[Python-ideas] Explicit variable capture list

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 21 14:35:43 EST 2016

On Jan 20, 2016, at 20:59, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> My idea for handling this kind of thing is:
>  for new x in things:
>    funcs.append(lambda: dosomethingwith(x))
> The 'new' modifier can be applied to any assignment target,
> and conceptually has the effect of creating a new binding
> instead of changing an existing binding.

C# almost did this (but only in foreach statements, not all bindings), but in the end they decided that it was simpler to just make foreach _always_ create a new binding each time through the loop, instead of requiring new syntax.

I think most of the rationale is in one of Eric Lippert's blog posts with a name like "loop closures considered harmful" (I can't remember the exact title, and searching while typing sucks on a phone), but I can summarize here.

C# had the exact same problem, for the exact same reasons. And, since they don't have the default-value trick, the solution required defining a new local copy in the same scope as the function definition (which means, if you're defining the function in expression context, you have to wrap it in another lambda and call it).

After years of closing bugs with "no, C# closures are not broken, what you're complaining about is the exact definition of a closure", they decided they had to do something about it. Every option they considered had some unacceptable feature, but in the end they decided that leaving it as-is was also unacceptable. So, borrowing a bit of practicality-beats-purity from some other language, they decided that a breaking semantic change, and making foreach and C-style for less consistent, and violating one of their fundamental design principles (left is always at least as outside as right) was the best choice.

Python doesn't have the left-outside principle to break (see comprehensions), doesn't have a C-style for to be consistent with, and has probably less rather than more performance impact (we know whether a loop variable is captured, and can skip it for non-cellvars). But it probably has more backward compatibility issues (nobody writes new code expecting it to work for C# 3 as well as C# 5, but people are still writing code that has to work with Python 2.7). So, unless we can be sure that nobody intentionally writes code with a free variable that captures a loop variable, the C# solution isn't available.

Which means your solution is probably the next best thing. And, while I don't see any compelling need for it anywhere other than loop variables, there's also no compelling reason to ban it elsewhere, so why not keep assignment targets consistent.

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