[Python-ideas] Generator unpacking

Sven R. Kunze srkunze at mail.de
Mon Feb 15 08:55:26 EST 2016

On 15.02.2016 07:31, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2016, at 10:57, Georg Brandl <g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote:
>> Assigning to Ellipsis?  Interesting idea, but I'd probably go a bit further
>> in the similarity to star-assignment:
>>     a, b, *... = value
>> Ellipsis could then be a general "throw-away" lvalue.  This would make it
>> possible to say
>>     a, ..., b, ... = some_function()
>> i.e. skip exactly one item in unpacking.
> But we already have a general "throw-away": underscore. You can already write "a, _, b, _ = it" and it will unpack 4 values and throw away 2 of them. And you can also write "a, b, *_ = it" to unpack 2 or more values and throw away all but the first 2. And, for that matter, "a, *_, b= it".
> There's nothing special about the underscore--you could get the same effect by writing "a, dummy, b, evendummier = it"--but it's conventional.

I agree.

>> But thinking about it, this is also legal at the moment:
>>     [] = []
> Yes, but that's completely different. The [] on the left isn't an expression, or even a target, but a target list with 0 targets in it. Assignment to target lists is defined recursively, so assigning to 0 targets is legal iff you're unpacking 0 values.
> The fact that you have specifically [] on the right side is irrelevant. You can get the same effect by writing [] = (), or [] = {}, or [] = (i for i in range(5) if i<0). And clearly, you're not assigning to "the empty list", because each empty list created with [] is a distinct object.
> Anyway, ... is a constant; it's currently illegal as a target because of the rule added in 3.0 banning assignment to a handful of special constants (..., None, etc.). If you have it a special meaning as a target, then of course that rule no longer applies.
>> Interestingly, this raises:
>>     () = ()
> This just doesn't parse, because the target-list grammar doesn't have the same special case for () as the parenthesized expression grammar. (Remember, both tuples and target lists are made by commas, not parens, and () really is a special case.)
> If such a rule were added, then it would presumably mean the same thing as [] = (). But what would be the point of adding that rule? (You could argue that the inconsistency makes the language harder to remember, but it's been this way for decades, and nobody notices it until they've been using Python for years, so that's not very compelling.)

Interestingly, doing the following results in an syntax error.

 >>> [1,2]=[3,4]

   File "<input>", line 1
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal

So, if it's illegal to assign to the literal [1,2], I don't see why it 
should be legal for []. But as you said, that's a highly theoretical 

That just reminds me of the js part of 


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