 EST 2016

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016, at 14:46, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Feb 01, 2016, at 06:02 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:
>> That assumes you can even do that, e.g., I use Google Inbox and there
>> is no plain text option. I'm afraid this is an example of the OSS
>> community trying to swim against the stream where the rest of the
>> world has moved on and it is slowly making it harder to get new
>> people to participate in OSS.
> Or alternatively, an 800lb gorilla deciding what is best for everyone
> --even those not using its tools-- and ignoring decades of
> interoperability and standards, slowly making it less fun for long-
> time contributors to continue to participate.  <wink>

There's no singular 800lb gorilla pushing the trend towards HTML mail.
There's the fact that real users want to be able to use font styles,
inline images, and tables, and anyone who wanted that to be handled via
something other than HTML (text/enriched or whatever) has *completely*
dropped the ball.

(I don't regularly post here, but I've written this response in HTML on
general principle)
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