[Python-ideas] A bit meta

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Jan 30 19:53:31 EST 2016

Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> writes:

> But it's also important to post to python-dev at certain milestones or
> critical junctures because that's what *everyone* knows as the central
> place for coordinating development.

And importantly, with a PSF mailing list or PSF bug tracker or PSF code
review system, etc., collaboration with the rest of the group doesn't
require an account with some particular organisation not accountable to

 \          “The best way to get information on Usenet is not to ask a |
  `\               question, but to post the wrong information.” —Aahz |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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