[Python-ideas] RFC: PEP: Add dict.__version__

Neil Girdhar mistersheik at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 07:48:30 EST 2016

How is this not just a poorer version of PyPy's optimizations?  If what you 
want is optimization, it would be much better to devote time to a solution 
that can potentially yield orders of magnitude worth of speedup like PyPy 
rather than increasing language complexity for a minor payoff.



On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 4:27:53 PM UTC-5, Victor Stinner wrote:
> Hi, 
> Here is a first PEP, part of a serie of 3 PEP to add an API to 
> implement a static Python optimizer specializing functions with 
> guards. 
> HTML version: 
> https://faster-cpython.readthedocs.org/pep_dict_version.html#pep-dict-version 
> PEP: xxx 
> Title: Add dict.__version__ 
> Version: $Revision$ 
> Last-Modified: $Date$ 
> Author: Victor Stinner <victor.... at gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> Status: Draft 
> Type: Standards Track 
> Content-Type: text/x-rst 
> Created: 4-January-2016 
> Python-Version: 3.6 
> Abstract 
> ======== 
> Add a new read-only ``__version__`` property to ``dict`` and 
> ``collections.UserDict`` types, incremented at each change. 
> Rationale 
> ========= 
> In Python, the builtin ``dict`` type is used by many instructions. For 
> example, the ``LOAD_GLOBAL`` instruction searchs for a variable in the 
> global namespace, or in the builtins namespace (two dict lookups). 
> Python uses ``dict`` for the builtins namespace, globals namespace, type 
> namespaces, instance namespaces, etc. The local namespace (namespace of 
> a function) is usually optimized to an array, but it can be a dict too. 
> Python is hard to optimize because almost everything is mutable: builtin 
> functions, function code, global variables, local variables, ... can be 
> modified at runtime. Implementing optimizations respecting the Python 
> semantic requires to detect when "something changes": we will call these 
> checks "guards". 
> The speedup of optimizations depends on the speed of guard checks. This 
> PEP proposes to add a version to dictionaries to implement efficient 
> guards on namespaces. 
> Example of optimization: replace loading a global variable with a 
> constant.  This optimization requires a guard on the global variable to 
> check if it was modified. If the variable is modified, the variable must 
> be loaded at runtime, instead of using the constant. 
> Guard example 
> ============= 
> Pseudo-code of an efficient guard to check if a dictionary key was 
> modified (created, updated or deleted):: 
>     UNSET = object() 
>     class Guard: 
>         def __init__(self, dict, key): 
>             self.dict = dict 
>             self.key = key 
>             self.value = dict.get(key, UNSET) 
>             self.version = dict.__version__ 
>         def check(self): 
>             """Return True if the dictionary value did not changed.""" 
>             version = self.dict.__version__ 
>             if version == self.version: 
>                 # Fast-path: avoid the dictionary lookup 
>                 return True 
>             value = self.dict.get(self.key, UNSET) 
>             if value == self.value: 
>                 # another key was modified: 
>                 # cache the new dictionary version 
>                 self.version = version 
>                 return True 
>             return False 
> Changes 
> ======= 
> Add a read-only ``__version__`` property to builtin ``dict`` type and to 
> the ``collections.UserDict`` type. New empty dictionaries are initilized 
> to version ``0``. The version is incremented at each change: 
> * ``clear()`` if the dict was non-empty 
> * ``pop(key)`` if the key exists 
> * ``popitem()`` if the dict is non-empty 
> * ``setdefault(key, value)`` if the `key` does not exist 
> * ``__detitem__(key)`` if the key exists 
> * ``__setitem__(key, value)`` if the `key` doesn't exist or if the value 
>   is different 
> * ``update(...)`` if new values are different than existing values (the 
>   version can be incremented multiple times) 
> Example:: 
>     >>> d = {} 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     0 
>     >>> d['key'] = 'value' 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     1 
>     >>> d['key'] = 'new value' 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     2 
>     >>> del d['key'] 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     3 
> If a dictionary is created with items, the version is also incremented 
> at each dictionary insertion. Example:: 
>     >>> d=dict(x=7, y=33) 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     2 
> The version is not incremented is an existing key is modified to the 
> same value, but only the identifier of the value is tested, not the 
> content of the value. Example:: 
>     >>> d={} 
>     >>> value = object() 
>     >>> d['key'] = value 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     2 
>     >>> d['key'] = value 
>     >>> d.__version__ 
>     2 
> .. note:: 
>    CPython uses some singleton like integers in the range [-5; 257], 
>    empty tuple, empty strings, Unicode strings of a single character in 
>    the range [U+0000; U+00FF], etc. When a key is set twice to the same 
>    singleton, the version is not modified. 
> The PEP is designed to implement guards on namespaces, only the ``dict`` 
> type can be used for namespaces in practice.  ``collections.UserDict`` 
> is modified because it must mimicks ``dict``. ``collections.Mapping`` is 
> unchanged. 
> Integer overflow 
> ================ 
> The implementation uses the C unsigned integer type ``size_t`` to store 
> the version.  On 32-bit systems, the maximum version is ``2**32-1`` 
> (more than ``4.2 * 10 ** 9``, 4 billions). On 64-bit systems, the maximum 
> version is ``2**64-1`` (more than ``1.8 * 10**19``). 
> The C code uses ``version++``. The behaviour on integer overflow of the 
> version is undefined. The minimum guarantee is that the version always 
> changes when the dictionary is modified. 
> The check ``dict.__version__ == old_version`` can be true after an 
> integer overflow, so a guard can return false even if the value changed, 
> which is wrong. The bug occurs if the dict is modified at least ``2**64`` 
> times (on 64-bit system) between two checks of the guard. 
> Using a more complex type (ex: ``PyLongObject``) to avoid the overflow 
> would slow down operations on the ``dict`` type. Even if there is a 
> theorical risk of missing a value change, the risk is considered too low 
> compared to the slow down of using a more complex type. 
> Alternatives 
> ============ 
> Add a version to each dict entry 
> -------------------------------- 
> A single version per dictionary requires to keep a strong reference to 
> the value which can keep the value alive longer than expected. If we add 
> also a version per dictionary entry, the guard can rely on the entry 
> version and so avoid the strong reference to the value (only strong 
> references to a dictionary and key are needed). 
> Changes: add a ``getversion(key)`` method to dictionary which returns 
> ``None`` if the key doesn't exist. When a key is created or modified, 
> the entry version is set to the dictionary version which is incremented 
> at each change (create, modify, delete). 
> Pseudo-code of an efficient guard to check if a dict key was modified 
> using ``getversion()``:: 
>     UNSET = object() 
>     class Guard: 
>         def __init__(self, dict, key): 
>             self.dict = dict 
>             self.key = key 
>             self.dict_version = dict.__version__ 
>             self.entry_version = dict.getversion(key) 
>         def check(self): 
>             """Return True if the dictionary value did not changed.""" 
>             dict_version = self.dict.__version__ 
>             if dict_version == self.version: 
>                 # Fast-path: avoid the dictionary lookup 
>                 return True 
>             # lookup in the dictionary, but get the entry version, 
>             #not the value 
>             entry_version = self.dict.getversion(self.key) 
>             if entry_version == self.entry_version: 
>                 # another key was modified: 
>                 # cache the new dictionary version 
>                 self.dict_version = dict_version 
>                 return True 
>             return False 
> This main drawback of this option is the impact on the memory footprint. 
> It increases the size of each dictionary entry, so the overhead depends 
> on the number of buckets (dictionary entries, used or unused yet). For 
> example, it increases the size of each dictionary entry by 8 bytes on 
> 64-bit system if we use ``size_t``. 
> In Python, the memory footprint matters and the trend is more to reduce 
> it. Examples: 
> * `PEP 393 -- Flexible String Representation 
>   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0393/>`_ 
> * `PEP 412 -- Key-Sharing Dictionary 
>   <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0412/>`_ 
> Add a new dict subtype 
> ---------------------- 
> Add a new ``verdict`` type, subtype of ``dict``. When guards are needed, 
> use the ``verdict`` for namespaces (module namespace, type namespace, 
> instance namespace, etc.) instead of ``dict``. 
> Leave the ``dict`` type unchanged to not add any overhead (memory 
> footprint) when guards are not needed. 
> Technical issue: a lot of C code in the wild, including CPython core, 
> expect the exact ``dict`` type. Issues: 
> * ``exec()`` requires a ``dict`` for globals and locals. A lot of code 
>   use ``globals={}``. It is not possible to cast the ``dict`` to a 
>   ``dict`` subtype because the caller expects the ``globals`` parameter 
>   to be modified (``dict`` is mutable). 
> * Functions call directly ``PyDict_xxx()`` functions, instead of calling 
>   ``PyObject_xxx()`` if the object is a ``dict`` subtype 
> * ``PyDict_CheckExact()`` check fails on ``dict`` subtype, whereas some 
>   functions require the exact ``dict`` type. 
> * ``Python/ceval.c`` does not completly supports dict subtypes for 
>   namespaces 
> The ``exec()`` issue is a blocker issue. 
> Other issues: 
> * The garbage collector has a special code to "untrack" ``dict`` 
>   instances. If a ``dict`` subtype is used for namespaces, the garbage 
>   collector may be unable to break some reference cycles. 
> * Some functions have a fast-path for ``dict`` which would not be taken 
>   for ``dict`` subtypes, and so it would make Python a little bit 
>   slower. 
> Usage of dict.__version__ 
> ========================= 
> astoptimizer of FAT Python 
> -------------------------- 
> The astoptimizer of the FAT Python project implements many optimizations 
> which require guards on namespaces. Examples: 
> * Call pure builtins: to replace ``len("abc")`` with ``3``, guards on 
>   ``builtins.__dict__['len']`` and ``globals()['len']`` are required 
> * Loop unrolling: to unroll the loop ``for i in range(...): ...``, 
>   guards on ``builtins.__dict__['range']`` and ``globals()['range']`` 
>   are required 
> The `FAT Python 
> <http://faster-cpython.readthedocs.org/fat_python.html>`_ project is a 
> static optimizer for Python 3.6. 
> Pyjion 
> ------ 
> According of Brett Cannon, one of the two main developers of Pyjion, 
> Pyjion can 
> also benefit from dictionary version to implement optimizations. 
> Pyjion is a JIT compiler for Python based upon CoreCLR (Microsoft .NET 
> Core 
> runtime). 
> Unladen Swallow 
> --------------- 
> Even if dictionary version was not explicitly mentionned, optimization 
> globals 
> and builtins lookup was part of the Unladen Swallow plan: "Implement one 
> of the 
> several proposed schemes for speeding lookups of globals and builtins." 
> Source: `Unladen Swallow ProjectPlan 
> <https://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/ProjectPlan>`_. 
> Unladen Swallow is a fork of CPython 2.6.1 adding a JIT compiler 
> implemented 
> with LLVM. The project stopped in 2011: `Unladen Swallow Retrospective 
> <http://qinsb.blogspot.com.au/2011/03/unladen-swallow-retrospective.html>`_. 
> Prior Art 
> ========= 
> Cached globals+builtins lookup 
> ------------------------------ 
> In 2006, Andrea Griffini proposes a patch implementing a `Cached 
> globals+builtins lookup optimization <https://bugs.python.org/issue1616125>`_. 
> The patch adds a private ``timestamp`` field to dict. 
> See the thread on python-dev: `About dictionary lookup caching 
> <https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-December/070348.html>`_. 
> Globals / builtins cache 
> ------------------------ 
> In 2010, Antoine Pitrou proposed a `Globals / builtins cache 
> <http://bugs.python.org/issue10401>`_ which adds a private 
> ``ma_version`` field to the ``dict`` type. The patch adds a "global and 
> builtin cache" to functions and frames, and changes ``LOAD_GLOBAL`` and 
> ``STORE_GLOBAL`` instructions to use the cache. 
> PySizer 
> ------- 
> `PySizer <http://pysizer.8325.org/>`_: a memory profiler for Python, 
> Google Summer of Code 2005 project by Nick Smallbone. 
> This project has a patch for CPython 2.4 which adds ``key_time`` and 
> ``value_time`` fields to dictionary entries. It uses a global 
> process-wide counter for dictionaries, incremented each time that a 
> dictionary is modified. The times are used to decide when child objects 
> first appeared in their parent objects. 
> Copyright 
> ========= 
> This document has been placed in the public domain. 
> -- 
> Victor 
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