[Python-ideas] Explicit variable capture list

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Jan 21 08:39:29 EST 2016

On 21.01.2016 14:19, Victor Stinner wrote:
> 2016-01-21 10:39 GMT+01:00 M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com>:
>> I ran performance tests on these optimization tricks (and
>> others) in 2014. See this talk:
>> http://www.egenix.com/library/presentations/PyCon-UK-2014-When-performance-matters/
>> (slides 33ff.)
> Ah nice, thanks for the slides.

Forgot to mention the benchmarks I used:


>> The keyword trick doesn't really pay off in terms of added
>> performance vs. danger of introducing weird bugs.
> I ran a quick microbenchmark to measure the cost of LOAD_GLOBAL to
> load a global: call func("abc") with
>    mylen = len
>    def func(obj): return mylen(obj)
> Result:
> 117 ns: original bytecode (LOAD_GLOBAL)
> 109 ns: LOAD_CONST
> 116 ns: LOAD_CONST with guard
> LOAD_CONST avoids 1 dict lookup (globals) and reduces the runtime by 8
> ns: 7% faster. But the guard has a cost of 7 ns: we only win 1
> nanosecond. Not really interesting here.
> LOAD_CONST means that the LOAD_GLOBAL instruction has been replaced
> with a LOAD_CONST instruction. The guard checks if the frame globals
> and globals()['mylen'] didn't change.
> I ran a second microbenchmark on func("abc") to measure the cost
> LOAD_GLOBAL to load a builtin: call func("abc") with
>    def func(obj): return len(obj)
> Result:
> 124 ns: original bytecode (LOAD_GLOBAL)
> 107 ns: LOAD_CONST
> 116 ns: LOAD_CONST with guard on builtins + globals
> LOAD_CONST avoids 2 dict lookup (globals, builtins) and reduces the
> runtime by 17 ns: 14% faster. But the guard has a cost of 9 ns: we win
> 8 nanosecond, 6% faster.
> Here is the guard is more complex: checks if the frame builtins, the
> frame globals, builtins.__dict__['len'] and globals()['len'] didn't
> change.
> If you avoid guards, it's always faster, but it changes the Python semantics.
> The speedup on such very small example is low. It's more interesting
> when the global or builtin variable is used in a loop: the speedup is
> multipled by the number of loop iterations.

Sure, but for those, you'd probably simply use the in-function

def f(seq):
    z = 0
    local_len = len
    for x in seq:
      if x:
          z += local_len(x)
   return z

This results in a LOAD_FAST inside the loop and is probably
the better way to speed things up.

>> A decorator could help with this (by transforming the byte
>> code and localizing the symbols), e.g.
>> @localize(len)
>> def f(seq):
>>     z = 0
>>     for x in seq:
>>        if x:
>>            z += len(x)
>>     return z
> FYI https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codetransformer has such decorator:
> @asconstants(len=len).

Interesting :-)

>> All that said, I don't really believe that this is a high
>> priority feature request. The gained performance win is
>> not all that great and only becomes relevant when used
>> in tight loops.
> Yeah, in the Python stdlib, the hack is only used for loops.

Right. The only advantage I'd see in having a keyword
to "configure" the behavior is that you could easily
apply the change to a whole module/function without having
to add explicit localizations everywhere.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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