[Python-ideas] Improve readability of long numeric literals

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 03:53:10 EST 2016

2016-02-09 22:40 GMT+01:00 Manuel CerĂ³n <ceronman at gmail.com>:
> Hi everyone!
> Sometimes it's hard to read long numbers. For example:
>>>> opts.write_buffer_size = 67108864
> Some languages (Ruby, Perl, Swift) allow the use of underscores in numeric
> literals, which are ignored.

Yeah, I saw this (in Perl) and I think that it's a good idea.

> Another option is to use spaces instead of underscores:
>>>> opts.write_buffer_size = 67 108 864

It sounds error-prone to me. It's common that I forget a comma in a tuple like :

x = (1,

I expect a SyntaxError, not x = (1, 23).

It can also occur on a single line:  x = (1, 2 3)

> I have seen some old discussions around this, but nothing on this list or a
> PEP. With Python being use more and more for scientific and numeric
> computation, this is a small change that will help with readability a lot.
> And, as far as I can tell, it doesn't break compatibility in any way.

I'm not sure that a PEP is required. We just have to clarify where
underscore are allowed exactly. See the discussion above they are
corner cases on float and complex numbers.


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