From barry at  Sat Jul  2 12:55:13 2016
From: barry at (Barry Scott)
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 17:55:13 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
Message-ID: <>

I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and

Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
do and why it will doe what it does.

I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the python docs.

For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any surprises.

But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1 function
may be called by 1 call to super().

What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the multiple
inheritance case?

Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
calling more then 1 function?

What is the role of **kwds with super()?

Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.

The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
__init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
Age.describe is not called.

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From gvanrossum at  Sat Jul  2 13:58:30 2016
From: gvanrossum at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 10:58:30 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The function it
calls has to call the next with another super() call. Also, __init__() is
not special, nor is **kwds.

super() itself is special, it knows the class and instance.

There are conventions around all of this though. It may be worth
documenting those, as long as it is made clear which part of the docs is
about conventions (as opposed to how things work).

There are also opinions about those conventions. Here I am not so sure that
they belong in the docs.

--Guido (mobile)
On Jul 2, 2016 10:32 AM, "Barry Scott" <barry at> wrote:

> I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and
> Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
> do and why it will doe what it does.
> I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the python
> docs.
> For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any
> surprises.
> But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1 function
> may be called by 1 call to super().
> What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the
> multiple
> inheritance case?
> Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
> calling more then 1 function?
> What is the role of **kwds with super()?
> Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.
> The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
> __init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
> Age.describe is not called.
> Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From gvanrossum at  Sat Jul  2 15:28:34 2016
From: gvanrossum at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 12:28:34 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The trick is in the mro. If you print Person.__mro__ you'll get a list
showing that its MRO (method resolution order) is Person, QObject,
Age, object. In Person, super() refers to QObject (the next class in
the MRO). In QObject, *for a Person instance*, super() refers to Age.
In Age, in this case, super() refers to object. The methods on object
don't call super.

Hope this helps -- you should be able to get more help by Googling for
something like MRO.

On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Barry Scott <barry at> wrote:
> On 2 Jul 2016, at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
> No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The function it
> calls has to call the next with another super() call. Also, __init__() is
> not special, nor is **kwds
> The thing I do not understand is why did super() call 2 __init__ functions
> given the code I attached?
> The one in QObject and the one in Age.
> This is the output I get with python 3.5:
> $ python3.5
> instance of Person.__init__
> instance of QObject.__init__
> instance of Age.__init__
> Person.describe()
> name: Barry
> QObject.describe()
> I see no obvious code that should call Age.__init__, which is why I
> concluded that there is something about super() that is not documented.
> super() itself is special, it knows the class and instance.
> There are conventions around all of this though. It may be worth documenting
> those, as long as it is made clear which part of the docs is about
> conventions (as opposed to how things work).
> There are also opinions about those conventions. Here I am not so sure that
> they belong in the docs.
> Agreed.
> Barry
> --Guido (mobile)
> On Jul 2, 2016 10:32 AM, "Barry Scott" <barry at> wrote:
>> I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and
>> Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
>> do and why it will doe what it does.
>> I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the python
>> docs.
>> For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any
>> surprises.
>> But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1 function
>> may be called by 1 call to super().
>> What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the
>> multiple
>> inheritance case?
>> Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
>> calling more then 1 function?
>> What is the role of **kwds with super()?
>> Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.
>> The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
>> __init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
>> Age.describe is not called.
>> Barry
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From barry at  Sat Jul  2 14:45:12 2016
From: barry at (Barry Scott)
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 19:45:12 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On 2 Jul 2016, at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
> No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The function it calls has to call the next with another super() call. Also, __init__() is not special, nor is **kwds

The thing I do not understand is why did super() call 2 __init__ functions given the code I attached?
The one in QObject and the one in Age.

This is the output I get with python 3.5:

$ python3.5
instance of Person.__init__
instance of QObject.__init__
instance of Age.__init__
name: Barry

I see no obvious code that should call Age.__init__, which is why I concluded that there is something about super() that is not documented.

> super() itself is special, it knows the class and instance.
> There are conventions around all of this though. It may be worth documenting those, as long as it is made clear which part of the docs is about conventions (as opposed to how things work).
> There are also opinions about those conventions. Here I am not so sure that they belong in the docs.


> --Guido (mobile)
> On Jul 2, 2016 10:32 AM, "Barry Scott" <barry at <mailto:barry at>> wrote:
> I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and
> <>.
> Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
> do and why it will doe what it does.
> I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the python docs.
> For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any surprises.
> But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1 function
> may be called by 1 call to super().
> What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the multiple
> inheritance case?
> Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
> calling more then 1 function?
> What is the role of **kwds with super()?
> Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.
> The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
> __init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
> Age.describe is not called.
> Barry
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at <mailto:Python-ideas at>
> <>
> Code of Conduct: <>
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From random832 at  Sat Jul  2 16:18:55 2016
From: random832 at (Random832)
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2016 16:18:55 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jul 2, 2016, at 14:45, Barry Scott wrote:
> > On 2 Jul 2016, at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at>
> > wrote:
> >
> > No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The
> > function it calls has to call the next with another super() call.
> > Also, __init__() is not special, nor is **kwds
> >
> The thing I do not understand is why did super() call 2 __init__
> functions given the code I attached?

Because you called it twice. Well, actually three times:

1. Person calls super().__init__ which calls QObject.__init__.
2. QObject calls it *again*, which calls Age.__init__.
3. Age calls it again, which calls object.__init__, which does nothing
and prints nothing.

With each method you call, the named keywords are stripped off of
**kwds; none of them are left by the time it gets to Age, so none are
passed to object - otherwise you would get an error:

TypeError: object.__init__() takes no parameters.

From daoust.mj at  Sat Jul  2 19:24:25 2016
From: daoust.mj at (Mark Daoust)
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2016 19:24:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>You should be able to get more help by Googling for something like MRO.

Raymond's pycon2015 talk is also a good way to understand everything

Mark Daoust

On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 3:28 PM, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at>

> The trick is in the mro. If you print Person.__mro__ you'll get a list
> showing that its MRO (method resolution order) is Person, QObject,
> Age, object. In Person, super() refers to QObject (the next class in
> the MRO). In QObject, *for a Person instance*, super() refers to Age.
> In Age, in this case, super() refers to object. The methods on object
> don't call super.
> Hope this helps -- you should be able to get more help by Googling for
> something like MRO.
> On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Barry Scott <barry at>
> wrote:
> >
> > On 2 Jul 2016, at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
> >
> > No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The function it
> > calls has to call the next with another super() call. Also, __init__() is
> > not special, nor is **kwds
> >
> >
> > The thing I do not understand is why did super() call 2 __init__
> functions
> > given the code I attached?
> > The one in QObject and the one in Age.
> >
> > This is the output I get with python 3.5:
> >
> > $ python3.5
> > instance of Person.__init__
> > instance of QObject.__init__
> > instance of Age.__init__
> > Person.describe()
> > name: Barry
> > QObject.describe()
> >
> > I see no obvious code that should call Age.__init__, which is why I
> > concluded that there is something about super() that is not documented.
> >
> > super() itself is special, it knows the class and instance.
> >
> > There are conventions around all of this though. It may be worth
> documenting
> > those, as long as it is made clear which part of the docs is about
> > conventions (as opposed to how things work).
> >
> > There are also opinions about those conventions. Here I am not so sure
> that
> > they belong in the docs.
> >
> > Agreed.
> >
> > Barry
> >
> > --Guido (mobile)
> >
> > On Jul 2, 2016 10:32 AM, "Barry Scott" <barry at> wrote:
> >>
> >> I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and
> >>
> >>
> >> Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
> >> do and why it will doe what it does.
> >>
> >> I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the
> python
> >> docs.
> >>
> >> For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any
> >> surprises.
> >>
> >> But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1
> function
> >> may be called by 1 call to super().
> >>
> >> What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the
> >> multiple
> >> inheritance case?
> >>
> >> Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
> >> calling more then 1 function?
> >>
> >> What is the role of **kwds with super()?
> >>
> >> Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.
> >>
> >> The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
> >> __init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
> >> Age.describe is not called.
> >>
> >> Barry
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Python-ideas mailing list
> >> Python-ideas at
> >>
> >> Code of Conduct:
> >
> >
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From barry at  Mon Jul  4 10:16:05 2016
From: barry at (Barry Scott)
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 15:16:05 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On 2 Jul 2016, at 20:28, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
> The trick is in the mro. If you print Person.__mro__ you'll get a list
> showing that its MRO (method resolution order) is Person, QObject,
> Age, object. In Person, super() refers to QObject (the next class in
> the MRO). In QObject, *for a Person instance*, super() refers to Age.
> In Age, in this case, super() refers to object. The methods on object
> don't call super.
> Hope this helps -- you should be able to get more help by Googling for
> something like MRO

The MRO?s importance is what I managed to not understand from the super() docs.
Now I understand that I can explain the behaviour of the code example.

The existing docs say:

"The search order is same as that used by getattr() except that the type itself is skipped.?

But getattr does not document its search order so that does not help.

"getattr(object, name[, default])
Return the value of the named attribute of object. name must be a string. If the string is the name of one of the object?s attributes, the result is the value of that attribute. For example, getattr(x, 'foobar') is equivalent to x.foobar. If the named attribute does not exist, default is returned if provided, otherwise AttributeError is raised.?

The MRO not mentioned, and not used? So do not mention?

I think it would help anyone else that missed the point as I did to document exactly
what super() does. In engineer English something like this.

"super() uses the __mro__ as the order to search for the attribute to return.
super() starts by finding the type in the __mro__ and then examines the following
items until the attribute is found and returns it. If the attribute is not found
AttributeError is raised.?



> .
> On Sat, Jul 2, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Barry Scott <barry at> wrote:
>> On 2 Jul 2016, at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
>> No, super() does not (directly) call multiple functions. The function it
>> calls has to call the next with another super() call. Also, __init__() is
>> not special, nor is **kwds
>> The thing I do not understand is why did super() call 2 __init__ functions
>> given the code I attached?
>> The one in QObject and the one in Age.
>> This is the output I get with python 3.5:
>> $ python3.5
>> instance of Person.__init__
>> instance of QObject.__init__
>> instance of Age.__init__
>> Person.describe()
>> name: Barry
>> QObject.describe()
>> I see no obvious code that should call Age.__init__, which is why I
>> concluded that there is something about super() that is not documented.
>> super() itself is special, it knows the class and instance.
>> There are conventions around all of this though. It may be worth documenting
>> those, as long as it is made clear which part of the docs is about
>> conventions (as opposed to how things work).
>> There are also opinions about those conventions. Here I am not so sure that
>> they belong in the docs.
>> Agreed.
>> Barry
>> --Guido (mobile)
>> On Jul 2, 2016 10:32 AM, "Barry Scott" <barry at> wrote:
>>> I have read the python3.5 docs for super() and
>>> Between the two sources I still have no clear idea of what super() will
>>> do and why it will doe what it does.
>>> I hope to get feedback that can be used as the basis to update the python
>>> docs.
>>> For single inheritance the use of super() does not seem to have any
>>> surprises.
>>> But in the case of a class with multiple-inheritance more then 1 function
>>> may be called by 1 call to super().
>>> What are the rules for which functions are called by super() in the
>>> multiple
>>> inheritance case?
>>> Is __init__ special or can other super() calls end up
>>> calling more then 1 function?
>>> What is the role of **kwds with super()?
>>> Here is the code I used to show the __init__ multiple calls.
>>> The attached example shows that one call to super() causes 2 to
>>> __init__ of bases of Person. But describe does not follow the pattern
>>> Age.describe is not called.
>>> Barry
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Python-ideas mailing list
>>> Python-ideas at
>>> Code of Conduct:
> -- 
> --Guido van Rossum (

From rosuav at  Mon Jul  4 19:06:05 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 09:06:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] documentation for python3 super()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:16 AM, Barry Scott <barry at> wrote:
> In engineer English something like this.
> "super() uses the __mro__ as the order to search for the attribute to return.
> super() starts by finding the type in the __mro__ and then examines the following
> items until the attribute is found and returns it. If the attribute is not found
> AttributeError is raised.?
> Thoughts?

Nitpick: Instead of saying "the __mro__", I'd say something like "the
Method Resolution Order (found in cls.__mro__)" first time and "the
MRO" second. The MRO is a feature of the class; it happens to be made
available in the attribute __mro__, but that's secondary.


From njs at  Tue Jul  5 10:56:11 2016
From: njs at (Nathaniel Smith)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 07:56:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] __enter__ and __exit__ on generators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

This might be too trivial for python-ideas even, but... I recently stumbled
slightly over the way that generators define a close method (the one that
injects a GeneratorExit), but don't directly implement the context manager
protocol. So if you want a generator's internal resources to be cleaned up
promptly, you can't write

  with genfunc() as it:
      for obj in it:

but instead have to write

  with contextlib.closing(genfunc()) as it:
      for obj in it:

Is there any particular reason for this, or is it just an oversight?

(Why is it important to close generators? Consider a generator that holds
an open file descriptor:

  def genfunc():
      with open(...) as f:
          for line in f:
              yield ...

Python these days very much encourages you to use a "with" statement for
the file open, with ResourceWarnings and all that. But in this case, the
file won't be closed until someone calls generator.close(), so the with
statement above is only really effective if genfunc's caller also uses a
"with" statement. Unfortunately, having the "with" statement inside genfunc
*is* enough to unconditionally hide the ResourceWarning, even if it's
otherwise ineffective, because the warning is triggered when file.__del__
calls file.__close__, and here we have generator.__del__ calling

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From guido at  Tue Jul  5 11:17:49 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 08:17:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] __enter__ and __exit__ on generators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hm, it's probably just an oversight. Context managers and closable
generators were developed around the same time (PEP 342 and 343!) for
Python 2.5; it probably took a while before either of them became part
of the popular culture, so to speak.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This might be too trivial for python-ideas even, but... I recently stumbled
> slightly over the way that generators define a close method (the one that
> injects a GeneratorExit), but don't directly implement the context manager
> protocol. So if you want a generator's internal resources to be cleaned up
> promptly, you can't write
>   with genfunc() as it:
>       for obj in it:
>           ...
> but instead have to write
>   with contextlib.closing(genfunc()) as it:
>       for obj in it:
>           ...
> Is there any particular reason for this, or is it just an oversight?
> (Why is it important to close generators? Consider a generator that holds an
> open file descriptor:
>   def genfunc():
>       with open(...) as f:
>           for line in f:
>               yield ...
> Python these days very much encourages you to use a "with" statement for the
> file open, with ResourceWarnings and all that. But in this case, the file
> won't be closed until someone calls generator.close(), so the with statement
> above is only really effective if genfunc's caller also uses a "with"
> statement. Unfortunately, having the "with" statement inside genfunc *is*
> enough to unconditionally hide the ResourceWarning, even if it's otherwise
> ineffective, because the warning is triggered when file.__del__ calls
> file.__close__, and here we have generator.__del__ calling file.__close__.)
> -n
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From mistersheik at  Tue Jul  5 15:28:32 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 12:28:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] Unpacking a dict
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

I actually don't think it will be very hard.

On Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 5:02:52 PM UTC-4, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> On 5/25/2016 4:14 PM, Ethan Furman wrote: 
> > On 05/25/2016 01:08 PM, Eric V. Smith wrote: 
> >> x, y = extract(mapping, 'a', 'b') 
> >> print(x, y) 
> >> 1, 2 
> > 
> > Let's pretend you wrote: 
> > 
> >   a, b = extract(mapping, 'a', 'b') 
> > 
> > since that's the way I would almost always be using it. 
> > 
> > The proposal is this: 
> > 
> >   a, b = **mapping 
> > 
> > The advantages: 
> > 
> > - much more readable 
> > - less duplication 
> > 
> > Less duplication might not seem like that big a deal, but it's one of 
> > the motivators behind decorations and in-place operators, which are both 
> > wins. 
> I agree that would be a win. That's a lot of compiler magic, though. 
> Eric. 
> _______________________________________________ 
> Python-ideas mailing list 
> Python... at <javascript:> 
> Code of Conduct: 
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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul  5 15:27:54 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 12:27:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] Unpacking a dict
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

When I worked on the iterable unpacking (PEP 448), I noticed that it would 
be *pretty easy* to add dict unpacking like what you're asking for to the 
grammar, parsing, and source code generation.  I will leave the practical 
language development questions to other people, but from a CPython 
extension standpoint, I don't think this is a lot of work.



On Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 9:12:30 AM UTC-4, Michael Selik wrote:
> Python's iterable unpacking is what Lispers might call a destructuring 
> bind.
>     py> iterable = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
>     py> a, b, *rest = iterable
>     py> a, b, rest
>     (1, 2, (3, 4, 5))
> Clojure also supports mapping destructuring. Let's add that to Python!
>     py> mapping = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
>     py> {"a": x, "b": y, "c": z} = mapping
>     py> x, y, z
>     (1, 2, 3)
>     py> {"a": x, "b": y} = mapping
>     Traceback:
>     ValueError: too many keys to unpack
> This will be approximately as helpful as iterable unpacking was before PEP 
> 3132 (
> I hope to keep discussion in this thread focused on the most basic form of 
> dict unpacking, but we could extended mapping unpacking similarly to how 
> PEP 3132 extended iterable unpacking. Just brainstorming...
>     py> mapping = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
>     py> {"a": x, **rest} = mapping
>     py> x, rest
>     (1, {"b": 2, "c": 3})
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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul  5 15:18:00 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 12:18:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What is a 
subclasser supposed to do?

On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping. 
> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't 
> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on adding 
> dict.__missing__. 
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote: 
> > 
> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not up to 
> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal? 
> > 
> > 
> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the base 
> class 
> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already. 
> > 
> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily because 
> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience? 
> > 
> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't do 
> it. 
> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if performance 
> is 
> > a concern? 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ~Ethan~ 
> > _______________________________________________ 
> > Python-ideas mailing list 
> > Python... at <javascript:> 
> > 
> > Code of Conduct: 
> -- 
> --Guido van Rossum ( 
> _______________________________________________ 
> Python-ideas mailing list 
> Python... at <javascript:> 
> Code of Conduct: 
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From guido at  Tue Jul  5 18:03:53 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 15:03:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
*only* exists for subclasses of dict.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What is a
> subclasser supposed to do?
> On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
>> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't
>> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on adding
>> dict.__missing__.
>> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at> wrote:
>> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >
>> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not up to
>> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
>> >
>> >
>> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the base
>> > class
>> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
>> >
>> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily because
>> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
>> >
>> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't do
>> > it.
>> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if performance
>> > is
>> > a concern?
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > ~Ethan~
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Python-ideas mailing list
>> > Python... at
>> >
>> > Code of Conduct:
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python... at
>> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From mistersheik at  Tue Jul  5 18:07:15 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2016 22:07:15 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Okay, that makes sense, but why isn't __missing__ in UserDict?

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
> whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
> *only* exists for subclasses of dict.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> wrote:
> > But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What is a
> > subclasser supposed to do?
> >
> > On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >>
> >> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
> >>
> >> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't
> >> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on adding
> >> dict.__missing__.
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at>
> wrote:
> >> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not up
> to
> >> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the base
> >> > class
> >> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
> >> >
> >> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily because
> >> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
> >> >
> >> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't do
> >> > it.
> >> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if
> performance
> >> > is
> >> > a concern?
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > ~Ethan~
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Python-ideas mailing list
> >> > Python... at
> >> >
> >> > Code of Conduct:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Python-ideas mailing list
> >> Python... at
> >>
> >> Code of Conduct:
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
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From guido at  Tue Jul  5 18:10:47 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 15:10:47 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Because you shouldn't be using UserDict.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> Okay, that makes sense, but why isn't __missing__ in UserDict?
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
>> whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
>> *only* exists for subclasses of dict.
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
>> wrote:
>> > But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What is a
>> > subclasser supposed to do?
>> >
>> > On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >>
>> >> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
>> >>
>> >> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't
>> >> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on adding
>> >> dict.__missing__.
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not up
>> >> >> to
>> >> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the base
>> >> > class
>> >> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
>> >> >
>> >> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily because
>> >> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
>> >> >
>> >> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't do
>> >> > it.
>> >> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if
>> >> > performance
>> >> > is
>> >> > a concern?
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > ~Ethan~
>> >> > _______________________________________________
>> >> > Python-ideas mailing list
>> >> > Python... at
>> >> >
>> >> > Code of Conduct:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> --Guido van Rossum (
>> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> Python-ideas mailing list
>> >> Python... at
>> >>
>> >> Code of Conduct:
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (

--Guido van Rossum (

From mistersheik at  Tue Jul  5 18:13:59 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2016 22:13:59 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Is it deprecated?

I've seen this question a lot on stackoverflow:

I still have no idea what the right answer is.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:11 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> Because you shouldn't be using UserDict.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> wrote:
> > Okay, that makes sense, but why isn't __missing__ in UserDict?
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
> >> whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
> >> *only* exists for subclasses of dict.
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> >> wrote:
> >> > But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What
> is a
> >> > subclasser supposed to do?
> >> >
> >> > On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum
> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
> >> >>
> >> >> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't
> >> >> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on
> adding
> >> >> dict.__missing__.
> >> >>
> >> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >> >> >
> >> >> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not
> up
> >> >> >> to
> >> >> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the
> base
> >> >> > class
> >> >> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily because
> >> >> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't
> do
> >> >> > it.
> >> >> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if
> >> >> > performance
> >> >> > is
> >> >> > a concern?
> >> >> >
> >> >> >
> >> >> > --
> >> >> > ~Ethan~
> >> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> >> > Python-ideas mailing list
> >> >> > Python... at
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Code of Conduct:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> >> >> _______________________________________________
> >> >> Python-ideas mailing list
> >> >> Python... at
> >> >>
> >> >> Code of Conduct:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
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From michael.selik at  Tue Jul  5 18:18:33 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2016 22:18:33 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:15 PM Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:

> Is it deprecated?
> I've seen this question a lot on stackoverflow:
> I still have no idea what the right answer is.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:11 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> Because you shouldn't be using UserDict.
Subclass dict when you only want to change exactly the methods you
override, and/or implement __missing__.

Subclass MutableMapping when you want to take advantage of the mixin
methods interacting with your implementations of the abstract methods.
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From guido at  Tue Jul  5 18:19:19 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 15:19:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I think this is a question for Raymond Hettinger.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> Is it deprecated?
> I've seen this question a lot on stackoverflow:
> I still have no idea what the right answer is.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:11 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> Because you shouldn't be using UserDict.
>> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
>> wrote:
>> > Okay, that makes sense, but why isn't __missing__ in UserDict?
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
>> >> whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
>> >> *only* exists for subclasses of dict.
>> >>
>> >> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What
>> >> > is a
>> >> > subclasser supposed to do?
>> >> >
>> >> > On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also don't
>> >> >> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on
>> >> >> adding
>> >> >> dict.__missing__.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <et... at>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user, not
>> >> >> >> up
>> >> >> >> to
>> >> >> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the
>> >> >> > base
>> >> >> > class
>> >> >> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily
>> >> >> > because
>> >> >> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we don't
>> >> >> > do
>> >> >> > it.
>> >> >> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if
>> >> >> > performance
>> >> >> > is
>> >> >> > a concern?
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > --
>> >> >> > ~Ethan~
>> >> >> > _______________________________________________
>> >> >> > Python-ideas mailing list
>> >> >> > Python... at
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > Code of Conduct:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> --Guido van Rossum (
>> >> >> _______________________________________________
>> >> >> Python-ideas mailing list
>> >> >> Python... at
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Code of Conduct:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> --Guido van Rossum (
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (

--Guido van Rossum (

From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul  5 22:31:39 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 12:31:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] __enter__ and __exit__ on generators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6 July 2016 at 01:17, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Hm, it's probably just an oversight. Context managers and closable
> generators were developed around the same time (PEP 342 and 343!) for
> Python 2.5; it probably took a while before either of them became part
> of the popular culture, so to speak.

No, it's deliberate - if generators natively implemented the context
management protocol, accidentally leaving out "@contextmanager" would
silently call the underlying generator's close() method without ever
executing the generator body instead of giving you an immediate
exception when you tried to use it in a with statement.

When you get the exception, if you actually *do* want to just close
the generator, you can wrap it in contextlib.closing, while if you
meant to write a custom context manager, you can add the missing

I thought we'd actually added an entry for the design FAQ about that,
but it turns out it got stuck on the issue tracker:

It does occur to me that it might be worth customising the error
reported, though - it's currently genuinely non-obvious why they don't
implement the protocol, but it might be clearer if the error was
"TypeError: generator requires 'contextlib.contextmanager' or
'contextlib.closing' to support context management"


> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 7:56 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This might be too trivial for python-ideas even, but... I recently stumbled
>> slightly over the way that generators define a close method (the one that
>> injects a GeneratorExit), but don't directly implement the context manager
>> protocol. So if you want a generator's internal resources to be cleaned up
>> promptly, you can't write
>>   with genfunc() as it:
>>       for obj in it:
>>           ...
>> but instead have to write
>>   with contextlib.closing(genfunc()) as it:
>>       for obj in it:
>>           ...
>> Is there any particular reason for this, or is it just an oversight?
>> (Why is it important to close generators? Consider a generator that holds an
>> open file descriptor:
>>   def genfunc():
>>       with open(...) as f:
>>           for line in f:
>>               yield ...
>> Python these days very much encourages you to use a "with" statement for the
>> file open, with ResourceWarnings and all that. But in this case, the file
>> won't be closed until someone calls generator.close(), so the with statement
>> above is only really effective if genfunc's caller also uses a "with"
>> statement. Unfortunately, having the "with" statement inside genfunc *is*
>> enough to unconditionally hide the ResourceWarning, even if it's otherwise
>> ineffective, because the warning is triggered when file.__del__ calls
>> file.__close__, and here we have generator.__del__ calling file.__close__.)
>> -n
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From michael.selik at  Tue Jul  5 22:40:04 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2016 02:40:04 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] __enter__ and __exit__ on generators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:31 PM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> It does occur to me that it might be worth customising the error
> reported, though - it's currently genuinely non-obvious why they don't
> implement the protocol, but it might be clearer if the error was
> "TypeError: generator requires 'contextlib.contextmanager' or
> 'contextlib.closing' to support context management"

+1 for error messages that explain how to solve the problem
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From matt at  Wed Jul  6 01:11:46 2016
From: matt at (Matt Gilson)
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 22:11:46 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This discussion has my brain all twisted up...  I'm going to try to work my
way through it to make some sense of what we're saying here.

   1. It is pretty easy to provide a subclass with a base `__missing__`
   implementation, so why should python be responsible for providing that
   2. We don't want to encourage subclassing `dict`, so let's not make
   working with `__missing__` slightly nicer (see 1.)
   3. Would adding `__missing__` to `dict` actually make working with it
   slightly nicer anyway?
   4. Other places in the standard library for creating mappings easily
   (`UserDict` and `collections.Mapping`) do not support `__missing__``, but
   it is easy to build that functionality yourself (see 1. and example code

Let me know if I left anything out or misrepresented any of the comments
... It definitely wasn't my intent.
As I see it, there are three paths forward.

   - Do nothing.  The status quo probably only surprises one or two users a
   year, so lets not rock the boat.  Additionally, we can't add _everything_
   everywhere.  Things just become a mess if you say "Yes" to every idea and
   you have to draw the line somewhere.
   - Add `__missing__` to `dict`.  It might be a simple pass-through method
   for raising `KeyError`, but hey, maybe it'll simplify a code-path or two.
   - Add `__missing__` support to ``
   <> (or
   I guess UserDict, but I'd be just as happy if that one went away completely
   :-).  I'm sure I haven't thought through all the pitfalls, but (additional
   documentation aside) it seems like it could be as easy as:

class Mapping(Sized, Iterable, Container):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        raise KeyError

    def __getitem__(self, key):


On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> I think this is a question for Raymond Hettinger.
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> wrote:
> > Is it deprecated?
> >
> > I've seen this question a lot on stackoverflow:
> >
> >
> >
> > I still have no idea what the right answer is.
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:11 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Because you shouldn't be using UserDict.
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Okay, that makes sense, but why isn't __missing__ in UserDict?
> >> >
> >> > On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> >> > wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> What kind of question is that? If you subclass MutableMapping the
> >> >> whole feature doesn't exist (since you're not subclassing dict). It
> >> >> *only* exists for subclasses of dict.
> >> >>
> >> >> On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at
> >
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> > But neither UserDict nor MutableMapping defines __missing__ ?  What
> >> >> > is a
> >> >> > subclasser supposed to do?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 4:59:03 PM UTC-4, Guido van Rossum
> >> >> > wrote:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> UserDict is superseded by MutableMapping.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> I don't think we should make dict a kitchen sink class. I also
> don't
> >> >> >> think we should particularly encourage subclassing it. So -1 on
> >> >> >> adding
> >> >> >> dict.__missing__.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Ethan Furman <
> et... at>
> >> >> >> wrote:
> >> >> >> > On 06/29/2016 12:09 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >> So providing the comprehensive base class is up to the user,
> not
> >> >> >> >> up
> >> >> >> >> to
> >> >> >> >> the stdlib. Is that such a big deal?
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > No, it's not.  But it makes for a better user experience if the
> >> >> >> > base
> >> >> >> > class
> >> >> >> > has the __missing__ method that raises a KeyError already.
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > Didn't we add a UserDict that could be subclassed primarily
> >> >> >> > because
> >> >> >> > subclassing dict directly was such a poor user experience?
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > If adding __missing__ to dict is huge (performance hit?), we
> don't
> >> >> >> > do
> >> >> >> > it.
> >> >> >> > If it's not, I think we should.  Maybe add it to UserDict if
> >> >> >> > performance
> >> >> >> > is
> >> >> >> > a concern?
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > --
> >> >> >> > ~Ethan~
> >> >> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> >> >> > Python-ideas mailing list
> >> >> >> > Python... at
> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> > Code of Conduct:
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> --
> >> >> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> >> >> >> _______________________________________________
> >> >> >> Python-ideas mailing list
> >> >> >> Python... at
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Code of Conduct:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> --Guido van Rossum (
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:


[image: pattern-sig.png]


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From ethan at  Wed Jul  6 01:51:15 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2016 22:51:15 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/05/2016 10:11 PM, Matt Gilson wrote:

> This discussion has my brain all twisted up...  I'm going to try to work
> my way through it to make some sense of what we're saying here.
>  1. It is pretty easy to provide a subclass with a base `__missing__`
>     implementation, so why should python be responsible for providing
>     that behavior?
>  2. We don't want to encourage subclassing `dict`, so let's not make
>     working with `__missing__` slightly nicer (see 1.)
>  3. Would adding `__missing__` to `dict` actually make working with it
>     slightly nicer anyway?
>  4. Other places in the standard library for creating mappings easily
>     (`UserDict` and `collections.Mapping`) do not support
>     `__missing__``, but it is easy to build that functionality yourself
>     (see 1. and example code below)
> Let me know if I left anything out or misrepresented any of the comments
> ... It definitely wasn't my intent.
> As I see it, there are three paths forward.
>   * Do nothing.  The status quo probably only surprises one or two users
>     a year, so lets not rock the boat.  Additionally, we can't add
>     _everything_ everywhere.  Things just become a mess if you say "Yes"
>     to every idea and you have to draw the line somewhere.
>   * Add `__missing__` to `dict`.  It might be a simple pass-through
>     method for raising `KeyError`, but hey, maybe it'll simplify a
>     code-path or two.
>     <>
>   * Add `__missing__` support to ``
>     <> (or
>     I guess UserDict, but I'd be just as happy if that one went away
>     completely :-).  I'm sure I haven't thought through all the
>     pitfalls, but (additional documentation aside) it seems like it
>     could be as easy as:
> class Mapping(Sized, Iterable, Container):
>      def __missing__(self, key):
>          raise KeyError
>      @abc.abstractmethod
>      def __getitem__(self, key):
>          self.__missing__(key)
>      ...

I will admit I don't understand the push-back against adding 
__missing__, and I'm mystified about the comment that users shouldn't be 
subclassing dict.  I thought one of the key advances late in the 2.x 
series was easy(er) subclassing of the builtins.

Unless it's a practicality thing, what with dict being written in such a 
subclass-hostile way (for performance reasions?):

class ADict(dict):

     def __init__(self):
         super(ADict, self).__init__()
         self.names = []

     def __delitem__(self, name):
         if name in self.names:
         super(ADict, self).__delitem__(name)

     def __setitem__(self, name, value):
         if name not in self.names:
         super(ADict, self).__setitem__(name, value)

my_dict = ADict()
my_dict['howdy'] = 'bye'
my_dict.update({'hola': 'adios'})

print(my_dict.names)   # ['howdy']
print(my_dict.items()) # dict_items([('howdy','bye'), ('hola','adios')])

del my_dict['hola']

print(my_dict.names)   # ['howdy']
print(my_dict.items()) # dict_items([])


From stephen at  Wed Jul  6 06:39:04 2016
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 19:39:04 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ethan Furman writes:

 > __missing__, and I'm mystified about the comment that users shouldn't be 
 > subclassing dict.  I thought one of the key advances late in the 2.x 
 > series was easy(er) subclassing of the builtins.

But that's not what was said, it was conditional.  Sometimes you want
to be subclassing dict, sometimes MutableMapping.  But UserDict is
apparently considered to be obsolete.

From p.f.moore at  Wed Jul  6 07:19:24 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 12:19:24 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] should `dict` supply a default `__missing__`
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6 July 2016 at 06:51, Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
> I will admit I don't understand the push-back against adding __missing__

I thought that the idea was that __missing__ *if present* defined an
alternative behaviour for missing keys. If it's not present, the
default behaviour (key error) applies.

Now it's certainly the case that having the base class provide an
implementation of __missing__ that had the default behaviour would do
the same - and in a "pure object oriented" sense, that's the way
something like this "should" be implemented. But historically, it's
not that way, and I suspect that it was much easier to bolt on an "if
there's a __missing__ use it, otherwise proceed as before" check than
it would have been to pull out the existing behaviour into a new
(overridable) method.

Python's never been particularly concerned about following pure OOP
principles - "practicality beats purity" is relevant here. And I think
the problem is that there's no obvious gain to making the default
behaviour a concrete __missing__ method (and it would result in code
churn in one of the most central and performance-sensitive areas of

So the push-back is mostly in the nature of "if it ain't broke, don't
fix it" - and I don't think there's been a compelling (i.e., founded
in practical issues) argument that anything is broken here. The
original issue involved super() - and my understanding is that super()
is intended for "co-operative" multiple inheritance, not for arbitrary
"pass this method on without me needing to know the class hierarchy"

Specifically, in

    class D(dict):
        def __missing__(self, k):
             super(D, self).__missing__(k)

it's not clear why D needs a __missing__ method at all, if all it's
doing is delegating to dict - we know dict has no __missing__ so D can
also simply omit the method. (Possibly if D is being designed as a MI
base class, that's not acceptable - but in which case there's not
enough information here about the requirement to comment - maybe
manually raising KeyError here is enough).


From michael.selik at  Wed Jul  6 14:37:05 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2016 18:37:05 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] bytes indexing behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:30 PM Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:

> On 06/07/2016 12:57 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> >
> >
> > If someone wanted to take that PEP and drive it through to resolution,
> > I'd be happy to hand it over (my recollection is that the sticking
> > point in the previous discussion was the proposed constructor changes,
> > so dropping those may make it easier to get the additional method
> > accepted).
> Split new thread to resolve that PEP.

What's the status of this PEP?
Does anyone dislike the suggestion of adding an iterbytes method?

I ran into this annoyance again yesterday. The natural way to ensure that
all bytes in a bytes object are a particular value (in this case b'z') is:

    all(byte == b'z' for byte in bytestring)

It reads like natural language. Using ``ord`` would work in Python3, but
then my code would not be Python2-compatible. And it'd uselessly repeat the
call to ord a bunch of times.

    all(byte == ord(b'z') for byte in bytestring)

Instead it seems the best way given the current behavior is to write:

    len(bytestring) == bytestring.count(b'z')

While I wait for PEP 467, can anyone suggest a better way to write that?
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From leewangzhong+python at  Fri Jul  8 01:03:45 2016
From: leewangzhong+python at (Franklin? Lee)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 01:03:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] bytes indexing behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 6, 2016 2:40 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:30 PM Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
>> On 06/07/2016 12:57 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > If someone wanted to take that PEP and drive it through to resolution,
>> > I'd be happy to hand it over (my recollection is that the sticking
>> > point in the previous discussion was the proposed constructor changes,
>> > so dropping those may make it easier to get the additional method
>> > accepted).
>> Split new thread to resolve that PEP.
> What's the status of this PEP?
> Does anyone dislike the suggestion of adding an iterbytes method?
> I ran into this annoyance again yesterday. The natural way to ensure that
all bytes in a bytes object are a particular value (in this case b'z') is:
>     all(byte == b'z' for byte in bytestring)
> It reads like natural language. Using ``ord`` would work in Python3, but
then my code would not be Python2-compatible. And it'd uselessly repeat the
call to ord a bunch of times.
>     all(byte == ord(b'z') for byte in bytestring)
> Instead it seems the best way given the current behavior is to write:
>     len(bytestring) == bytestring.count(b'z')
> While I wait for PEP 467, can anyone suggest a better way to write that?

How about
    set(bytestring) == set(b'z')
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From animalize81 at  Fri Jul  8 02:37:51 2016
From: animalize81 at (Ma Lin)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 06:37:51 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime
Message-ID: <>

Hi, all,

     Is it possible to add an option that allow check Type Hints in 
     So that I can enable dynamic type checking when debugging. And 
disable it in final deploy, no performance lose.


From mertz at  Fri Jul  8 02:42:57 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 23:42:57 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This exists already. All the annotations love on the '__annotations__'
attribute is a function or method. Check that at runtime however you like!
On Jul 7, 2016 11:39 PM, "Ma Lin" <animalize81 at> wrote:

> Hi, all,
>      Is it possible to add an option that allow check Type Hints in
> runtime?
>      So that I can enable dynamic type checking when debugging. And
> disable it in final deploy, no performance lose.
> regards.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From animalize81 at  Fri Jul  8 04:19:41 2016
From: animalize81 at (Ma Lin)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 08:19:41 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I forget to add python-ideas at<mailto:python-ideas at> in CC, let me retell to the others:

I mean real check by the interpreter, not an '__annotations__' attribute.
And I just had a look, mypy is a static checker, without actually running the code.

My thought is modifying CALL_FUNCTION and RETURN_VALUE of the interpreter, so that allow them to check in each function calling when option enalbed.

Cite a case:

def fun(a: str, b: int) -> int:
    return len(a) + b
fun('arg1', 'arg2')

Whit the option and run this code, the interpreter will give an error prompt:
    Type of argument b is wrong. (or something like this)

This is very useful for development and debugging.

Without the option, the interpreter just ignores Type Hints in runtime, so no performance lose in project's final deploy.

IMO, this will maximize the benefit of Type Hints within a small cost.

? 7-8 ?? 14:42, David Mertz ??:

This exists already. All the annotations love on the '__annotations__' attribute is a function or method. Check that at runtime however you like!

On Jul 7, 2016 11:39 PM, "Ma Lin" <animalize81 at<mailto:animalize81 at>> wrote:
Hi, all,

     Is it possible to add an option that allow check Type Hints in
     So that I can enable dynamic type checking when debugging. And
disable it in final deploy, no performance lose.

Python-ideas mailing list
Python-ideas at<mailto:Python-ideas at>
Code of Conduct:

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From rosuav at  Fri Jul  8 04:30:52 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 18:30:52 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:
> I mean real check by the interpreter, not an '__annotations__' attribute.
> And I just had a look, mypy is a static checker, without actually running
> the code.
> My thought is modifying CALL_FUNCTION and RETURN_VALUE of the interpreter,
> so that allow them to check in each function calling when option enalbed.
> Cite a case:
> def fun(a: str, b: int) -> int:
>     return len(a) + b
> fun('arg1', 'arg2')
> Whit the option and run this code, the interpreter will give an error
> prompt:
>     Type of argument b is wrong. (or something like this)
> This is very useful for development and debugging.

You should still be able to do it without changing the core interpreter.

def enforce_types(func):
    def wrapped(*args, **kw):
        if not args_valid(args, kw, func.__annotations__):
            raise TypeError
        ret = func(*args, **kw)
        if not type_valid(ret, func.__annotations__["return"]):
            raise TypeError
    return wrapped

def fun(a: str, b: int) -> int:
    return len(a) + b

fun('arg1', 'arg2')

Now all you have to do is write the type_valid function (takes an
object and an annotation, returns True if it matches) and args_valid
(takes the positional and keyword args, pairs them up against the
function's params, and returns True if all(type_valid(...)) for the
args). The only benefit of hacking the interpreter core for this is
that you'd save the hassle of pairing up positional/keyword args
against the parameters.


From p.f.moore at  Fri Jul  8 04:50:53 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:50:53 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8 July 2016 at 09:30, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:
>> I mean real check by the interpreter, not an '__annotations__' attribute.
>> And I just had a look, mypy is a static checker, without actually running
>> the code.
>> My thought is modifying CALL_FUNCTION and RETURN_VALUE of the interpreter,
>> so that allow them to check in each function calling when option enalbed.
> Now all you have to do is write the type_valid function (takes an
> object and an annotation, returns True if it matches) and args_valid
> (takes the positional and keyword args, pairs them up against the
> function's params, and returns True if all(type_valid(...)) for the
> args). The only benefit of hacking the interpreter core for this is
> that you'd save the hassle of pairing up positional/keyword args
> against the parameters.

Just to clarify for the OP - the reason you're getting pushback on
making this a built in interpreter function is twofold - first, an
external facility could be used *now*, and would not need to be
limited to Python 3.6+, and second, adding checks to the function call
protocol is not free, and would therefore affect not just the minority
of people who want to add checks for debugging, but also all other
users (which include people for whom Python's performance is a key
issue). The Python interpreter's function calling process is known to
be slower than (some) people would like, and making it slower - even
marginally - isn't something we would want to do lightly.

With the ability to use external static analyzers like mypy, as well
as the possibility of writing custom solutions like Chris described
above, people wanting such checks have a number of options already,
and so the cost of adding the feature to the interpreter (and possibly
the language - do you see this as a CPython implementation detail, or
would you expect it to be a language-level facility, so other Python
implementations such as PyPy and Jython would be expected to have it
as well?) needs to be justified.

Personally, I'd view this feature as an interesting addition, but not
something I'd use myself, and so I'm inclined towards the "why should
I pay for something I won't use?" position.


From rosuav at  Fri Jul  8 05:02:21 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 19:02:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> Just to clarify for the OP - the reason you're getting pushback on
> making this a built in interpreter function is twofold - first, an
> external facility could be used *now*, and would not need to be
> limited to Python 3.6+, and second, adding checks to the function call
> protocol is not free, and would therefore affect not just the minority
> of people who want to add checks for debugging, but also all other
> users (which include people for whom Python's performance is a key
> issue). The Python interpreter's function calling process is known to
> be slower than (some) people would like, and making it slower - even
> marginally - isn't something we would want to do lightly.

Exactly. The main reason IMO is the first one - you can add this
checker to any Python 3 program, rather than wait for it to get coded,
debugged, and shipped.

Oh, and you can easily have a flag that disables checking for performance:

if no_type_checks:
    def enforce_types(func):
        return func

Now your decorator does nothing, and there is literally ZERO run-time
cost (the only cost is a single cheap check when the function is
defined, which usually means on module import), closures aside. That
wouldn't be possible with a core interpreter change, unless it's made
a compile-time option *for the interpreter* - something like
"./configure --with-annotations-enforced" - and then you run python3.6
for the fast one, or python3.6tc for the type-checking one. That would
be a pain.


From rosuav at  Fri Jul  8 05:05:44 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 19:05:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 7:02 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> Now your decorator does nothing, and there is literally ZERO run-time
> cost (the only cost is a single cheap check when the function is
> defined, which usually means on module import), closures aside. That
> wouldn't be possible with a core interpreter change...

I really shouldn't say impossible. Literally the moment I clicked
Send, I thought of a way it could be done with minimal run-time cost:
just create a completely separate opcode for "type-checked call". I
don't think that would materially slow down the regular call
operation. As a bonus, any functions that don't have annotations could
use the normal call opcode, so they wouldn't be slowed down.

But the main point is, this would all entail additional complexity
inside CPython, where the decorator method keeps the complexity in
your application - and doesn't need nearly as much of it. The one
advantage that CPython has is, as mentioned, the matching of arguments
to parameters; maybe that could be provided in functools somewhere?


From animalize81 at  Fri Jul  8 05:17:56 2016
From: animalize81 at (Ma Lin)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:17:56 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I see, Chris' decorator is amazing, I didn't think that way.

I mean add an runtime option, not a build option, it can be only enabled 
in development/debugging:
     python -tc
Without the option, the interpreter just ignores Type Hints:

Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring 
Python to me.

From rosuav at  Fri Jul  8 05:35:36 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 19:35:36 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:
> I see, Chris' decorator is amazing, I didn't think that way.

That's one of the beauties of Python's model of "everything's an
object". Functions can be manipulated (usually in broadly the same way
as my example: creating a wrapper function that does stuff before
and/or after calling the original), and you can basically do anything
you like with the attributes. It's SO handy, in so many places!

That said, though, you *can* go too far with that. I discovered
recently that Ruby lacks a lot of fairly important features... which
are monkey-patched in by Rails. So a Ruby on Rails application has a
lot more functionality, even on core types (because you can add
methods to the string type by monkey-patching), than a non-Rails Ruby
app. There are some things that definitely do need interpreter
support, which is why we're now seeing async and await becoming

> I mean add an runtime option, not a build option, it can be only enabled
> in development/debugging:
>      python -tc
> Without the option, the interpreter just ignores Type Hints:
>      python

Right, but this means that the code to call a function has to check
"was the --tc option specified?" before actually calling the function.
Even though the full type checks aren't done, this check has a nonzero
cost; and since calling functions happens rather a lot in Python
programs (remember, lots of things implicitly become function or
method calls), it would add up. Everyone's code would be slowed down
slightly to support the occasional case where you want the checking.

> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
> Python to me.

Keep on throwing ideas this way! Ideas are great. Well-thought-out
ideas make for interesting discussions, even if they don't get
implemented. Often the answer ends up being "here's a way to do this
with the current version", but it doesn't carry with it a tag of "and
you're an idiot for even suggesting it". We like ideas here -
otherwise we wouldn't subscribe to this list :)


From p.f.moore at  Fri Jul  8 06:34:11 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 11:34:11 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8 July 2016 at 10:35, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
>> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
>> Python to me.
> Keep on throwing ideas this way! Ideas are great. Well-thought-out
> ideas make for interesting discussions, even if they don't get
> implemented. Often the answer ends up being "here's a way to do this
> with the current version", but it doesn't carry with it a tag of "and
> you're an idiot for even suggesting it". We like ideas here -
> otherwise we wouldn't subscribe to this list :)

Agreed! I'd have never even thought of Chris' decorator approach
before this discussion occurred, so thanks for raising the subject. I
may never use it, but knowing how to do something like this is great.


From elazarg at  Fri Jul  8 06:53:25 2016
From: elazarg at (=?UTF-8?B?15DXnNei15bXqA==?=)
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 10:53:25 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Python-ideas Digest, Vol 116, Issue 12
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Function definition can also be changed inside the interpreter, effectively
doing the same work as tge interpreter. The parser can add implicit
decorator too.

This raises a different approach: adding a module decorator, allowing such
implicit decorations accross module functions. Has it been discussed

?????? ??? ??, 8 ????' 2016, 12:18, ??? ?<python-ideas-request at>:

> Send Python-ideas mailing list submissions to
>         python-ideas at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-ideas digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime
>       (Chris Angelico)
>    2. Re: Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime
>       (Paul Moore)
>    3. Re: Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime
>       (Chris Angelico)
>    4. Re: Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime
>       (Chris Angelico)
>    5. Re: Add an option that allow check Type Hints in runtime (Ma Lin)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 18:30:52 +1000
> From: Chris Angelico <rosuav at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints
>         in runtime
> Message-ID:
>         <CAPTjJmpgFaxqd7gU407u5c+tURayv3OkvdTJ8RH7N=
> KbkXXi3Q at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:
> > I mean real check by the interpreter, not an '__annotations__' attribute.
> > And I just had a look, mypy is a static checker, without actually running
> > the code.
> >
> > My thought is modifying CALL_FUNCTION and RETURN_VALUE of the
> interpreter,
> > so that allow them to check in each function calling when option enalbed.
> >
> > Cite a case:
> >
> > def fun(a: str, b: int) -> int:
> >     return len(a) + b
> > fun('arg1', 'arg2')
> >
> > Whit the option and run this code, the interpreter will give an error
> > prompt:
> >     Type of argument b is wrong. (or something like this)
> >
> > This is very useful for development and debugging.
> You should still be able to do it without changing the core interpreter.
> def enforce_types(func):
>     @functools.wraps(func)
>     def wrapped(*args, **kw):
>         if not args_valid(args, kw, func.__annotations__):
>             raise TypeError
>         ret = func(*args, **kw)
>         if not type_valid(ret, func.__annotations__["return"]):
>             raise TypeError
>     return wrapped
> @enforce_types
> def fun(a: str, b: int) -> int:
>     return len(a) + b
> fun('arg1', 'arg2')
> Now all you have to do is write the type_valid function (takes an
> object and an annotation, returns True if it matches) and args_valid
> (takes the positional and keyword args, pairs them up against the
> function's params, and returns True if all(type_valid(...)) for the
> args). The only benefit of hacking the interpreter core for this is
> that you'd save the hassle of pairing up positional/keyword args
> against the parameters.
> ChrisA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:50:53 +0100
> From: Paul Moore <p.f.moore at>
> To: Chris Angelico <rosuav at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints
>         in runtime
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CACac1F-+Si-uXwce2CKPiyM576MX7G+Cp4u8n-TXBO_89UTbdQ at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 8 July 2016 at 09:30, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:19 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:
> >> I mean real check by the interpreter, not an '__annotations__'
> attribute.
> >> And I just had a look, mypy is a static checker, without actually
> running
> >> the code.
> >>
> >> My thought is modifying CALL_FUNCTION and RETURN_VALUE of the
> interpreter,
> >> so that allow them to check in each function calling when option
> enalbed.
> [...]
> >
> > Now all you have to do is write the type_valid function (takes an
> > object and an annotation, returns True if it matches) and args_valid
> > (takes the positional and keyword args, pairs them up against the
> > function's params, and returns True if all(type_valid(...)) for the
> > args). The only benefit of hacking the interpreter core for this is
> > that you'd save the hassle of pairing up positional/keyword args
> > against the parameters.
> Just to clarify for the OP - the reason you're getting pushback on
> making this a built in interpreter function is twofold - first, an
> external facility could be used *now*, and would not need to be
> limited to Python 3.6+, and second, adding checks to the function call
> protocol is not free, and would therefore affect not just the minority
> of people who want to add checks for debugging, but also all other
> users (which include people for whom Python's performance is a key
> issue). The Python interpreter's function calling process is known to
> be slower than (some) people would like, and making it slower - even
> marginally - isn't something we would want to do lightly.
> With the ability to use external static analyzers like mypy, as well
> as the possibility of writing custom solutions like Chris described
> above, people wanting such checks have a number of options already,
> and so the cost of adding the feature to the interpreter (and possibly
> the language - do you see this as a CPython implementation detail, or
> would you expect it to be a language-level facility, so other Python
> implementations such as PyPy and Jython would be expected to have it
> as well?) needs to be justified.
> Personally, I'd view this feature as an interesting addition, but not
> something I'd use myself, and so I'm inclined towards the "why should
> I pay for something I won't use?" position.
> Paul
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 19:02:21 +1000
> From: Chris Angelico <rosuav at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints
>         in runtime
> Message-ID:
>         <CAPTjJmp_=6PFfnKEeboGuXm=
> ffM+NB_ysUPNQxvXJUm4UtbFZg at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> > Just to clarify for the OP - the reason you're getting pushback on
> > making this a built in interpreter function is twofold - first, an
> > external facility could be used *now*, and would not need to be
> > limited to Python 3.6+, and second, adding checks to the function call
> > protocol is not free, and would therefore affect not just the minority
> > of people who want to add checks for debugging, but also all other
> > users (which include people for whom Python's performance is a key
> > issue). The Python interpreter's function calling process is known to
> > be slower than (some) people would like, and making it slower - even
> > marginally - isn't something we would want to do lightly.
> Exactly. The main reason IMO is the first one - you can add this
> checker to any Python 3 program, rather than wait for it to get coded,
> debugged, and shipped.
> Oh, and you can easily have a flag that disables checking for performance:
> if no_type_checks:
>     def enforce_types(func):
>         return func
> Now your decorator does nothing, and there is literally ZERO run-time
> cost (the only cost is a single cheap check when the function is
> defined, which usually means on module import), closures aside. That
> wouldn't be possible with a core interpreter change, unless it's made
> a compile-time option *for the interpreter* - something like
> "./configure --with-annotations-enforced" - and then you run python3.6
> for the fast one, or python3.6tc for the type-checking one. That would
> be a pain.
> ChrisA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 19:05:44 +1000
> From: Chris Angelico <rosuav at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints
>         in runtime
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAPTjJmrJstnRzEK48Kj7gOZDi5kkfBPrUCNYQqGds3qje-ZFbA at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 7:02 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> > Now your decorator does nothing, and there is literally ZERO run-time
> > cost (the only cost is a single cheap check when the function is
> > defined, which usually means on module import), closures aside. That
> > wouldn't be possible with a core interpreter change...
> I really shouldn't say impossible. Literally the moment I clicked
> Send, I thought of a way it could be done with minimal run-time cost:
> just create a completely separate opcode for "type-checked call". I
> don't think that would materially slow down the regular call
> operation. As a bonus, any functions that don't have annotations could
> use the normal call opcode, so they wouldn't be slowed down.
> But the main point is, this would all entail additional complexity
> inside CPython, where the decorator method keeps the complexity in
> your application - and doesn't need nearly as much of it. The one
> advantage that CPython has is, as mentioned, the matching of arguments
> to parameters; maybe that could be provided in functools somewhere?
> ChrisA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:17:56 +0000
> From: Ma Lin <animalize81 at>
> To: "python-ideas at" <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints
>         in runtime
> Message-ID:
>         <
> PS1PR06MB1099F602EB64A07AAC2063F0B63C0 at
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"
> I see, Chris' decorator is amazing, I didn't think that way.
> I mean add an runtime option, not a build option, it can be only enabled
> in development/debugging:
>      python -tc
> Without the option, the interpreter just ignores Type Hints:
>      python
> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
> Python to me.
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> ------------------------------
> End of Python-ideas Digest, Vol 116, Issue 12
> *********************************************
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From ncoghlan at  Fri Jul  8 09:23:51 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 23:23:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 8 July 2016 at 20:34, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> On 8 July 2016 at 10:35, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
>>> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
>>> Python to me.
>> Keep on throwing ideas this way! Ideas are great. Well-thought-out
>> ideas make for interesting discussions, even if they don't get
>> implemented. Often the answer ends up being "here's a way to do this
>> with the current version", but it doesn't carry with it a tag of "and
>> you're an idiot for even suggesting it". We like ideas here -
>> otherwise we wouldn't subscribe to this list :)
> Agreed! I'd have never even thought of Chris' decorator approach
> before this discussion occurred, so thanks for raising the subject. I
> may never use it, but knowing how to do something like this is great.

The runtime eval loop switching being considered to enable Pyjion's
method JIT would also let folks opt in to running a dynamically
typechecked runtime (assuming someone decided to write one).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From mertz at  Fri Jul  8 12:03:43 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:03:43 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I provided a decorator recipe to do just what Chris Angelico describes a
year or two before PEP 484 described static typechecking.  I think what I
do is a consistent subset of PEP 484 still, modulo the difference between
runtime and static.


It would be a lot more work to do everything the module and PEP
484 describes (algebraic typing, basically), but it's all just code that is
compatible back to Python 3.0.

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:

> On 8 July 2016 at 10:35, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> >> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
> >> Python to me.
> >
> > Keep on throwing ideas this way! Ideas are great. Well-thought-out
> > ideas make for interesting discussions, even if they don't get
> > implemented. Often the answer ends up being "here's a way to do this
> > with the current version", but it doesn't carry with it a tag of "and
> > you're an idiot for even suggesting it". We like ideas here -
> > otherwise we wouldn't subscribe to this list :)
> Agreed! I'd have never even thought of Chris' decorator approach
> before this discussion occurred, so thanks for raising the subject. I
> may never use it, but knowing how to do something like this is great.
> Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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From wes.turner at  Fri Jul  8 12:12:08 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 11:12:08 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

pycontracts supports runtime type and bound checking on Python 2 & 3

There is a global toggle:

Unfortunately, the type specifiers precede and are different (e.g
lowercase) from those used for static analysis in mypy.

There are orobably additional differences?
On Jul 8, 2016 11:04 AM, "David Mertz" <mertz at> wrote:

> I provided a decorator recipe to do just what Chris Angelico describes a
> year or two before PEP 484 described static typechecking.  I think what I
> do is a consistent subset of PEP 484 still, modulo the difference between
> runtime and static.
> See:
> It would be a lot more work to do everything the module and PEP
> 484 describes (algebraic typing, basically), but it's all just code that is
> compatible back to Python 3.0.
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 3:34 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> On 8 July 2016 at 10:35, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
>> >> Anyway, I just throw an idea to here. Greet to all of you for bring
>> >> Python to me.
>> >
>> > Keep on throwing ideas this way! Ideas are great. Well-thought-out
>> > ideas make for interesting discussions, even if they don't get
>> > implemented. Often the answer ends up being "here's a way to do this
>> > with the current version", but it doesn't carry with it a tag of "and
>> > you're an idiot for even suggesting it". We like ideas here -
>> > otherwise we wouldn't subscribe to this list :)
>> Agreed! I'd have never even thought of Chris' decorator approach
>> before this discussion occurred, so thanks for raising the subject. I
>> may never use it, but knowing how to do something like this is great.
>> Paul
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
> --
> Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
> from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
> uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
> advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
> to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From michael.selik at  Fri Jul  8 12:26:08 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 16:26:08 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] bytes indexing behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, 1:03 AM Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python at>

> On Jul 6, 2016 2:40 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
> > Instead it seems the best way given the current behavior is to write:
> >
> >     len(bytestring) == bytestring.count(b'z')
> >
> > While I wait for PEP 467, can anyone suggest a better way to write that?
> How about
>     set(bytestring) == set(b'z')
Ah, that makes sense. I'd thought of using a set literal on the right-hand,
but for some reason using set constructor slipped my mind.

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From leewangzhong+python at  Sat Jul  9 16:17:37 2016
From: leewangzhong+python at (Franklin? Lee)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2016 16:17:37 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] bytes indexing behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 8, 2016 12:26 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, 1:03 AM Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python at>
>> On Jul 6, 2016 2:40 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
>> > Instead it seems the best way given the current behavior is to write:
>> >
>> >     len(bytestring) == bytestring.count(b'z')
>> >
>> > While I wait for PEP 467, can anyone suggest a better way to write
>> How about
>>     set(bytestring) == set(b'z')
> Ah, that makes sense. I'd thought of using a set literal on the
right-hand, but for some reason using set constructor slipped my mind.

The previous method didn't allow short-circuiting. We can use `all` without
calling `ord` each time, by the obvious way.
        z = b'z'[0] #or next(iter(b'z'))
        all(byte == z for byte in bytestring)

Make it a function.
        def eqall(iterable, value):
            return all(x == value for x in iterable)

        eqall(bytestring, b'z'[0])

Rewriting in functional programming style.
        def eqall(iterable, value):
            return all(map(value.__eq__, iterable))
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From pavol.lisy at  Sat Jul  9 16:23:03 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2016 22:23:03 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Add an option that allow check Type Hints in
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/8/16, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Ma Lin <animalize81 at> wrote:

>> I mean add an runtime option, not a build option, it can be only enabled
>> in development/debugging:
>>      python -tc
>> Without the option, the interpreter just ignores Type Hints:
>>      python
> Right, but this means that the code to call a function has to check
> "was the --tc option specified?" before actually calling the function.

Could not interpreter just internally use "decorator trick" too?

From pavol.lisy at  Sun Jul 10 02:29:53 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:29:53 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] bytes indexing behavior
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/9/16, Franklin? Lee <leewangzhong+python at> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 2016 12:26 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016, 1:03 AM Franklin? Lee
>> <leewangzhong+python at>
> wrote:
>>> On Jul 6, 2016 2:40 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
>>> > Instead it seems the best way given the current behavior is to write:
>>> >
>>> >     len(bytestring) == bytestring.count(b'z')
>>> >
>>> > While I wait for PEP 467, can anyone suggest a better way to write
> that?
>>> How about
>>>     set(bytestring) == set(b'z')
>> Ah, that makes sense. I'd thought of using a set literal on the
> right-hand, but for some reason using set constructor slipped my mind.
> The previous method didn't allow short-circuiting. We can use `all` without
> calling `ord` each time, by the obvious way.
>         z = b'z'[0] #or next(iter(b'z'))
>         all(byte == z for byte in bytestring)
> Make it a function.
>         def eqall(iterable, value):
>             return all(x == value for x in iterable)
>         eqall(bytestring, b'z'[0])
> Rewriting in functional programming style.
>         def eqall(iterable, value):
>             return all(map(value.__eq__, iterable))

Or if you want to accept more values:

def inall(iterable, values):
  return all(x in values for x in iterable)

inall(bytestring, list(b'zZ'))

PS. If you got this mail twice pls sorry - something goes wrong in my
mail client.

From sivachandra at  Mon Jul 11 13:42:37 2016
From: sivachandra at (Siva Chandra)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:42:37 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Proposal to add const-ness type hints to PEP-484
Message-ID: <>


I have submitted a proposal to add const-ness type hint constructs

Looking for feedback on the proposal.

Siva Chandra

From wes.turner at  Mon Jul 11 14:08:52 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 13:08:52 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] Proposal to add const-ness type hints to PEP-484
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Persistent / Immutable / Functional data structures for Python"

IIRC, there are a number of threads discussing adding const as a language
feature? It may be worth linking those here / in the gh issue? IIUC, the
linked proposal describes adding const as an annotation feature for static
analysis only.

Would const as a language feature have any effect on the gilectomy? e.g.
less locks required

Ways to achieve practical runtime const (~immutability):
* add a has_key() check in __setattr__
* define an @property without a propname.setter (for a __dunder_prefixed
class attr which will otherwise be name-mangled)
* const as a language feature


* from typing import Const
   this would be a great hint for static analysis, but would things really
be const?
On Jul 11, 2016 12:43 PM, "Siva Chandra via Python-ideas" <
python-ideas at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have submitted a proposal to add const-ness type hint constructs
> here:
> Looking for feedback on the proposal.
> Thanks,
> Siva Chandra
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From stephanh42 at  Tue Jul 12 08:38:22 2016
From: stephanh42 at (Stephan Houben)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:38:22 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] =?utf-8?q?allow_=60lambda=27_to_be_spelled_=CE=BB?=
Message-ID: <>

Hi list,

Here is my speculative language idea for Python:

Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':


(That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")


I have been using the Vim "conceal" functionality with a rule which visually
replaces lambda with ? when editing Python files. I find this a great
improvement in
readability since ? is visually less distracting while still quite
(The fact that ? is syntax-colored as a keyword also helps with this.)

However, at the moment the nice syntax is lost when looking at the file
through another editor or viewer.
Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the Python

I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the past, I
think this is
a nice minimal extension.

Example code:

  lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.lookup_first_name())
  lst.sort(key=? x: x.lookup_first_name())

  # Church numerals
  zero = ? f: ? x: x
  one = ? f: ? x: f(x)
  two = ? f: ? x: f(f(x))

(Yes, Python is my favorite Scheme dialect. Why did you ask?)

Note that a number of other languages already allow this. (Racket, Haskell).

You can judge the aesthetics of this on your own code with the following
sed command.

  sed 's/\<lambda\>/?/g'


* The lambda keyword is quite long and distracts from the "meat" of the
lambda expression.
  Replacing it by a single-character keyword improves readability.

* The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in
particular, lambda-calculus notation),
  so it brings Python closer to being "executable pseudo-code".

* The alternative spelling ?/lambda is quite intuitive (at least to anybody
who knows Greek letters.)


For your convenience already noticed here:

* Introducing ? is introducing TIMTOWTDI.

* Hard to type with certain editors.
  But note that the old syntax is still available.
  Easy to fix by upgrading to VIM ;-)

* Will turn a pre-existing legal identifier ? into a keyword.
  So backward-incompatible.

Needless to say, my personal opinion is that the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages. ;-)


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From random832 at  Tue Jul 12 09:42:25 2016
From: random832 at (Random832)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 09:42:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 08:38, Stephan Houben wrote:
> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
> past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.

How about a haskell-style backslash?

From tritium-list at  Tue Jul 12 14:36:10 2016
From: tritium-list at (tritium-list at
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 14:36:10 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <0c7f01d1dc6c$435f9010$ca1eb030$>

For better or worse, except for string literals which can be anything as long as you set a coding comment, python is pure ascii which simplifies everything.  Lambda is not in the first 128 characters of Unicode, so it is highly unlikely to be accepted.


*         ?Lambda? is exactly as discouraging to type as it needs to be.  A more likely to be accepted alternate keyword is ?whyareyounotusingdef?

*         Python doesn?t attempt to look like mathematical formula

*         ?Lambda? spelling is intuitive to most people who program

*         TIMTOWTDI isn?t a religious edict.  Python is more pragmatic than that.

*         It?s hard to type in ALL editors unless your locale is set to (ancient?) Greek.

*         ?  What are you doing to have an identifier outside of ?[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+??


From: Python-ideas [ at] On Behalf Of Stephan Houben
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 8:38 AM
To: python-ideas at
Subject: [Python-ideas] allow `lambda' to be spelled ?


Hi list,


Here is my speculative language idea for Python:


Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':




(That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")




I have been using the Vim "conceal" functionality with a rule which visually

replaces lambda with ? when editing Python files. I find this a great improvement in

readability since ? is visually less distracting while still quite distinctive.

(The fact that ? is syntax-colored as a keyword also helps with this.)


However, at the moment the nice syntax is lost when looking at the file through another editor or viewer.

Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the Python syntax.


I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the past, I think this is

a nice minimal extension.



Example code:


  lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.lookup_first_name())

  lst.sort(key=? x: x.lookup_first_name())


  # Church numerals

  zero = ? f: ? x: x

  one = ? f: ? x: f(x)

  two = ? f: ? x: f(f(x))


(Yes, Python is my favorite Scheme dialect. Why did you ask?)


Note that a number of other languages already allow this. (Racket, Haskell).


You can judge the aesthetics of this on your own code with the following sed command.


  sed 's/\<lambda\>/?/g'




* The lambda keyword is quite long and distracts from the "meat" of the lambda expression. 

  Replacing it by a single-character keyword improves readability.


* The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in particular, lambda-calculus notation),

  so it brings Python closer to being "executable pseudo-code".


* The alternative spelling ?/lambda is quite intuitive (at least to anybody who knows Greek letters.)





For your convenience already noticed here:


* Introducing ? is introducing TIMTOWTDI.


* Hard to type with certain editors.

  But note that the old syntax is still available.

  Easy to fix by upgrading to VIM ;-) 


* Will turn a pre-existing legal identifier ? into a keyword.

  So backward-incompatible.


Needless to say, my personal opinion is that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. ;-)





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From rosuav at  Tue Jul 12 15:28:45 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 05:28:45 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <0c7f01d1dc6c$435f9010$ca1eb030$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:36 AM,  <tritium-list at> wrote:
> For better or worse, except for string literals which can be anything as
> long as you set a coding comment, python is pure ascii which simplifies
> everything.  Lambda is not in the first 128 characters of Unicode, so it is
> highly unlikely to be accepted.

Incorrect as of Python 3 - it's pure Unicode :) You can have
identifiers that use non-ASCII characters. The core language in the
default interpreter is all ASCII in order to make it easy for most
people to type, but there are variant Pythons that translate the
keywords into other languages (I believe there's a Chinese Python, and
possibly Korean?), which are then free to use whatever character set
they like. A variant Python would be welcome to translate all the
operators and keywords into single-character tokens, using Unicode
symbols for NOT EQUAL TO and so on - including using U+03BB in place
of 'lambda'.


From srkunze at  Tue Jul 12 16:21:26 2016
From: srkunze at (Sven R. Kunze)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 22:21:26 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <0c7f01d1dc6c$435f9010$ca1eb030$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Completely matches my opinion. Thanks.

On 12.07.2016 20:36, tritium-list at wrote:
> For better or worse, except for string literals which can be anything 
> as long as you set a coding comment, python is pure ascii which 
> simplifies everything.  Lambda is not in the first 128 characters of 
> Unicode, so it is highly unlikely to be accepted.
> ??Lambda? is exactly as discouraging to type as it needs to be.  A 
> more likely to be accepted alternate keyword is ?whyareyounotusingdef?
> ?Python doesn?t attempt to look like mathematical formula
> ??Lambda? spelling is intuitive to most people who program
> ?TIMTOWTDI isn?t a religious edict.  Python is more pragmatic than that.
> ?It?s hard to type in ALL editors unless your locale is set to 
> (ancient?) Greek.
> ?? What are you doing to have an identifier outside of 
> ?[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]+??
> *From:*Python-ideas 
> [ at] *On 
> Behalf Of *Stephan Houben
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 12, 2016 8:38 AM
> *To:* python-ideas at
> *Subject:* [Python-ideas] allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Hi list,
> Here is my speculative language idea for Python:
> Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':
> ?
> (That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")
> Background:
> I have been using the Vim "conceal" functionality with a rule which 
> visually
> replaces lambda with ? when editing Python files. I find this a great 
> improvement in
> readability since ? is visually less distracting while still quite 
> distinctive.
> (The fact that ? is syntax-colored as a keyword also helps with this.)
> However, at the moment the nice syntax is lost when looking at the 
> file through another editor or viewer.
> Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the 
> Python syntax.
> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the 
> past, I think this is
> a nice minimal extension.
> Example code:
>   lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.lookup_first_name())
>   lst.sort(key=? x: x.lookup_first_name())
>   # Church numerals
>   zero = ? f: ? x: x
>   one = ? f: ? x: f(x)
>   two = ? f: ? x: f(f(x))
> (Yes, Python is my favorite Scheme dialect. Why did you ask?)
> Note that a number of other languages already allow this. (Racket, 
> Haskell).
> You can judge the aesthetics of this on your own code with the 
> following sed command.
>   sed 's/\<lambda\>/?/g'
> Advantages:
> * The lambda keyword is quite long and distracts from the "meat" of 
> the lambda expression.
>   Replacing it by a single-character keyword improves readability.
> * The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in 
> particular, lambda-calculus notation),
>   so it brings Python closer to being "executable pseudo-code".
> * The alternative spelling ?/lambda is quite intuitive (at least to 
> anybody who knows Greek letters.)
> Disadvantages:
> For your convenience already noticed here:
> * Introducing ? is introducing TIMTOWTDI.
> * Hard to type with certain editors.
>   But note that the old syntax is still available.
>   Easy to fix by upgrading to VIM ;-)
> * Will turn a pre-existing legal identifier ? into a keyword.
>   So backward-incompatible.
> Needless to say, my personal opinion is that the advantages outweigh 
> the disadvantages. ;-)
> Greetings,
> Stephan
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

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From mafagafogigante at  Tue Jul 12 18:11:32 2016
From: mafagafogigante at (Bernardo Sulzbach)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 19:11:32 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Racket has this. I write lambdas there and I don't use (or know people 
that use) the symbol anyway. It really does not save a lot.

Python is more of a hammer than a beautiful mathematical tool, so the 
examples don't seem too convincing.

Plus, 80 columns and shortness does not make so much sense nowadays.

From ben+python at  Tue Jul 12 19:46:37 2016
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:46:37 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Stephan Houben <stephanh42 at>

> Here is my speculative language idea for Python:

Thank you for raising it.

> Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':
> ?
> [?]

> Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the
> Python syntax.
> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
> past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.

The question is not whether it would be nice, nor how many people have
clamoured for it. That you feel this supports the proposal isn't a good
sign :-)

The question is: What significant improvements to the language are made
by this proposal, to counteract the significant cost of *any* such
change to the language syntax?

> Advantages:
> * The lambda keyword is quite long and distracts from the "meat" of
>   the lambda expression. Replacing it by a single-character keyword
>   improves readability.

I disagree on this point. Making lambda easier is an attractive
nuisance; the ?def? statement is superior (for Python) in most
situations, and so lamda expressions should not be easier than that.

> * The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in
>   particular, lambda-calculus notation), so it brings Python closer to
>   being "executable pseudo-code".

How is that an advantage?

> * The alternative spelling ?/lambda is quite intuitive (at least to
>   anybody who knows Greek letters.)

I reject this use of ?intuitive?; no one knows intuitively what lambda
is, what ? is, what the correspondence between them is, and what they
mean in various contexts. All of that needs to be learned, specifically.

so if this is an advantage, it needs to be expressed somehow other than
?intuitive?. Maybe you mean ?familiar?, and avoid that term because it
makes for a weaker argument?

> Disadvantages:

I agree with your assessment of disadvantages, and re-iterate the
inherent disadvantage that any language change brings significant cost
to the Python core developers and the whole Python community. That's why
most such suggestions have a significant hurdle to demonstrate a

 \           ?Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future.? |
  `\                                                       ?Niels Bohr |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From jsbueno at  Tue Jul 12 20:00:16 2016
From: jsbueno at (Joao S. O. Bueno)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 21:00:16 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Have you met the coconut project already?,
They create a superset of Python with the aim to allow writting smaller
functional programs, and have a super-featured functional set of
operators and such.

It is a pure-Python project that pre-compiles their "coconut" program
files to .py at compile time -
They have a shorter syntax for lambda already - maybe that could be of
use to you - and
maybe you can get them to accept your suggestion - it certainly would fit there.

Coconut provides the simple, clean -> operator as an alternative to
Python?s lambda statements. The operator has the same precedence as
the old statement.


In Python, lambdas are ugly and bulky, requiring the entire word
lambda to be written out every time one is constructed. This is fine
if in-line functions are very rarely needed, but in functional
programming in-line functions are an essential tool.


dubsums = map((x, y) -> 2*(x+y), range(0, 10), range(10, 20))


From rymg19 at  Tue Jul 12 20:17:33 2016
From: rymg19 at (Ryan Gonzalez)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 19:17:33 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Doesn't this kind of violate Python's "one way to do it"?

(Also, sorry for the top post; I'm on mobile right now...)

[ERROR]: Your autotools build scripts are 200 lines longer than your
program. Something?s wrong.
On Jul 12, 2016 7:38 AM, "Stephan Houben" <stephanh42 at> wrote:

> Hi list,
> Here is my speculative language idea for Python:
> Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':
> ?
> (That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")
> Background:
> I have been using the Vim "conceal" functionality with a rule which
> visually
> replaces lambda with ? when editing Python files. I find this a great
> improvement in
> readability since ? is visually less distracting while still quite
> distinctive.
> (The fact that ? is syntax-colored as a keyword also helps with this.)
> However, at the moment the nice syntax is lost when looking at the file
> through another editor or viewer.
> Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the Python
> syntax.
> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the past, I
> think this is
> a nice minimal extension.
> Example code:
>   lst.sort(key=lambda x: x.lookup_first_name())
>   lst.sort(key=? x: x.lookup_first_name())
>   # Church numerals
>   zero = ? f: ? x: x
>   one = ? f: ? x: f(x)
>   two = ? f: ? x: f(f(x))
> (Yes, Python is my favorite Scheme dialect. Why did you ask?)
> Note that a number of other languages already allow this. (Racket,
> Haskell).
> You can judge the aesthetics of this on your own code with the following
> sed command.
>   sed 's/\<lambda\>/?/g'
> Advantages:
> * The lambda keyword is quite long and distracts from the "meat" of the
> lambda expression.
>   Replacing it by a single-character keyword improves readability.
> * The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in
> particular, lambda-calculus notation),
>   so it brings Python closer to being "executable pseudo-code".
> * The alternative spelling ?/lambda is quite intuitive (at least to
> anybody who knows Greek letters.)
> Disadvantages:
> For your convenience already noticed here:
> * Introducing ? is introducing TIMTOWTDI.
> * Hard to type with certain editors.
>   But note that the old syntax is still available.
>   Easy to fix by upgrading to VIM ;-)
> * Will turn a pre-existing legal identifier ? into a keyword.
>   So backward-incompatible.
> Needless to say, my personal opinion is that the advantages outweigh the
> disadvantages. ;-)
> Greetings,
> Stephan
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From stephen at  Tue Jul 12 22:04:19 2016
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 11:04:19 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Angelico writes:

 > A variant Python would be welcome to translate all the operators
 > and keywords into single-character tokens, using Unicode symbols
 > for NOT EQUAL TO and so on - including using U+03BB in place of
 > 'lambda'.

Probably it would not be "welcome", except in the usual sense that
"Python is open source, you can do what you want".

There was extensive discussion about the issues surrounding the
natural languages used by programmers in source documentation (eg,
identifier choice and comments) at the time of PEP 263.  The mojibake
(choice of charset) problem has largely improved since then, thanks to
Unicode adoption, especially UTF-8.  But the "Tower of Babel" issue
has not.  Fundamentally, it's like women's clothes (they wear them to
impress, ie, communicate to, other women -- few men have the interest
to understand what is impressive ;-): programming is about programmers
communicating to other programmers.  Maintaining the traditional
spelling of keywords and operators is definitely useful for that

This is not to say that individuals who want a personalized[1]
language are wrong, just that it would have a net negative impact on
communication in teams.

BTW, Barry long advocated use of some variant syntaxes (the one I like
to remember inaccurately is "><" instead of "!="), and in fact
provided an easter egg import (barry_is_flufl or something like that)
that changed the syntax to suit him.  I believe that module is pure
Python, so people who want to customize the lexical definition of
Python at the language level can do so AFAIK.  You could probably even
spell it "import ??" (to take a very ugly page from the Book of GNU,
mixing scripts in a single word -- the Han character means "etc.").

[1]  I don't have a better word.  I mean something like "seasoned to
taste", almost "tasteful" but not quite.

From rosuav at  Tue Jul 12 23:25:59 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 13:25:59 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull
<stephen at> wrote:
> Chris Angelico writes:
>  > A variant Python would be welcome to translate all the operators
>  > and keywords into single-character tokens, using Unicode symbols
>  > for NOT EQUAL TO and so on - including using U+03BB in place of
>  > 'lambda'.
> Probably it would not be "welcome", except in the usual sense that
> "Python is open source, you can do what you want".
> ... programmers communicating to other programmers. ...
> This is not to say that individuals who want a personalized[1]
> language are wrong, just that it would have a net negative impact on
> communication in teams.

A fair point. But Python has a strong mathematical side (look how big
the numpy/scipy/matplotlib communities are), and we've already seen
how strongly they prefer "a @ b" to "a.matmul(b)". If there's support
for a language variant that uses more and shorter symbols, that would
be where I'd expect to find it.

not a mathematician, although I play one on the internet sometimes

From steve at  Wed Jul 13 00:00:26 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:00:26 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 11:04:19AM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> There was extensive discussion about the issues surrounding the
> natural languages used by programmers in source documentation (eg,
> identifier choice and comments) at the time of PEP 263.  The mojibake
> (choice of charset) problem has largely improved since then, thanks to
> Unicode adoption, especially UTF-8.  But the "Tower of Babel" issue
> has not.  Fundamentally, it's like women's clothes (they wear them to
> impress, ie, communicate to, other women -- few men have the interest
> to understand what is impressive ;-): programming is about programmers
> communicating to other programmers.

With respect Stephen, that's codswallop :-)

It might be true that the average bogan[1] bloke or socially awkward 
geek (including myself) might not care about impressive clothes, but 
many men do dress to compete. The difference is more socio-economic: 
typically women dress to compete across most s-e groups, while men 
mostly do so only in the upper-middle and upper classes. And in the 
upper classes, competition tends to be more understated and subtle 
("good taste"), i.e. expensive Italian suits rather than hot pants.

Historically, it is usually men who dress like peacocks to impress 
socially, while women are comparatively restrained. The drab business 
suit of Anglo-American influence is no more representative of male 
clothing through the ages as is the Communist Chinese "Mao suit".

And as for programmers... the popularity of one-liners, the obfuscated C 
competition, code golf, "clever coding tricks" etc is rarely for the 
purposes of communication *about code*. Communication is taking place, 
but its about social status and cleverness. There's a very popular 
StackOverflow site dedicated to code golf, where you will see people 
have written their own custom languages specifically for writing terse 
code. Nobody expects these languages to be used by more than a handful 
of people. That's not their point.

> Maintaining the traditional
> spelling of keywords and operators is definitely useful for that
> purpose.

Okay, let's put aside the social uses of code-golfing and equivalent, 
and focus on quote-unquote "real code", where programmers care more 
about getting the job done and keeping it maintainable rather than 
competing with other programmers for status, jobs, avoiding being the 
sacrifical goat in the next round of stack-ranked layoffs, etc.

You're right of course that traditional spelling is useful, but perhaps 
not as much as you think. After all, one person's traditional spelling 
is another person's confusing notation and a third person's excessively 
verbose spelling. Not too many people like Cobol-like spelling:

add 1 to the_number

over "n += 1". So I think that arguments for keeping "traditional 
spelling" are mostly about familiarity. If we learned lambda calculus in 
high school, perhaps ? would be less exotic.

I think that there is a good argument to be made in favour of increasing 
the amount of mathematical notation used in code, but I would think that 
since a lot of my code is mathematical in nature. I can see that makes 
my code atypical.

Coming back to the specific change suggested here, ? as an alternative 
keyword for lambda, I have a minor and major objection:

The minor objection is that I think that ? is too useful a one-letter 
symbol to waste on a comparatively rare usage, anonymous functions. In 
mathematical code, I would prefer to keep ? for wavelength, or for the 
radioactive decay constant, rather than for anonymous functions.

The major objection is that I think its still too hard to expect the 
average programmer to be able to produce the ? symbol on demand. We 
don't all have a Greek keyboard :-)

I *don't* think that expecting programmers to learn ? is too difficult. 
It's no more difficult than the word "lambda", or that | means bitwise 
OR. Or for that matter, that * means multiplication. Yes, I've seen 
beginners stumped by that. (Sometimes we forget that * is not something 
you learn in maths class.)

So overall, I'm a -1 on this specific proposal.

[1] Non-Australians will probably recognise similar terms hoser, 
redneck, chav, gopnik, etc.


From pavol.lisy at  Wed Jul 13 00:50:18 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 06:50:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/13/16, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> Stephan Houben <stephanh42 at>
> writes:

>> * The resulting code resembles more closely mathematical notation (in
>>   particular, lambda-calculus notation), so it brings Python closer to
>>   being "executable pseudo-code".
> How is that an advantage?

Could help promote python.

From pavol.lisy at  Wed Jul 13 01:43:10 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 07:43:10 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/12/16, Stephan Houben <stephanh42 at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Here is my speculative language idea for Python:
> Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':
> ?
> (That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")
> Background:
> I have been using the Vim "conceal" functionality with a rule which
> visually
> replaces lambda with ? when editing Python files. I find this a great
> improvement in
> readability since ? is visually less distracting while still quite
> distinctive.
> (The fact that ? is syntax-colored as a keyword also helps with this.)
> However, at the moment the nice syntax is lost when looking at the file
> through another editor or viewer.
> Therefore I would really like this to be an official part of the Python
> syntax.

What is future of coding?

I feel it is not only language what could translate your ideas into reality.

Artificial intelligence in (future) editors (and also vim conceal) is
probably right way to enhance your coding power (with lambdas too).

If we like to enhance python syntax with Unicode characters then I
think it is good to see larger context. There is ocean of
possibilities how to make it. (probably good possibilities too). For
example Unicode could help to add new operators. But it also brings a
lot of questions (how to write Knuth's arrow on my editor?) and
difficulties (how to give possibilities to implement class functions
for this (*) new operators? How to make for example triple arrow

I propose to be prepared before opening Pandora's box. :)

(*) all of it? And it means probably all after future enhancement of
Unicode too?

Questions around "only one possibilities how to write it" could be
probably answered with this?


From rosuav at  Wed Jul 13 01:49:13 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:49:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at> wrote:
> 3.
> Questions around "only one possibilities how to write it" could be
> probably answered with this?
>   a<b
>   a.__lt__(b)

Those aren't the same, though. One is the interface, the other is the
implementation. Dunder methods are for defining, not for calling.

rosuav at sikorsky:~$ python3
Python 3.6.0a2+ (default:4ef2404d343e, Jul 11 2016, 12:37:20)
[GCC 5.3.1 20160528] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class B:
...     def __gt__(self, other):
...         print("Am I greater than %s?" % other)
...         return False
>>> a = 5
>>> b = B()
>>> a < b
Am I greater than 5?

Operators can have multiple implementations (in this case, the
interpreter found that "int < B" didn't have an implementation, so it
switched it to b > a and re-evaluated).


From ben+python at  Wed Jul 13 01:52:13 2016
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:52:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at> writes:

> Questions around "only one possibilities how to write it" could be
> probably answered with this?
>   a<b
>   a.__lt__(b)

The maxim is not ?only one way?. That is a common misconception, but it
is easily dispelled: read the Zen of Python (by ?import this? in the
interactive prompt).

Rather, the maxim is ?There should be one obvious way to do it?, with a
parenthetical ?and preferably only one?.

So the emphasis is on the way being *obvious*, and all other ways being
non-obvious. This leads, of course, to choosing the best way to also be
the one obvious way to do it.

Your example above supports this: the comparison ?a < b? is the one
obvious way to compare whether ?a? is less than ?b?.

 \       ?It is forbidden to steal hotel towels. Please if you are not |
  `\          person to do such is please not to read notice.? ?hotel, |
_o__)                                               Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Ben Finney

From pavol.lisy at  Wed Jul 13 02:56:55 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 08:56:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/13/16, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at> writes:
>> Questions around "only one possibilities how to write it" could be
>> probably answered with this?
>>   a<b
>>   a.__lt__(b)
> The maxim is not ?only one way?. That is a common misconception, but it
> is easily dispelled: read the Zen of Python (by ?import this? in the
> interactive prompt).
> Rather, the maxim is ?There should be one obvious way to do it?, with a
> parenthetical ?and preferably only one?.
> So the emphasis is on the way being *obvious*, and all other ways being
> non-obvious. This leads, of course, to choosing the best way to also be
> the one obvious way to do it.
> Your example above supports this: the comparison ?a < b? is the one
> obvious way to compare whether ?a? is less than ?b?.
> --
>  \       ?It is forbidden to steal hotel towels. Please if you are not |
>   `\          person to do such is please not to read notice.? ?hotel, |
> _o__)                                               Kowloon, Hong Kong |
> Ben Finney
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

I don't support this lambda proposal (in this moment - but probably
somebody could convince me).

But if we will accept it then Unicode version could be the obvious one
couldn't be?

From matt at  Wed Jul 13 03:30:24 2016
From: matt at (Matt Gilson)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 00:30:24 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:56 PM, Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at> wrote:

> On 7/13/16, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> > Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at> writes:
> >
> >> Questions around "only one possibilities how to write it" could be
> >> probably answered with this?
> >>
> >>   a<b
> >>   a.__lt__(b)
> >
> > The maxim is not ?only one way?. That is a common misconception, but it
> > is easily dispelled: read the Zen of Python (by ?import this? in the
> > interactive prompt).
> >
> > Rather, the maxim is ?There should be one obvious way to do it?, with a
> > parenthetical ?and preferably only one?.
> >
> > So the emphasis is on the way being *obvious*, and all other ways being
> > non-obvious. This leads, of course, to choosing the best way to also be
> > the one obvious way to do it.
> >
> > Your example above supports this: the comparison ?a < b? is the one
> > obvious way to compare whether ?a? is less than ?b?.
> >
> > --
> >  \       ?It is forbidden to steal hotel towels. Please if you are not |
> >   `\          person to do such is please not to read notice.? ?hotel, |
> > _o__)                                               Kowloon, Hong Kong |
> > Ben Finney
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Python-ideas mailing list
> > Python-ideas at
> >
> > Code of Conduct:
> I don't support this lambda proposal (in this moment - but probably
> somebody could convince me).
I don't either, but I'm glad it was brought up regardless...

> But if we will accept it then Unicode version could be the obvious one
> couldn't be?

I certainly hope not.  As a user with no lambda key on my keyboard, the
only way that I know to input one is to do a google search for "unicode
greek letter lambda" and copy/paste one of those characters into my editor

FWIW, I think that the cons here far outweigh the pros -- As a former
physicist, when I see a lambda character, I immediately think of a whole
host of things (wavelength!) and none of them is "anonymous function".
Perhaps someone who works more with lambda calculus (or with a more
rigorous comp-sci background) would disagree -- but my point is that this
notation would possibly only serve a small community -- and it could
possibly break code for another small group of users who are using lambdas
as variable names to be clever (which is another practice that I wouldn't
support...) and finally, I think it might just be confusing for other
people (1-character non-ascii keywords?  If my editor's syntax definition
wasn't up-to-date, I'd definitely expect a `SyntaxError` from that).

All of that aside, it seems like the pros that the original poster
mentioned could be gained by writing a plugin for your editor that makes
the swap on save and load.  Apparently this already exists for some editors
-- Why risk breaking existing code to add a syntax that can be handled by
an editor extension?

> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:


[image: pattern-sig.png]


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From p.f.moore at  Wed Jul 13 04:51:02 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 09:51:02 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 July 2016 at 05:00, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> Not too many people like Cobol-like spelling:
> add 1 to the_number
> over "n += 1". So I think that arguments for keeping "traditional
> spelling" are mostly about familiarity. If we learned lambda calculus in
> high school, perhaps ? would be less exotic.

It's probably also relevant in this context that more "modern"
languages tend to avoid the term lambda but embrace "anonymous
functions" with syntax such as

    (x, y) -> x+y

or whatever.

So while "better syntax for lambda expressions" is potentially a
reasonable goal, I don't think that perpetuating the concept/name
"lambda" is necessary or valuable.


From srkunze at  Wed Jul 13 06:43:56 2016
From: srkunze at (Sven R. Kunze)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 12:43:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13.07.2016 10:51, Paul Moore wrote:
> On 13 July 2016 at 05:00, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> Not too many people like Cobol-like spelling:
>> add 1 to the_number
>> over "n += 1". So I think that arguments for keeping "traditional
>> spelling" are mostly about familiarity. If we learned lambda calculus in
>> high school, perhaps ? would be less exotic.
> It's probably also relevant in this context that more "modern"
> languages tend to avoid the term lambda but embrace "anonymous
> functions" with syntax such as
>      (x, y) -> x+y
> or whatever.
> So while "better syntax for lambda expressions" is potentially a
> reasonable goal, I don't think that perpetuating the concept/name
> "lambda" is necessary or valuable.

Exactly, there's not much value in having yet another way of writing 
'lambda:'. Keeping other languages in mind and the conservative stance 
Python usually takes,  the arrow ('=>') would be the only valid 
alternative for a "better syntax for lambda expressions". However, IIRC, 
this has been debated and won't happen.

Personally, I have other associations with ?. Thus, I would rather see 
it as a variable name in such contexts.

> Paul
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

From storchaka at  Wed Jul 13 12:40:02 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:40:02 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects supporting
 the buffer protocol
Message-ID: <nm5qt3$buq$>

Unbound methods can be used as functions in python. bytes.lower(b) is 
the same as b.lower() if b is an instance of bytes. Many functions and 
methods that work with bytes accept not just bytes, but arbitrary 
objects that support the buffer protocol. Including bytes methods:

     >>> b'a:b'.split(memoryview(b':'))
     [b'a', b'b']

But the first argument of unbound bytes method can be only a bytes instance.

     >>> bytes.split(memoryview(b'a:b'), b':')
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
     TypeError: descriptor 'split' requires a 'bytes' object but 
received a 'memoryview'

I think it would be helpful to allow using unbound bytes methods with 
arbitrary objects that support the buffer protocol as the first 
argument. This would allow to avoid unneeded copying (the primary 
purpose of the buffer protocol).

     >>> bytes.split(memoryview(b'a:b'), b':')
     [b'a', b'b']

From mertz at  Wed Jul 13 01:40:55 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 22:40:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I use the vim conceal plugin myself too.  It's whimsical, but I like the
appearance of it.  So I get the sentiment of the original poster.  But in
my conceal configuration, I substitute a bunch of characters visually (if
the attachment works, and screenshot example of some, but not all will be
in this message).  And honestly, having my text editor make the
substitution is exactly what I want.

If anyone really wanted, a very simple preprocessor (really just a few
lines of sed, or a few str.replace() calls) could transform your *.py+
files into *.py by simple string substitution.  There's no need to change
the inherent syntax.  This would not be nearly as big a change as a
superset language like Coconut (which looks interesting), it's just 1-to-1
correspondence between strings.

Moreover, even if special characters *were* part of Python, I'd probably
want my text editor to provide me shortcuts or aliases.  I have no idea how
to enter the Unicode GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL directly from my
keyboard.  It would be much more practical for me to type '\epsilon' (a l?
LaTeX), or really just 'in', and let my editor alias/substitute that for
me.  Likewise, to get a GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA, a very nice editor
shortcut would be 'lambda'.  Same goes if someone make a py+-preprocessor
that takes the various special symbols?I'd still want mnemonics that are
more easily available on my keyboard.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 8:25 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:

> A fair point. But Python has a strong mathematical side (look how big
> the numpy/scipy/matplotlib communities are), and we've already seen
> how strongly they prefer "a @ b" to "a.matmul(b)". If there's support
> for a language variant that uses more and shorter symbols, that would
> be where I'd expect to find it.

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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From stephen at  Wed Jul 13 14:15:06 2016
From: stephen at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 03:15:06 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > And as for programmers... the popularity of one-liners, the
 > obfuscated C competition, code golf, "clever coding tricks" etc is
 > rarely for the purposes of communication *about code*.

Sure, but *Python* is popular because it's easy to communicate *with*
and (usually) *about* Python code, and it does pretty well on "terse"
for many algorithmic idioms.  (Yes, there are other reasons --
reasonable performance, batteries included, etc.  That doesn't make
the design of the language *not* a reason for its popularity.)

You seem to be understanding my statements to be much more general
than they are.  I'm only suggesting that this applies to Python as we
know and love it, and to Pythonic tradition.

 > The major objection is that I think its still too hard to expect the 
 > average programmer to be able to produce the ? symbol on demand. We 
 > don't all have a Greek keyboard :-)

So what?  If you run Mac OS X, Windows, or X11, you do have a keyboard
capable of producing Greek.  And the same chords work in any Unicode-
capable editor, it's just that the Greek letters aren't printed on the
keycaps.  Neither are emoticons, nor the CUA gestures (bucky-X[1],
bucky-C, bucky-V, and the oh-so-useful bucky-Z) but those are
everywhere.  Any 10-year-old can find them somehow!  To the extent
that Python would consider such changes (ie, a half-dozen or so
one-character replacements for multicharacter operators or keywords),
it would be very nearly as learnable to type them as to read them.

The problem (if it exists, of course -- obviously, I believe it does
but YMMV) is all about overloading people's ability to perceive the
meaning of code without reading it token by token.

[1]  Bucky = Control, Alt, Meta, Command, Option, Windows, etc. keys.

From p.f.moore at  Wed Jul 13 15:20:33 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 20:20:33 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 July 2016 at 19:15, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at> wrote:
> So what?  If you run Mac OS X, Windows, or X11, you do have a keyboard
> capable of producing Greek.  And the same chords work in any Unicode-
> capable editor, it's just that the Greek letters aren't printed on the
> keycaps.  Neither are emoticons, nor the CUA gestures (bucky-X[1],
> bucky-C, bucky-V, and the oh-so-useful bucky-Z) but those are
> everywhere.  Any 10-year-old can find them somehow!

Um, as someone significantly older than 10 years old, I don't know how
to type a lambda character on my Windows UK keyboard... Note that
memorising the Unicode code point, and doing the weird numpad "enter a
numeric character code" trick that I can never remember how to do,
doesn't count as a realistic option...

If it were that easy to type arbitrary characters, why would Vim have
the "digraph" facility to insert Unicode characters using 2-character


From alexander.belopolsky at  Wed Jul 13 16:42:01 2016
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 15:42:01 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:

> Um, as someone significantly older than 10 years old, I don't know how
> to type a lambda character on my Windows UK keyboard...

FWIW, in IPython/Jupyter notebooks one can type \lambda followed by a tab
to get the ? character.  The difficulty of typing is a red herring.  Once
it is a part of the language, every editor targeted at a Python programmer
will provide the means to type ? with fewer than 6 keystrokes (6 is the
number of keystrokes needed to type "lambda" without autocompletion.)  The
unfamiliarity is also not an issue.  I am yet to meet a Python programer
who knows what the keyword "lambda" is but does not know how the namesake
Greek character looks.

I am +0 on this feature.  I would be +1 if ? was not already a valid

This is one of those features that can easily be ignored by someone who
does not need it, but can significantly improve the experience of those who
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From alan.cristh at  Wed Jul 13 16:56:41 2016
From: alan.cristh at (Alan Cristhian)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:56:41 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Another identifier could be "/\" that looks like the uppercase lambda.
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From tjreedy at  Wed Jul 13 17:09:14 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:09:14 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects
 supporting the buffer protocol
In-Reply-To: <nm5qt3$buq$>
References: <nm5qt3$buq$>
Message-ID: <nm6alt$6b9$>

On 7/13/2016 12:40 PM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> Unbound methods can be used as functions in python.

According to my naive understanding, in Python 3, there are not supposed 
to be 'unbound methods'.  Functions accessed as a class attribute are 
supposed to *be* functions, and not just usable as a function.  This is 
true, at least for Python-coded classes.

class C():
	def f(self, other):
		return self + other

# <function C.f at 0x000001BAFC97D598>
# 3
print(C.f('a', 'b'))
# 'ab'

This works because the Python code is generic and being accessed as a 
class attribute does not impose additional restrictions on inputs beyond 
those inherent in the code itself.

 >>> C.f('a', 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#29>", line 1, in <module>
     C.f('a', 2)
   File "<pyshell#5>", line 3, in f
     return self + other
TypeError: must be str, not int

 >>> 'a'+2
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#30>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: must be str, not int

If the situation is different for C-coded functions and classes, them it 
would seem impossible to write a drop-in replacement for Python-coded 

 > bytes.lower(b) is
> the same as b.lower() if b is an instance of bytes. Many functions and
> methods that work with bytes accept not just bytes, but arbitrary
> objects that support the buffer protocol. Including bytes methods:
>     >>> b'a:b'.split(memoryview(b':'))
>     [b'a', b'b']
> But the first argument of unbound bytes method can be only a bytes
> instance.
>     >>> bytes.split(memoryview(b'a:b'), b':')
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>     TypeError: descriptor 'split' requires a 'bytes' object but received
> a 'memoryview'

My naive expectation was that bytes.split should be a built-in function, 
like open -- but it is not

 >>> open
<built-in function open>
 >>> bytes.split
<method 'split' of 'bytes' objects>

and that the C coded split function would type check both args for being 
bytes-like, as it does with the second.

 >>> b'a:b'.split(':')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<pyshell#32>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Assuming that the descriptor check is not just an unintened holdover 
from 2.x, it seems that for C-coded functions used as methods, 
type-checking the first arg was conceptually factored out and replaced 
by a generic check in the descriptor mechanism.

In this case, the descriptor check is stricter that you would like.  Is 
it stricter than necessary?  If the memoryview were passed to the code 
for bytes.check, would the code successfully run to conclusion?  Is it 
sufficiently generic at the machine bytes level?

> I think it would be helpful to allow using unbound bytes methods with
> arbitrary objects that support the buffer protocol as the first
> argument. This would allow to avoid unneeded copying (the primary
> purpose of the buffer protocol).
>     >>> bytes.split(memoryview(b'a:b'), b':')
>     [b'a', b'b']

If the descriptor check cannot be selectively loosened, a possible 
solution might be a base class for all bytes-like buffer protocol 
classes that would have all method functions that work with all 
bytes-like objects.

Terry Jan Reedy

From gokoproject at  Wed Jul 13 17:12:49 2016
From: gokoproject at (John Wong)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 17:12:49 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <
alexander.belopolsky at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> Um, as someone significantly older than 10 years old, I don't know how
>> to type a lambda character on my Windows UK keyboard...
> FWIW, in IPython/Jupyter notebooks one can type \lambda followed by a tab
> to get the ? character.  The difficulty of typing is a red herring.  Once
> it is a part of the language, every editor targeted at a Python programmer
> will provide the means to type ? with fewer than 6 keystrokes (6 is the
> number of keystrokes needed to type "lambda" without autocompletion.)  The
> unfamiliarity is also not an issue.  I am yet to meet a Python programer
> who knows what the keyword "lambda" is but does not know how the namesake
> Greek character looks.
> I am +0 on this feature.  I would be +1 if ? was not already a valid
> identifier.
> This is one of those features that can easily be ignored by someone who
> does not need it, but can significantly improve the experience of those who
> do.
I -1 on this feature. Sorry to be blunt. Are we going to add omega, delta,
psilon and the entire Greek alphabet? There should be one and only one way
to write code in Python as far as a valid identifier is concerned. Is there
an existing exception? I am not saying the experiences of others do not
matter, but we should take a step back and see does this actually make

Also, how do you exactly enter this character for someone who doesn't
really enter unicode character except for the ASCII alphanumeric characters
on a daily basis? How many users can we retain and even convert with this
approach? Is it really worth the go?



On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <
alexander.belopolsky at> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> Um, as someone significantly older than 10 years old, I don't know how
>> to type a lambda character on my Windows UK keyboard...
> FWIW, in IPython/Jupyter notebooks one can type \lambda followed by a tab
> to get the ? character.  The difficulty of typing is a red herring.  Once
> it is a part of the language, every editor targeted at a Python programmer
> will provide the means to type ? with fewer than 6 keystrokes (6 is the
> number of keystrokes needed to type "lambda" without autocompletion.)  The
> unfamiliarity is also not an issue.  I am yet to meet a Python programer
> who knows what the keyword "lambda" is but does not know how the namesake
> Greek character looks.
> I am +0 on this feature.  I would be +1 if ? was not already a valid
> identifier.
> This is one of those features that can easily be ignored by someone who
> does not need it, but can significantly improve the experience of those who
> do.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From alexander.belopolsky at  Wed Jul 13 21:28:28 2016
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 20:28:28 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:12 PM, John Wong <gokoproject at> wrote:
> Sorry to be blunt. Are we going to add omega, delta, psilon and the entire Greek alphabet?

Breaking news: the entire Greek alphabet is already available for use in Python. If someone wants to write code that looks like a series of missing character boxes on your screen she already can.

PS: There is no letter called "psilon" in the Greek alphabet or anywhere else in the Unicode. 

From ethan at  Wed Jul 13 21:57:37 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:57:37 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/13/2016 06:28 PM, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
>> On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:12 PM, John Wong wrote:

>> Sorry to be blunt. Are we going to add omega, delta, psilon and the entire Greek alphabet?
> Breaking news: the entire Greek alphabet is already available for use in Python.

Indeed.  We can all use any letters in unicode for our identifiers.

Does Python currently use any one-letter keywords?  So why start now?


From steve at  Wed Jul 13 22:44:15 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 12:44:15 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 03:42:01PM -0500, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:20 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> >
> > Um, as someone significantly older than 10 years old, I don't know how
> > to type a lambda character on my Windows UK keyboard...
> FWIW, in IPython/Jupyter notebooks one can type \lambda followed by a tab
> to get the ? character.  The difficulty of typing is a red herring.  Once
> it is a part of the language, every editor targeted at a Python programmer
> will provide the means to type ? 

Great for those using an editor targeted at Python programmers, but most 
editors are more general than that. Which means that programmers will 
find themselves split into two camps: those who can easily type ?, and 
those that cannot.

In the 1980s and 90s, I was a Macintosh user, and one nice feature of 
the Macs at the time was the ease of typing non-ASCII characters. (Of 
course there were a lot fewer back then: MacRoman is an 8-bit extention 
to ASCII, compared to Unicode with its thousands of code points.) 
Consequently I've used an Apple-specific language that included 
operators like ? ? ? and it is *really nice*.

But Apple has the advantage of controlling the entire platform and they 
could ensure that these characters could be input from any application 
on any machine using exactly the same key sequence. (By memory, it was 
option-= to get ?.) We don't have that advantage, and frankly I think 
you are underestimating the *practical* difficulties for input.

I recently discovered (by accident!) the Linux compose key. So now I 
know how to enter ? at the keyboard: COMPOSE mu does the job. So maybe 
COMPOSE lambda works? Nope. How about COMPOSE l or shift-l or ll or la 
or yy (its an upside down y, right, and COMPOSE ee gives ?)?

No, none of these things work on my system. They may work on your system: since 
discovering COMPOSE, I keep coming across people who state "oh, its easy 
to type such-and-such a character, just type COMPOSE key-sequence, its 
standard and will work on EVERY LINUX SYSTEM EVERYWHERE". Not a chance. 
The key bindings for COMPOSE are anything but standard.

And COMPOSE is *really* hard to use well: it gives no feedback if you 
make a mistake except to silently ignore your keypresses (or insert the 
wrong character). So invariably, every time I want to enter a non-ASCII 
character, it takes me out of "thinking about code" into "thinking about 
how to enter characters", sometimes for minutes at a time as I hunt for 
the character in "Character Map" or google for it on the Internet.

It may be reasonable to argue that code is read more than it is written:

- suppose that reading ? has a *tiny* benefit of 1% over "lambda" 
  (for those who have learned what it means);
- but typing it is (lets say) 50 times harder than typing "lambda";
- but we read code 50 times as often as we type it;
- so the total benefit (50*1.01 - 50) is positive.

Invent your own numbers, and you'll come up with your own results. I 
don't think there's any *objective* way to decide this question. And 
that's why I don't think that Python should take this step: let other 
languages experiment with non-ASCII keywords first, or let people 
experiment with translators that transform ? into != and ? into lambda.


From alexander.belopolsky at  Wed Jul 13 23:17:15 2016
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:17:15 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 8:57 PM, Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
> Does Python currently use any one-letter keywords?


> So why start now?

There is no slippery slope or a hidden agenda in this proposal.  The lambda keyword is unique in the Python language.  It is the only keyword that does not have an obvious meaning as an English word or an abbreviation of such.  There is no other keyword that literally is a name of a letter.  (Luckily, iota and rho are spelled range and len in Python and those are not keywords anyways.)

Arguably, it would be more Pythonic to spell an anonymous function creation keyword as "function" or "fun" ("func" does not smell right), but Python ended up with an English name for a Greek letter.  That was before Unicode became ubiquitous.  I don't see much harm in allowing a proper spelling for it now. 

From alexander.belopolsky at  Wed Jul 13 23:31:52 2016
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:31:52 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> Which means that programmers will 
> find themselves split into two camps: those who can easily type ?, and 
> those that cannot.

We already have two camps: those who don't mind using "lambda" and those who would only use "def."

I would expect that those who will benefit most are people who routinely write expressions that involve a lambda that returns a lambda that returns a lambda.  There is a niche for such programming style and using ? instead of lambda will improve the readability of such programs for those who can understand them in the current form.

For the "def" camp, the possibility of a non-ascii spelling will serve as yet another argument to avoid using anonymous functions. 

From alexander.belopolsky at  Thu Jul 14 00:01:15 2016
From: alexander.belopolsky at (Alexander Belopolsky)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 23:01:15 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Jul 13, 2016, at 9:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> I think 
> you are underestimating the *practical* difficulties for input.

I appreciate those difficulties (I am typing this on an iPhone), but I think they are irrelevant.  I can imagine 3 scenarios:

1. (The 99% case) You will never see ? in the code and never write it yourself.  You can be happily unaware of this feature. 

2. You see ? occasionally, but don't like it.  You continue using spelled out "lambda" (or just use "def") in the code that you write.

3. You work on a project where local coding style mandates that lambda is spelled ?.  In this case, there will be plenty of places in the code base to copy and paste ? from. (In the worst case you copy and paste it from the coding style manual.)  More likely, however, the project that requires ? would have a precommit hook that translates lambda to ? in all new code and you can continue using the 6-character keyword in your input. 

From ben+python at  Thu Jul 14 00:20:19 2016
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:20:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alexander Belopolsky
<alexander.belopolsky at> writes:

> We already have two camps: those who don't mind using "lambda" and
> those who would only use "def."

I don't know anyone in the latter camp, do you?

I am in the camp that loves ?lambda? for some narrowly-specified
purposes *and* thinks ?def? is generally a better tool.

 \               ?? correct code is great, code that crashes could use |
  `\           improvement, but incorrect code that doesn?t crash is a |
_o__)                    horrible nightmare.? ?Chris Smith, 2008-08-22 |
Ben Finney

From jmcs at  Thu Jul 14 02:13:30 2016
From: jmcs at (=?UTF-8?B?Sm/Do28gU2FudG9z?=)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 08:13:30 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> 3. You work on a project where local coding style mandates that lambda is
> spelled ?.  In this case, there will be plenty of places in the code base to*
> copy and paste ? from*. (In the worst case you copy and paste it from the
> coding style manual.)  More likely, however, the project that requires ?
> would have a precommit hook that translates lambda to ? in all new code and
> you can continue using the 6-character keyword in your input.

That this your solution makes the proposoal a -100 and if you're going to
implement a precommit hook to convert lambda to ? you might has well
implement a custom coding that supports ? (like pyxl does for html\xml
tags). Python isn't and shouldn't be APL.
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From mertz at  Thu Jul 14 02:39:26 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 23:39:26 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at>

> - suppose that reading ? has a *tiny* benefit of 1% over "lambda"
>   (for those who have learned what it means);
> - but typing it is (lets say) 50 times harder than typing "lambda";
> - but we read code 50 times as often as we type it;
> - so the total benefit (50*1.01 - 50) is positive.

I actually *do* think ? is a little bit more readable.  And I have no idea
how to type it directly on my El Capitan system with the ABC Extended
keyboard.  But I still get 100% of the benefit in readability simply by
using vim's conceal feature.  If I used a different editor I'd have to hope
for a similar feature (or program it myself), but this is purely a display
question.  Similarly, I think syntax highlighting makes my code much more
readable, but I don't want colors for keywords built into the language.
That is, and should remain, a matter of tooling not core language (I don't
want for Python).

FWIW, my conceal configuration is at link I give in a moment.  I've
customized a bunch of special stuff besides lambda, take it or leave it:

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 14 04:52:19 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:52:19 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects
 supporting the buffer protocol
In-Reply-To: <nm6alt$6b9$>
References: <nm5qt3$buq$> <nm6alt$6b9$>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 July 2016 at 07:09, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> Assuming that the descriptor check is not just an unintened holdover from
> 2.x, it seems that for C-coded functions used as methods, type-checking the
> first arg was conceptually factored out and replaced by a generic check in
> the descriptor mechanism.

It's intentional - the default C level descriptors typecheck their
first argument, since getting that wrong may cause a segfault in most

> If the descriptor check cannot be selectively loosened, a possible solution
> might be a base class for all bytes-like buffer protocol classes that would
> have all method functions that work with all bytes-like objects.

A custom wrapper descriptor that checks for "supports the buffer
protocol" rather than "is a bytes-like object" is certainly possible,
so I believe Serhiy's question here is more a design question around
"Should they?" than it is a technical question around "Can they?".

Given the way this would behave if "bytes" was implemented in Python
rather than C (i.e. unbound methods would rely on ducktyping, even for
the first argument), +1 from me for making the unbound methods for
bytes compatible with arbitrary objects supporting the buffer


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From random832 at  Thu Jul 14 09:10:44 2016
From: random832 at (Random832)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:10:44 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 09:42, Random832 wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 08:38, Stephan Houben wrote:
> > I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
> > past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.
> How about a haskell-style backslash?

Nobody has any thoughts at all?

From walker_s at  Thu Jul 14 09:22:06 2016
From: walker_s at (SW)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:22:06 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <BLU437-SMTP30F3DA885E8338C19B8620B8320@phx.gbl>

To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.


On 14/07/16 14:10, Random832 wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 09:42, Random832 wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 08:38, Stephan Houben wrote:
>>> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
>>> past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.
>> How about a haskell-style backslash?
> Nobody has any thoughts at all?
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

From rosuav at  Thu Jul 14 09:27:35 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 23:27:35 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <BLU437-SMTP30F3DA885E8338C19B8620B8320@phx.gbl>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM, SW <walker_s at> wrote:
> To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
> next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.

But it also has the meaning of "the next character is special", such
as \n for newline or \uNNNN for a Unicode escape. However, I suspect
there might be a parsing conflict:

do_stuff(stuff_with_long_name, more_stuff, what_is_next_arg, \

At that point in the parsing, are you looking at a lambda function or
a line continuation? Sure, style guides would decry this (put the
backslash with its function, dummy!), but the parser can't depend on
style guides being followed.

-1 on using backslash for this.
-0 on ?.


From walker_s at  Thu Jul 14 09:49:04 2016
From: walker_s at (SW)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:49:04 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <BLU436-SMTP6869F6B764D38844571E1CB8320@phx.gbl>

Ah, yes, sorry- it certainly holds that meaning to me as well. I agree
with your stated views on this (and ratings):

-1 on using backslash for this.
-0 on ?.


On 14/07/16 14:27, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM, SW <walker_s at> wrote:
>> To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
>> next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.
> But it also has the meaning of "the next character is special", such
> as \n for newline or \uNNNN for a Unicode escape. However, I suspect
> there might be a parsing conflict:
> do_stuff(stuff_with_long_name, more_stuff, what_is_next_arg, \
> At that point in the parsing, are you looking at a lambda function or
> a line continuation? Sure, style guides would decry this (put the
> backslash with its function, dummy!), but the parser can't depend on
> style guides being followed.
> -1 on using backslash for this.
> -0 on ?.
> ChrisA
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

From cody.piersall at  Thu Jul 14 09:53:51 2016
From: cody.piersall at (Cody Piersall)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 08:53:51 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Stephan Houben <stephanh42 at> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Here is my speculative language idea for Python:
> Allow the following alternative spelling of the keyword `lambda':
> ?
> (That is "Unicode Character 'GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA' (U+03BB).")

Just to be a small data point, I have written code that uses ? as a
variable name (as someone mentioned elsewhere in the thread, Jupyter
Notebook makes typing Greek characters easy).  Because this would
break code that I have written, and I suspect it would break other
code as well, I am -1 on the proposal.  How selfish of me!


From elazarg at  Thu Jul 14 10:19:35 2016
From: elazarg at (=?UTF-8?B?15DXnNei15bXqA==?=)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:19:35 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

`def` is a much more readable alternative, which will be more familiar to
newcomers. The expression/block ambiguity can be resolved using different
token instead of colon (perhaps := or an arrow).
I can't understand the reaching for the Greek letter - it is a
computer-science specific term with no intuitive meaning.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 4:49 PM <python-ideas-request at> wrote:

> Send Python-ideas mailing list submissions to
>         python-ideas at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         python-ideas-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         python-ideas-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Python-ideas digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:  allow `lambda' to be spelled ? (David Mertz)
>    2. Re: Use unbound bytes methods with objects supporting the
>       buffer protocol (Nick Coghlan)
>    3. Re:  allow `lambda' to be spelled ? (Random832)
>    4. Re:  allow `lambda' to be spelled ? (SW)
>    5. Re:  allow `lambda' to be spelled ? (Chris Angelico)
>    6. Re:  allow `lambda' to be spelled ? (SW)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 23:39:26 -0700
> From: David Mertz <mertz at>
> To: "Steven D'Aprano" <steve at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas]  allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAEbHw4aVKCXLu2DC7K6ArxVHAjOkc15yk+irtPKfBa5xEy0G2A at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at>
> wrote:
> > - suppose that reading ? has a *tiny* benefit of 1% over "lambda"
> >   (for those who have learned what it means);
> > - but typing it is (lets say) 50 times harder than typing "lambda";
> > - but we read code 50 times as often as we type it;
> > - so the total benefit (50*1.01 - 50) is positive.
> I actually *do* think ? is a little bit more readable.  And I have no idea
> how to type it directly on my El Capitan system with the ABC Extended
> keyboard.  But I still get 100% of the benefit in readability simply by
> using vim's conceal feature.  If I used a different editor I'd have to hope
> for a similar feature (or program it myself), but this is purely a display
> question.  Similarly, I think syntax highlighting makes my code much more
> readable, but I don't want colors for keywords built into the language.
> That is, and should remain, a matter of tooling not core language (I don't
> want for Python).
> FWIW, my conceal configuration is at link I give in a moment.  I've
> customized a bunch of special stuff besides lambda, take it or leave it:
> --
> Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
> from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
> uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
> advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
> to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: <
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:52:19 +1000
> From: Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>
> To: Terry Reedy <tjreedy at>
> Cc: "python-ideas at" <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects
>         supporting the buffer protocol
> Message-ID:
>         <CADiSq7fBqm9HHjVUrHhq=
> H_DGLZAp2LhgWiWwj97N7Wt31eEEw at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 14 July 2016 at 07:09, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> wrote:
> > Assuming that the descriptor check is not just an unintened holdover from
> > 2.x, it seems that for C-coded functions used as methods, type-checking
> the
> > first arg was conceptually factored out and replaced by a generic check
> in
> > the descriptor mechanism.
> It's intentional - the default C level descriptors typecheck their
> first argument, since getting that wrong may cause a segfault in most
> cases.
> > If the descriptor check cannot be selectively loosened, a possible
> solution
> > might be a base class for all bytes-like buffer protocol classes that
> would
> > have all method functions that work with all bytes-like objects.
> A custom wrapper descriptor that checks for "supports the buffer
> protocol" rather than "is a bytes-like object" is certainly possible,
> so I believe Serhiy's question here is more a design question around
> "Should they?" than it is a technical question around "Can they?".
> Given the way this would behave if "bytes" was implemented in Python
> rather than C (i.e. unbound methods would rely on ducktyping, even for
> the first argument), +1 from me for making the unbound methods for
> bytes compatible with arbitrary objects supporting the buffer
> protocol.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:10:44 -0400
> From: Random832 <random832 at>
> To: python-ideas at
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas]  allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Message-ID:
>         <1468501844.2375597.666170897.1B915C53 at
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 09:42, Random832 wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 08:38, Stephan Houben wrote:
> > > I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
> > > past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.
> >
> > How about a haskell-style backslash?
> Nobody has any thoughts at all?
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:22:06 +0100
> From: SW <walker_s at>
> To: python-ideas at
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas]  allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Message-ID: <BLU437-SMTP30F3DA885E8338C19B8620B8320 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
> To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
> next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.
> S
> On 14/07/16 14:10, Random832 wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 09:42, Random832 wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016, at 08:38, Stephan Houben wrote:
> >>> I know people have been clamoring for shorter lambda-syntax in the
> >>> past, I think this is a nice minimal extension.
> >> How about a haskell-style backslash?
> > Nobody has any thoughts at all?
> > _______________________________________________
> > Python-ideas mailing list
> > Python-ideas at
> >
> > Code of Conduct:
> >
> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 23:27:35 +1000
> From: Chris Angelico <rosuav at>
> Cc: python-ideas <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas]  allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Message-ID:
>         <
> CAPTjJmqn6RK7FuW9s2+K_t2riYSi3Rpigx5CdUOV6228PV5VTQ at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM, SW <walker_s at> wrote:
> > To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
> > next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.
> But it also has the meaning of "the next character is special", such
> as \n for newline or \uNNNN for a Unicode escape. However, I suspect
> there might be a parsing conflict:
> do_stuff(stuff_with_long_name, more_stuff, what_is_next_arg, \
> At that point in the parsing, are you looking at a lambda function or
> a line continuation? Sure, style guides would decry this (put the
> backslash with its function, dummy!), but the parser can't depend on
> style guides being followed.
> -1 on using backslash for this.
> -0 on ?.
> ChrisA
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 14:49:04 +0100
> From: SW <walker_s at>
> To: python-ideas at
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas]  allow `lambda' to be spelled ?
> Message-ID: <BLU436-SMTP6869F6B764D38844571E1CB8320 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Ah, yes, sorry- it certainly holds that meaning to me as well. I agree
> with your stated views on this (and ratings):
> -1 on using backslash for this.
> -0 on ?.
> Thanks,
> S
> On 14/07/16 14:27, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM, SW <walker_s at> wrote:
> >> To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the
> >> next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.
> > But it also has the meaning of "the next character is special", such
> > as \n for newline or \uNNNN for a Unicode escape. However, I suspect
> > there might be a parsing conflict:
> >
> > do_stuff(stuff_with_long_name, more_stuff, what_is_next_arg, \
> >
> > At that point in the parsing, are you looking at a lambda function or
> > a line continuation? Sure, style guides would decry this (put the
> > backslash with its function, dummy!), but the parser can't depend on
> > style guides being followed.
> >
> > -1 on using backslash for this.
> > -0 on ?.
> >
> > ChrisA
> > _______________________________________________
> > Python-ideas mailing list
> > Python-ideas at
> >
> > Code of Conduct:
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> ------------------------------
> End of Python-ideas Digest, Vol 116, Issue 28
> *********************************************
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From eryksun at  Thu Jul 14 12:31:40 2016
From: eryksun at (eryk sun)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:31:40 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects
 supporting the buffer protocol
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nm5qt3$buq$> <nm6alt$6b9$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> Given the way this would behave if "bytes" was implemented in Python
> rather than C (i.e. unbound methods would rely on ducktyping, even for
> the first argument), +1 from me for making the unbound methods for
> bytes compatible with arbitrary objects supporting the buffer
> protocol.

The buffer protocol is a bit generic for duck typing. Instead the
bytes methods could check for a memoryview with a format that's "B" or

    >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='int16')
    >>> b = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='uint8')
    >>> memoryview(a).format
    >>> memoryview(b).format

It's possible to cast if necessary, e.g. memoryview(a).cast('B'). No
copy of the data is made, so it's still reasonably efficient. This
preserves raising a TypeError for operations that are generally
nonsensical, such as attempting to split() an array of short integers
as if it's just bytes.

From storchaka at  Thu Jul 14 14:14:41 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 21:14:41 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Use unbound bytes methods with objects
 supporting the buffer protocol
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nm5qt3$buq$> <nm6alt$6b9$>
Message-ID: <nm8kqi$go7$>

On 14.07.16 19:31, eryk sun wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 8:52 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> Given the way this would behave if "bytes" was implemented in Python
>> rather than C (i.e. unbound methods would rely on ducktyping, even for
>> the first argument), +1 from me for making the unbound methods for
>> bytes compatible with arbitrary objects supporting the buffer
>> protocol.
> The buffer protocol is a bit generic for duck typing. Instead the
> bytes methods could check for a memoryview with a format that's "B" or
> "b".
>      >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='int16')
>      >>> b = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='uint8')
>      >>> memoryview(a).format
>      'h'
>      >>> memoryview(b).format
>      'B'
> It's possible to cast if necessary, e.g. memoryview(a).cast('B'). No
> copy of the data is made, so it's still reasonably efficient. This
> preserves raising a TypeError for operations that are generally
> nonsensical, such as attempting to split() an array of short integers
> as if it's just bytes.

This looks reasonable. But for now bytes methods accept arbitrary buffers.

     >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='int16')
     >>> b = np.array([1,2,3,4], dtype='uint8')
     >>> b'.'.join([a, b])

From srkunze at  Thu Jul 14 16:19:23 2016
From: srkunze at (Sven R. Kunze)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 22:19:23 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14.07.2016 08:39, David Mertz wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 7:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at 
> <mailto:steve at>> wrote:
>     - suppose that reading ? has a *tiny* benefit of 1% over "lambda"
>       (for those who have learned what it means);
>     - but typing it is (lets say) 50 times harder than typing "lambda";
>     - but we read code 50 times as often as we type it;
>     - so the total benefit (50*1.01 - 50) is positive.
> I actually *do* think ? is a little bit more readable.  And I have no 
> idea how to type it directly on my El Capitan system with the ABC 
> Extended keyboard.  But I still get 100% of the benefit in readability 
> simply by using vim's conceal feature. If I used a different editor 
> I'd have to hope for a similar feature (or program it myself), but 
> this is purely a display question.  Similarly, I think syntax 
> highlighting makes my code much more readable, but I don't want colors 
> for keywords built into the language.  That is, and should remain, a 
> matter of tooling not core language (I don't want 
> for Python).

Very good point. That now is basically the core argument against it at 
least for me. So, -100 on the proposal from me. :)

> FWIW, my conceal configuration is at link I give in a moment.  I've 
> customized a bunch of special stuff besides lambda, take it or leave it:

Nice thing. This could help those using lambda a lot (whatever reason 
they might have to do so). I will redirect it to somebody relying on vim 
heavily for Python development. Thanks. :)

> -- 
> Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
> from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
> uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
> advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
> to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

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From gokoproject at  Thu Jul 14 18:13:08 2016
From: gokoproject at (John Wong)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:13:08 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at> wrote:

> On 14.07.2016 08:39, David Mertz wrote:
> .....
> That is, and should remain, a matter of tooling not core language (I don't
> want  <>
> for Python).
> Very good point. That now is basically the core argument against it at
> least for me. So, -100 on the proposal from me. :)
+1. Editor's job, neither CPython's interpreter nor core grammar.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Alexander Belopolsky <
alexander.belopolsky at> wrote:

> > On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:12 PM, John Wong <gokoproject at> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry to be blunt. Are we going to add omega, delta, psilon and the
> entire Greek alphabet?
> Breaking news: the entire Greek alphabet is already available for use in
> Python. If someone wants to write code that looks like a series of missing
> character boxes on your screen she already can.

You misunderstood my point. I was referring to identifier, what the
proposal is asking. Of course unicode is availalble, people always argue
about unicode, who wouldn't know Python doesn't support unicode.

Why should I write pi in two English characters instead of typing ?? Python
is so popular among the science community, so shouldn't we add that as
well? Excerpt from the question on

t = (?w-?l)/c  # those are used in
e = ?/c        # multiple places.
?w_new = (?w**2 * (1 - (?w**2)/(c**2)*Wwin(t, e)) + ?**2)**.5

If we were to vote on popularity, we'd look at comparing the size of
functional programmers vs scientists. Not saying functional programmers
don't matter (already stressed this in my previous comment), but this is
more like an editor plugin. I personally would love to see such in VIM.


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From p.f.moore at  Thu Jul 14 18:27:20 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 23:27:20 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 14 July 2016 at 23:13, John Wong <gokoproject at> wrote:
> Why should I write pi in two English characters instead of typing ?? Python
> is so popular among the science community, so shouldn't we add that as well?
> Excerpt from the question on
> t = (?w-?l)/c  # those are used in
> e = ?/c        # multiple places.
> ?w_new = (?w**2 * (1 - (?w**2)/(c**2)*Wwin(t, e)) + ?**2)**.5

I'm not sure what you're saying here. You do realise that the above is
perfectly valid Python 3? The SO question you quote is referring to
the fact that identifiers are restricted to (Unicode) *letters* and
that symbol characters can't be used as variable names.

All of which is tangential to the question here which is about using
Unicode in a *keyword*.


From g.rodola at  Thu Jul 14 19:18:55 2016
From: g.rodola at (Giampaolo Rodola')
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 01:18:55 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 12:27 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:

> On 14 July 2016 at 23:13, John Wong <gokoproject at> wrote:
> > Why should I write pi in two English characters instead of typing ??
> Python
> > is so popular among the science community, so shouldn't we add that as
> well?
> > Excerpt from the question on
> >
> :
> >
> > t = (?w-?l)/c  # those are used in
> > e = ?/c        # multiple places.
> > ?w_new = (?w**2 * (1 - (?w**2)/(c**2)*Wwin(t, e)) + ?**2)**.5
> I'm not sure what you're saying here. You do realise that the above is
> perfectly valid Python 3? The SO question you quote is referring to
> the fact that identifiers are restricted to (Unicode) *letters* and
> that symbol characters can't be used as variable names.
> All of which is tangential to the question here which is about using
> Unicode in a *keyword*.

I would personally feel bad about using non-ASCII or even non-english
variable names in code. Heck, I feel so bad about non-ASCII in code that I
even mispell the ? in my last name (Rodol?) and type a' instead. Extending
that to a keyword sounds even worse.
When Python 3 was cooking I remember there were debates on whether removing
"lambda". It stayed, and I'm glad it did, but IMO that should tell it's not
important enough to deserve the breakage of a rule which has never been
broken (non-ASCII for a keyword).

Giampaolo -
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From ncoghlan at  Fri Jul 15 05:01:05 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 19:01:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 15 July 2016 at 09:18, Giampaolo Rodola' <g.rodola at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 12:27 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> All of which is tangential to the question here which is about using
>> Unicode in a *keyword*.
> I would personally feel bad about using non-ASCII or even non-english
> variable names in code. Heck, I feel so bad about non-ASCII in code that I
> even mispell the ? in my last name (Rodol?) and type a' instead. Extending
> that to a keyword sounds even worse.

Unicode-as-identifier makes a lot of sense in situations where you
have a data-driven API (like a pandas dataframe or
collections.namedtuple) and the data you're working with contains
Unicode characters. Hence my choice of example in
- it's easy to imagine cases where the named tuple attributes are
coming from a data source like headers in a CSV file, and in
situations like that, folks shouldn't be forced into awkward
workarounds just because their data contains non-ASCII characters.

> When Python 3 was cooking I remember there were debates on whether removing
> "lambda". It stayed, and I'm glad it did, but IMO that should tell it's not
> important enough to deserve the breakage of a rule which has never been
> broken (non-ASCII for a keyword).

This I largely agree with, though. The *one* argument for improvement
I see potentially working is the one I advanced back in March when I
suggested that adding support for Java's lambda syntax might be worth

However, any proposals along those lines need to be couched in terms
of how they will advance the Python ecosystem as a whole, rather than
"I like using lambda expressions in my code, but I don't like the
'lambda' keyword", as we have a couple of decades worth of evidence
informing us that the latter isn't sufficient justification for


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From antony.lee at  Fri Jul 15 20:51:39 2016
From: antony.lee at (Antony Lee)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 17:51:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Cross-platform pickling of Path objects
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I have opened a month and a half ago but
didn't get any feedback there, so I'll copy-paste it here for comments:

Currently, pickling Path objects lead to issues when working across
platforms: Paths (and, thus, objects that contain Paths) created on a POSIX
platform (PosixPaths) cannot be unpickled on Windows and vice versa.  There
are a few possibilities around this issue.

- Don't do anything about it, you should use PurePaths if you care about
cross-platform compatibility: this would be pretty awkward, as any call to
the Path API would require converting back the PurePath to a Path first.

- Silently convert Paths to PurePaths during pickling (a solution that
seems to have been adopted by for
example): it would be better if Paths at least roundtripped correctly
within a single platform.

- Convert Paths to PurePaths at unpickling time, only if the platform is
different (and possibly with a warning): this is the least bad solution I
came up with so far.  Note that calls to the Path API on a "converted"
PurePath object would be invalid anyways as the PurePath (being of a
different platform) cannot be representing a valid path.


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From ethan at  Fri Jul 15 20:57:50 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 17:57:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Cross-platform pickling of Path objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/15/2016 05:51 PM, Antony Lee wrote:

> I have opened a month and a half ago but didn't get any feedback there, so I'll copy-paste it here for comments:
> Currently, pickling Path objects lead to issues when working across platforms: Paths (and, thus, objects that contain Paths) created on a POSIX platform (PosixPaths) cannot be unpickled on Windows and vice versa.  There are a few possibilities around this issue.
> - Don't do anything about it, you should use PurePaths if you care about cross-platform compatibility: this would be pretty awkward, as any call to the Path API would require converting back the PurePath to a Path first.
> - Silently convert Paths to PurePaths during pickling (a solution that seems to have been adopted by for example): it would be better if Paths at least roundtripped correctly within a single platform.
> - Convert Paths to PurePaths at unpickling time, only if the platform is different (and possibly with a warning): this is the least bad solution I came up with so far.  Note that calls to the Path API on a "converted" PurePath object would be invalid anyways as the PurePath (being of a different platform) cannot be representing a valid path.
> Thoughts?

Any use-case examples?  That would help in deciding on the best path forward.


From antony.lee at  Sat Jul 16 01:51:28 2016
From: antony.lee at (Antony Lee)
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 22:51:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Cross-platform pickling of Path objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sure.  I use pickles to store "processed" (scientific) datasets; they
typically keep the path to a "raw" dataset as an object attribute (of a
Path class, either PosixPath or WindowsPath depending on the "OS"
(POSIX/Windows) of the computer where the processing is originally done),
as it is sometimes useful to go back and check the raw datasets.  However,
in general the processed datasets are enough by themselves, so it makes
sense to transfer them (independently of the raw datasets) to another
computer before further processing.

Obviously, once the processed dataset has been transferred to another
computer, trying to access the raw dataset will fail with an OSError (e.g.,
FileNotFoundError); I have code in place to handle that.  However, if the
file is transferred from a POSIX "OS" to a Windows "OS" or vice-versa, it
becomes impossible to even unpickle the file.

Converting Path objects to PurePaths upon unpickling on a different "OS",
either silently or possibly with a warning, would allow me to just catch
both OSErrors and AttributeErrors when trying to access the raw dataset
from the path attribute of the processed one.


2016-07-15 17:57 GMT-07:00 Ethan Furman <ethan at>:

> On 07/15/2016 05:51 PM, Antony Lee wrote:
> I have opened a month and a half ago
>> but didn't get any feedback there, so I'll copy-paste it here for comments:
>> Currently, pickling Path objects lead to issues when working across
>> platforms: Paths (and, thus, objects that contain Paths) created on a POSIX
>> platform (PosixPaths) cannot be unpickled on Windows and vice versa.  There
>> are a few possibilities around this issue.
>> - Don't do anything about it, you should use PurePaths if you care about
>> cross-platform compatibility: this would be pretty awkward, as any call to
>> the Path API would require converting back the PurePath to a Path first.
>> - Silently convert Paths to PurePaths during pickling (a solution that
>> seems to have been adopted by
>> for
>> example): it would be better if Paths at least roundtripped correctly
>> within a single platform.
>> - Convert Paths to PurePaths at unpickling time, only if the platform is
>> different (and possibly with a warning): this is the least bad solution I
>> came up with so far.  Note that calls to the Path API on a "converted"
>> PurePath object would be invalid anyways as the PurePath (being of a
>> different platform) cannot be representing a valid path.
>> Thoughts?
> Any use-case examples?  That would help in deciding on the best path
> forward.
> --
> ~Ethan~
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> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From ncoghlan at  Sat Jul 16 02:58:31 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2016 16:58:31 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Cross-platform pickling of Path objects
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 16 July 2016 at 15:51, Antony Lee <antony.lee at> wrote:
> Sure.  I use pickles to store "processed" (scientific) datasets; they
> typically keep the path to a "raw" dataset as an object attribute (of a Path
> class, either PosixPath or WindowsPath depending on the "OS" (POSIX/Windows)
> of the computer where the processing is originally done), as it is sometimes
> useful to go back and check the raw datasets.  However, in general the
> processed datasets are enough by themselves, so it makes sense to transfer
> them (independently of the raw datasets) to another computer before further
> processing.
> Obviously, once the processed dataset has been transferred to another
> computer, trying to access the raw dataset will fail with an OSError (e.g.,
> FileNotFoundError); I have code in place to handle that.  However, if the
> file is transferred from a POSIX "OS" to a Windows "OS" or vice-versa, it
> becomes impossible to even unpickle the file.
> Converting Path objects to PurePaths upon unpickling on a different "OS",
> either silently or possibly with a warning, would allow me to just catch
> both OSErrors and AttributeErrors when trying to access the raw dataset from
> the path attribute of the processed one.

The approach of converting to a PurePath with a RuntimeWarning when
unpickling seems reasonable to me - if a particular project wants to
silence that warning, they can use the warning machinery to suppress
it when loading the pickled data.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From storchaka at  Sun Jul 17 15:22:29 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 22:22:29 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
Message-ID: <nmgltm$gpi$>

Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions 
(seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:

1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of 
seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module 
dataview [1].

2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this 
view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can 
be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes 
objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP 
467 [2].

Neither itertools nor collections modules look good place for these 
features, since they are not concrete classes and work only with 
sequences, not general iterables or iterators. On other side, 
mappingproxy and ChainMap look close, maybe new module should be 
oriented not on sequences, but on views.


From michael.selik at  Sun Jul 17 16:08:02 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 20:08:02 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <nmgltm$gpi$>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 17, 2016, 3:22 PM Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at> wrote:

> Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
> 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
> dataview [1].
> 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this
> view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can
> be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes
> objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP
> 467 [2].

NumPy slicing and reshaping sounds like it satisfies these requirements.
Does it not?

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From mertz at  Sun Jul 17 17:56:29 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 14:56:29 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

I don't want to speak for Serhiy, but it seems like he wants NumPy-like
behaviors over generic sequences. I think this idea is appealing.

For example, Python list has O(1) append, while the equivalent for
np.ndarray would be an O(n) copy to a larger array.

Expressing those NumPy affordances genetically feels like a good thing.
However, maybe this is something that could live in PyPI first top
stabilize APIs.

On Jul 17, 2016 1:08 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016, 3:22 PM Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at>
> wrote:
>> Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
>> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>> 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
>> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
>> dataview [1].
>> 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this
>> view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can
>> be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes
>> objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP
>> 467 [2].
> NumPy slicing and reshaping sounds like it satisfies these requirements.
> Does it not?
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
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From mertz at  Sun Jul 17 17:57:47 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 14:57:47 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

Generically, not genetically. Shouldn't reply on phone.

On Jul 17, 2016 2:56 PM, "David Mertz" <mertz at> wrote:

> I don't want to speak for Serhiy, but it seems like he wants NumPy-like
> behaviors over generic sequences. I think this idea is appealing.
> For example, Python list has O(1) append, while the equivalent for
> np.ndarray would be an O(n) copy to a larger array.
> Expressing those NumPy affordances genetically feels like a good thing.
> However, maybe this is something that could live in PyPI first top
> stabilize APIs.
> On Jul 17, 2016 1:08 PM, "Michael Selik" <michael.selik at> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016, 3:22 PM Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at>
>> wrote:
>>> Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
>>> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>>> 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
>>> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
>>> dataview [1].
>>> 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this
>>> view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can
>>> be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes
>>> objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP
>>> 467 [2].
>> NumPy slicing and reshaping sounds like it satisfies these requirements.
>> Does it not?
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
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From wes.turner at  Sun Jul 17 18:21:24 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:21:24 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <nmgltm$gpi$>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

There are a number of generic implementations of these sequence algorithms:


On Jul 17, 2016 3:23 PM, "Serhiy Storchaka" <storchaka at> wrote:
> Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
(seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
> 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
dataview [1].


> 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this
view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can be
used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes
objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP 467


> Neither itertools nor collections modules look good place for these
features, since they are not concrete classes and work only with sequences,
not general iterables or iterators. On other side, mappingproxy and
ChainMap look close, maybe new module should be oriented not on sequences,
but on views.
> [1]
> [2]

> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From grant.jenks at  Sun Jul 17 19:00:23 2016
From: grant.jenks at (Grant Jenks)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 16:00:23 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

> > On Jul 17, 2016 3:23 PM, "Serhiy Storchaka" <storchaka at> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
> >
> > 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module dataview [1].
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Wes Turner <wes.turner at> wrote:
> islice?

SortedContainers implements exactly that as a method on SortedList as:

SortedList.islice(start=None, stop=None, reverse=False)
Returns an iterator that slices self from start to stop index,
inclusive and exclusive respectively.
When reverse is True, values are yielded from the iterator in reverse order.
Both start and stop default to None which is automatically inclusive
of the beginning and end.
Return type: iterator


I chose to limit the stride to 1 or -1 using the keyword parameter
"reverse." No complaints though it differs from traditional slice


From rustompmody at  Sun Jul 17 23:41:42 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 20:41:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday, July 15, 2016 at 2:31:54 PM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> However, any proposals along those lines need to be couched in terms
> of how they will advance the Python ecosystem as a whole, rather than
> "I like using lambda expressions in my code, but I don't like the
> 'lambda' keyword", as we have a couple of decades worth of evidence
> informing us that the latter isn't sufficient justification for
> change.
As to the importance of lambdas, on a more conceptual level, most people 
understand that ?-calculus is theoretically important.
A currently running discussion that may indicate that this is true and
pragmatic/software engineering levels also

At the other end of the spectrum on notational/lexical question?

On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 10:13:39 PM UTC+5:30, David Mertz wrote:

    I use the vim conceal plugin myself too.  It's whimsical, but I like 
> the appearance of it.  So I get the sentiment of the original poster.  But 
> in my conceal configuration, I substitute a bunch of characters visually 
> (if the attachment works, and screenshot example of some, but not all will 
> be in this message).  And honestly, having my text editor make the 
> substitution is exactly what I want.

which I find very pretty!

More in the same direction:
Not of course to be taken too literally but rather that the post-ASCII 
world is any-which-how going that direction

As for
Nick Coghlan wrote:

> Unicode-as-identifier makes a lot of sense in situations 

Do consider: 

>>> ? = 1
>>> A = 2
>>> ? + 1 == A

Can (IMHO) go all the way to

Discussion on python list at
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From rustompmody at  Mon Jul 18 00:20:19 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 21:20:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 9:51:16 AM UTC+5:30, Ben Finney wrote:
> Alexander Belopolsky
> <alexander.... at <javascript:>> writes:
> > We already have two camps: those who don't mind using "lambda" and
> > those who would only use "def."
> I don't know anyone in the latter camp, do you?
> I am in the camp that loves ?lambda? for some narrowly-specified
> purposes *and* thinks ?def? is generally a better tool.
I suspect the two major camps are those who consider CS to be a branch of 
math and those who dont
Those who dont typically have a strong resistance to the facts of history: 
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From ethan at  Mon Jul 18 11:17:42 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 08:17:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
Message-ID: <>

There are currently a few locations in the stdlib, such as http and socket, that are now using
Enums to replace constants; those names are all upper-case -- those aren't the names I am
speaking of.

The names I am speaking of are those in brand-new enumerations where we have full control.

As an example:

class FederalHoliday(AutoNumberEnum):
     NewYear = "First day of the year.", 'absolute', JANUARY, 1
     MartinLutherKingJr = "Birth of Civil Rights leader.", 'relative', JANUARY, MONDAY, 3
     President = "Birth of George Washington", 'relative', FEBRUARY, MONDAY, 3
     Memorial = "Memory of fallen soldiers", 'relative', MAY, MONDAY, 5
     Independence = "Declaration of Independence", 'absolute', JULY, 4
     Labor = "American Labor Movement", 'relative', SEPTEMBER, MONDAY, 1
     Columbus = "Americas discovered", 'relative', OCTOBER, MONDAY, 2
     Veterans = "Recognition of Armed Forces service", 'relative', NOVEMBER, 11, 1
     Thanksgiving = "Day of Thanks", 'relative', NOVEMBER, THURSDAY, 4
     Christmas = "Birth of Jesus Christ", 'absolute', DECEMBER, 25

     def __init__(self, doc, type, month, day, occurance=None):
         self.__doc__ = doc
         self.type = type
         self.month = month = day
         self.occurance = occurance

     def date(self, year):
         returns the observed date of the holiday for `year`

     def next_business_day(cls, date, days=1):
         Return the next `days` business day from date.
     def count_business_days(cls, date1, date2):
         Return the number of business days between 'date1' and 'date2'.
     def year(cls, year):
         Return a list of the actual FederalHoliday dates for `year`.
Take the name "NewYear":  if it had been a global constant I would have named it "NEWYEAR"; if
it had been a normal class attribute I would have named it "new_year"; however, being an Enum
member, it is neither of those things.

<context switch>
I've written some custom data types as part of my dbf package, and a few of them have instances
that are singletons that are created in the global (okay, module) namespace, and for them I
followed Python's lead in naming singletons:  Python has used Title Case in such things as None,
True, and False, so I followed suit and named mine -- Null, NullDate, NullTime, NullDateTime, etc.
</context switch>

Given my past history with using and creating singleton objects, I followed suit when creating
my own Enum classes.

I was recently queried about my apparent break with PEP 8 for naming Enum members, to which I

> Considering the strange beast that an Enum is, there is not much precedent for it anywhere.
> Consider:
> - Enum is a class
> -   but it is a container
> -   and can be iterated over
> -   and it has a length (which can be zero)
> -   but it's always True in a boolean sense
> - Enum members are instances of the Enum class
> -   but are pre-created
> -   and new ones cannot be created
> -   but are available as attributes on the class
> Given all that I have been using Title case (or CamelCase) to name the members as it helps
> distinguish an Enum member from an ordinary attribute (which Enum classes can also have).

I forgot to include in that reply that I think CamelCase also helps to emphasize the special
singleton nature of Enum members.

My question for the community:  Your thoughts/opinions of my reasoning, and if you don't agree
then which casing choice would you recommend and use, and why?  (Reminder:  this question does
not include Enums whose names are replacements for existing constants and so the names cannot
be changed.)


From guido at  Mon Jul 18 11:41:05 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 08:41:05 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Honestly my own preference would be to use UPPER_CASE, emphasizing the
const-ness. CapWords is really only used for classes, which are
entirely different beasts. And lower_case is for methods and
variables. I think it's useful to emphasize that an enum is neither.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
> There are currently a few locations in the stdlib, such as http and socket,
> that are now using
> Enums to replace constants; those names are all upper-case -- those aren't
> the names I am
> speaking of.
> The names I am speaking of are those in brand-new enumerations where we have
> full control.
> As an example:
> class FederalHoliday(AutoNumberEnum):
>     NewYear = "First day of the year.", 'absolute', JANUARY, 1
>     MartinLutherKingJr = "Birth of Civil Rights leader.", 'relative',
>     President = "Birth of George Washington", 'relative', FEBRUARY, MONDAY,
> 3
>     Memorial = "Memory of fallen soldiers", 'relative', MAY, MONDAY, 5
>     Independence = "Declaration of Independence", 'absolute', JULY, 4
>     Labor = "American Labor Movement", 'relative', SEPTEMBER, MONDAY, 1
>     Columbus = "Americas discovered", 'relative', OCTOBER, MONDAY, 2
>     Veterans = "Recognition of Armed Forces service", 'relative', NOVEMBER,
> 11, 1
>     Thanksgiving = "Day of Thanks", 'relative', NOVEMBER, THURSDAY, 4
>     Christmas = "Birth of Jesus Christ", 'absolute', DECEMBER, 25
>     def __init__(self, doc, type, month, day, occurance=None):
>         self.__doc__ = doc
>         self.type = type
>         self.month = month
> = day
>         self.occurance = occurance
>     def date(self, year):
>         """
>         returns the observed date of the holiday for `year`
>         """"
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def next_business_day(cls, date, days=1):
>         """
>         Return the next `days` business day from date.
>         """
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def count_business_days(cls, date1, date2):
>         """
>         Return the number of business days between 'date1' and 'date2'.
>         """
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def year(cls, year):
>         """
>         Return a list of the actual FederalHoliday dates for `year`.
>         """
>         ...
> Take the name "NewYear":  if it had been a global constant I would have
> named it "NEWYEAR"; if
> it had been a normal class attribute I would have named it "new_year";
> however, being an Enum
> member, it is neither of those things.
> <context switch>
> I've written some custom data types as part of my dbf package, and a few of
> them have instances
> that are singletons that are created in the global (okay, module) namespace,
> and for them I
> followed Python's lead in naming singletons:  Python has used Title Case in
> such things as None,
> True, and False, so I followed suit and named mine -- Null, NullDate,
> NullTime, NullDateTime, etc.
> </context switch>
> Given my past history with using and creating singleton objects, I followed
> suit when creating
> my own Enum classes.
> I was recently queried about my apparent break with PEP 8 for naming Enum
> members, to which I
> replied:
>> Considering the strange beast that an Enum is, there is not much precedent
>> for it anywhere.
>> Consider:
>> - Enum is a class
>> -   but it is a container
>> -   and can be iterated over
>> -   and it has a length (which can be zero)
>> -   but it's always True in a boolean sense
>> - Enum members are instances of the Enum class
>> -   but are pre-created
>> -   and new ones cannot be created
>> -   but are available as attributes on the class
>> Given all that I have been using Title case (or CamelCase) to name the
>> members as it helps
>> distinguish an Enum member from an ordinary attribute (which Enum classes
>> can also have).
> I forgot to include in that reply that I think CamelCase also helps to
> emphasize the special
> singleton nature of Enum members.
> My question for the community:  Your thoughts/opinions of my reasoning, and
> if you don't agree
> then which casing choice would you recommend and use, and why?  (Reminder:
> this question does
> not include Enums whose names are replacements for existing constants and so
> the names cannot
> be changed.)
> --
> ~Ethan~
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From matt at  Mon Jul 18 12:53:19 2016
From: matt at (Matt Gilson)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 09:53:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I also generally think of Enum as a collection of constants so I favor
CAP_WORDS for enum members.  I will admit that my answer is biased in that
I don't typically create Enums that have a whole bunch of methods as you've
done in your example.  For your example code, I might separate it out into
two classes (something representing a Date and an enum representing a
Holidays).  The former class could use the latter to compute things like
"Next business day", etc.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:41 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> Honestly my own preference would be to use UPPER_CASE, emphasizing the
> const-ness. CapWords is really only used for classes, which are
> entirely different beasts. And lower_case is for methods and
> variables. I think it's useful to emphasize that an enum is neither.
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:17 AM, Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
> > There are currently a few locations in the stdlib, such as http and
> socket,
> > that are now using
> > Enums to replace constants; those names are all upper-case -- those
> aren't
> > the names I am
> > speaking of.
> >
> > The names I am speaking of are those in brand-new enumerations where we
> have
> > full control.
> >
> > As an example:
> >
> > class FederalHoliday(AutoNumberEnum):
> >     NewYear = "First day of the year.", 'absolute', JANUARY, 1
> >     MartinLutherKingJr = "Birth of Civil Rights leader.", 'relative',
> >     President = "Birth of George Washington", 'relative', FEBRUARY,
> > 3
> >     Memorial = "Memory of fallen soldiers", 'relative', MAY, MONDAY, 5
> >     Independence = "Declaration of Independence", 'absolute', JULY, 4
> >     Labor = "American Labor Movement", 'relative', SEPTEMBER, MONDAY, 1
> >     Columbus = "Americas discovered", 'relative', OCTOBER, MONDAY, 2
> >     Veterans = "Recognition of Armed Forces service", 'relative',
> > 11, 1
> >     Thanksgiving = "Day of Thanks", 'relative', NOVEMBER, THURSDAY, 4
> >     Christmas = "Birth of Jesus Christ", 'absolute', DECEMBER, 25
> >
> >     def __init__(self, doc, type, month, day, occurance=None):
> >         self.__doc__ = doc
> >         self.type = type
> >         self.month = month
> > = day
> >         self.occurance = occurance
> >
> >     def date(self, year):
> >         """
> >         returns the observed date of the holiday for `year`
> >         """"
> >         ...
> >
> >     @classmethod
> >     def next_business_day(cls, date, days=1):
> >         """
> >         Return the next `days` business day from date.
> >         """
> >         ...
> >     @classmethod
> >     def count_business_days(cls, date1, date2):
> >         """
> >         Return the number of business days between 'date1' and 'date2'.
> >         """
> >         ...
> >     @classmethod
> >     def year(cls, year):
> >         """
> >         Return a list of the actual FederalHoliday dates for `year`.
> >         """
> >         ...
> > Take the name "NewYear":  if it had been a global constant I would have
> > named it "NEWYEAR"; if
> > it had been a normal class attribute I would have named it "new_year";
> > however, being an Enum
> > member, it is neither of those things.
> >
> > <context switch>
> > I've written some custom data types as part of my dbf package, and a few
> of
> > them have instances
> > that are singletons that are created in the global (okay, module)
> namespace,
> > and for them I
> > followed Python's lead in naming singletons:  Python has used Title Case
> in
> > such things as None,
> > True, and False, so I followed suit and named mine -- Null, NullDate,
> > NullTime, NullDateTime, etc.
> > </context switch>
> >
> > Given my past history with using and creating singleton objects, I
> followed
> > suit when creating
> > my own Enum classes.
> >
> > I was recently queried about my apparent break with PEP 8 for naming Enum
> > members, to which I
> > replied:
> >
> >> Considering the strange beast that an Enum is, there is not much
> precedent
> >> for it anywhere.
> >>
> >> Consider:
> >>
> >> - Enum is a class
> >> -   but it is a container
> >> -   and can be iterated over
> >> -   and it has a length (which can be zero)
> >> -   but it's always True in a boolean sense
> >>
> >> - Enum members are instances of the Enum class
> >> -   but are pre-created
> >> -   and new ones cannot be created
> >> -   but are available as attributes on the class
> >>
> >> Given all that I have been using Title case (or CamelCase) to name the
> >> members as it helps
> >> distinguish an Enum member from an ordinary attribute (which Enum
> classes
> >> can also have).
> >
> >
> > I forgot to include in that reply that I think CamelCase also helps to
> > emphasize the special
> > singleton nature of Enum members.
> >
> > My question for the community:  Your thoughts/opinions of my reasoning,
> and
> > if you don't agree
> > then which casing choice would you recommend and use, and why?
> (Reminder:
> > this question does
> > not include Enums whose names are replacements for existing constants
> and so
> > the names cannot
> > be changed.)
> >
> > --
> > ~Ethan~
> > _______________________________________________
> > Python-ideas mailing list
> > Python-ideas at
> >
> > Code of Conduct:
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:


[image: pattern-sig.png]


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From ethan at  Mon Jul 18 13:22:50 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 10:22:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/18/2016 09:53 AM, Matt Gilson wrote:

> I also generally think of Enum as a collection of constants so I favor CAP_WORDS for enum members.  I will admit that my answer is biased in that I don't typically create Enums that have a whole bunch of methods as you've done in your example.  For your example code, I might separate it out into two classes (something representing a Date and an enum representing a Holidays).  The former class could use the latter to compute things like "Next business day", etc.

Yeah, after I added the 'count_business_days' method I decided to break it apart as BusinessDays for the base behavior, and BankingHolidays for the members themselves; then it won't be US-centric.  I just haven't gotten that far.


From shreydesai at  Mon Jul 18 12:44:45 2016
From: shreydesai at (Shrey Desai)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 09:44:45 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
Message-ID: <>

Python Ideas,

While working on some object-oriented projects in Java, I noticed that Python does not have an @override decorator for methods that are derived from a parent class but overridden for the unique purposes of a base class. With the creation of the @abstractmethod decorator, the override decorator could follow in clearly distinguishing the logic and design between parent/base classes.

Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are inherited from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be overridden, so keeping track of which inherited methods are overridden and which are not would be nice.
With the advent of static typing from mypy:
Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given method overrides the parent method correctly (correct name + parameter list).
When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter list of an abstract method, the children classes should be updated as well. mypy could easily target the methods that need to be altered with the correct method signature.
If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent method, then there could be some error complaining about this. This would be extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.

There is some interest for this as expressed on Stack Overflow ( <>) and some people have also made packages for this, but having it in the standard distribution would be nice. Thoughts?

Shrey Desai <>
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From wes.turner at  Mon Jul 18 14:26:04 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:26:04 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It could also be useful to have @override decorator functionality in

zope.interface supports interface verification at test and runtime.

AAIU,  @override would raise an Exception:
- a) when a subclass specifies @override for a method not defined in a
- b) when the argspecs are different

AFAIU, a)-like functionality does not yet exist in zope.interface

On Jul 18, 2016 1:45 PM, "Shrey Desai" <shreydesai at> wrote:

> Python Ideas,
> While working on some object-oriented projects in Java, I noticed that
> Python does not have an *@override* decorator for methods that are
> derived from a parent class but overridden for the unique purposes of a
> base class. With the creation of the *@abstractmethod* decorator, the
> override decorator could follow in clearly distinguishing the logic and
> design between parent/base classes.
> Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
>    1. For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish
>    between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are inherited
>    from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be overridden, so
>    keeping track of which inherited methods are overridden and which are not
>    would be nice.
>    2. With the advent of static typing from mypy:
>       1. Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given
>       method overrides the parent method correctly (correct name + parameter
>       list).
>       2. When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter
>       list of an abstract method, the children classes should be updated as well.
>       mypy could easily target the methods that need to be altered with the
>       correct method signature.
>       3. If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent
>       method, then there could be some error complaining about this. This would
>       be extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.
> There is some interest for this as expressed on Stack Overflow (
> and some people have also made packages for this, but having it in the
> standard distribution would be nice. Thoughts?
> Sincerely,
> Shrey Desai
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From barry at  Mon Jul 18 14:35:03 2016
From: barry at (Barry Warsaw)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 14:35:03 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 18, 2016, at 08:17 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>Take the name "NewYear": if it had been a global constant I would have named
>it "NEWYEAR"; if it had been a normal class attribute I would have named it
>"new_year"; however, being an Enum member, it is neither of those things.

Since in my code at least, I always include the enum class name at the call
site, underscore_words for enum members is just fine.

class Action(Enum):
    hold = 0
    reject = 1
    discard = 2
    accept = 3
    defer = 4


    if action in (Action.defer, Action.hold):
        # ...
    elif action is Action.discard:
        # ...
    elif action is Action.reject:
        # ...
    elif action is Action.accept:
        # ...

and so on.  Make the code less shifty :).

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From wes.turner at  Mon Jul 18 14:45:11 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 13:45:11 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Maybe a bit OT, but there are also holiday singletons defined in

class USFederalHolidayCalendar(AbstractHolidayCalendar):
    US Federal Government Holiday Calendar based on rules specified by:

class Holiday(object):
    Class that defines a holiday with start/end dates and rules
    for observance.

    def __init__(self, name, year=None, month=None, day=None, offset=None,
                 observance=None, start_date=None, end_date=None,

On Jul 18, 2016 11:18 AM, "Ethan Furman" <ethan at> wrote:

> There are currently a few locations in the stdlib, such as http and
> socket, that are now using
> Enums to replace constants; those names are all upper-case -- those aren't
> the names I am
> speaking of.
> The names I am speaking of are those in brand-new enumerations where we
> have full control.
> As an example:
> class FederalHoliday(AutoNumberEnum):
>     NewYear = "First day of the year.", 'absolute', JANUARY, 1
>     MartinLutherKingJr = "Birth of Civil Rights leader.", 'relative',
>     President = "Birth of George Washington", 'relative', FEBRUARY,
>     Memorial = "Memory of fallen soldiers", 'relative', MAY, MONDAY, 5
>     Independence = "Declaration of Independence", 'absolute', JULY, 4
>     Labor = "American Labor Movement", 'relative', SEPTEMBER, MONDAY, 1
>     Columbus = "Americas discovered", 'relative', OCTOBER, MONDAY, 2
>     Veterans = "Recognition of Armed Forces service", 'relative',
> NOVEMBER, 11, 1
>     Thanksgiving = "Day of Thanks", 'relative', NOVEMBER, THURSDAY, 4
>     Christmas = "Birth of Jesus Christ", 'absolute', DECEMBER, 25
>     def __init__(self, doc, type, month, day, occurance=None):
>         self.__doc__ = doc
>         self.type = type
>         self.month = month
> = day
>         self.occurance = occurance
>     def date(self, year):
>         """
>         returns the observed date of the holiday for `year`
>         """"
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def next_business_day(cls, date, days=1):
>         """
>         Return the next `days` business day from date.
>         """
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def count_business_days(cls, date1, date2):
>         """
>         Return the number of business days between 'date1' and 'date2'.
>         """
>         ...
>     @classmethod
>     def year(cls, year):
>         """
>         Return a list of the actual FederalHoliday dates for `year`.
>         """
>         ...
> Take the name "NewYear":  if it had been a global constant I would have
> named it "NEWYEAR"; if
> it had been a normal class attribute I would have named it "new_year";
> however, being an Enum
> member, it is neither of those things.
> <context switch>
> I've written some custom data types as part of my dbf package, and a few
> of them have instances
> that are singletons that are created in the global (okay, module)
> namespace, and for them I
> followed Python's lead in naming singletons:  Python has used Title Case
> in such things as None,
> True, and False, so I followed suit and named mine -- Null, NullDate,
> NullTime, NullDateTime, etc.
> </context switch>
> Given my past history with using and creating singleton objects, I
> followed suit when creating
> my own Enum classes.
> I was recently queried about my apparent break with PEP 8 for naming Enum
> members, to which I
> replied:
> Considering the strange beast that an Enum is, there is not much precedent
>> for it anywhere.
>> Consider:
>> - Enum is a class
>> -   but it is a container
>> -   and can be iterated over
>> -   and it has a length (which can be zero)
>> -   but it's always True in a boolean sense
>> - Enum members are instances of the Enum class
>> -   but are pre-created
>> -   and new ones cannot be created
>> -   but are available as attributes on the class
>> Given all that I have been using Title case (or CamelCase) to name the
>> members as it helps
>> distinguish an Enum member from an ordinary attribute (which Enum classes
>> can also have).
> I forgot to include in that reply that I think CamelCase also helps to
> emphasize the special
> singleton nature of Enum members.
> My question for the community:  Your thoughts/opinions of my reasoning,
> and if you don't agree
> then which casing choice would you recommend and use, and why?
> (Reminder:  this question does
> not include Enums whose names are replacements for existing constants and
> so the names cannot
> be changed.)
> --
> ~Ethan~
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From ethan at  Mon Jul 18 14:57:40 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 11:57:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/18/2016 09:44 AM, Shrey Desai wrote:

> While working on some object-oriented projects in Java, I noticed that Python does not have an *@override* decorator for methods that are derived from a parent class but overridden for the unique purposes of a base class. With the creation of the *@abstractmethod* decorator, the override decorator could follow in clearly distinguishing the logic and design between parent/base classes.

I certainly see the usefulness of such a decorator, but I don't think it needs to be in stdlib.


From mistersheik at  Mon Jul 18 18:15:09 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 15:15:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I would really like this as I currently comment all my overridden methods 
to remind myself what is an override.

However, I suggest two overrides decorators: one for pure virtuals, and one 
where the pattern is call super.

The assertion for argspecs should only apply when the superclass has a pure 
virtual method.

The other pattern is with multiple inheritance where it's common for 
subclasses to pull off the arguments they need and forward the rest to the 
superclass.  In that case, it would be nice to check (as best as possible, 
by for example walking the parsed code) that the member calls super.  A 
common bug is to forget to do this, which might not be detected until 
multiple inheritance causes the mro to change the superclass, and the new 
superclass has important behavior that's not being run.



On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 1:45:40 PM UTC-4, Shrey Desai wrote:
> Python Ideas,
> While working on some object-oriented projects in Java, I noticed that 
> Python does not have an *@override* decorator for methods that are 
> derived from a parent class but overridden for the unique purposes of a 
> base class. With the creation of the *@abstractmethod* decorator, the 
> override decorator could follow in clearly distinguishing the logic and 
> design between parent/base classes.
> Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
>    1. For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish 
>    between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are inherited 
>    from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be overridden, so 
>    keeping track of which inherited methods are overridden and which are not 
>    would be nice.
>    2. With the advent of static typing from mypy:
>       1. Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given 
>       method overrides the parent method correctly (correct name + parameter 
>       list).
>       2. When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter 
>       list of an abstract method, the children classes should be updated as well. 
>       mypy could easily target the methods that need to be altered with the 
>       correct method signature.
>       3. If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent 
>       method, then there could be some error complaining about this. This would 
>       be extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.
> There is some interest for this as expressed on Stack Overflow (
> and some people have also made packages for this, but having it in the 
> standard distribution would be nice. Thoughts?
> Sincerely,
> Shrey Desai
-------------- next part --------------
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From tjreedy at  Mon Jul 18 18:36:23 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 18:36:23 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nmjllj$tab$>

On 7/18/2016 12:44 PM, Shrey Desai wrote:
> Python Ideas,
> While working on some object-oriented projects in Java, I noticed that
> Python does not have an *@override* decorator for methods that are
> derived from a parent class but overridden for the unique purposes of a
> base class. With the creation of the *@abstractmethod* decorator, the
> override decorator could follow in clearly distinguishing the logic and
> design between parent/base classes.

If you mean 'override' to have some actual function, then it is not 
clear to me. If the 'decorator' is strictly a comment, why not use a 

> Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
>  1. For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish
>     between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are
>     inherited from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be
>     overridden, so keeping track of which inherited methods are
>     overridden and which are not would be nice.
>  2. With the advent of static typing from mypy:
>      1. Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given
>         method overrides the parent method correctly (correct name +
>         parameter list).
>      2. When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter
>         list of an abstract method, the children classes should be
>         updated as well. mypy could easily target the methods that need
>         to be altered with the correct method signature.
>      3. If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent
>         method, then there could be some error complaining about this.
>         This would be extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.
> There is some interest for this as expressed on Stack Overflow
> (
> and some people have also made packages for this, but having it in the
> standard distribution would be nice. Thoughts?
> Sincerely,
> Shrey Desai
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Terry Jan Reedy

From michael.selik at  Mon Jul 18 18:53:18 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 22:53:18 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:17 AM Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:

> There are currently a few locations in the stdlib, such as http and
> socket, that are now using
> Enums to replace constants; those names are all upper-case -- those aren't
> the names I am
> speaking of.
> The names I am speaking of are those in brand-new enumerations where we
> have full control.

Even if there's a better design as judged in isolation, it still might be
best to stay consistent with socket module. To paraphrase "Jakob's Law":
programmers spend most of their time using *other* libraries (such as
socket, logging, etc.). So it's generally a good idea not to invent new
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From ben+python at  Mon Jul 18 21:10:24 2016
From: ben+python at (Ben Finney)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:10:24 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Reedy <tjreedy at> writes:

> If you mean 'override' to have some actual function, then it is not
> clear to me. If the 'decorator' is strictly a comment, why not use a
> comment?

The primary behaviour I've seen for such suggestions is that ?override?
will verify the method is already defined in the specified base class
(or, if no class specified, then in at least one of the base classes),
and if not will raise AssertionError.

The proposal describes the behaviour this way:

> >  2. With the advent of static typing from mypy:
> >      1. Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given
> >         method overrides the parent method correctly (correct name +
> >         parameter list).
> >      2. When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter
> >         list of an abstract method, the children classes should be
> >         updated as well. mypy could easily target the methods that need
> >         to be altered with the correct method signature.
> >      3. If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent
> >         method, then there could be some error complaining about this.
> >         This would be extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.

 \                              ?Holy polar ice sheet, Batman!? ?Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

From steve at  Mon Jul 18 23:58:58 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 13:58:58 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 09:44:45AM -0700, Shrey Desai wrote:

> Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
> For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish 
> between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are 
> inherited from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be 
> overridden, so keeping track of which inherited methods are overridden 
> and which are not would be nice.

I fail to see that this is a sufficiently great problem to require a 
decorator. Occasionally I've added a comment to a method "Overriding 
mixin" or "Overriding class XXX" for example, but mostly I don't even 
bother. It's either obvious or unimportant or both. And when I do find 
myself writing such a comment, that's a good sign that my class 
hierarchy is too hard to understand and needs to be refactored.

> With the advent of static typing from mypy:
> Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given method 
> overrides the parent method correctly (correct name + parameter list).

There is no requirement that the subclass method uses the same parameter 
names, or even signature, as the superclass method.

> When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter list of 
> an abstract method, the children classes should be updated as well. 
> mypy could easily target the methods that need to be altered with the 
> correct method signature.
> If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent method, 
> then there could be some error complaining about this. This would be 
> extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.

I don't see it being very useful. Perhaps for people who have learned 
bad habits from Java and write deep class hierarchies, but we shouldn't 
encourage such anti-patterns. If people wish to write their own 
@override decorator, they should go right ahead, but I don't think it 
belongs in the standard library.


From guido at  Tue Jul 19 00:04:18 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 21:04:18 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The same argument would apply against abstractmethod... I have definitely
wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or overriding
a method. But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard,
unless we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?

On Monday, July 18, 2016, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 09:44:45AM -0700, Shrey Desai wrote:
> > Why I would think an override decorator might be useful:
> > For other people reading the code, it would be great to distinguish
> > between methods that are unique to a class and methods that are
> > inherited from a parent class. Not all methods inherited might be
> > overridden, so keeping track of which inherited methods are overridden
> > and which are not would be nice.
> I fail to see that this is a sufficiently great problem to require a
> decorator. Occasionally I've added a comment to a method "Overriding
> mixin" or "Overriding class XXX" for example, but mostly I don't even
> bother. It's either obvious or unimportant or both. And when I do find
> myself writing such a comment, that's a good sign that my class
> hierarchy is too hard to understand and needs to be refactored.
> > With the advent of static typing from mypy:
> > Having the decorator could corroborate the fact that the given method
> > overrides the parent method correctly (correct name + parameter list).
> There is no requirement that the subclass method uses the same parameter
> names, or even signature, as the superclass method.
> > When the parent class changes, such as the name or parameter list of
> > an abstract method, the children classes should be updated as well.
> > mypy could easily target the methods that need to be altered with the
> > correct method signature.
> > If you don?t have an override decorator and overrode a parent method,
> > then there could be some error complaining about this. This would be
> > extremely useful to prevent accidental errors.
> I don't see it being very useful. Perhaps for people who have learned
> bad habits from Java and write deep class hierarchies, but we shouldn't
> encourage such anti-patterns. If people wish to write their own
> @override decorator, they should go right ahead, but I don't think it
> belongs in the standard library.
> --
> Steve
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at <javascript:;>
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido (mobile)
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From ethan at  Tue Jul 19 00:29:49 2016
From: ethan at (Ethan Furman)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 21:29:49 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/18/2016 09:04 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> The same argument would apply against abstractmethod... I have definitely wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or overriding a method. But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard, unless we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?

Do you mean something like:

def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, clsdict):
     for name, attr in clsdict.items():
         if callable(attr):
              is_override = isinstance(attr, override)
              # search for name in bases
              # if found and is_override is False, raise
              # or if not found and is_override is True, raise


From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 00:41:51 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:41:51 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

On 18 July 2016 at 08:21, Wes Turner <wes.turner at> wrote:
> There are a number of generic implementations of these sequence algorithms:
> *
> *
> *
>   *
>   *
>   *

I think the existence of multiple implementations in the context of
larger libraries lends weight to the notion of a "seqtools" standard
library module that works with arbitrary sequences, just as itertools
works with arbitrary iterables.

I don't think combining these algorithms with the "algorithms that
work with arbitrary mappings" classes would make sense - for better or
for worse, I think the latter is "collections" now, since that's also
where the dict variants live (defaultdict, OrderedDict, Counter).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 00:49:41 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:49:41 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 18 July 2016 at 13:41, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
> Do consider:
>>>> ? = 1
>>>> A = 2
>>>> ? + 1 == A
> True
> Can (IMHO) go all the way to

Yes, we know - that dramatic increase in the attack surface is why
PyPI is still ASCII only, even though full Unicode support is
theoretically possible.

It's not a major concern once an attacker already has you running
arbitrary code on your system though, as the main problem there is
that they're *running arbitrary code on your system*. , That means the
usability gains easily outweigh the increased obfuscation potential,
as worrying about confusable attacks at that point is like worrying
about a dripping tap upstairs when the Brisbane River is already
flowing through the ground floor of your house :)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 00:54:40 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:54:40 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] proper naming of Enum members
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 July 2016 at 01:41, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Honestly my own preference would be to use UPPER_CASE, emphasizing the
> const-ness. CapWords is really only used for classes, which are
> entirely different beasts. And lower_case is for methods and
> variables. I think it's useful to emphasize that an enum is neither.

I haven't used enum much outside the standard library, but my C/C++
background would push me towards CAP_WORDS since they're constants.

That also has the virtue of making the standard library uses no longer
a special case - they're just CAP_WORDS-because-they're-constants,
rather than CAP_WORDS-because-they're-defined-by-a-third-party-C-API


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 01:18:34 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:18:34 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 July 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> The same argument would apply against abstractmethod... I have definitely
> wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or overriding a
> method. But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard, unless
> we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?

This is trickier in Python than it is in Java, since we support
multiple inheritance, and we don't require that subclasses be drop-in
replacements for their parent class.

The key difference I see between @abstractmethod and this proposal is
that @abstractmethod is a service that base class authors provide to
subclass authors to say "Hey, when subclassing this, you *need* to
override these, or your subclass won't work properly". In effect, it's
an implicit test case for all future subclass definitions.

By contrast, this proposal would go in the other direction: it would
be an assertion by the author of a *subclass* that that particular
method isn't new, it's inherited from a parent class, and they're
replacing the existing implementation with a new one. It would only
add new information for readers in cases where the method wasn't
already calling super() (since the latter already implies you expect
there to be at least one further implementation along the MRO to

In my view, that puts it more in the category of type annotations and
the "missing attribute" detection in tools like pylint than it does
abstractmethod: rather than checking it at runtime, you'd want static
checkers like mypy to flag it as a structural error if a method
declared as replacing a base class method wasn't actually doing so.

So a "typing.override" to complement "typing.overload" would make
sense to me, but a checked-at-runtime decorator wouldn't (doing it
that way would also let you put the override annotation in stub files
instead of directly in the code).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rustompmody at  Tue Jul 19 01:29:34 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 22:29:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 10:20:29 AM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 18 July 2016 at 13:41, Rustom Mody <rusto... at <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> > Do consider:
> >
> >>>> ? = 1
> >>>> A = 2
> >>>> ? + 1 == A
> > True
> >>>>
> >
> > Can (IMHO) go all the way to
> >
> Yes, we know - that dramatic increase in the attack surface is why
> PyPI is still ASCII only, even though full Unicode support is
> theoretically possible.
> It's not a major concern once an attacker already has you running
> arbitrary code on your system though, as the main problem there is
> that they're *running arbitrary code on your system*. , That means the
> usability gains easily outweigh the increased obfuscation potential,
> as worrying about confusable attacks at that point is like worrying
> about a dripping tap upstairs when the Brisbane River is already
> flowing through the ground floor of your house :)
> Cheers,
There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character

Chris Angelico pointed out the offending line:
wf =, ?rb?)
(should be wf ="test.wav", "rb") instead)

Since he also said:
> The solution may be as simple as running "python3" rather than 

I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than 


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/ariston/", line 31
    wf =, ?rb?)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 31
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but no 
encoding declared; see for details 

1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so 
ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers 
(presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing action 
fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an 
impermissible character like python 2
combine that with
2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII

makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.

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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 02:44:55 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 06:44:55 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 1:19 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> On 19 July 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> > The same argument would apply against abstractmethod... I have definitely
> > wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or
> overriding a
> > method. But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard,
> unless
> > we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?
> This is trickier in Python than it is in Java, since we support
> multiple inheritance, and we don't require that subclasses be drop-in
> replacements for their parent class.
> The key difference I see between @abstractmethod and this proposal is
> that @abstractmethod is a service that base class authors provide to
> subclass authors to say "Hey, when subclassing this, you *need* to
> override these, or your subclass won't work properly". In effect, it's
> an implicit test case for all future subclass definitions.
> By contrast, this proposal would go in the other direction: it would
> be an assertion by the author of a *subclass* that that particular
> method isn't new, it's inherited from a parent class, and they're
> replacing the existing implementation with a new one. It would only
> add new information for readers in cases where the method wasn't
> already calling super() (since the latter already implies you expect
> there to be at least one further implementation along the MRO to
> call).
> In my view, that puts it more in the category of type annotations and
> the "missing attribute" detection in tools like pylint than it does
> abstractmethod: rather than checking it at runtime, you'd want static
> checkers like mypy to flag it as a structural error if a method
> declared as replacing a base class method wasn't actually doing so.

Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?   It could check one
of two cases: either you're replacing an abstractmethod, in which case the
parameter lists should be the same; or else, you're overriding a base class
method in which case, you should probably call super.  Finally, it could
prepend the __doc__ attribute from the parent class method if there is one
to the doc attribute on this method if there is one.

> So a "typing.override" to complement "typing.overload" would make
> sense to me, but a checked-at-runtime decorator wouldn't (doing it
> that way would also let you put the override annotation in stub files
> instead of directly in the code).
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 03:09:03 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:09:03 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

One solution would be to restrict identifiers to only Unicode characters in 
appropriate classes.  The open quotation mark is in the code class for 
punctuation, so it doesn't make sense to have it be part of an identifier.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 1:29:35 AM UTC-4, Rustom Mody wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 10:20:29 AM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> On 18 July 2016 at 13:41, Rustom Mody <rusto... at> wrote:
>> > Do consider:
>> >
>> >>>> ? = 1
>> >>>> A = 2
>> >>>> ? + 1 == A
>> > True
>> >>>>
>> >
>> > Can (IMHO) go all the way to
>> >
>> Yes, we know - that dramatic increase in the attack surface is why
>> PyPI is still ASCII only, even though full Unicode support is
>> theoretically possible.
>> It's not a major concern once an attacker already has you running
>> arbitrary code on your system though, as the main problem there is
>> that they're *running arbitrary code on your system*. , That means the
>> usability gains easily outweigh the increased obfuscation potential,
>> as worrying about confusable attacks at that point is like worrying
>> about a dripping tap upstairs when the Brisbane River is already
>> flowing through the ground floor of your house :)
>> Cheers,
> There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
> Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
> Chris Angelico pointed out the offending line:
> wf =, ?rb?)
> (should be wf ="test.wav", "rb") instead)
> Since he also said:
> > The solution may be as simple as running "python3" rather than 
> "python".
> I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than 
> python3s
> Python3 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/home/ariston/", line 31
>     wf =, ?rb?)
>                        ^
> SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
> Python2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "", line 31
> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but no 
> encoding declared; see for details 
> 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so 
> ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers 
> (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing action 
> fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an 
> impermissible character like python 2
> combine that with
> 2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII
> makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.
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From rustompmody at  Tue Jul 19 03:32:39 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:32:39 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 12:39:04 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> One solution would be to restrict identifiers to only Unicode characters 
> in appropriate classes.  The open quotation mark is in the code class for 
> punctuation, so it doesn't make sense to have it be part of an identifier.

Python (3) is doing that alright as far as I can see:

The point is that when it doesn?t fall in the classification(s) the error 
it raises suggests that the lexer is not really unicode-aware

> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 1:29:35 AM UTC-4, Rustom Mody wrote:
>> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 10:20:29 AM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>> On 18 July 2016 at 13:41, Rustom Mody <rusto... at> wrote:
>>> > Do consider:
>>> >
>>> >>>> ? = 1
>>> >>>> A = 2
>>> >>>> ? + 1 == A
>>> > True
>>> >>>>
>>> >
>>> > Can (IMHO) go all the way to
>>> >
>>> Yes, we know - that dramatic increase in the attack surface is why
>>> PyPI is still ASCII only, even though full Unicode support is
>>> theoretically possible.
>>> It's not a major concern once an attacker already has you running
>>> arbitrary code on your system though, as the main problem there is
>>> that they're *running arbitrary code on your system*. , That means the
>>> usability gains easily outweigh the increased obfuscation potential,
>>> as worrying about confusable attacks at that point is like worrying
>>> about a dripping tap upstairs when the Brisbane River is already
>>> flowing through the ground floor of your house :)
>>> Cheers,
>> There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
>> Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
>> Chris Angelico pointed out the offending line:
>> wf =, ?rb?)
>> (should be wf ="test.wav", "rb") instead)
>> Since he also said:
>> > The solution may be as simple as running "python3" rather 
>> than "python".
>> I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than 
>> python3s
>> Python3 
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>   File "/home/ariston/", line 31
>>     wf =, ?rb?)
>>                        ^
>> SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>> Python2
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>   File "", line 31
>> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but no 
>> encoding declared; see for details 
>> IOW
>> 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so 
>> ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers 
>> (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing action 
>> fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an 
>> impermissible character like python 2
>> combine that with
>> 2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII
>> makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.
-------------- next part --------------
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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 06:32:07 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 03:32:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sounds like a bug in the lexer?  Or maybe a feature request.

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 3:32:39 AM UTC-4, Rustom Mody wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 12:39:04 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
>> One solution would be to restrict identifiers to only Unicode characters 
>> in appropriate classes.  The open quotation mark is in the code class for 
>> punctuation, so it doesn't make sense to have it be part of an identifier.
> Python (3) is doing that alright as far as I can see:
> The point is that when it doesn?t fall in the classification(s) the error 
> it raises suggests that the lexer is not really unicode-aware
>> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 1:29:35 AM UTC-4, Rustom Mody wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 10:20:29 AM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>>>> On 18 July 2016 at 13:41, Rustom Mody <rusto... at> wrote:
>>>> > Do consider:
>>>> >
>>>> >>>> ? = 1
>>>> >>>> A = 2
>>>> >>>> ? + 1 == A
>>>> > True
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >
>>>> > Can (IMHO) go all the way to
>>>> >
>>>> Yes, we know - that dramatic increase in the attack surface is why
>>>> PyPI is still ASCII only, even though full Unicode support is
>>>> theoretically possible.
>>>> It's not a major concern once an attacker already has you running
>>>> arbitrary code on your system though, as the main problem there is
>>>> that they're *running arbitrary code on your system*. , That means the
>>>> usability gains easily outweigh the increased obfuscation potential,
>>>> as worrying about confusable attacks at that point is like worrying
>>>> about a dripping tap upstairs when the Brisbane River is already
>>>> flowing through the ground floor of your house :)
>>>> Cheers,
>>> There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
>>> Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
>>> Chris Angelico pointed out the offending line:
>>> wf =, ?rb?)
>>> (should be wf ="test.wav", "rb") instead)
>>> Since he also said:
>>> > The solution may be as simple as running "python3" rather 
>>> than "python".
>>> I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than 
>>> python3s
>>> Python3 
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>   File "/home/ariston/", line 31
>>>     wf =, ?rb?)
>>>                        ^
>>> SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>>> Python2
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>>   File "", line 31
>>> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but 
>>> no encoding declared; see for 
>>> details 
>>> IOW
>>> 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so 
>>> ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers 
>>> (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing action 
>>> fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an 
>>> impermissible character like python 2
>>> combine that with
>>> 2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII
>>> makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.
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From steve at  Tue Jul 19 07:20:27 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 21:20:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:29:34PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

> There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
> Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
> I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than 
> python3s

And I pointed out how I thought the Python 3 error message could be 
improved, but the Python 2 error message was not very good.

> Python3 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/home/ariston/", line 31
>     wf =, ?rb?)
>                        ^
> SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

It would be much more helpful if the caret lined up with the offending 
character. Better still, if the offending character was actually stated:

    wf =, ?rb?)
SyntaxError: invalid character '?' in identifier

> Python2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "", line 31
> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but no 
> encoding declared; see for details 

As I pointed out earlier, this is less helpful. The line itself is not 
shown (although the line number is given), nor is the offending 
character. (Python 2 can't show the character because it doesn't know 
what it is -- it only knows the byte value, not the encoding.) But in 
the person's text editor, chances are they will see what looks to them 
like a perfectly reasonable character, and have no idea which is the 
byte \xe2.

> 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so 
> ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers 
> (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing action 
> fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an 
> impermissible character like python 2

You seem to be jumping to a rather large conclusion here. Even if you 
are right that the lexer considers all otherwise-unexpected characters 
to be part of an identifier, why is that a problem?

I agree that it is mildly misleading to say 

invalid character '?' in identifier

when ? is not part of an identifier:

py> '?test'.isidentifier()

but I don't think you can jump from that to your conclusion that 
Python's unicode support is somewhat "wrongheaded". Surely a much 
simpler, less inflammatory response would be to say that this one 
specific error message could be improved?

But... is it REALLY so bad? What if we wrote it like this instead:

py> result = my?function(arg)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    result = my?function(arg)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

Isn't it more reasonable to consider that "my?function" looks like it is 
intended as an identifier, but it happens to have an illegal character 
in it?

> combine that with
> 2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII

How does @ emulate Perl?

As for your second part, about not going outside of ASCII, yes, that is 
official policy for Python operators, keywords and builtins.

> makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.


From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 07:36:06 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:36:06 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:29:34PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:
> > There was this question on the python list a few days ago:
> > Subject: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character
> [...]
> > I pointed out that the python2 error was more helpful (to my eyes) than
> > python3s
> And I pointed out how I thought the Python 3 error message could be
> improved, but the Python 2 error message was not very good.
> > Python3
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> >   File "/home/ariston/", line 31
> >     wf =, ?rb?)
> >                        ^
> > SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
> It would be much more helpful if the caret lined up with the offending
> character. Better still, if the offending character was actually stated:
>     wf =, ?rb?)
>                    ^
> SyntaxError: invalid character '?' in identifier
> > Python2
> >
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> >   File "", line 31
> > SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file on line 31, but no
> > encoding declared; see for details
> As I pointed out earlier, this is less helpful. The line itself is not
> shown (although the line number is given), nor is the offending
> character. (Python 2 can't show the character because it doesn't know
> what it is -- it only knows the byte value, not the encoding.) But in
> the person's text editor, chances are they will see what looks to them
> like a perfectly reasonable character, and have no idea which is the
> byte \xe2.
> > IOW
> > 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so
> > ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers
> > (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing
> action
> > fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an
> > impermissible character like python 2
> You seem to be jumping to a rather large conclusion here. Even if you
> are right that the lexer considers all otherwise-unexpected characters
> to be part of an identifier, why is that a problem?

It's a problem because those characters could never be part of an
identifier.  So it seems like a bug.

> I agree that it is mildly misleading to say
> invalid character '?' in identifier
> when ? is not part of an identifier:
> py> '?test'.isidentifier()
> False
> but I don't think you can jump from that to your conclusion that
> Python's unicode support is somewhat "wrongheaded". Surely a much
> simpler, less inflammatory response would be to say that this one
> specific error message could be improved?
> But... is it REALLY so bad? What if we wrote it like this instead:
> py> result = my?function(arg)
>   File "<stdin>", line 1
>     result = my?function(arg)
>                         ^
> SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
> Isn't it more reasonable to consider that "my?function" looks like it is
> intended as an identifier, but it happens to have an illegal character
> in it?
> > combine that with
> > 2. matrix mult (@) Ok to emulate perl but not to go outside ASCII
> How does @ emulate Perl?
> As for your second part, about not going outside of ASCII, yes, that is
> official policy for Python operators, keywords and builtins.
> > makes it seem  (to me) python's unicode support is somewhat wrongheaded.
> --
> Steve
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From steve at  Tue Jul 19 07:51:04 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 21:51:04 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 03:18:34PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:

> On 19 July 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote 
in response to my comments:

> > The same argument would apply against abstractmethod... 

Well, to be honest, I've never been in a situation where I either needed 
abstractmethod or knowingly had to deal with a class that used it.

Maybe I just don't use classes enough to see why this proposal is 

> > I have definitely
> > wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or overriding a
> > method.

Isn't that one of the features of IDEs?

(Which doesn't help those who aren't using an IDE.)

> > But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard, unless
> > we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?

> This is trickier in Python than it is in Java, since we support
> multiple inheritance, and we don't require that subclasses be drop-in
> replacements for their parent class.


> The key difference I see between @abstractmethod and this proposal is
> that @abstractmethod is a service that base class authors provide to
> subclass authors to say "Hey, when subclassing this, you *need* to
> override these, or your subclass won't work properly". In effect, it's
> an implicit test case for all future subclass definitions.
> By contrast, this proposal would go in the other direction: it would
> be an assertion by the author of a *subclass* that that particular
> method isn't new, it's inherited from a parent class, and they're
> replacing the existing implementation with a new one. It would only
> add new information for readers in cases where the method wasn't
> already calling super() (since the latter already implies you expect
> there to be at least one further implementation along the MRO to
> call).
> In my view, that puts it more in the category of type annotations and
> the "missing attribute" detection in tools like pylint than it does
> abstractmethod: rather than checking it at runtime, you'd want static
> checkers like mypy to flag it as a structural error if a method
> declared as replacing a base class method wasn't actually doing so.

Certainly this is something which static checkers *could* do, but surely 
a runtime check would be sufficient? The runtime check only needs to 
occur when the class is defined, not on every call. It could look 
something like this:

def override(method):
    proxy = get_class_proxy()  # MAGIC GOES HERE
    assert hasattr(method.__name__, proxy)
    return method

I say MAGIC GOES HERE because of course the class doesn't exist yet. The 
get_class_proxy() function should return some sort of proxy to the 
soon-to-exist class' MRO.

(Maybe this is harder to write than I thought.)

Having it work at class definition time rather than compile-time means 
that it will work with odd corner cases like injected methods:

class C:

C.method = something()

class D(C):
    def method(self):

I wouldn't expect a purely static checker to necessarily realise that 
C.method exists, but there's no problem for the runtime check.

> So a "typing.override" to complement "typing.overload" would make
> sense to me, but a checked-at-runtime decorator wouldn't (doing it
> that way would also let you put the override annotation in stub files
> instead of directly in the code).


From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 08:11:50 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 12:11:50 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:51 AM Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 03:18:34PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> > On 19 July 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote
> in response to my comments:
> > > The same argument would apply against abstractmethod...
> Well, to be honest, I've never been in a situation where I either needed
> abstractmethod or knowingly had to deal with a class that used it.
> Maybe I just don't use classes enough to see why this proposal is
> useful.
> > > I have definitely
> > > wondered when looking over some code whether it was defining or
> overriding a
> > > method.
> Isn't that one of the features of IDEs?
> (Which doesn't help those who aren't using an IDE.)
> > > But requiring people to always decorate overrides seems hard, unless
> > > we made it a property that can be enforced by a metaclass, maybe?
> [Nick]
> > This is trickier in Python than it is in Java, since we support
> > multiple inheritance, and we don't require that subclasses be drop-in
> > replacements for their parent class.
> Indeed.
> > The key difference I see between @abstractmethod and this proposal is
> > that @abstractmethod is a service that base class authors provide to
> > subclass authors to say "Hey, when subclassing this, you *need* to
> > override these, or your subclass won't work properly". In effect, it's
> > an implicit test case for all future subclass definitions.
> >
> > By contrast, this proposal would go in the other direction: it would
> > be an assertion by the author of a *subclass* that that particular
> > method isn't new, it's inherited from a parent class, and they're
> > replacing the existing implementation with a new one. It would only
> > add new information for readers in cases where the method wasn't
> > already calling super() (since the latter already implies you expect
> > there to be at least one further implementation along the MRO to
> > call).
> >
> > In my view, that puts it more in the category of type annotations and
> > the "missing attribute" detection in tools like pylint than it does
> > abstractmethod: rather than checking it at runtime, you'd want static
> > checkers like mypy to flag it as a structural error if a method
> > declared as replacing a base class method wasn't actually doing so.
> Certainly this is something which static checkers *could* do, but surely
> a runtime check would be sufficient? The runtime check only needs to
> occur when the class is defined, not on every call. It could look
> something like this:
> def override(method):
>     proxy = get_class_proxy()  # MAGIC GOES HERE
>     assert hasattr(method.__name__, proxy)
>     return method
> I say MAGIC GOES HERE because of course the class doesn't exist yet. The
> get_class_proxy() function should return some sort of proxy to the
> soon-to-exist class' MRO.

> (Maybe this is harder to write than I thought.)
I don't think you need any magic.  You can either do it like
@abstractmethod whereby you put the logic in ABCMeta or given that PEP 487
has been accepted, put the logic in a plain old base class (ABCBase?) that
has the logic in __init_subclass__.  This would work with your corner
case.  It also is a bit more flexible.

Having it work at class definition time rather than compile-time means
> that it will work with odd corner cases like injected methods:
> class C:
>     pass
> ...
> ...
> C.method = something()
> class D(C):
>     @override
>     def method(self):
>         pass
> I wouldn't expect a purely static checker to necessarily realise that
> C.method exists, but there's no problem for the runtime check.
> > So a "typing.override" to complement "typing.overload" would make
> > sense to me, but a checked-at-runtime decorator wouldn't (doing it
> > that way would also let you put the override annotation in stub files
> > instead of directly in the code).
> --
> Steve
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From rustompmody at  Tue Jul 19 08:05:11 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 05:05:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 5:06:17 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:29:34PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:
>> > IOW
>> > 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so
>> > ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers
>> > (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing 
>> action
>> > fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an
>> > impermissible character like python 2
>> You seem to be jumping to a rather large conclusion here. Even if you
>> are right that the lexer considers all otherwise-unexpected characters
>> to be part of an identifier, why is that a problem?
> It's a problem because those characters could never be part of an 
> identifier.  So it seems like a bug.

An armchair-design solution would say: We should give the most appropriate 
answer for every possible unicode character category
This would need to take all the Unicode character-categories and Python 
lexical-categories and 'cross-product' them ? a humongous task to little 

A more practical solution would be to take the best of the python2 and 
python3 current approaches:
"Invalid character XX  in line YY"
and just reveal nothing about what lexical category ? like identifier ? 
python thinks the  char is coming in.

The XX is like python2 and the YY like python3
If it can do better than '\xe2' ? ie a codepoint ? that?s a bonus but not 
strictly necessary

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From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 10:11:27 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:11:27 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:18 AM Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:

> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 5:06:17 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:29:34PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:
>>> > IOW
>>> > 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so
>>> > ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to identifiers
>>> > (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing
>>> action
>>> > fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an
>>> > impermissible character like python 2
>>> You seem to be jumping to a rather large conclusion here. Even if you
>>> are right that the lexer considers all otherwise-unexpected characters
>>> to be part of an identifier, why is that a problem?
>> It's a problem because those characters could never be part of an
>> identifier.  So it seems like a bug.
> An armchair-design solution would say: We should give the most appropriate
> answer for every possible unicode character category
> This would need to take all the Unicode character-categories and Python
> lexical-categories and 'cross-product' them ? a humongous task to little
> advantage

I don't see why this is a "humongous task".  Anyway, your solution boils
down to the simplest fix in the lexer which is to block some characters
from matching any category, does it not?

> A more practical solution would be to take the best of the python2 and
> python3 current approaches:
> "Invalid character XX  in line YY"
> and just reveal nothing about what lexical category ? like identifier ?
> python thinks the  char is coming in.
> The XX is like python2 and the YY like python3
> If it can do better than '\xe2' ? ie a codepoint ? that?s a bonus but not
> strictly necessary
> --
> ---
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From rustompmody at  Tue Jul 19 10:40:42 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 07:40:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7:41:38 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:18 AM Rustom Mody  wrote:
>> On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 5:06:17 PM UTC+5:30, Neil Girdhar wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:21 AM Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:29:34PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:
>>>> > IOW
>>>> > 1. The lexer is internally (evidently from the error message) so
>>>> > ASCII-oriented that any ?unicode-junk? just defaults out to 
>>>> identifiers
>>>> > (presumably comments are dealt with earlier) and then if that lexing 
>>>> action
>>>> > fails it mistakenly pinpoints a wrong *identifier* rather than just an
>>>> > impermissible character like python 2
>>>> You seem to be jumping to a rather large conclusion here. Even if you
>>>> are right that the lexer considers all otherwise-unexpected characters
>>>> to be part of an identifier, why is that a problem?
>>> It's a problem because those characters could never be part of an 
>>> identifier.  So it seems like a bug.
>> An armchair-design solution would say: We should give the most 
>> appropriate answer for every possible unicode character category
>> This would need to take all the Unicode character-categories and Python 
>> lexical-categories and 'cross-product' them ? a humongous task to little 
>> advantage
> I don't see why this is a "humongous task".  Anyway, your solution boils 
> down to the simplest fix in the lexer which is to block some characters 
> from matching any category, does it not?

Block? Not sure what you mean? Nothing should change (in the simplest 
solution at least) apart from better error messages
My suggested solution involved this:
Currently the lexer ? basically an automaton ? reveals which state its in 
when it throws error involving "identifier"
Suggested change: 

if in_ident_state:
  if current_char is allowable as ident_char:
     continue as before
  elif current_char is ASCII:
     Usual error
     throw error eliding the "in_ident state"
  as is...

BTW after last post I tried some things and found other unsatisfactory (to 
me) behavior in this area; to wit:

 >>> x = 0o19
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x = 0o19
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Of course the 9 cannot come in an octal constant but "Syntax Error"??
Seems a little over general

My preferred fix:
make a LexicalError sub exception to SyntaxError

Rest should follow for both

Disclaimer: I am a teacher and having a LexicalError category makes it nice 
to explain some core concepts
However I understand there are obviously other more pressing priorities 
than to make python superlative as a CS-teaching language :-) 
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From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 10:42:38 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 00:42:38 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?

I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.

With PEP 484 and typing, we've already established the precedent that
people shouldn't go rushing off to their favourite projects and submit
low value PRs that just add annotations for the sake of adding
annotations. The proposed decorator here is a different kind of
semantic annotation, but it's still one that should only be added to a
project if the existing contributors to that project think it will
help them maintain the code.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From storchaka at  Tue Jul 19 10:43:49 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:43:49 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <nmleb6$i1s$>

On 17.07.16 23:08, Michael Selik wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016, 3:22 PM Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at
> <mailto:storchaka at>> wrote:
>     Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
>     (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>     1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
>     seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
>     dataview [1].
>     2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating this
>     view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it can
>     be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte bytes
>     objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from PEP
>     467 [2].
> NumPy slicing and reshaping sounds like it satisfies these requirements.
> Does it not?

NumPy have similar features, but they work with packed arrays of 
specific numeric types, not with general sequences (such as list or 
str). And NumPy is a large library, providing a number of features not 
needed for most Python users.

From storchaka at  Tue Jul 19 10:48:16 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 17:48:16 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <nmlejg$me5$>

On 18.07.16 01:21, Wes Turner wrote:
> There are a number of generic implementations of these sequence algorithms:
> *
> *
> *
>    *
>    *
>    *

Aren't all these implementations works with iterables and iterators?

> On Jul 17, 2016 3:23 PM, "Serhiy Storchaka"
> <storchaka at
> <mailto:storchaka at>> wrote:
>  >
>  > Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>  >
>  > 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
> dataview [1].
> islice?

The result of itertools.islice() is not a sequence.

>  > 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating
> this view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it
> can be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte
> bytes objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from
> PEP 467 [2].
> partition?
> _all

toolz.itertoolz.partition() is just a generator.

From mistersheik at  Tue Jul 19 10:51:11 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:51:11 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:42 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> > Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?
> I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
> shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
> runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
> gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
> sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
> benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.
> With PEP 484 and typing, we've already established the precedent that
> people shouldn't go rushing off to their favourite projects and submit
> low value PRs that just add annotations for the sake of adding
> annotations. The proposed decorator here is a different kind of
> semantic annotation, but it's still one that should only be added to a
> project if the existing contributors to that project think it will
> help them maintain the code.

The problem I have with the type annotation behavior that you're proposing
is that you lose the definition-time assertions that overrides could
raise.  Even in a small project like mine (20k lines), that would be a big
asset for me to eliminate a whole class of bugs.

Your second point about people submitting PRs whereby they add decorators
to everything shouldn't be an argument against new features.  No one is
forced to use @overrides, and projects can decide for themselves whether
want to use it.

> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
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From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 10:54:13 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 00:54:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 July 2016 at 22:05, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
> A more practical solution would be to take the best of the python2 and
> python3 current approaches:
> "Invalid character XX  in line YY"
> and just reveal nothing about what lexical category ? like identifier ?
> python thinks the  char is coming in.

There's historically been relatively little work put into designing
the error messages coming out of the lexer, so if it's a task you're
interested in stepping up and taking on, you could probably find
someone willing to review the patches.

But if you perceive "Volunteers used their time as efficiently as
possible whilst fully Unicode enabling the CPython compilation
toolchain, since it was a dependency that needed to be addressed in
order to permit other more interesting changes, rather than an
inherently rewarding activity in its own right" as "wrongheaded", you
may want to spend some time considering the differences between
community-driven and customer-driven development.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steve at  Tue Jul 19 10:55:16 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 00:55:16 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 07:40:42AM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

> My suggested solution involved this:
> Currently the lexer ? basically an automaton ? reveals which state its in 
> when it throws error involving "identifier"
> Suggested change: 
> if in_ident_state:
>   if current_char is allowable as ident_char:
>      continue as before
>   elif current_char is ASCII:
>      Usual error
>   else:
>      throw error eliding the "in_ident state"
> else:
>   as is...

I'm sorry, you've lost me. Is this pseudo-code (1) of the current 
CPython lexer, (2) what you imagine the current CPython lexer does, or 
(3) what you think it should do? Because you call it a "change", but 
you're only showing one state, so it's not clear if its the beginning or 
ending state.

Basically I guess what I'm saying is that if you are suggesting a 
concrete change to the lexer, you should be more precise about what 
needs to actually change.

> BTW after last post I tried some things and found other unsatisfactory (to 
> me) behavior in this area; to wit:
>  >>> x = 0o19
>   File "<stdin>", line 1
>     x = 0o19
>            ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Of course the 9 cannot come in an octal constant but "Syntax Error"??
> Seems a little over general
> My preferred fix:
> make a LexicalError sub exception to SyntaxError

What's the difference between a LexicalError and a SyntaxError?

Under what circumstances is it important to distinguish between them?

It would be nice to have a more descriptive error message, but why 
should I care whether the invalid syntax "0o19" is caught by a lexer or 
a parser or the byte-code generator or the peephole optimizer or 
something else? Really all I need to care about is:

- it is invalid syntax;
- why it is invalid syntax (9 is not a legal octal digit);
- and preferably, that it is caught at compile-time rather than run-time.


From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 19 11:03:21 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 01:03:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 20 July 2016 at 00:40, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
> Disclaimer: I am a teacher and having a LexicalError category makes it nice
> to explain some core concepts
> However I understand there are obviously other more pressing priorities than
> to make python superlative as a CS-teaching language :-)

Given the motives of some of the volunteers in the community, "I am a
teacher, the current error confuses my students, and I'm willing to
discuss proposed alternative error messages with them to see if
they're improvements" can actually be a good way to get people
interested in helping out :)

The reason that can help is that the main problem with "improving"
error messages, is that it can be really hard to tell whether the
improvements are actually improvements or not (in some cases it's
obvious, but in others it's hard to decide when you've reached a point
of "good enough", so you throw up your hands and say "Eh, it's at
least distinctive enough that people will be able to find it on Stack


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rosuav at  Tue Jul 19 11:13:13 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 01:13:13 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 1:03 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> The reason that can help is that the main problem with "improving"
> error messages, is that it can be really hard to tell whether the
> improvements are actually improvements or not (in some cases it's
> obvious, but in others it's hard to decide when you've reached a point
> of "good enough", so you throw up your hands and say "Eh, it's at
> least distinctive enough that people will be able to find it on Stack
> Overflow").

Plus, there are all sorts of errors that look very different to
humans, but identical to the parser. Steven showed us an example where
an invalid character looked like it belonged in the identifier, yet to
the parser it's just "this Unicode category isn't valid here", same as
the bad-quote one. In a *very* few situations, a single error is
common enough to be worth special-casing (eg print without
parentheses, in recent Pythons), but otherwise, Stack Overflow or
python-list will do a far better job of diagnosis than the lexer ever
can. Ultimately, syntax errors represent an error in translation from
a human's concept to the text that's given to the interpreter, and
trying to reconstruct the concept from the errant text is better done
by a human than a computer. Obviously it's great when the computer can
read your mind, but it's never going to be perfect.


From michael.selik at  Tue Jul 19 11:32:40 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 15:32:40 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, 9:51 AM Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:42 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
>> > Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?
>> I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
>> shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
>> runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
>> gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
>> sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
>> benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.
>> With PEP 484 and typing, we've already established the precedent that
>> people shouldn't go rushing off to their favourite projects and submit
>> low value PRs that just add annotations for the sake of adding
>> annotations. The proposed decorator here is a different kind of
>> semantic annotation, but it's still one that should only be added to a
>> project if the existing contributors to that project think it will
>> help them maintain the code.
> The problem I have with the type annotation behavior that you're proposing
> is that you lose the definition-time assertions that overrides could
> raise.  Even in a small project like mine (20k lines), that would be a big
> asset for me to eliminate a whole class of bugs.

Could you explain that further? Are you saying you need an override check
for dynamically created/modified parent classes such that static analysis
would not suffice?

Your second point about people submitting PRs whereby they add decorators
> to everything shouldn't be an argument against new features.  No one is
> forced to use @overrides, and projects can decide for themselves whether
> want to use it.
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From wes.turner at  Tue Jul 19 13:08:13 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 12:08:13 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 19, 2016 10:43 AM, "Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> > Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?
> I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
> shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
> runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
> gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
> sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
> benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.

Is there enough information, in all cases, to do the check at definition

- Obviously this wouldnt work for AOP-style dynamic mixins which are/could
be modified by changing {__bases__, __class__, ...?} at runtime (certainly
an infrequent use case and a different style of composition than
@override-relevant inheritance)
- __new__

> With PEP 484 and typing, we've already established the precedent that
> people shouldn't go rushing off to their favourite projects and submit
> low value PRs that just add annotations for the sake of adding
> annotations. The proposed decorator here is a different kind of
> semantic annotation, but it's still one that should only be added to a
> project if the existing contributors to that project think it will
> help them maintain the code.

What reasons are there for @override to be in stdlib?:
- no import required (though it would still be necessary for backwards
- cross-cutting concerns
  - definition-time type verificayions
  - runtime type verifications

aside: Spring Python may be of interest to people more familiar with Java

> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From python at  Tue Jul 19 13:27:14 2016
From: python at (MRAB)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 18:27:14 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2016-07-19 16:13, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 1:03 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>> The reason that can help is that the main problem with "improving"
>> error messages, is that it can be really hard to tell whether the
>> improvements are actually improvements or not (in some cases it's
>> obvious, but in others it's hard to decide when you've reached a point
>> of "good enough", so you throw up your hands and say "Eh, it's at
>> least distinctive enough that people will be able to find it on Stack
>> Overflow").
> Plus, there are all sorts of errors that look very different to
> humans, but identical to the parser. Steven showed us an example where
> an invalid character looked like it belonged in the identifier, yet to
> the parser it's just "this Unicode category isn't valid here", same as
> the bad-quote one. In a *very* few situations, a single error is
> common enough to be worth special-casing (eg print without
> parentheses, in recent Pythons), but otherwise, Stack Overflow or
> python-list will do a far better job of diagnosis than the lexer ever
> can. Ultimately, syntax errors represent an error in translation from
> a human's concept to the text that's given to the interpreter, and
> trying to reconstruct the concept from the errant text is better done
> by a human than a computer. Obviously it's great when the computer can
> read your mind, but it's never going to be perfect.
Unicode has a couple of properties called "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue".

The codepoint '?' doesn't match either of them, which is a good hint 
that Python shouldn't really be saying "invalid character in identifier" 
(it's the first character, but it can't be part of an identifier).

From matt at  Tue Jul 19 14:25:52 2016
From: matt at (Matt Gilson)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:25:52 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <nmlejg$me5$>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at>

> On 18.07.16 01:21, Wes Turner wrote:
>> There are a number of generic implementations of these sequence
>> algorithms:
>> *
>> *
>> *
>>    *
>>    *
>>    *
> Aren't all these implementations works with iterables and iterators?
> On Jul 17, 2016 3:23 PM, "Serhiy Storchaka"
>> <storchaka at
>> <mailto:storchaka at>> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
>> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>>  >
>>  > 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
>> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
>> dataview [1].
>> islice?
> The result of itertools.islice() is not a sequence.

Additionally, itertools.islice doesn't support negative indexing and it's
O(start) to get the first element rather than the O(1) that it could be for

>>> import itertools
>>> x = range(30)
>>> itertools.islice(x, -2, None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Indices for islice() must be None or an integer: 0 <= x <=

With that said, I've never really worked with sequences that are big enough
for the runtime complexity of normal python slicing to actually matter.  I
have a feeling that in the typical case, wrapping more abstraction around
slicing and creating lazy "views" wouldn't lead to any practical
performance benefits.  For the cases where it *does* lead to practical
performance benefits, `numpy` starts to look a whole lot more attractive as
an option.  I wonder how many applications would actually benefit from this
but can't/shouldn't switch to `numpy` due to other constraints?

>  > 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating
>> this view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it
>> can be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte
>> bytes objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from
>> PEP 467 [2].
>> partition?
>> _all
> toolz.itertoolz.partition() is just a generator.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:


[image: pattern-sig.png]


E: matt at // P: 603.892.7736

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From michael.selik at  Tue Jul 19 14:53:54 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 18:53:54 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, 12:08 PM Wes Turner <wes.turner at> wrote:

> On Jul 19, 2016 10:43 AM, "Nick Coghlan" <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> >
> > On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
> > > Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?
> >
> > I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
> > shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
> > runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
> > gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
> > sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
> > benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.
> Is there enough information, in all cases, to do the check at definition
> time?
> - Obviously this wouldnt work for AOP-style dynamic mixins which are/could
> be modified by changing {__bases__, __class__, ...?} at runtime
This is an argument for adding this feature to the typing module as opposed
to a decorator, correct?

Changing the base dynamically would not trigger another call to @overrides,
even with some fancy metaclassing. The check wouldn't occur until
instantiation or calling the method.

Going for instantiation-time checks could get awkward via metaclass. To
avoid conflicts I guess OverrideMeta would be an extension of ABCMeta. If
just using __new__ it's too easy to accidentally bypass.

Call-time checks would add overhead to every method call.
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From wes.turner at  Tue Jul 19 15:14:50 2016
From: wes.turner at (Wes Turner)
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 14:14:50 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] Sequence views
In-Reply-To: <nmlejg$me5$>
References: <nmgltm$gpi$>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 19, 2016 10:51 AM, "Serhiy Storchaka" <storchaka at> wrote:
> On 18.07.16 01:21, Wes Turner wrote:
>> There are a number of generic implementations of these sequence
>> *
>> *
>> *
>>    *
>>    *
>>    *
> Aren't all these implementations works with iterables and iterators?
>> On Jul 17, 2016 3:23 PM, "Serhiy Storchaka"
>> <storchaka at
>> <mailto:storchaka at>> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > Maybe it's time to add a new module for sequence-specific functions
>> (seqtools?). It should contain at least two classes or fabric functions:
>>  >
>>  > 1. A view that represents a sliced subsequence. Lazy equivalent of
>> seq[start:end:step]. This feature is implemented in third-party module
>> dataview [1].
>> islice?
> The result of itertools.islice() is not a sequence.
>>  > 2. A view that represents a linear sequence as 2D array. Iterating
>> this view emits non-intersecting chunks of the sequence. For example it
>> can be used for representing the bytes object as a sequence of 1-byte
>> bytes objects (as in 2.x), a generalized alternative to iterbytes() from
>> PEP 467 [2].
>> partition?
>> _all
> toolz.itertoolz.partition() is just a generator.

so you're looking for something like strided memoryviews for nonsequential
access over sequences/iterables which are sequential?
sort of like a bitmask?

> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From mistersheik at  Wed Jul 20 00:01:02 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 04:01:02 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] @Override decorator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You're right (and so is Nick): the static analysis would suffice.  I guess
you don't get the automatic docstring copying.  My personal feeling is that
it is also nice to have (even if I don't use it) support for dynamically
created/modified parent classes.



On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 11:32 AM Michael Selik <michael.selik at>

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, 9:51 AM Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 10:42 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
>>> On 19 July 2016 at 16:44, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:
>>> > Why can't @overrides be processed at definition time?
>>> I didn't say it can't, I said I think it shouldn't be, and it
>>> shouldn't be for the same reason we don't process type annotations at
>>> runtime: this proposal falls into the realm of gradual typing, and
>>> gradual typing is an *optional* behaviour for use on projects that are
>>> sufficiently large with high enough personnel churn to see the
>>> benefits that outweigh the cost in boilerplate.
>>> With PEP 484 and typing, we've already established the precedent that
>>> people shouldn't go rushing off to their favourite projects and submit
>>> low value PRs that just add annotations for the sake of adding
>>> annotations. The proposed decorator here is a different kind of
>>> semantic annotation, but it's still one that should only be added to a
>>> project if the existing contributors to that project think it will
>>> help them maintain the code.
>> The problem I have with the type annotation behavior that you're
>> proposing is that you lose the definition-time assertions that overrides
>> could raise.  Even in a small project like mine (20k lines), that would be
>> a big asset for me to eliminate a whole class of bugs.
> Could you explain that further? Are you saying you need an override check
> for dynamically created/modified parent classes such that static analysis
> would not suffice?
> Your second point about people submitting PRs whereby they add decorators
>> to everything shouldn't be an argument against new features.  No one is
>> forced to use @overrides, and projects can decide for themselves whether
>> want to use it.
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From turnbull.stephen.fw at  Wed Jul 20 12:44:12 2016
From: turnbull.stephen.fw at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 01:44:12 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > The reason that can help is that the main problem with "improving"
 > error messages, is that it can be really hard to tell whether the
 > improvements are actually improvements or not

Personally, I think the real issue here is that the curly quote (and
things like mathematical PRIME character) are easily confused with
Python syntax and it all looks like grit on Tim's monitor.  I tried
substituting an emoticon and the DOUBLE INTEGRAL, and it was quite
obvious what was wrong from the Python 3 error message.<wink/>

However, in this case, as far as I can tell from the error messages
induced by playing with ASCII, Python 3.5 thinks that all non-
identifier ASCII characters are syntactic (so for example it says that

    with open($file.txt") as f:

is "invalid syntax").  But for non-ASCII characters (I guess including
the Latin 1 set?) they are either letters, numerals, or just plain not
valid in a Python program AIUI (outside of strings and comments, of

I would think the lexer could just treat each invalid character as an
invalid_token, which is always invalid in Python syntax, and the error
would be a SyntaxError with the message formatted something like

    "invalid character {} = U+{:04X}".format(ch, ord(ch))

This should avoid the strange placement of the position indicator,

If someday we decide to use an non-ASCII character for a syntactic
purpose, that's a big enough compatibility break in itself that
changing the invalid character set (and thus the definition of
invalid_token) is insignificant.

I'm pretty sure this is what a couple of earlier posters have in mind,

From danilo.bellini at  Wed Jul 20 17:16:10 2016
From: danilo.bellini at (Danilo J. S. Bellini)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 18:16:10 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

1. Using SyntaxError for lexical errors sounds as strange as saying a
misspell/typo is a syntax mistake in a natural language. A new
"LexicalError" or "TokenizerError" for that makes sense. Perhaps both this
new exception and SyntaxError should inherit from a new CompileError class.
But the SyntaxError is already covering cases alike with the TabError (an
IndentationError), which is a lexical analysis error, not a parser one [1].
To avoid such changes while keeping the name, at least the SyntaxError
docstring should be "Compile-time error." instead of "Invalid Syntax.", and
the documentation should be explicit that it isn't only about
parsing/syntax/grammar but also about lexical analysis errors.

2. About those lexical error messages, the caret is worse than the lack of
it when it's not aligned, but unless I'm missing something, one can't
guarantee that the terminal is printing the error message with the right
encoding. Including the row and column numbers in the message would be

3. There are people who like and use unicode chars in identifiers. Usually
I don't like to translate comments/identifiers to another language, but I
did so myself, using variable names with accents in Portuguese for a talk
[2], mostly to give it a try. Surprisingly, few people noticed that until I
said. The same can be said about Sympy scripts, where symbols like Greek
letters would be meaningful (e.g. ? for the mean, ? for the standard
deviation and ? for the covariance matrix), so I'd argue it's quite natural.

4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look alike,
for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. There's also "?",
but this one is invalid in Python 3. The italic/bold/serif distinction
seems enough for a distinction, and when editing a code with an Unicode
char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.

5. New keywords, no matter whether they fit into the 7-bit ASCII or
requires Unicode, unavoidably breaks backwards compatibility at least to
some degree. That happened with the "nonlocal" keyword in Python 3, for

6. Python 3 code is UTF-8 and Unicode identifiers are allowed. Not having
Unicode keywords is merely contingent on Python 2 behavior that emphasized
ASCII-only code (besides comments and strings).

7. The discussion isn't about lambda or anti-lambda bias, it's about
keyword naming and readability. Who gains/loses with that resource? It
won't hurt those who never uses lambda and never uses Unicode identifiers.
Perhaps Sympy users would feel harmed by that, as well as other scientific
packages users, but looking for the "?" char in GitHub I found no one using
it alone within Python code. The online Python books written in Greek that
I found were using only English identifiers.

8. I don't know if any consensus can emerge in this matter about lambdas,
but there's another subject that can be discussed together: macros. What OP
wants is exactly a "#define ? lambda", which would be only in the code that
uses/needs such symbol with that meaning. A minimal lexical macro that just
apply a single keyword token replacement by a identifier-like token is
enough for him. I don't know a nice way to do that, something like "from
__replace__ import lambda_to_?" or even "def ? is lambda" would avoid new
keywords, but I also don't know how desired this resource is (perhaps to
translate the language keywords to another language?).

7. I really don't like the editor "magic", it would be better to create a
packaging/ translation script than that (something like 2to3). It's
not about coloring/highlighting, nor about editors/IDEs features, it's
about seeing the object/file itself, and colors never change that AFAIK.
Also, most code I read isn't using my editor, sometimes it comes from
cat/diff (terminal stdout output), vim/gedit/pluma (editor),
GitHub/BitBucket (web), blogs/forums/e-mails, gitk, Spyder (IDE), etc..
That kind of "view" replacement would compromise some code alignment (e.g.
multiline strings/comments) and line length, besides being a problem to
look for code with tools like find + grep/sed/awk (which I use all the
time). Still worse are the git hooks to perform the replacement
before/after a commit: how should one test a code that uses that? It
somehow feels out of control.


2016-07-20 13:44 GMT-03:00 Stephen J. Turnbull <
turnbull.stephen.fw at>:

> Nick Coghlan writes:
>  > The reason that can help is that the main problem with "improving"
>  > error messages, is that it can be really hard to tell whether the
>  > improvements are actually improvements or not
> Personally, I think the real issue here is that the curly quote (and
> things like mathematical PRIME character) are easily confused with
> Python syntax and it all looks like grit on Tim's monitor.  I tried
> substituting an emoticon and the DOUBLE INTEGRAL, and it was quite
> obvious what was wrong from the Python 3 error message.<wink/>
> However, in this case, as far as I can tell from the error messages
> induced by playing with ASCII, Python 3.5 thinks that all non-
> identifier ASCII characters are syntactic (so for example it says that
>     with open($file.txt") as f:
> is "invalid syntax").  But for non-ASCII characters (I guess including
> the Latin 1 set?) they are either letters, numerals, or just plain not
> valid in a Python program AIUI (outside of strings and comments, of
> course).
> I would think the lexer could just treat each invalid character as an
> invalid_token, which is always invalid in Python syntax, and the error
> would be a SyntaxError with the message formatted something like
>     "invalid character {} = U+{:04X}".format(ch, ord(ch))
> This should avoid the strange placement of the position indicator,
> too.
> If someday we decide to use an non-ASCII character for a syntactic
> purpose, that's a big enough compatibility break in itself that
> changing the invalid character set (and thus the definition of
> invalid_token) is insignificant.
> I'm pretty sure this is what a couple of earlier posters have in mind,
> too.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Danilo J. S. Bellini
"*It is not our business to set up prohibitions, but to arrive at
conventions.*" (R. Carnap)
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From pavol.lisy at  Thu Jul 21 00:53:52 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 06:53:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/20/16, Danilo J. S. Bellini <danilo.bellini at> wrote:

> 4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look alike,
> for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. There's also "?",
> but this one is invalid in Python 3. The italic/bold/serif distinction
> seems enough for a distinction, and when editing a code with an Unicode
> char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
> instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.

I am not sure what do you like to say, so for sure some info:

PEP-3131 ( "All identifiers
are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of
identifiers is based on NFKC."

>From this point of view all sigmas are same:

  set(unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', i) for i in "??????")  == {'?'}

From rustompmody at  Thu Jul 21 01:08:33 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 22:08:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 8:26:41 PM UTC+5:30, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> But if you perceive "Volunteers used their time as efficiently as
> possible whilst fully Unicode enabling the CPython compilation
> toolchain, since it was a dependency that needed to be addressed in
> order to permit other more interesting changes, rather than an
> inherently rewarding activity in its own right" as "wrongheaded", you
> may want to spend some time considering the differences between
> community-driven and customer-driven development.

Hi Nick

Sorry if I caused offense.  Ive been using Python since around 2001 and its
been a strikingly pleasant relationship.
There have been surprisingly few times when python let me down in a class
(Only exception I remember in all these years:  )

Which is a generally better record than most other languages.
So I remain grateful to Guido and the devs for this pleasing creation.

My ?wrongheaded? was (intended) quite narrow and technical:

- The embargo on non-ASCII everywhere in the language except identifiers 
  and comments obviously dont count as ?in? the language
- The opening of identifiers to large swathes of Unicode widens as you say
  hugely the surface area of attack

This was solely the contradiction I was pointing out.
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From danilo.bellini at  Thu Jul 21 02:13:14 2016
From: danilo.bellini at (Danilo J. S. Bellini)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 03:13:14 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2016-07-21 1:53 GMT-03:00 Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at>:

> On 7/20/16, Danilo J. S. Bellini <danilo.bellini at> wrote:
> > 4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look alike,
> > for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. There's also
> "?",
> > but this one is invalid in Python 3. The italic/bold/serif distinction
> > seems enough for a distinction, and when editing a code with an Unicode
> > char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
> > instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.
> I am not sure what do you like to say, so for sure some info:
> PEP-3131 ( "All identifiers
> are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of
> identifiers is based on NFKC."
> From this point of view all sigmas are same:
>   set(unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', i) for i in "??????")  == {'?'}

In this item I just said that most programmers would probably keep the same
character in a source code file due to copying and pasting, and that even
when it doesn't happen (the copy-and-paste action), visual differences like
italic/bold/serif are enough for one to notice (when using another input

At first, I was thinking on a code with one of those symbols as a variable
name (any of them), but PEP3131 challenges that. Actually, any conversion
to a normal form means that one should never use unicode identifiers
outside the chosen normal form. It would be better to raise an error
instead of converting. If there isn't any lint tool already complaining
about that, I strongly believe that's something that should be done. When
mixing strings and identifier names, that's not so predictable:

>>> obj = type("SomeClass", (object,), {c: i for i, c in
>>> obj.? == getattr(obj, "?")
>>> obj.? == getattr(obj, "?")
>>> dir(obj)
[..., '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?']

Danilo J. S. Bellini
"*It is not our business to set up prohibitions, but to arrive at
conventions.*" (R. Carnap)
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From rustompmody at  Thu Jul 21 02:14:24 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 23:14:24 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 10:24:42 AM UTC+5:30, Pavol Lisy wrote:
> On 7/20/16, Danilo J. S. Bellini <danilo.... at <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> > 4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look alike,
> > for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. There's also 
> "?",
> > but this one is invalid in Python 3. The italic/bold/serif distinction
> > seems enough for a distinction, and when editing a code with an Unicode
> > char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
> > instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.
> I am not sure what do you like to say, so for sure some info:
> PEP-3131 ( "All identifiers
> are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of
> identifiers is based on NFKC."
> From this point of view all sigmas are same:
>   set(unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', i) for i in "??????")  == {'?'} 
> <>


>>> ? = 1
>>> ? = ? + 1
>>> ?

But not enough

>>> ? = 1
>>> A = A + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'A' is not defined

Moral: The coarser the equivalence-relation the better (within reasonable 
NFKC-equality i coarser than literal-codepoint equality.  ? Better
But not coarse enough.  After all identifiers are meant to identify!
-------------- next part --------------
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From rustompmody at  Thu Jul 21 02:26:58 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 23:26:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 11:45:11 AM UTC+5:30, Danilo J. S. Bellini 
> 2016-07-21 1:53 GMT-03:00 Pavol Lisy <pavol... at <javascript:>>:
>> On 7/20/16, Danilo J. S. Bellini <danilo.... at <javascript:>> 
>> wrote:
>> > 4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look 
>> alike,
>> > for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. There's also 
>> "?",
>> > but this one is invalid in Python 3. The italic/bold/serif distinction
>> > seems enough for a distinction, and when editing a code with an Unicode
>> > char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
>> > instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.
>> I am not sure what do you like to say, so for sure some info:
>> PEP-3131 ( "All identifiers
>> are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of
>> identifiers is based on NFKC."
>> From this point of view all sigmas are same:
>>   set(unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', i) for i in "??????")  == {'?'}
> In this item I just said that most programmers would probably keep the 
> same character in a source code file due to copying and pasting, and that 
> even when it doesn't happen (the copy-and-paste action), visual differences 
> like italic/bold/serif are enough for one to notice (when using another 
> input method).
> At first, I was thinking on a code with one of those symbols as a variable 
> name (any of them), but PEP3131 challenges that. Actually, any conversion 
> to a normal form means that one should never use unicode identifiers 
> outside the chosen normal form. It would be better to raise an error 
> instead of converting. 

Yes Agree
I said ?Nice!? for

>>> ? = 1
>>> ? = ? + 1
>>> ?

in comparison to:

>>> ? = 1
>>> A = A + 1

because the A's look more indistinguishable than the sigmas and are 
internally more distinct
 If the choice is to simply disallow the confusables that?s probably the 
best choice

1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)
2. Identify confusables to a normal form ? like case-insensitive comparison 
and like NKFC
3. Leave the confusables to confuse

My choice
1 better than 2 better than 3
-------------- next part --------------
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From rosuav at  Thu Jul 21 03:20:38 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 17:20:38 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
> 1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)
> 2. Identify confusables to a normal form ? like case-insensitive comparison
> and like NKFC
> 3. Leave the confusables to confuse
> My choice
> 1 better than 2 better than 3

So should we disable the lowercase 'l', the uppercase 'I', and the
digit '1', because they can be confused? What about the confusability
of "m" and "rn"? O and 0 are similar in some fonts. And case
insensitivity brings its own problems - is "ss" equivalent to "?", and
is "?" equivalent to either? Turkish distinguishes between "i", which
upper-cases to "?", and "?", which upper-cases to "I".

We already have interminable debates about letter similarities across
scripts. I'm sure everyone agrees that Cyrillic "?" is not the same
letter as Latin "i", but we have "A??" in three different scripts.
Should they be considered equivalent? I think not, because in any
non-trivial context, you'll know whether the program's been written in
Greek, a Slavic language, or something using the Latin script. But
maybe you disagree. Okay; are "B??" all to be considered equivalent
too?  What about "?C"? "X???"? They're visually similar, but they're
not equivalent in any other way. And if you're going to say things
should be considered equivalent solely on the basis of visuals, you
get into a minefield - should U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE be completely
ignored, allowing "AB" to be equivalent to "A\u200bB" as an

This debate should probably continue on python-list (if anywhere). I
doubt Python is going to change its normalization rules any time soon,
and if it does, it'll need a very solid reason (and probably a PEP
with all the pros and cons).


From turnbull.stephen.fw at  Thu Jul 21 03:36:24 2016
From: turnbull.stephen.fw at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:36:24 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danilo J. S. Bellini writes:

 > 1. Using SyntaxError for lexical errors sounds as strange as saying a
 > misspell/typo is a syntax mistake in a natural language.

Well, I find that many typos are discovered even though they look like
(and often enough are) real words, with unacceptable semantics
(sometimes even the same part of speech).  So I don't find that analogy
at all compelling -- human recognition of typos is far more complex
than computer recognition of parse errors.

And the Python lexer is very simple, even among translators.  It
creates tokens for operators which are more or less self-delimiting,
indentation, strings, and failing that sequences of characters
delimited by spaces, newlines, and operators.  Token recognition is
now complete.  For tokens of as-yet unknown type, it then checks
whether the token is a keyword, if not, is it a number.  If not, in a
syntactically correct program, what's left is an identifier (and I
suppose that's why this error message says "identifier", and why it
points to the end of the token, not the "bad" character).  It then
checks the putative identifier and discovers that the token isn't
well-formed as an identifier.  I think it's a very good idea to keep
this tokenization process simple.

So in my proposal, it's intentionally not a lexical error, but rather
a new kind of self-delimiting token (with no syntactic role in correct
programs).  A lexical error means that the translator failed to
construct (including identifying the syntactic role) a token.  That's
very bad.  Theoretically speaking, that means all bets are off, who
knows what the rest of the program might mean?  Pragmatically, you can
use heuristics to generate error messages and reset the lexer to an
"appropriate" state, but as Nick points out, those heuristics are
unreliable and may do more harm than good, and it's not clear what the
appropriate reset state is.

Making an invalid_token (perhaps a better name for current purposes
would be invalid_character_token) means that there are no lexical
errors (except for UnicodeErrors, but they are "below" the level of
the language definition).  This is consistent with current Python
practice for pure ASCII programs:

>>> a$b
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Note that the caret is in the right place, so '$' is being treated as
an operator.  (The same happens with '?', the other non-identifier
non-control ASCII character without specified semantics.)

The advantage is that the tokenized program has much more structure,
and much more restricted valid structure that it can match (correct
positioning of the caret is an immediate benefit, see below), than an
untokenized string (remember, it's already known to contain errors).
Of course you could implicitly do the same thing at the lexical level,
but "explicit is better than implicit".  Since we're trying to reason
about invalid programs, the motivation is heuristic either way, but an
explicit definition of invalid_token means that the processing by the
translator is easier to understand, and it would restrict the ways
that handling of this error could change in the future.  I consider
that restriction to be a good thing in this context, YMMV.

 > 2. About those lexical error messages, the caret is worse than the lack of
 > it when it's not aligned, but unless I'm missing something, one can't
 > guarantee that the terminal is printing the error message with the right
 > encoding.

But it will print the character in the erroneous line and that
character in the error message the same way, which should be enough
(certainly will be enough in the "curly quotes" example).  To identify
the exact character that Python is concerned with (regardless of
whether the glyphs in the error message are what the user sees in her
editor) the Unicode scalar (or even the Unicode name, but that
requires importing the Unicode character database which might be
undesirable) is included.

 > Including the row and column numbers in the message would be
 > helpful.

The line number is already there, the current tokenization process
will set the column number to the place where the caret is.  My
proposal fixes this automatically without requiring Python to do more
analysis than "end of token", which it already knows.

 > 6. Python 3 code is UTF-8 and Unicode identifiers are allowed. Not having
 > Unicode keywords is merely contingent on Python 2 behavior that
 > emphasized ASCII-only code (besides comments and strings).

It's more than that.  For better or worse, English is the natural
language source for Python keywords (even "elif" is a contraction, and
feels natural to this native speaker), and I can think of no variant
of English where (plausible) candidate keywords can't be spelled with
ASCII.  "lambda" itself is the only plausible exception as far as I
know, and even there "lambda calculus" is perfectly good English now.

 > 7. I really don't like the editor "magic", it would be better to create a
 > packaging/ translation script than that (something like
 > 2to3).

2to3 can be used for this purpose, it's quite flexible about the
rulesets that can be defined and specified.

But note that that implies that adding this capability to the stdlib
would fork the language within the CPython implemention, just as
Python 3 is a fork from Python 2.  That sounds like a bad idea to me
-- some people have always complained that porting to Python 3 is
almost like learning a new language, many people are already
complaining that Python 3 is getting bigger than they like, and it
would impose a burden on other implementations.

 > Still worse are the git hooks to perform the replacement
 > before/after a commit: how should one test a code that uses that? 
 > It somehow feels out of control.

Exactly.  All of this discussion about providing an alias for "lambda"
seems out of control, and as a 20-year veteran of Emacs development
(where there is no way to make a clean distinction between language
and stdlib, apparently nobody has ever heard of TOOWTDI, and 3-line
hacks are regularly committed to the core code), it gives me a
terrifying feeling of deja vu.

Improving the message for invalid identifiers of this particular kind,
OTOH, is a straightforward extension of the existing mechanism.

From pavol.lisy at  Thu Jul 21 03:38:05 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 09:38:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/21/16, Danilo J. S. Bellini <danilo.bellini at> wrote:
> 2016-07-21 1:53 GMT-03:00 Pavol Lisy <pavol.lisy at>:

>>   set(unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', i) for i in "??????")  == {'?'}
> In this item I just said that most programmers would probably keep the same
> character in a source code file due to copying and pasting, and that even
> when it doesn't happen (the copy-and-paste action), visual differences like
> italic/bold/serif are enough for one to notice (when using another input
> method).
> At first, I was thinking on a code with one of those symbols as a variable
> name (any of them), but PEP3131 challenges that. Actually, any conversion
> to a normal form means that one should never use unicode identifiers
> outside the chosen normal form. It would be better to raise an error
> instead of converting. If there isn't any lint tool already complaining
> about that, I strongly believe that's something that should be done. When
> mixing strings and identifier names, that's not so predictable:
>>>> obj = type("SomeClass", (object,), {c: i for i, c in
> enumerate("??????")})()
>>>> obj.? == getattr(obj, "?")
> False
>>>> obj.? == getattr(obj, "?")
> True
>>>> dir(obj)
> [..., '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?']

[getattr(obj, i) for i in dir(obj) if i in "??????"]  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


[obj.?, obj.?, obj.?, obj.?, obj.?, obj.?, ]  #  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

So you could mix any of them while editing identifiers. (but you could
not mix them while writing parameters in getattr, setattr and type)

But getattr, setattr and type are other beasts, because they can use
"non identifiers", non letter characters too:

setattr(obj,'+', 7)
dir(obj) # ['+', ...]   # but obj.+ is syntax error

setattr(obj,u"\udcb4", 7)
dir(obj) # [..., '\udcb4' ,...]

obj = type("SomeClass", (object,), {c: i for i, c in enumerate("+-*/")})()

Maybe there is still some Babel curse here and some sort of
normalize_dir, normalize_getattr, normalize_setattr, normalize_type
could help? I am not sure. They probably make things more complicated
than simpler.

From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 21 03:41:49 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 17:41:49 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] =?utf-8?q?Error_handling_for_unknown_Unicode_chara?=
Message-ID: <>

On 21 July 2016 at 15:08, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
> My ?wrongheaded? was (intended) quite narrow and technical:
> - The embargo on non-ASCII everywhere in the language except identifiers
> (strings
>   and comments obviously dont count as ?in? the language
> - The opening of identifiers to large swathes of Unicode widens as you say
>   hugely the surface area of attack
> This was solely the contradiction I was pointing out.

OK, thanks for the clarification, and my apologies for jumping on you.
I can be a bit hypersensitive on this topic, as my day job sometimes
includes encouraging commercial redistributors and end users to stop
taking community volunteers for granted and instead help find ways to
ensure their work is sustainable :)

As it is, I think there are some possible checks that could be added
to the code generator pipeline to help clarify matters:

- for the "invalid character" error message, we should be able to
always report both the printed symbol *and* the ASCII hex escape,
rather than assuming the caret will point to the correct place
- the caret positioning logic for syntax errors needs to be checked to
see if it's currently counting encoded UTF-8 bytes instead of code
points (as that will consistently do the wrong thing on a correctly
configured UTF-8 terminal)
- (more speculatively) when building the symbol table, we may be able
to look for identifiers referenced in a namespace that are not NKFC
equivalent, but nevertheless qualify as Unicode confusables, and emit
a SyntaxWarning (this is speculative, as I'm not sure what degree of
performance hit would be associated with it)

As far as Danilo's observation regarding the CPython code generator
always emitting SyntaxError and SyntaxWarning (regardless of which
part of the code generation actually failed) goes, I wouldn't be
opposed to our getting more precise about that by defining additional
subclasses, but one of the requirements would be for documentation in or helper functions in
the source to clearly define "when working on <this> part of the code
generation pipeline, raise <that> kind of error if something goes


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rustompmody at  Thu Jul 21 03:47:37 2016
From: rustompmody at (Rustom Mody)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 00:47:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 12:51:27 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Rustom Mody <rusto... at 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> > IOW
> > 1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)
> > 2. Identify confusables to a normal form ? like case-insensitive 
> comparison
> > and like NKFC
> > 3. Leave the confusables to confuse
> >
> > My choice
> > 1 better than 2 better than 3
> So should we disable the lowercase 'l', the uppercase 'I', and the
> digit '1', because they can be confused? What about the confusability
> of "m" and "rn"? O and 0 are similar in some fonts. And case
> insensitivity brings its own problems - is "ss" equivalent to "?", and
> is "?" equivalent to either? Turkish distinguishes between "i", which
> upper-cases to "?", and "?", which upper-cases to "I".
> We already have interminable debates about letter similarities across
> scripts. I'm sure everyone agrees that Cyrillic "?" is not the same
> letter as Latin "i", but we have "A??" in three different scripts.
> Should they be considered equivalent? I think not, because in any
> non-trivial context, you'll know whether the program's been written in
> Greek, a Slavic language, or something using the Latin script. But
> maybe you disagree. Okay; are "B??" all to be considered equivalent
> too?  What about "?C"? "X???"? They're visually similar, but they're
> not equivalent in any other way. And if you're going to say things
> should be considered equivalent solely on the basis of visuals, you
> get into a minefield - should U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE be completely
> ignored, allowing "AB" to be equivalent to "A\u200bB" as an
> identifier?
I said 1 better than 2 better than  3
Maybe you also want to add:

Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.

followed by

Errors should never pass silently.

IOW setting out 1 better than 2 better than 3 does not necessarily imply 
its completely achievable
-------------- next part --------------
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From rosuav at  Thu Jul 21 03:54:27 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 17:54:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Rustom Mody <rusto... at> wrote:
>> > IOW
>> > 1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)
>> > 2. Identify confusables to a normal form ? like case-insensitive
>> > comparison
>> > and like NKFC
>> > 3. Leave the confusables to confuse
>> >
>> > My choice
>> > 1 better than 2 better than 3
>> So should we disable the lowercase 'l', the uppercase 'I', and the
>> digit '1', because they can be confused? What about the confusability
>> of "m" and "rn"? O and 0 are similar in some fonts. And case
>> insensitivity brings its own problems - is "ss" equivalent to "?", and
>> is "?" equivalent to either? Turkish distinguishes between "i", which
>> upper-cases to "?", and "?", which upper-cases to "I".
>> We already have interminable debates about letter similarities across
>> scripts. I'm sure everyone agrees that Cyrillic "?" is not the same
>> letter as Latin "i", but we have "A??" in three different scripts.
>> Should they be considered equivalent? I think not, because in any
>> non-trivial context, you'll know whether the program's been written in
>> Greek, a Slavic language, or something using the Latin script. But
>> maybe you disagree. Okay; are "B??" all to be considered equivalent
>> too?  What about "?C"? "X???"? They're visually similar, but they're
>> not equivalent in any other way. And if you're going to say things
>> should be considered equivalent solely on the basis of visuals, you
>> get into a minefield - should U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE be completely
>> ignored, allowing "AB" to be equivalent to "A\u200bB" as an
>> identifier?
> I said 1 better than 2 better than  3
> Maybe you also want to add:
> Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
> Although practicality beats purity.
> followed by
> Errors should never pass silently.
> IOW setting out 1 better than 2 better than 3 does not necessarily imply its
> completely achievable

No; I'm not saying that. I'm completely disagreeing with #1's value. I
don't think the language interpreter should concern itself with
visually-confusing identifiers. Unicode normalization is about
*equivalent characters*, not confusability, and I think that's as far
as Python should go.


From p.f.moore at  Thu Jul 21 04:37:06 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 09:37:06 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21 July 2016 at 08:54, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> No; I'm not saying that. I'm completely disagreeing with #1's value. I
> don't think the language interpreter should concern itself with
> visually-confusing identifiers. Unicode normalization is about
> *equivalent characters*, not confusability, and I think that's as far
> as Python should go.

+1. There are plenty of ways of writing programs that don't do what
the reader expects. (Non-malicious) people writing Python code
shouldn't be using visually ambiguous identifiers. People running code
they don't trust should check it (and yes, "are there any
non-ASCII/confusable characters used in identifiers" is one check they
should make, among many).

Avoiding common mistakes is a good thing. But that's about as far as
we should go. On that note, though, "smart quotes" do find their way
into code, usually via cut and paste from documents in tools like MS
Word that "helpfully" change straight quotes to smart ones. So it
*may* be worth special casing a check for smart quotes in identifiers,
and reporting something like "was this meant to be a string, but you
accidentally used smart quotes"? On the other hand, people who
routinely copy code samples from sources that mangle the quotes are
probably used to errors of this nature, and know what went wrong even
if the error is unclear. After all, I don't know *any* language that
explicitly checks for this specific error.

Personally, I don't think that the effort required is justified by the
minimal benefit. But if someone were to be inclined to make that
effort and produce a patch, an argument along the above lines
(catching a common cut and paste error) might be sufficient to
persuade someone to commit it.


From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 21 07:55:57 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 21:55:57 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 21 July 2016 at 17:41, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> - the caret positioning logic for syntax errors needs to be checked to
> see if it's currently counting encoded UTF-8 bytes instead of code
> points (as that will consistently do the wrong thing on a correctly
> configured UTF-8 terminal)

Prompted by Chris Angelico, I took a closer a look at the behaviour
here, and it seems to be due to a problem with the caret being
positioned at the end of a candidate "identifier" token, rather than
at the beginning:

>>> varname = ?d?a?t?apoint
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    varname = ?d?a?t?apoint
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>>> varname = ?d?a?t?apoint.evidence
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    varname = ?d?a?t?apoint.evidence
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>>> varname = ?d?a?t?apoint[evidence]
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    varname = ?d?a?t?apoint[evidence]
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier
>>> varname = ?d?a?t?apoint(evidence)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    varname = ?d?a?t?apoint(evidence)
SyntaxError: invalid character in identifier

If you view those examples in a fixed width font, you'll see the caret
is pointing at the "t" in each case, rather than at the first
problematic code point. (Even in a proportional font, while you can't
see the actual alignment, you *can* see that the alignment isn't

By contrast, if you put an impermissible ASCII character into the
"identifier" the caret points right at it.

If anyone's inclined to dig into the compilation toolchain to try to
figure out what's going on, I filed on issue for this particular
misbehaviour at


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From spitz.dan.l at  Thu Jul 21 10:06:51 2016
From: spitz.dan.l at (Daniel Spitz)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:06:51 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
Message-ID: <>


I have run into a use case where I want to create a wrapper object that
will star-unpack a sequence of arguments to pass to a function. Currently
one way to construct this is to create a function:

def starcaller(f):
    def wrapper(args):
        return f(*args)
    return wrapper

Such a function feels simple enough, and specific enough to the language,
that it would fit in well in the operator module of the standard library.
We already have a similar representation of this functionality in

Whereas the nested function implementation above will produce unpickleable
objects (due to the closure), a straightforward c implementation will
produce pickleable ones, making them useful for parallel applications.

Dan Spitz
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From vgr255 at  Thu Jul 21 10:19:46 2016
From: vgr255 at (Emanuel Barry)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:19:46 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You?re presumably doing something like ?star = starcaller(f); star((?foo?, ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? how is it different from ?f(*(?foo?, ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? I don?t see any difference?


From: Python-ideas [ at] On Behalf Of Daniel Spitz
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 10:07 AM
To: python-ideas at
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller


I have run into a use case where I want to create a wrapper object that will star-unpack a sequence of arguments to pass to a function. Currently one way to construct this is to create a function:

def starcaller(f):
    def wrapper(args):
        return f(*args)
    return wrapper

Such a function feels simple enough, and specific enough to the language, that it would fit in well in the operator module of the standard library. We already have a similar representation of this functionality in itertools.starmap.

Whereas the nested function implementation above will produce unpickleable objects (due to the closure), a straightforward c implementation will produce pickleable ones, making them useful for parallel applications.

Dan Spitz
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From steve at  Thu Jul 21 10:25:37 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 00:25:37 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 06:16:10PM -0300, Danilo J. S. Bellini wrote:

> 1. Using SyntaxError for lexical errors sounds as strange as saying a
> misspell/typo is a syntax mistake in a natural language.

Why? Regardless of whether the error is found by the tokeniser, the 
lexer, the parser, or something else, it is still a *syntax error*. Why 
would the programmer need to know, or care, what part of the 
compiler/interpreter detects the error?

Also consider that not all Python interpreters will divide up the task 
of interpreting code exactly the same way. Tokenisers, lexers and 
parsers are very closely related and not necessarily distinct. Should 
the *exact same typo* generate TokenError in one Python, LexerError in 
another, and ParserError in a third? What is the advantage of that?

> 2. About those lexical error messages, the caret is worse than the lack of
> it when it's not aligned, but unless I'm missing something, one can't
> guarantee that the terminal is printing the error message with the right
> encoding. Including the row and column numbers in the message would be
> helpful.

It would be nice for the caret to point to the illegal character, but 
it's not *wrong* to point past it to the end of the token that contains 
the illegal character.

> 4. Unicode have more than one codepoint for some symbols that look alike,
> for example "??????" are all valid uppercase sigmas. Ther

Not really. Look at their names:


Personally, I don't understand why the Unicode Consortium has included 
all these variants. But whatever the reason, the names hint strongly 
that they have specialised purposes, and shouldn't be used when you want 
the letter ?.

But, if you do, Python will normalise them all to ?, so there's no real 
harm done, except to the readability of your code.

> when editing a code with an Unicode
> char like that, most people would probably copy and paste the symbol
> instead of typing it, leading to a consistent use of the same symbol.

You are assuming that the programmer's font includes glyphs for all of 
six of those code points. More likely, the programmer will see ? for the 
first code point, and the other five will display as a pair of "missing 
glyph" boxes. (That's exactly what I see in my mail client, and in the 
Python interpreter.)

Why a pair of boxes? Because they are code points in the Supplementary 
Multilingual Planes, and require *two* 16-bit code units in UTF-16. So 
naive Unicode software with poor support for the SMPs will display two 
boxes, one for each surrogate code point.

Even if the code points display correctly, with distinct glyphs, your 
comment that most people will be forced to copy and paste the symbol is 
precisely why I am reluctant to see Python introduce non-ASCII keywords 
or operators. It's a pity, because I think that non-ASCII operators at 
least can make a much richer language (although I wouldn't want to see 
anything as extreme as APL). Perhaps I will change my mind in a few more 
years, as the popularity of emoji encourage more applications to have 
better support for non-ASCII and the SMPs.

> 6. Python 3 code is UTF-8 and Unicode identifiers are allowed. Not having
> Unicode keywords is merely contingent on Python 2 behavior that emphasized
> ASCII-only code (besides comments and strings).

No, it is a *policy decision*. It is not because Python 2 didn't support 
them. Python 2 didn't support non-ASCII identifiers either, but Python 3 
intentionally broke with that.

> 7. The discussion isn't about lambda or anti-lambda bias, it's about
> keyword naming and readability. Who gains/loses with that resource? It
> won't hurt those who never uses lambda and never uses Unicode identifiers.

It will hurt those who have to read code with a mystery ? that they 
don't know what it means and they have no idea how to search for it. At 
least "python lambda" is easy to search for.

It will hurt those who want to use ? as an identifier. I include myself 
in that category. I don't want ? to be reserved as a keyword.

I look at it like this: use ? as a keyword makes as much sense as making 
f a keyword so that we can save a few characters by writing:

f myfunction(arg, x, y):

instead of def. I use f as an identifier in many places, e.g.:

for f in list_of_functions:

or in functional code:

compose(f, g)

Yes, I can *work around it* by naming things f_ instead of f, but that's 
ugly. Even though it saves a few keystrokes, I wouldn't want f to be 
reserved as a keyword, and the same goes for ? as lambda.

> 8. I don't know if any consensus can emerge in this matter about lambdas,
> but there's another subject that can be discussed together: macros. 

I'm pretty sure that Guido has ruled "Over My Dead Body" to anything 
resembling macros in Python.

However, we can experiment with adding keywords and macro-like 
facilities without Guido's permission. For example:

It's a joke, of course, but the technology is real.

Imagine, if you will, that somebody you could declare a "dialect" at the 
start of Python modules, just after the optional language cookie:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- dialect math -*-

which would tell importlib to run the code through some sort of 
source/AST transformation before importing it. That will allow us to 
localise the keywords, introduce new operators, and all the other things 
Guido hates *wink* and still be able to treat the code as normal Python.

A bad idea? Probably an awful one. But it's worth experimenting with it,
It will be fun, and it *just might* turn out to be a good idea.

For the record, in the 1980s and 1990s, Apple used a similar idea for 
two of their scripting languages, Hypertalk and Applescript, allowing 
users to localise keywords. Hypertalk is now defunct, and Applescript 
has dropped that feature, which suggests that it is a bad idea. Or maybe 
it was just ahead of its time.


From rosuav at  Thu Jul 21 10:34:32 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 00:34:32 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 06:16:10PM -0300, Danilo J. S. Bellini wrote:
>> 2. About those lexical error messages, the caret is worse than the lack of
>> it when it's not aligned, but unless I'm missing something, one can't
>> guarantee that the terminal is printing the error message with the right
>> encoding. Including the row and column numbers in the message would be
>> helpful.
> It would be nice for the caret to point to the illegal character, but
> it's not *wrong* to point past it to the end of the token that contains
> the illegal character.

And it's currently being explored here:

If you like the idea of the caret pointing somewhere else, join the discussion.


From mertz at  Thu Jul 21 10:59:27 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:59:27 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This idea of "visually confusable" seems like a very silly thing to worry
about, as others have noted.

It's not just that completely different letters from different alphabets
may "look similar", it's also that the similarity is completely dependent
on the specific font used for display. My favorite font might have clearly
distinguished glyphs for the Cyrillic, Roman, and Greek "A", even if your
font uses identical glyphs.

So in this crazy scenario, Python would have to gain awareness of the fonts
installed in every text editor and display device of every user.

On Jul 21, 2016 12:55 AM, "Chris Angelico" <rosuav at> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Rustom Mody <rusto... at> wrote:
>> > IOW
>> > 1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)
>> > 2. Identify confusables to a normal form ? like case-insensitive
>> > comparison
>> > and like NKFC
>> > 3. Leave the confusables to confuse
>> >
>> > My choice
>> > 1 better than 2 better than 3
>> So should we disable the lowercase 'l', the uppercase 'I', and the
>> digit '1', because they can be confused? What about the confusability
>> of "m" and "rn"? O and 0 are similar in some fonts. And case
>> insensitivity brings its own problems - is "ss" equivalent to "?", and
>> is "?" equivalent to either? Turkish distinguishes between "i", which
>> upper-cases to "?", and "?", which upper-cases to "I".
>> We already have interminable debates about letter similarities across
>> scripts. I'm sure everyone agrees that Cyrillic "?" is not the same
>> letter as Latin "i", but we have "A??" in three different scripts.
>> Should they be considered equivalent? I think not, because in any
>> non-trivial context, you'll know whether the program's been written in
>> Greek, a Slavic language, or something using the Latin script. But
>> maybe you disagree. Okay; are "B??" all to be considered equivalent
>> too?  What about "?C"? "X???"? They're visually similar, but they're
>> not equivalent in any other way. And if you're going to say things
>> should be considered equivalent solely on the basis of visuals, you
>> get into a minefield - should U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE be completely
>> ignored, allowing "AB" to be equivalent to "A\u200bB" as an
>> identifier?
> I said 1 better than 2 better than  3
> Maybe you also want to add:
> Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
> Although practicality beats purity.
> followed by
> Errors should never pass silently.
> IOW setting out 1 better than 2 better than 3 does not necessarily imply
> completely achievable

No; I'm not saying that. I'm completely disagreeing with #1's value. I
don't think the language interpreter should concern itself with
visually-confusing identifiers. Unicode normalization is about
*equivalent characters*, not confusability, and I think that's as far
as Python should go.

Python-ideas mailing list
Python-ideas at
Code of Conduct:
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From mertz at  Thu Jul 21 11:09:59 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 08:09:59 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Jul 21, 2016 7:26 AM, "Steven D'Aprano" <steve at> wrote:
> You are assuming that the programmer's font includes glyphs for all of
> six of those code points. More likely, the programmer will see ? for the
> first code point, and the other five will display as a pair of "missing
> glyph" boxes. (That's exactly what I see in my mail client, and in the
> Python interpreter.)

Fwiw, on my OSX laptop, with whatever particular fonts I have installed
there, using a particular webmail service in the particular browser I use,
I see all six glyphs.

If I were to copy-paste into a text editor, all bets would be off, and
depend on the editor and it its settings. Same for interactive shells run
in particular terminal apps.

Viewing right now, on my Android tablet and the Gmail app, I see a bunch of
missing glyph markers. But quite likely I could install fonts or change
settings on this device to render them.
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From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 21 11:20:38 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 01:20:38 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 July 2016 at 00:19, Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:
> Hello,
> You?re presumably doing something like ?star = starcaller(f); star((?foo?,
> ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? how is it different from ?f(*(?foo?, ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? I
> don?t see any difference?

Similar to functools.partial, it lets you more easily separate the
process of changing a function's signature from actually calling it.


    def f(a, b):
        print(a, b)

    accepts_only_b = functools.partial(f, "predefined_a")
    accepts_args_as_tuple = operator.starcaller(f)

>From the point of view of subsequent code, "args_as_tuple" now works
as a callable that accepts a 2-tuple and prints the elements.

However, the similarity to partial does make me wonder whether we
might be better off resurrecting the old apply() builtin as a
functools function:

Then the requested operation would just be:

    accepts_args_as_tuple = functools.partial(functools.apply, f)

(with the added bonus of also accepting an optional keyword dict)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From steve at  Thu Jul 21 11:45:43 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 01:45:43 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 11:26:58PM -0700, Rustom Mody wrote:

> >>> ? = 1
> >>> A = A + 1
> because the A's look more indistinguishable than the sigmas and are 
> internally more distinct
>  If the choice is to simply disallow the confusables that?s probably the 
> best choice
> 1. Disallow co-existence of confusables (in identifiers)

That would require disallowing 1 l and I, as well as O and 0. Or are 
you, after telling us off for taking an ASCII-centric perspective, going 
to exempt ASCII confusables?

In a dynamic language like Python, how do you prohibit these 
confusables? Every time Python does a name binding operation, is it 
supposed to search the entire namespace for potential confusables? 
That's going to be awful expensive.

Confusables are a real problem in URLs, because they can be used for 
phishing attacks. While even the most tech-savvy user is vulnerable, it 
is especially the *least* savvy users who are at risk, which makes it 
all the more important to protect against confusables in URLs.

But in programming code? Your demonstration with the Latin A and the 
Greek alpha ? or Cyrillic ? is just a party trick. In a world where most 
developers do something like:

pip install randompackage
python -m randompackage

without ever once looking at the source code, I think we have bigger 
problems. Or rather, even the bigger problems are not that big.

If you're worried about confusables, there are alternatives other than 
banning them: your editor or linter might highlight them. Or rather than 
syntax highlighting, perhaps editors should use *semantic highlighting* 
and colour-code variables:

in which case your A and A will be highlighted in completely different 
colours, completely ruining the trick.

(Aside: this may also help with the "oops I misspelled my variable and 
the compiler didn't complain" problem. If "self.dashes" is green and 
"self.dahses" is blue, you're more likely to notice the typo.) 


From vgr255 at  Thu Jul 21 11:48:15 2016
From: vgr255 at (Emanuel Barry)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 15:48:15 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> From: Nick Coghlan
> Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:21 AM
> On 22 July 2016 at 00:19, Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > You?re presumably doing something like ?star = starcaller(f); star((?foo?,
> > ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? how is it different from ?f(*(?foo?, ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? I
> > don?t see any difference?
> Similar to functools.partial, it lets you more easily separate the
> process of changing a function's signature from actually calling it.
> Compare:
>     def f(a, b):
>         print(a, b)
>     accepts_only_b = functools.partial(f, "predefined_a")
>     accepts_args_as_tuple = operator.starcaller(f)

Ah, of course - I didn't think of the multiple arguments case, thanks :)


From spitz.dan.l at  Thu Jul 21 12:36:37 2016
From: spitz.dan.l at (Daniel Spitz)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:36:37 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Well, partial + apply seems like the most powerful solution (supports
**keywords, opens up the possibility of using apply in other ways). Perhaps
adding apply back to functools rather than as a builtin would evade some of
the antipatterns it used to encourage (a la reduce). I'm not sure and don't
have a strong opinion about the original removal of apply.

Alternatively a form of "starcaller" or "unpackcaller" defined roughly as
partial(apply) could be added to the operator module in the capacity I
proposed above. The only possible advantage here is aesthetic; it fits
conceptually with the rest of the module as a callable capturing a
repeatable operation that is normally only possible with special syntax. It
also disallows using apply in "non-curried" contexts.


Emanuel, my use case is one where I am creating data transformations by
composing chains of function calls. The functions are executed in parallel
across multiple processes. Specifically I'm using the Dask Distributed
<> library.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:51 AM Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:

> > From: Nick Coghlan
> > Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:21 AM
> >
> > On 22 July 2016 at 00:19, Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > You?re presumably doing something like ?star = starcaller(f);
> star((?foo?,
> > > ?bar?, ?baz?))? ? how is it different from ?f(*(?foo?, ?bar?, ?baz?))?
> ? I
> > > don?t see any difference?
> >
> > Similar to functools.partial, it lets you more easily separate the
> > process of changing a function's signature from actually calling it.
> >
> > Compare:
> >
> >     def f(a, b):
> >         print(a, b)
> >
> >     accepts_only_b = functools.partial(f, "predefined_a")
> >     accepts_args_as_tuple = operator.starcaller(f)
> Ah, of course - I didn't think of the multiple arguments case, thanks :)
> -Emanuel
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From tjreedy at  Thu Jul 21 13:48:36 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 13:48:36 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nmr1tl$k75$>

On 7/21/2016 3:41 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 21 July 2016 at 15:08, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
>> My ?wrongheaded? was (intended) quite narrow and technical:
>> - The embargo on non-ASCII everywhere in the language except identifiers
>> (strings
>>   and comments obviously dont count as ?in? the language
>> - The opening of identifiers to large swathes of Unicode widens as you say
>>   hugely the surface area of attack
>> This was solely the contradiction I was pointing out.
> OK, thanks for the clarification, and my apologies for jumping on you.
> I can be a bit hypersensitive on this topic, as my day job sometimes
> includes encouraging commercial redistributors and end users to stop
> taking community volunteers for granted and instead help find ways to
> ensure their work is sustainable :)
> As it is, I think there are some possible checks that could be added
> to the code generator pipeline to help clarify matters:
> - for the "invalid character" error message, we should be able to
> always report both the printed symbol *and* the ASCII hex escape,
> rather than assuming the caret will point to the correct place
> - the caret positioning logic for syntax errors needs to be checked to
> see if it's currently counting encoded UTF-8 bytes instead of code
> points (as that will consistently do the wrong thing on a correctly
> configured UTF-8 terminal)
> - (more speculatively) when building the symbol table, we may be able
> to look for identifiers referenced in a namespace that are not NKFC
> equivalent, but nevertheless qualify as Unicode confusables, and emit
> a SyntaxWarning (this is speculative, as I'm not sure what degree of
> performance hit would be associated with it)
> As far as Danilo's observation regarding the CPython code generator
> always emitting SyntaxError and SyntaxWarning (regardless of which
> part of the code generation actually failed) goes, I wouldn't be
> opposed to our getting more precise about that by defining additional
> subclasses, but one of the requirements would be for documentation in
> or helper functions in
> the source to clearly define "when working on <this> part of the code
> generation pipeline, raise <that> kind of error if something goes
> wrong".
> Cheers,
> Nick.

Terry Jan Reedy

From tjreedy at  Thu Jul 21 14:01:31 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:01:31 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nmr2lr$ii$>

[Apologies for the previous premature send]
On 7/21/2016 3:41 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 21 July 2016 at 15:08, Rustom Mody <rustompmody at> wrote:
>> My ?wrongheaded? was (intended) quite narrow and technical:
>> - The embargo on non-ASCII everywhere in the language except identifiers
>> (strings
>>   and comments obviously dont count as ?in? the language
>> - The opening of identifiers to large swathes of Unicode widens as you say
>>   hugely the surface area of attack
>> This was solely the contradiction I was pointing out.
> OK, thanks for the clarification, and my apologies for jumping on you.
> I can be a bit hypersensitive on this topic, as my day job sometimes
> includes encouraging commercial redistributors and end users to stop
> taking community volunteers for granted and instead help find ways to
> ensure their work is sustainable :)

Like reporting errors on the tracker or at least python-list or even 
here, instead of only in books, articles, posts, other forum questions. 
I found a few unreported errors on SO questions (and have fixed a couple).

> As it is, I think there are some possible checks that could be added
> to the code generator pipeline to help clarify matters:
> - for the "invalid character" error message, we should be able to
> always report both the printed symbol *and* the ASCII hex escape,
> rather than assuming the caret will point to the correct place
> - the caret positioning logic for syntax errors needs to be checked to
> see if it's currently counting encoded UTF-8 bytes instead of code
> points (as that will consistently do the wrong thing on a correctly
> configured UTF-8 terminal)
> - (more speculatively) when building the symbol table, we may be able
> to look for identifiers referenced in a namespace that are not NKFC
> equivalent, but nevertheless qualify as Unicode confusables, and emit
> a SyntaxWarning (this is speculative, as I'm not sure what degree of
> performance hit would be associated with it)
> As far as Danilo's observation regarding the CPython code generator
> always emitting SyntaxError and SyntaxWarning (regardless of which
> part of the code generation actually failed) goes,

It is not true.
All these are (supposedly) possible:
SyntaxError -- obvious
NameError -- ?, already caught in code module
OverflowError-- ?, already caught in code module
SystemError  - 22 nested for loops ('deeply nested blocks')
TypeError -- chr(0), 2.7
ValueError -- chr(0), 3.x; bytes(0), 2.7

Emitting SystemError was changed in 27514.

I wish Danilo's observation were true.  This issue is about the fact 
that the code module and IDLE do not catch all possible compile errors 
because there was no documented list until I compiled the above, which 
may still not be complete.

> I wouldn't be
> opposed to our getting more precise about that by defining additional
> subclasses, but one of the requirements would be for documentation in
> or helper functions in
> the source to clearly define "when working on <this> part of the code
> generation pipeline, raise <that> kind of error if something goes
> wrong".

Or I wish that the compile doc gave a complete list.

Terry Jan Reedy

From michael.selik at  Thu Jul 21 14:04:32 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 18:04:32 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:37 PM Daniel Spitz <spitz.dan.l at> wrote:

> Alternatively a form of "starcaller" or "unpackcaller" defined roughly as
> partial(apply) could be added to the operator module in the capacity I
> proposed above. The only possible advantage here is aesthetic; it fits
> conceptually with the rest of the module as a callable capturing a
> repeatable operation that is normally only possible with special syntax. It
> also disallows using apply in "non-curried" contexts.

It does seem to fit with the theme of the operator module. One major use of
the operator module is providing an alternative to lambdas. In this case,
the clear alternative is ``g = lambda args, kwargs: f(*args, **kwargs)``
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From tjreedy at  Thu Jul 21 14:50:52 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:50:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nmr5id$fjd$>

On 7/21/2016 10:25 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Imagine, if you will, that somebody you could declare a "dialect" at the
> start of Python modules, just after the optional language cookie:
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> # -*- dialect math -*-
> which would tell importlib to run the code through some sort of
> source/AST transformation before importing it. That will allow us to
> localise the keywords, introduce new operators, and all the other things
> Guido hates *wink* and still be able to treat the code as normal Python.

Or one could write a 'unipy' extension to an IDE like IDLE that would 
translate an entire editor buffer either way.  It would take less time 
than has been expended pushing for a change that will not happen in the 
near future.

> A bad idea? Probably an awful one. But it's worth experimenting with it,
> It will be fun, and it *just might* turn out to be a good idea.
> For the record, in the 1980s and 1990s, Apple used a similar idea for
> two of their scripting languages, Hypertalk and Applescript, allowing
> users to localise keywords. Hypertalk is now defunct, and Applescript
> has dropped that feature, which suggests that it is a bad idea. Or maybe
> it was just ahead of its time.

Terry Jan Reedy

From guido at  Thu Jul 21 16:43:01 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 13:43:01 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
Message-ID: <>

At Dropbox I see a lot of people who want to start using type
annotations (PEP 484, mypy) struggle with the collection ABCs.

It's pretty common to want to support both sets and lists of values,
as these have a lot of useful behavior: they are (re)iterable, have a
size, and implement `__contains__` (i.e. x in c, x not in c). It's
pretty common for people to think that Iterable is the answer, but
it's not. I'm beginning to think that it would be useful to add
another ABC to (and to typing) that represents the
intersection of these three ABCs, and to "upgrade" Set and Sequence to
inherit from it. (And Mapping.)


(Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)

--Guido van Rossum (

From michael.selik at  Thu Jul 21 17:14:21 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 21:14:21 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:43 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> At Dropbox I see a lot of people who want to start using type
> annotations (PEP 484, mypy) struggle with the collection ABCs.
> It's pretty common to want to support both sets and lists of values

Are these folks dissatisfied with a union type: ``Union[Sequence, Set]``?

(Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
> iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
> concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
> does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)

"Reiterable" seems to cause vocabulary confusion regularly on this list. It
also has a common case for runtime checking:

    if not isinstance(iterable, Reiterable):
        iterable = list(iterable)

It's hard to think of a good name to describe ``Union[Iterable, Sized,
Container]`` and it'd still have the confusion of whether it's re-iterable.

Does the concept of "reiterable" imply that an iteration does not mutate
the object? If so, then if something is both Reiterable and Sized, it
should also be a Container.
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From guido at  Thu Jul 21 17:28:55 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:28:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Michael Selik <michael.selik at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:43 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> At Dropbox I see a lot of people who want to start using type
>> annotations (PEP 484, mypy) struggle with the collection ABCs.
>> It's pretty common to want to support both sets and lists of values
> Are these folks dissatisfied with a union type: ``Union[Sequence, Set]``?

I don't know if they are, but I am. :-) Unions look pretty ugly, and
there are obvious implementations that satisfy all three criteria but
are neither sequence not set (e.g. mapping).

>> (Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
>> iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
>> concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
>> does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)
> "Reiterable" seems to cause vocabulary confusion regularly on this list.

What kind of confusion?

> It also has a common case for runtime checking:
>     if not isinstance(iterable, Reiterable):
>         iterable = list(iterable)
> It's hard to think of a good name to describe ``Union[Iterable, Sized,
> Container]`` and it'd still have the confusion of whether it's re-iterable.

It's hard to imagine it having a size and not being reiterable.

FWIW IIUC the most common idiom to test for this is:

    if iter(iterable) is iterable:
        iterable = list(iterable)

> Does the concept of "reiterable" imply that an iteration does not mutate the
> object?

I think that's generally true, though it's not the key property. The
key property is that after iterating until the end, you can start over
from the beginning just by calling iter() again. Example types that
don't have this property include streams and anything that is itself
the result of calling iter() on something more stable.

> If so, then if something is both Reiterable and Sized, it should
> also be a Container.

Agreed. (Container is not implied by Iterable mostly because for a
once-iterable, "x in c" consumes the iterable.)

--Guido van Rossum (

From michael.selik at  Thu Jul 21 18:42:30 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 22:42:30 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:29 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Michael Selik <michael.selik at>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:43 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> wrote:
> >> (Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
> >> iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
> >> concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
> >> does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)
> >
> > "Reiterable" seems to cause vocabulary confusion regularly on this list.
> What kind of confusion?

Someone accidentally says iterable when they mean reiterable, and then
there's a handful of emails pointing that out and arguing about what the
right word should be to describe something (like range) that can be
iterated over more than once, but isn't necessarily a sequence, set, or
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From guido at  Thu Jul 21 19:38:25 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:38:25 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ah. Well, there's no official term "reiterable" AFAIK. This confusion
also lies at the root of the issues I started with. So let's try to
find a new term!

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Michael Selik <michael.selik at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:29 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Michael Selik <michael.selik at>
>> wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:43 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at>
>> > wrote:
>> >> (Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
>> >> iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
>> >> concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
>> >> does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)
>> >
>> > "Reiterable" seems to cause vocabulary confusion regularly on this list.
>> What kind of confusion?
> Someone accidentally says iterable when they mean reiterable, and then
> there's a handful of emails pointing that out and arguing about what the
> right word should be to describe something (like range) that can be iterated
> over more than once, but isn't necessarily a sequence, set, or mapping.

--Guido van Rossum (

From greg.ewing at  Thu Jul 21 19:51:35 2016
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 11:51:35 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Ah. Well, there's no official term "reiterable" AFAIK. This confusion
> also lies at the root of the issues I started with. So let's try to
> find a new term!

Container or Collection sounds about right to me.


From guido at  Thu Jul 21 19:58:50 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:58:50 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".

Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.

Otherwise either would be a good candidate...

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Ah. Well, there's no official term "reiterable" AFAIK. This confusion
>> also lies at the root of the issues I started with. So let's try to
>> find a new term!
> Container or Collection sounds about right to me.
> --
> Greg
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From tomuxiong at  Thu Jul 21 20:05:25 2016
From: tomuxiong at (Thomas Nyberg)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 20:05:25 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/21/2016 07:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".
> Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.
> Otherwise either would be a good candidate...

Coming out of lurking...

StaticIterable? ConstIterable? Something to indicate that if you just 
iterate over it you keep getting the same thing?

Personally I think Reiterable is about as clear as it ever will be...


From guido at  Thu Jul 21 20:29:08 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 17:29:08 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Thomas Nyberg <tomuxiong at> wrote:
> On 07/21/2016 07:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".
>> Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.
>> Otherwise either would be a good candidate...
> Coming out of lurking...
> StaticIterable? ConstIterable? Something to indicate that if you just
> iterate over it you keep getting the same thing?

Neither "static" nor "const" convey the right meaning.

> Personally I think Reiterable is about as clear as it ever will be...

Yeah, I think that's my conclusion as well.

--Guido van Rossum (

From steve at  Thu Jul 21 22:29:21 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:29:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 01:43:01PM -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> At Dropbox I see a lot of people who want to start using type
> annotations (PEP 484, mypy) struggle with the collection ABCs.
> It's pretty common to want to support both sets and lists of values,
> as these have a lot of useful behavior: they are (re)iterable, have a
> size, and implement `__contains__` (i.e. x in c, x not in c). It's
> pretty common for people to think that Iterable is the answer, but
> it's not. I'm beginning to think that it would be useful to add
> another ABC to (and to typing) that represents the
> intersection of these three ABCs, and to "upgrade" Set and Sequence to
> inherit from it. (And Mapping.)

Are you talking about giving a nice name to Union[Set, Sequence, 

I'm not sure that there is one, unless we make up a word. How do you 
feel about abbreviations? SSM? MSS?

> Thoughts?
> (Another useful concept is "reiterable", i.e. an Iterable that can be
> iterated over multiple times -- there's no ABC to indicate this
> concept. Sequence, Set and Mapping all support this concept, Iterator
> does not include it, but Iterable is wishy-washy.)

Now I'm having flash-backs to this thread:

As I recall from that thread:

    isinstance(obj, Reiterable)

is *almost* equivalent to:

    isinstance(obj, Iterable) and not isinstance(obj, Iterator)

Back at the time, I wasn't convinced that the stdlib needed a special 
name for this concept, but I wasn't thinking of the typing module.


From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 21 22:39:56 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:39:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 July 2016 at 02:36, Daniel Spitz <spitz.dan.l at> wrote:
> Well, partial + apply seems like the most powerful solution (supports
> **keywords, opens up the possibility of using apply in other ways). Perhaps
> adding apply back to functools rather than as a builtin would evade some of
> the antipatterns it used to encourage (a la reduce). I'm not sure and don't
> have a strong opinion about the original removal of apply.
> Alternatively a form of "starcaller" or "unpackcaller" defined roughly as
> partial(apply) could be added to the operator module in the capacity I
> proposed above. The only possible advantage here is aesthetic; it fits
> conceptually with the rest of the module as a callable capturing a
> repeatable operation that is normally only possible with special syntax. It
> also disallows using apply in "non-curried" contexts.

apply was removed primarily for reasons of redundancy rather than
there being anything particularly objectionable about the function
itself, so I wouldn't anticipate any major objections to giving it the
reduce treatment. The answer to "Which approach should I use when?" is
pretty straightforward: "use the builtin syntax in most situations,
but use functools.apply instead if you specifically need a
higher-order function".

Where I've personally seen that need come up is in distributed task
processing where you normally want the actual computation to happen
*somewhere else* (e.g. on another machine, in another process or
thread, or even as a callback within the current thread), but the
mechanism for actually invoking the callback is itself a callback that
accepts a "(callable, args, kwds)" triple. "functools.apply" then
slots in neatly as a lowest common denominator "just call it
immediately" baseline implementation.

There's also an interesting potential synergy with PEP 484 type
annotations when it comes to manipulating higher order functions: at
the moment, there's no way to explicitly type callables that accept
keyword arguments, but you *can* type a callable that accepts a tuple
and a dict with particular contents as positional arguments.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Thu Jul 21 22:59:42 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:59:42 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 July 2016 at 10:29, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Thomas Nyberg <tomuxiong at> wrote:
>> On 07/21/2016 07:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".
>>> Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.
>>> Otherwise either would be a good candidate...

As far as the original "Sized Iterable Container" question goes, would
FiniteContainer work?

- it's countable/iterable
- it has a quantifiable size
- you can do membership tests on it

Countable & quantifiable = finite, membership testing = container,
hence FiniteContainer

>> Coming out of lurking...
>> StaticIterable? ConstIterable? Something to indicate that if you just
>> iterate over it you keep getting the same thing?
> Neither "static" nor "const" convey the right meaning.
>> Personally I think Reiterable is about as clear as it ever will be...
> Yeah, I think that's my conclusion as well.

With the semantics being "iter(x) is not x"?

That seems reasonable to me, as I spent some time think about whether
or not this is a distinct idea from the "Sized Iterable Container"
question, and it's pretty easy to demonstrate that it is:

    >>> class ReiterableCounter:
    ...     def __iter__(self):
    ...         x = 0
    ...         while True:
    ...             yield x
    ...             x += 1
    >>> ctr = ReiterableCounter()
    >>> for x in ctr:
    ...     print(x)
    ...     if x > 1: break
    >>> for x in ctr:
    ...     print(x)
    ...     if x > 1: break

(The same example works by returning any non-terminating iterator from __iter__)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From guido at  Fri Jul 22 00:04:55 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 21:04:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, I know that you can define something that's Iterable and
Container but not Sized. But has anyone ever done that outside a test
or demonstration? And PEP 484 can't talk about "this type except if
it's that type", so the operational definition "Iterable except
Iterator" can't be expressed as a type.

If PEP 484 had the concept of Intersection type, I'd probably define X
= Intersection[Sized, Iterable, Container]. But even then I'd like a
name that rolls a little easier off the tongue than FiniteContainer.

If it really must be two words, how about SizedIterable? That suggests
it's a subclass of Sized and Iterable, which it is. Container doesn't
need separate mention, it's pretty obvious that any Iterable can
implement __contains__, and more people know that Iterable is an ABC
than Container.

The new ABC could define a default concrete __contains__ implementation:

class SizedIterable(Sized, Iterable, Container):
    def __contains__(self, value):  # Same as Sequence
        for v in self:
            if v == value:
                return True
        return False

TBH if I had known about ABCs and PEP 484 when we defined the
collections ABCs, I probably would have defined it like that on
Iterable as well, and completely done away with Container as a
separate one-trick pony ABC. Set and Mapping would just override the
default implementation. (Hm... not sure how the default
Set.__contains__ would work though. Can you make a concrete method
abstract in a subclass?)

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 7:59 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> On 22 July 2016 at 10:29, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Thomas Nyberg <tomuxiong at> wrote:
>>> On 07/21/2016 07:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>>> But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".
>>>> Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.
>>>> Otherwise either would be a good candidate...
> As far as the original "Sized Iterable Container" question goes, would
> FiniteContainer work?
> - it's countable/iterable
> - it has a quantifiable size
> - you can do membership tests on it
> Countable & quantifiable = finite, membership testing = container,
> hence FiniteContainer
>>> Coming out of lurking...
>>> StaticIterable? ConstIterable? Something to indicate that if you just
>>> iterate over it you keep getting the same thing?
>> Neither "static" nor "const" convey the right meaning.
>>> Personally I think Reiterable is about as clear as it ever will be...
>> Yeah, I think that's my conclusion as well.
> With the semantics being "iter(x) is not x"?
> That seems reasonable to me, as I spent some time think about whether
> or not this is a distinct idea from the "Sized Iterable Container"
> question, and it's pretty easy to demonstrate that it is:
>     >>> class ReiterableCounter:
>     ...     def __iter__(self):
>     ...         x = 0
>     ...         while True:
>     ...             yield x
>     ...             x += 1
>     ...
>     >>> ctr = ReiterableCounter()
>     >>> for x in ctr:
>     ...     print(x)
>     ...     if x > 1: break
>     ...
>     0
>     1
>     2
>     >>> for x in ctr:
>     ...     print(x)
>     ...     if x > 1: break
>     ...
>     0
>     1
>     2
> (The same example works by returning any non-terminating iterator from __iter__)
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

--Guido van Rossum (

From greg.ewing at  Thu Jul 21 19:45:40 2016
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 11:45:40 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Spitz wrote:
> I'm 
> not sure and don't have a strong opinion about the original removal of 
> apply.

I expect it was removed simply because the * and ** calling
syntax makes it unecessary (before that was introduced,
apply was the only way of getting that funcionality).

If it's to be reintroduced, the operator module would seem
to be the right place for it.


From ncoghlan at  Fri Jul 22 02:36:00 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:36:00 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 July 2016 at 14:04, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> If it really must be two words, how about SizedIterable? That suggests
> it's a subclass of Sized and Iterable, which it is. Container doesn't
> need separate mention, it's pretty obvious that any Iterable can
> implement __contains__, and more people know that Iterable is an ABC
> than Container.

SizedIterable works for me, as it's the __len__ that drives most of
the other interesting properties beyond an arbitrary iterable (like
using iteration for the default containment check without worrying
about consuming a one-shot iterator or creating an infinite loop).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From matt at  Fri Jul 22 02:38:15 2016
From: matt at (Matt Gilson)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 23:38:15 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I like this proposal from a book-keeping perspective... the interface
provided by sequences/mappings/sets is definitely different than the
interface provided by generic iterables (mostly due to the fact that the
former group can be iterated repeatedly).

With that said, I'm not really sure what how the `Reiterable` (or whatever
suitable name the smart people around here come up with) class would be

    class Reiterable(Iterable):

This seems a bit weird.  All of the other ABCs make some guarantees.  If I
fill out a set of methods then my object will be a <fill in ABC>.  There
doesn't seem to be a set of methods that exist to distinguish between an
object that is Iterable and an object that is Reiterable.

I suppose that the counter argument is that we always assume that the
methods on the object are implemented "reasonably".  Perhaps the main goal
for this class is just book-keeping/annotating/loose "if you say so"
typechecking and we're trusting that if someone subclasses `Reiterable`,
they're going to implement it in such a way that it indeed can be iterated
multiple times and that they didn't just mean `Iterable`.  If that's the
intent, I think that is also fine with me -- it just seemed like someone
ought to mention it once...

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Thomas Nyberg <tomuxiong at>
> wrote:
> > On 07/21/2016 07:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> >>
> >> But there's already Container which means "supports __contains__".
> >>
> >> Collection might cause confusing with the module name collections.
> >>
> >> Otherwise either would be a good candidate...
> >
> >
> > Coming out of lurking...
> >
> > StaticIterable? ConstIterable? Something to indicate that if you just
> > iterate over it you keep getting the same thing?
> Neither "static" nor "const" convey the right meaning.
> > Personally I think Reiterable is about as clear as it ever will be...
> Yeah, I think that's my conclusion as well.
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:


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From shoyer at  Fri Jul 22 02:44:32 2016
From: shoyer at (Stephan Hoyer)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 23:44:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> If it really must be two words, how about SizedIterable? That suggests
> it's a subclass of Sized and Iterable, which it is. Container doesn't
> need separate mention, it's pretty obvious that any Iterable can
> implement __contains__, and more people know that Iterable is an ABC
> than Container.

In my experiments with type annotations, we recently encountered this exact
same issue (variables for which either sets or lists should be valid). My
initial solution was almost exactly what you propose here: we wrote a
SizedIterable class, simply inheriting from Sized and Iterable.

Ultimately, we didn't find this very satisfying, because we realized that
strings are SizedIterables (they're sequences, too), and we really didn't
want to allow accidentally passing strings that would be interpreted as
iterables of characters. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any good way
in Python to specify "any sized iterable that isn't a string".
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From dmoisset at  Fri Jul 22 10:20:18 2016
From: dmoisset at (Daniel Moisset)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 11:20:18 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This is a bit of a tangent, hopefully convergent, but hey, this is

Would there be interest in some kind of method/API for restarting
iterators? If there was a it.restart() (or reset(it)), it would probably be
a good idea to name the concept in the same way as the method (
"Restartable" or "Resettable"). And having that as an actual protocol would
simplify the discussion on both what the type should contain and how it
should be named, while having actal applications to simplify code (and
reduce memory usage in cases when creating a list is not needed, just
making multiple passes).

I'm not proposing one of those names in particular, discussing whether this
concept makes sense and is useful should be before the naming

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 3:44 AM, Stephan Hoyer <shoyer at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> wrote:
>> If it really must be two words, how about SizedIterable? That suggests
>> it's a subclass of Sized and Iterable, which it is. Container doesn't
>> need separate mention, it's pretty obvious that any Iterable can
>> implement __contains__, and more people know that Iterable is an ABC
>> than Container.
> In my experiments with type annotations, we recently encountered this
> exact same issue (variables for which either sets or lists should be
> valid). My initial solution was almost exactly what you propose here: we
> wrote a SizedIterable class, simply inheriting from Sized and Iterable.
> Ultimately, we didn't find this very satisfying, because we realized that
> strings are SizedIterables (they're sequences, too), and we really didn't
> want to allow accidentally passing strings that would be interpreted as
> iterables of characters. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any good way
> in Python to specify "any sized iterable that isn't a string".
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Daniel F. Moisset - UK Country Manager
Skype: @dmoisset
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From egregius313 at  Fri Jul 22 10:31:13 2016
From: egregius313 at (Edward Minnix)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:31:13 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
Message-ID: <>


I have been reading Luciano Ramalho?s Fluent Python, and in the book he says he cannot think of a good use for staticmethod, I have been thinking about that, and so far I have only thought of one good use case: when you have a version of a common function, e.g., sum, and you want to qualify it with a better name but something like sumLineItems would sound wrong (to me at least). Would this be a good choice for something like:

class LineItem:
	. . . . . . . .
	def __add__(self, other):
	### Function body ###

	. . . . . . . .

	def sum(items: Sequence[LineItem]) -> LineItem:
	### Add up LineItems ###

Does this seem like a reasonable use for staticmethod? I think its a good way to qualify a name in a more concise way.

Ed M.
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From rosuav at  Fri Jul 22 11:48:34 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 01:48:34 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:20 AM, Daniel Moisset
<dmoisset at> wrote:
> Would there be interest in some kind of method/API for restarting iterators?
> If there was a it.restart() (or reset(it)), it would probably be a good idea
> to name the concept in the same way as the method ( "Restartable" or
> "Resettable"). And having that as an actual protocol would simplify the
> discussion on both what the type should contain and how it should be named,
> while having actal applications to simplify code (and reduce memory usage in
> cases when creating a list is not needed, just making multiple passes).

IMO, no. Some iterators can be restarted by going back to the original
iterable and requesting another iterator, but with no guarantee that
it will result in the exact same sequence (eg dict/set iterators).
Does that count as restarting? And what if you start by consuming a
header or two, then pass the resulting iterator to another function.
Based on type, it would be restartable (say it's a list_iterator), but
the called function would be highly surprised to suddenly get back
more results.

What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
"forking" an iterator. That might be more useful. For example:

# Like itertools.cycle()
def cycle(it):
    it = iter(it)
    while True:
        yield from fork(it)
        # and then, in effect, "restart" it

With list_iterator, forking is straight-forward - make another
iterator off the same list, at the same point this one is. Compared to
the normal implementation of itertools.cycle, this wouldn't need any
auxiliary storage, as it'd just reference the base list every time.
It's kinda like restarting the iterator, but if you give this a
partly-consumed list_iterator, it would cycle through the remaining
elements only. (How many iterators would be forkable, I don't know,
but I expect it'd be the exact same ones that would be restartable by
any other definition.)


From brett at  Fri Jul 22 12:46:18 2016
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 16:46:18 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 at 07:34 Edward Minnix <egregius313 at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been reading Luciano Ramalho?s *Fluent Python, *and in the book he
> says he cannot think of a good use for staticmethod, I have been thinking
> about that, and so far I have only thought of one good use case: when you
> have a version of a common function, e.g., sum, and you want to qualify
> it with a better name but something like sumLineItems would sound wrong
> (to me at least). Would this be a good choice for something like:
> class LineItem:
> . . . . . . . .
> def __add__(self, other):
> ### Function body ###
> . . . . . . . .
> @staticmethod
> def sum(items: Sequence[LineItem]) -> LineItem:
> ### Add up LineItems ###
> Does this seem like a reasonable use for staticmethod? I think its a good
> way to qualify a name in a more concise way.

I don't think it is as I don't think it's any more concise than

The only reason I ever use staticmethod is if I have a method that doesn't
use self or cls but I expect subclasses to potentially need/want to
override the method. Otherwise whatever the staticmethod is should be a
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From kramm at  Fri Jul 22 13:49:27 2016
From: kramm at (Matthias Kramm)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:49:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 1:44:11 PM UTC-7, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I'm beginning to think that it would be useful to add 
> another ABC to (and to typing) that represents the 
> intersection of these three ABCs, and to "upgrade" Set and Sequence to 
> inherit from it. (And Mapping.) 

+1 on this, from the pytype side of things.
pytype, during type-inference, always struggles to give names to things, 
and having additional structural types around helps. 

Also, I like "Collection" better than Reiterable, since the latter sounds 
too intricate, possibly scaring users away.
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From guido at  Fri Jul 22 13:51:19 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:51:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Honestly, staticmethod was something of a mistake -- I was trying to
do something like Java class methods but once it was released I found
what was really needed was classmethod. But it was too late to get rid
of staticmethod.

From kramm at  Fri Jul 22 13:49:27 2016
From: kramm at (Matthias Kramm)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:49:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 1:44:11 PM UTC-7, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I'm beginning to think that it would be useful to add 
> another ABC to (and to typing) that represents the 
> intersection of these three ABCs, and to "upgrade" Set and Sequence to 
> inherit from it. (And Mapping.) 

+1 on this, from the pytype side of things.
pytype, during type-inference, always struggles to give names to things, 
and having additional structural types around helps. 

Also, I like "Collection" better than Reiterable, since the latter sounds 
too intricate, possibly scaring users away.
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From mertz at  Fri Jul 22 13:58:36 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:58:36 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:

> IMO, no. Some iterators can be restarted by going back to the original
> iterable and requesting another iterator, but with no guarantee that
> it will result in the exact same sequence (eg dict/set iterators).

Sequences don't give you this *guarantee* either.  A trivial example:

class MyList(list):
    def __getitem__(self, ndx):
        # In "real world" this might be meaningful condition and update
        if random() < .333:
            if isinstance(ndx, slice):
                for n in range(ndx.start, ndx.stop, ndx.step or 1):
                    self[n] += 1
                self[ndx] += 1
        return super().__getitem__(ndx)

> What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
> "forking" an iterator. That might be more useful. For example:

How is this different from itertools.tee()?

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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From egregius313 at  Fri Jul 22 14:31:17 2016
From: egregius313 at (Edward Minnix)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 14:31:17 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Okay, thanks

> On Jul 22, 2016, at 1:51 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> Honestly, staticmethod was something of a mistake -- I was trying to
> do something like Java class methods but once it was released I found
> what was really needed was classmethod. But it was too late to get rid
> of staticmethod.

From random832 at  Fri Jul 22 14:41:16 2016
From: random832 at (Random832)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 14:41:16 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016, at 13:51, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Honestly, staticmethod was something of a mistake -- I was trying to
> do something like Java class methods but once it was released I found
> what was really needed was classmethod. But it was too late to get rid
> of staticmethod.

Regardless of its utility or lack thereof for methods, staticmethod
seems to me to be the best way to make an attribute of a class that
happens to be a function (or, theoretically, some other other descriptor
object). I like to think of it as an "implicit-magic remover".

Probably if it didn't exist something like it would have been proposed
eventually, under some other name like @funcattr or something.

From rosuav at  Fri Jul 22 15:05:50 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 05:05:50 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 3:58 AM, David Mertz <mertz at> wrote:
>> What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
>> "forking" an iterator. That might be more useful. For example:
> How is this different from itertools.tee()?

Functionally? Not at all. In fact, itertools.tee could make use of the
fork protocol. The idea would be efficiency; iterators that are
"restartable" by your definition would be "forkable", which would
effectively permit tee to just ask the iterator to tee itself. The
simple and naive implementation of tee() is "save all the elements
until they get asked for", which requires extra storage for those
elements; if your iterator can fork, that implies that you can get
those elements right back again from the original.

Imagine a list_iterator consists of two things, a base list and a
current index. Tee'ing that iterator means retrieving elements and
hanging onto them until needed; forking means creating another
iterator with the same index. Which means that a forked iterator would
reflect changes to the original list, for better or for worse.

Not saying it's necessarily a good thing, but it's a more general
version of the concept of "restarting" an iterator, being more
compatible with trimmed iterators and such. Ultimately, your "restart"
is no different from itertools.tee either.


From guido at  Fri Jul 22 15:08:13 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2016 12:08:13 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Can someone create a bug and a patch to add SizedIterable to and typing in 3.6?

From brett at  Sat Jul 23 11:47:34 2016
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 15:47:34 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 at 12:09 Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> Can someone create a bug


> and a patch to add SizedIterable to
> and typing in 3.6?

That's something I will leave up to someone else as I have file system path
stuff to do. :)


> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From storchaka at  Sat Jul 23 12:57:08 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 19:57:08 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nn07lp$maj$>

On 22.07.16 18:48, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:20 AM, Daniel Moisset
> <dmoisset at> wrote:
>> Would there be interest in some kind of method/API for restarting iterators?
>> If there was a it.restart() (or reset(it)), it would probably be a good idea
>> to name the concept in the same way as the method ( "Restartable" or
>> "Resettable"). And having that as an actual protocol would simplify the
>> discussion on both what the type should contain and how it should be named,
>> while having actal applications to simplify code (and reduce memory usage in
>> cases when creating a list is not needed, just making multiple passes).
> IMO, no. Some iterators can be restarted by going back to the original
> iterable and requesting another iterator, but with no guarantee that
> it will result in the exact same sequence (eg dict/set iterators).
> Does that count as restarting? And what if you start by consuming a
> header or two, then pass the resulting iterator to another function.
> Based on type, it would be restartable (say it's a list_iterator), but
> the called function would be highly surprised to suddenly get back
> more results.
> What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
> "forking" an iterator. That might be more useful.

There is such a protocol. Use copy.copy().

From rosuav at  Sat Jul 23 19:48:44 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 09:48:44 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <nn07lp$maj$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 2:57 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at> wrote:
> On 22.07.16 18:48, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:20 AM, Daniel Moisset
>> <dmoisset at> wrote:
>>> Would there be interest in some kind of method/API for restarting
>>> iterators?
>>> If there was a it.restart() (or reset(it)), it would probably be a good
>>> idea
>>> to name the concept in the same way as the method ( "Restartable" or
>>> "Resettable"). And having that as an actual protocol would simplify the
>>> discussion on both what the type should contain and how it should be
>>> named,
>>> while having actal applications to simplify code (and reduce memory usage
>>> in
>>> cases when creating a list is not needed, just making multiple passes).
>> IMO, no. Some iterators can be restarted by going back to the original
>> iterable and requesting another iterator, but with no guarantee that
>> it will result in the exact same sequence (eg dict/set iterators).
>> Does that count as restarting? And what if you start by consuming a
>> header or two, then pass the resulting iterator to another function.
>> Based on type, it would be restartable (say it's a list_iterator), but
>> the called function would be highly surprised to suddenly get back
>> more results.
>> What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
>> "forking" an iterator. That might be more useful.
> There is such a protocol. Use copy.copy().

Time machine strikes again! Restarting of iterators exists.


From gvanrossum at  Sat Jul 23 20:15:32 2016
From: gvanrossum at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 17:15:32 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Does it work? For what categories of iterators? Surely not for streams...

--Guido (mobile)

On Jul 23, 2016 4:49 PM, "Chris Angelico" <rosuav at> wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 2:57 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at>
> wrote:
> > On 22.07.16 18:48, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 12:20 AM, Daniel Moisset
> >> <dmoisset at> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Would there be interest in some kind of method/API for restarting
> >>> iterators?
> >>> If there was a it.restart() (or reset(it)), it would probably be a good
> >>> idea
> >>> to name the concept in the same way as the method ( "Restartable" or
> >>> "Resettable"). And having that as an actual protocol would simplify the
> >>> discussion on both what the type should contain and how it should be
> >>> named,
> >>> while having actal applications to simplify code (and reduce memory
> usage
> >>> in
> >>> cases when creating a list is not needed, just making multiple passes).
> >>
> >>
> >> IMO, no. Some iterators can be restarted by going back to the original
> >> iterable and requesting another iterator, but with no guarantee that
> >> it will result in the exact same sequence (eg dict/set iterators).
> >> Does that count as restarting? And what if you start by consuming a
> >> header or two, then pass the resulting iterator to another function.
> >> Based on type, it would be restartable (say it's a list_iterator), but
> >> the called function would be highly surprised to suddenly get back
> >> more results.
> >>
> >> What you might be looking at is a protocol for "bookmarking" or
> >> "forking" an iterator. That might be more useful.
> >
> >
> > There is such a protocol. Use copy.copy().
> Time machine strikes again! Restarting of iterators exists.
> ChrisA
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From rosuav at  Sat Jul 23 20:54:42 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 10:54:42 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Guido van Rossum <gvanrossum at> wrote:
> Does it work? For what categories of iterators? Surely not for streams...

I tried it with list and set iterators and it worked fine. With a
generator, it threw an exception (though not something tidy like
UncopyableObjectException - it complained about calling
object.__new__(generator) instead of generator.__new__). Presumably
it'll fail, one way or another, with non-duplicable objects (eg an
open file, which is its own iterator, simply raises TypeError "cannot
serialize"); those are non-restartable, non-bookmarkable, non-forkable
iterators (take your pick of terminology).


From steve at  Sat Jul 23 23:07:07 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 13:07:07 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 09:48:44AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 2:57 AM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at> wrote:

> > There is such a protocol. Use copy.copy().
> Time machine strikes again! Restarting of iterators exists.

You can copy *some* iterators, but it doesn't restart them.

py> import copy
py> it = iter([1, 2, 3])
py> next(it)
py> next(it)
py> a = copy.copy(it)
py> next(a)
py> next(it)

I wouldn't expect that copying an iterator would, in general, restart 
it. In general, there's no way to restart an iterator. Once seen, values 
are gone and cannot be recreated.


From wjun77 at  Sat Jul 23 23:39:56 2016
From: wjun77 at (=?UTF-8?B?546L54+6?=)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 11:39:56 +0800
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There is no module or namespace keyword in python. One module consists at
least one file.
But sometimes I'm too lazy to create multiple files, or I simply cannot,
e.g. when writing a plugin for something.
I write staticmethod as a replacement of module function in these cases.

2016-07-23 2:41 GMT+08:00 Random832 <random832 at>:

> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016, at 13:51, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > Honestly, staticmethod was something of a mistake -- I was trying to
> > do something like Java class methods but once it was released I found
> > what was really needed was classmethod. But it was too late to get rid
> > of staticmethod.
> Regardless of its utility or lack thereof for methods, staticmethod
> seems to me to be the best way to make an attribute of a class that
> happens to be a function (or, theoretically, some other other descriptor
> object). I like to think of it as an "implicit-magic remover".
> Probably if it didn't exist something like it would have been proposed
> eventually, under some other name like @funcattr or something.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From storchaka at  Sun Jul 24 01:03:31 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 08:03:31 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nn1i74$ssi$>

On 24.07.16 03:15, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Does it work? For what categories of iterators? Surely not for streams...

It works for iterators of all standard collections except Python 
implementation of OrderedDict. Not for streams, not for generators.

From guido at  Sun Jul 24 01:48:42 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 22:48:42 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Good uses for staticmethod
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What you do in the privacy of your own code is your business, but please
don't pretend it's good style...

On Saturday, July 23, 2016, ?? <wjun77 at> wrote:

> There is no module or namespace keyword in python. One module consists at
> least one file.
> But sometimes I'm too lazy to create multiple files, or I simply cannot,
> e.g. when writing a plugin for something.
> I write staticmethod as a replacement of module function in these cases.
> 2016-07-23 2:41 GMT+08:00 Random832 <random832 at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','random832 at');>>:
>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016, at 13:51, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> > Honestly, staticmethod was something of a mistake -- I was trying to
>> > do something like Java class methods but once it was released I found
>> > what was really needed was classmethod. But it was too late to get rid
>> > of staticmethod.
>> Regardless of its utility or lack thereof for methods, staticmethod
>> seems to me to be the best way to make an attribute of a class that
>> happens to be a function (or, theoretically, some other other descriptor
>> object). I like to think of it as an "implicit-magic remover".
>> Probably if it didn't exist something like it would have been proposed
>> eventually, under some other name like @funcattr or something.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','Python-ideas at');>
>> Code of Conduct:

--Guido (mobile)
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From ncoghlan at  Sun Jul 24 06:41:58 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2016 20:41:58 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 July 2016 at 09:45, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Daniel Spitz wrote:
>> I'm not sure and don't have a strong opinion about the original removal of
>> apply.
> I expect it was removed simply because the * and ** calling
> syntax makes it unecessary (before that was introduced,
> apply was the only way of getting that funcionality).
> If it's to be reintroduced, the operator module would seem
> to be the right place for it.

I guess folks doing higher order functions are already used to
importing the operator module for access to operator.add (etc), and
this is a pretty thin wrapper around the __call__ protocol (unlike
reduce(), which has no syntactic counterpart).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From dev at  Mon Jul 25 04:04:27 2016
From: dev at (Achim Andreas von Roznowski)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 10:04:27 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] add jsonrpc to stdlib "Internet Protocols and
 Support" akin to xmlrpc
Message-ID: <op.yk5cppquw593hg@andrev-thinkpad-t60p>


I am new to this mailing list, hopefully this idea hasn't been raised  
already - I searched the PEPs and python-ideas and couldn't find anything  
similar, so decided to post this idea. Please forgive me if it is a  

Idea: add jsonprc server and client to stdlib "Internet Protocols and  

I would like to suggest adding a jsonrpc server and client to the stdlib  
"Internet Protocols and Support"  with identical functionality to the  
existing xmlrpc.server and client but using json instead of xml, including  
a subclass SimpleJSONRPCServer just like SimpleXMLRPCServer based on  

JSON is a very common data encoding format, widely established and very  
close to python's dictionaries, yet there exists today no jsonrpc server  
in stdlib.
Many jsonrpc implementations using external libraries are available, so  
there is clearly demand, but no standard python library.
All of these external implementations seem to require other external  
libraries for transport, eg. Werkzeug - no way to do this just using  
stdlib classes.

Envisaged Features
Identical to existing xmlrpc, just using json instead of xml encoding:

I am too new to python-dev so others should estimate this, but it seems to  
me that all the hard work has already been done with xmlrpc - only the  
encoding would have to be adapted to encode/decode json instead of xml,  
which seems trivial, given that a json module already exists in stdlib.

I appreciate your feedback.

Kind regards,

Achim Andreas von Roznowski

From brett at  Mon Jul 25 12:50:27 2016
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:50:27 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] add jsonrpc to stdlib "Internet Protocols and
 Support" akin to xmlrpc
In-Reply-To: <op.yk5cppquw593hg@andrev-thinkpad-t60p>
References: <op.yk5cppquw593hg@andrev-thinkpad-t60p>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 at 01:05 Achim Andreas von Roznowski <dev at>

> Hi
> I am new to this mailing list, hopefully this idea hasn't been raised
> already - I searched the PEPs and python-ideas and couldn't find anything
> similar, so decided to post this idea. Please forgive me if it is a
> duplicate.
> Idea: add jsonprc server and client to stdlib "Internet Protocols and
> Support"
> Details
> I would like to suggest adding a jsonrpc server and client to the stdlib
> "Internet Protocols and Support"  with identical functionality to the
> existing xmlrpc.server and client but using json instead of xml, including
> a subclass SimpleJSONRPCServer just like SimpleXMLRPCServer based on
> socketserver.TCPServer.
> Rationale
> JSON is a very common data encoding format, widely established and very
> close to python's dictionaries, yet there exists today no jsonrpc server
> in stdlib.
> Many jsonrpc implementations using external libraries are available, so
> there is clearly demand, but no standard python library.
> All of these external implementations seem to require other external
> libraries for transport, eg. Werkzeug - no way to do this just using
> stdlib classes.
> Envisaged Features
> Identical to existing xmlrpc, just using json instead of xml encoding:
> -->
> Effort
> I am too new to python-dev so others should estimate this, but it seems to
> me that all the hard work has already been done with xmlrpc - only the
> encoding would have to be adapted to encode/decode json instead of xml,
> which seems trivial, given that a json module already exists in stdlib.
> I appreciate your feedback.

Thanks for the idea, Achim, but I don't think a JSON-RPC library should be
in the stdlib. Honestly, if someone was proposing an XML-RPC library to go
into the stdlib today I would argue for it not to be included. I don't
think JSON-RPC is used by the vast majority of Python users nor difficult
enough to implement correctly to warrant being in the stdlib.

And even if we thought a JSON-RPC library should be included, I would argue
it should be asynchronous, meaning that the xmlrpc library couldn't be
reused in any way for the implementation.
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From greg at  Mon Jul 25 13:19:53 2016
From: greg at (Gregory P. Smith)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:19:53 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:45 PM Stephan Hoyer <shoyer at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at>
> wrote:
>> If it really must be two words, how about SizedIterable? That suggests
>> it's a subclass of Sized and Iterable, which it is. Container doesn't
>> need separate mention, it's pretty obvious that any Iterable can
>> implement __contains__, and more people know that Iterable is an ABC
>> than Container.
> In my experiments with type annotations, we recently encountered this
> exact same issue (variables for which either sets or lists should be
> valid). My initial solution was almost exactly what you propose here: we
> wrote a SizedIterable class, simply inheriting from Sized and Iterable.
> Ultimately, we didn't find this very satisfying, because we realized that
> strings are SizedIterables (they're sequences, too), and we really didn't
> want to allow accidentally passing strings that would be interpreted as
> iterables of characters. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any good way
> in Python to specify "any sized iterable that isn't a string".

Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude str
from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.

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From guido at  Mon Jul 25 13:58:04 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 10:58:04 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gregory P. Smith <greg at> wrote:
> Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
> common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude str
> from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
> programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.

Should we have IterableButNotString, CollectionExceptString,
NonStringSequence, or all three? I suppose the runtime check would be
e.g. isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes,
bytearray, memoryview))? And the type checker should special-case the
snot out of it?

--Guido van Rossum (

From ralph at  Mon Jul 25 13:55:27 2016
From: ralph at (Ralph Broenink)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:55:27 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
Message-ID: <>

Hi python-ideas,

As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
inconsistent mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is
mostly caused by the fact that several modules were developed before the
introduction of PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within
these modules.

It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in
fact inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as
being too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.

While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment,
but unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.

What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the stdlib
and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly opinionated
list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and others
are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of them:

  * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses and
methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it

  * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime, which
uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.

  * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel should be
re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but no

  * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.

  * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not be
get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs set_debuglevel,
and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?

  * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp

  * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.

These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I could
find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject for
reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't looked
for those in my quick survey.

For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
names. This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib
consistent, Pythonic and unsurprising.

What would you think of such an effort?

Ralph Broenink

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From p.f.moore at  Mon Jul 25 15:23:26 2016
From: p.f.moore at (Paul Moore)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 20:23:26 +0100
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 25 July 2016 at 18:55, Ralph Broenink <ralph at> wrote:
> For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
> named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
> way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original names.
> This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
> Pythonic and unsurprising.
> What would you think of such an effort?

It sounds to me like rather a lot of effort, for limited benefit. I
suspect few people will actually start using the new names (as they
likely have to continue supporting older versions of Python for a long
time yet) and so the benefit will actually be lower than we'd like.
Also, you'd need to put a lot of effort into updating the tests -
should they use the new or the old names, and how would they test that
both names behave identically? So there's probably more effort than
you'd think.

Also, there's a lot of tutorial material - books, courses, websites -
that would need to change.

So overall, I think practicality beats purity here, and such a change
is not worth the effort.


From jelle.zijlstra at  Mon Jul 25 15:29:53 2016
From: jelle.zijlstra at (Jelle Zijlstra)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:29:53 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2016-07-25 10:55 GMT-07:00 Ralph Broenink <ralph at>:

> Hi python-ideas,
> As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
> inconsistent mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is
> mostly caused by the fact that several modules were developed before the
> introduction of PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within
> these modules.
> It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in
> fact inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as
> being too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
> However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
> Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
> function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
> While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
> offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
> instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment,
> but unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
> What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the stdlib
> and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly opinionated
> list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and others
> are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of them:
>   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
> logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses and
> methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
> work.
>   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
> collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime, which
> uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
> Does that also go for builtin classes, such as int and str and object and

>   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel should
> be re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but
> no re.find.
>   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
> which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not be
> get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs set_debuglevel,
> and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
> pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
> tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
> These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I could
> find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject for
> reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't looked
> for those in my quick survey.
> For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
> named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
> way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
> names. This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib
> consistent, Pythonic and unsurprising.
> What would you think of such an effort?
> Regards,
> Ralph Broenink
>  [1]
>  [2]
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From guido at  Mon Jul 25 15:58:28 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:58:28 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


You seem to be vastly underestimating the cost of making backwards
incompatible changes like these, while sounding naively optimistic
about the value of consistency. Please understand the second section
heading of PEP 8.


On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
<ralph at> wrote:
> Hi python-ideas,
> As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an inconsistent
> mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly caused by
> the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction of
> PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
> It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in fact
> inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as being
> too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
> However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
> Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
> function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
> While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
> offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
> instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment, but
> unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
> What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the stdlib
> and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly opinionated
> list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and others
> are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of them:
>   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
> logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses and
> methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
> work.
>   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
> collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime, which
> uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
>   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel should be
> re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but no
> re.find.
>   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
> which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not be
> get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs set_debuglevel,
> and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
> pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
> tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
> These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I could
> find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject for
> reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't looked
> for those in my quick survey.
> For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
> named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
> way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original names.
> This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
> Pythonic and unsurprising.
> What would you think of such an effort?
> Regards,
> Ralph Broenink
>  [1]
>  [2]
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From bufordsharkley at  Mon Jul 25 16:02:55 2016
From: bufordsharkley at (Mark Mollineaux)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 13:02:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've pined for this (and feel a real mental pain every time I use one
of those poorlyCased names)-- I end up using a lot of mental space
remembering exactly HOW each stdlib isn't consistent.

Aliasing consistent names in each case seems like a real win all
around, personally.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
<ralph at> wrote:
> Hi python-ideas,
> As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an inconsistent
> mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly caused by
> the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction of
> PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
> It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in fact
> inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as being
> too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
> However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
> Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
> function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
> While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
> offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
> instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment, but
> unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
> What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the stdlib
> and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly opinionated
> list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and others
> are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of them:
>   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
> logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses and
> methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
> work.
>   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
> collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime, which
> uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
>   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel should be
> re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but no
> re.find.
>   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
> which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not be
> get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs set_debuglevel,
> and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
> pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
> tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
> These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I could
> find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject for
> reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't looked
> for those in my quick survey.
> For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
> named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
> way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original names.
> This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
> Pythonic and unsurprising.
> What would you think of such an effort?
> Regards,
> Ralph Broenink
>  [1]
>  [2]
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

From rdmurray at  Mon Jul 25 16:20:34 2016
From: rdmurray at (R. David Murray)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:20:34 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 17:55:27 -0000, Ralph Broenink <ralph at> wrote:
> While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
> offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
> instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment,
> but unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.

Right.  We tried it.  It didn't work out very well (really bad
cost/benefit ratio), so we stopped.[*]


[*] At least, that's my understanding, I wasn't actually around yet when
then threading changes were made.

From bzvi7919 at  Mon Jul 25 17:29:08 2016
From: bzvi7919 at (Bar Harel)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 21:29:08 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Guido, I'm not entirely sure if you're joking or not, but if we'll start
with this, we will never finish.

I believe that although str/bytes truly are special regarding iterables,
the combinations are endless.
Soon enough we'll have NotBytesSequence, NumericSequenceWithoutFloat and

We cannot guarantee a "meaning". We can however guarantee an interface or
API, in this case __iter__,
and promote duck-typing in order to support even the craziest custom

I think breaking the design or the state-of-mind in case of "
IterableButNotString" would be a mistake, unless
we're planning to remove str's __iter__ altogether (which I don't support
either but who knows).

Nevertheless, +1 for the unification of Iterable, Sized and Container or
"Reiterables" as it declares a clearer interface.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 9:03 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gregory P. Smith <greg at>
> wrote:
> > Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
> > common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude
> str
> > from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
> > programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.
> Should we have IterableButNotString, CollectionExceptString,
> NonStringSequence, or all three? I suppose the runtime check would be
> e.g. isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes,
> bytearray, memoryview))? And the type checker should special-case the
> snot out of it?
> --
> --Guido van Rossum (
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From guido at  Mon Jul 25 18:59:03 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 15:59:03 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm sorry, I was using Socratic questions to get people to think mount
about the name and semantics for this one type. I certainly don't
think we should have more of these! At least not until we've added an
"except" type to PEP 484.

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Bar Harel <bzvi7919 at> wrote:
> Guido, I'm not entirely sure if you're joking or not, but if we'll start
> with this, we will never finish.
> I believe that although str/bytes truly are special regarding iterables, the
> combinations are endless.
> Soon enough we'll have NotBytesSequence, NumericSequenceWithoutFloat and
> BuiltinNotCustomMadeIterable.
> We cannot guarantee a "meaning". We can however guarantee an interface or
> API, in this case __iter__,
> and promote duck-typing in order to support even the craziest custom
> iterables.
> I think breaking the design or the state-of-mind in case of
> "IterableButNotString" would be a mistake, unless
> we're planning to remove str's __iter__ altogether (which I don't support
> either but who knows).
> Nevertheless, +1 for the unification of Iterable, Sized and Container or
> "Reiterables" as it declares a clearer interface.
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 9:03 PM Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gregory P. Smith <greg at>
>> wrote:
>> > Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
>> > common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude
>> > str
>> > from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
>> > programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.
>> Should we have IterableButNotString, CollectionExceptString,
>> NonStringSequence, or all three? I suppose the runtime check would be
>> e.g. isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes,
>> bytearray, memoryview))? And the type checker should special-case the
>> snot out of it?
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From greg.ewing at  Mon Jul 25 19:58:26 2016
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 11:58:26 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bar Harel wrote:
> Soon enough we'll have NotBytesSequence, NumericSequenceWithoutFloat and 
> BuiltinNotCustomMadeIterable.

Is there some way we could provide a general way of
constructing a "but not" ABC, so that people could
build their own combinations as needed?


From rymg19 at  Mon Jul 25 20:22:23 2016
From: rymg19 at (Ryan Gonzalez)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 19:22:23 -0500
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I can't recall which, but I remember reading about a language with a
relative complement operator on types. The idea is, where T is a set of
types, then:

T \ {A, B, ...}

would be all types in T *except* A, B, ....

I think maybe there could be a type variable Except that could be used like:

Except[T, A, B, ...]

where T is a type variable. (Other name ideas: Complement, Difference).

[ERROR]: Your autotools build scripts are 200 lines longer than your
program. Something?s wrong.
On Jul 25, 2016 6:58 PM, "Greg Ewing" <greg.ewing at> wrote:

> Bar Harel wrote:
>> Soon enough we'll have NotBytesSequence, NumericSequenceWithoutFloat and
>> BuiltinNotCustomMadeIterable.
> Is there some way we could provide a general way of
> constructing a "but not" ABC, so that people could
> build their own combinations as needed?
> --
> Greg
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 26 00:21:30 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 14:21:30 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26 July 2016 at 05:23, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
> So overall, I think practicality beats purity here, and such a change
> is not worth the effort.

We did go through the effort for the threading module, as we had the
problem there that multiprocessing was PEP-8 compliant (with aliases
for threading compatibility), but threading only had the old pre-PEP-8

A couple of the conclusions that came out of that were:

- it was probably worth it in threading's case due to the improved
alignment with multiprocessing
- it isn't worth the disruption in the general case

The "isn't worth it" mainly comes from the fact that these APIs
generally *were* compliant with the coding guidelines that existed at
the time they were first written, it's just that the guidelines and
community expectations have changed since then, so they represent
things like "good Python design style circa 1999" (e.g. unittest,
logging) rather than "good Python style for today". So if you say
"let's update them to 2016 conventions" today, by 2026 you'll just
have the same problem again.

It ends up being one of those cases where "invest development time now
to reduce cognitive burden later" doesn't actually work in practice,
as you have to keep the old API around anyway if you don't want to
break working code, and that means future learners now have two APIs
to learn instead of one (and if you refresh the API to the design du
jour ever decade or so, that number keeps going up).

Instead, for these older parts of the standard library, it's useful to
view them as "interoperability plumbing" (e.g. logging for event
stream reporting and management, unittest for test case reporting and
management), and look for more modern version independent 3rd party
facades if you find the mix of API design eras in the standard library
annoying (e.g. pytest as an alternative to raw unittest, structlog
over direct use of the logging module)


P.S. I sometimes wonder if you could analyse Python API designs over
time and group them into eras the way people do with building
architectural styles - "This API is a fine example of the stylistic
leanings of Python's Java period, which ran from <year> to <year>. As
the community moved into the subsequent Haskell period, composition
came to be favoured over inheritance, leading to the emergence of
alternative APIs like X, Y, and Z, of which, Y ultimately proved to be
most popular" :)

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From rosuav at  Tue Jul 26 00:38:56 2016
From: rosuav at (Chris Angelico)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 14:38:56 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> P.S. I sometimes wonder if you could analyse Python API designs over
> time and group them into eras the way people do with building
> architectural styles - "This API is a fine example of the stylistic
> leanings of Python's Java period, which ran from <year> to <year>. As
> the community moved into the subsequent Haskell period, composition
> came to be favoured over inheritance, leading to the emergence of
> alternative APIs like X, Y, and Z, of which, Y ultimately proved to be
> most popular" :)

This is yet another example of the neo-classic baroque Python code,
and as I always say, if it's not baroque, don't fix it!
-- Cogsworth


From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 26 00:52:08 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 14:52:08 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26 July 2016 at 03:58, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gregory P. Smith <greg at> wrote:
>> Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
>> common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude str
>> from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
>> programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.
> Should we have IterableButNotString, CollectionExceptString,
> NonStringSequence, or all three? I suppose the runtime check would be
> e.g. isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes,
> bytearray, memoryview))? And the type checker should special-case the
> snot out of it?

For cases where str instances are handled differently from other
iterables, but still within the same function, a convention of writing
"Union[str, Iterable]" as the input parameter type may suffice - while
technically the union is redundant, the implication would be that str
instances are treated as str objects, rather than as an iterable of
length-1 str objects.

The other case where this would come up is in signature overloading,
where one overload may be typed as "str" and the other as "Iterable".
Presumably in those cases the more specific type already wins.

Anything more than that would need to be defined in the context of a
particular algorithm, such as the oft-requested generic "flatten"
operation, where you typically want to consider types like str, bytes,
bytearray and memoryview as atomic objects, rather than as containers,
but then things get blurry around iterable non-builtin types like
array.array, numpy.ndarray, Pandas data frames, image formats with
pixel addressing, etc, as well as builtins with multiple iteration
behaviours like dict.

One possible way to tackle that would be to declare a new ABC, as well as a collections.flatten
operation defined as something like:

    def flatten(iterable):
        for item in iterable:
           if isinstance(item, AtomicIterable):
                yield item
           if isinstance(item, Mapping):
                yield from item.items()
                subiter = iter(item)
            except TypeError:
                yield item
                yield from flatten(subiter)

Over time, different types would get explicitly registered with
AtomicIterable based on what their developers considered the most
appropriate behaviour to be when asked to flatten them.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From greg.ewing at  Tue Jul 26 02:53:36 2016
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 18:53:36 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Nick Coghlan wrote:
> The "isn't worth it" mainly comes from the fact that these APIs
> generally *were* compliant with the coding guidelines that existed at
> the time they were first written

Is that true? Did we really actively advise people to use
Java-style APIs in some cases, or was it just that
nobody told them otherwise?

> So if you say
> "let's update them to 2016 conventions" today, by 2026 you'll just
> have the same problem again.

You're assuming that the conventions will change just as
much in the next 10 years as they did in the last 10. I
don't think that's likely -- I would hope we're converging
on a set of conventions that's good enough to endure.

> and look for more modern version independent 3rd party
> facades if you find the mix of API design eras in the standard library
> annoying

It would be sad if Python's motto became "Batteries
included (as long as you're happy with Leclanche cells;
if you want anything more modern you'll have to look


From bzvi7919 at  Tue Jul 26 02:56:28 2016
From: bzvi7919 at (Bar Harel)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 06:56:28 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I like your idea with AtomicIterable, but I still don't think it fully
solves the problem.
How can one categorize array.array?

Consider an array of bytes.
Sometimes you'll want to iterate over them as ints sometimes as 1 byte
In one case they can be used in order to conserve space as a sequence of
ints in which case you'll want them one by one, and in the other case
they'll be atomic just like bytes.

Giving the register option on the other hand to the end user would pose a
different problem - ABC.register is global. If you're developing a module
and register array.array as an AtomicIterable, you might affect other parts
of the program in unexpected ways.
I think it's a tough one to solve :-/

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016, 7:52 AM Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:

> On 26 July 2016 at 03:58, Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Gregory P. Smith <greg at>
> wrote:
> >> Given how often the str problem comes up in this context, I'm thinking a
> >> common special case in type annotation checkers that explicitly exclude
> str
> >> from consideration for iteration.  It's behavior is rarely what the
> >> programmer intended and more likely to be a bug.
> >
> > Should we have IterableButNotString, CollectionExceptString,
> > NonStringSequence, or all three? I suppose the runtime check would be
> > e.g. isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (str, bytes,
> > bytearray, memoryview))? And the type checker should special-case the
> > snot out of it?
> For cases where str instances are handled differently from other
> iterables, but still within the same function, a convention of writing
> "Union[str, Iterable]" as the input parameter type may suffice - while
> technically the union is redundant, the implication would be that str
> instances are treated as str objects, rather than as an iterable of
> length-1 str objects.
> The other case where this would come up is in signature overloading,
> where one overload may be typed as "str" and the other as "Iterable".
> Presumably in those cases the more specific type already wins.
> Anything more than that would need to be defined in the context of a
> particular algorithm, such as the oft-requested generic "flatten"
> operation, where you typically want to consider types like str, bytes,
> bytearray and memoryview as atomic objects, rather than as containers,
> but then things get blurry around iterable non-builtin types like
> array.array, numpy.ndarray, Pandas data frames, image formats with
> pixel addressing, etc, as well as builtins with multiple iteration
> behaviours like dict.
> One possible way to tackle that would be to declare a new
> ABC, as well as a collections.flatten
> operation defined as something like:
>     def flatten(iterable):
>         for item in iterable:
>            if isinstance(item, AtomicIterable):
>                 yield item
>                 continue
>            if isinstance(item, Mapping):
>                 yield from item.items()
>                 continue
>             try:
>                 subiter = iter(item)
>             except TypeError:
>                 yield item
>             else:
>                 yield from flatten(subiter)
> Over time, different types would get explicitly registered with
> AtomicIterable based on what their developers considered the most
> appropriate behaviour to be when asked to flatten them.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From pavol.lisy at  Tue Jul 26 03:02:58 2016
From: pavol.lisy at (Pavol Lisy)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:02:58 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/26/16, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at> wrote:
> On 26 July 2016 at 05:23, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at> wrote:
>> So overall, I think practicality beats purity here, and such a change
>> is not worth the effort.

> We did go through the effort for the threading module, as we had the
> problem there that multiprocessing was PEP-8 compliant (with aliases
> for threading compatibility), but threading only had the old pre-PEP-8
> names.

> The "isn't worth it" mainly comes from the fact that these APIs
> generally *were* compliant with the coding guidelines that existed at
> the time they were first written, it's just that the guidelines and
> community expectations have changed since then, so they represent
> things like "good Python design style circa 1999" (e.g. unittest,
> logging) rather than "good Python style for today". So if you say
> "let's update them to 2016 conventions" today, by 2026 you'll just
> have the same problem again.

How could snake survive if not moulting regularly, when old skin is outgrown?

I am not argue with you! Just thinking about future of this language
and see some analogies in biology. And sorry just could not resist to
share this little idea! :)

From storchaka at  Tue Jul 26 03:42:58 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 10:42:58 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nn74a3$n5s$>

On 26.07.16 09:53, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> The "isn't worth it" mainly comes from the fact that these APIs
>> generally *were* compliant with the coding guidelines that existed at
>> the time they were first written
> Is that true? Did we really actively advise people to use
> Java-style APIs in some cases, or was it just that
> nobody told them otherwise?

logging and xml.dom are exact reproducing of Java libraries on Python. 
These APIs are something like a standard and are reproduced in many 
other languages.

From cory at  Tue Jul 26 03:53:44 2016
From: cory at (Cory Benfield)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 09:53:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On 25 Jul 2016, at 19:55, Ralph Broenink <ralph at> wrote:
>   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23, which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2. 

PROTOCOL_SSLv23 *can* be used as a client for SSLv2, in some circumstances. If you want to fight about names, then we should talk about the fact that PROTOCOL_SSLv23 means ?use a SSLv3 handshake and then negotiate the highest commonly supported TLS version?.

However, this naming scheme comes from OpenSSL (what we call PROTOCOL_SSLv23 OpenSSL calls SSLv23_METHOD, and so on). This naming scheme *is* terrible, but the stdlib ssl module is really more appropriately called the openssl module: it exposes a substantial number of OpenSSL internals and names. Happily, OpenSSL is changing this name to TLS_METHOD, which is what it should have been called all along.


From ncoghlan at  Tue Jul 26 10:30:18 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 00:30:18 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 26 July 2016 at 16:53, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> So if you say
>> "let's update them to 2016 conventions" today, by 2026 you'll just
>> have the same problem again.
> You're assuming that the conventions will change just as
> much in the next 10 years as they did in the last 10. I
> don't think that's likely -- I would hope we're converging
> on a set of conventions that's good enough to endure.

Conventions can really only remain stable if their environment doesn't
change, and the software development world isn't that much more stable
now than it was 20 years ago.

>> and look for more modern version independent 3rd party
>> facades if you find the mix of API design eras in the standard library
>> annoying
> It would be sad if Python's motto became "Batteries
> included (as long as you're happy with Leclanche cells;
> if you want anything more modern you'll have to look
> elsewhere)".

New libraries can still make their way into the standard set, but it
makes more sense to do that as *actual new libraries*, rather than
simply PEP-8-ifying old ones.

It's relatively easy to manage the cognitive burden of argparse vs
optparse vs getopt, for example - you know which one people are using
based on what they import, and they have different names so it's easy
to talk about the trade-offs between them and tell people which one is
recommended for new code.

Ditto for asyncio vs asynchat and asyncore.

We even have a section in the docs specifically for modules that are
still around for backwards compatibility, but we don't recommend to
new users:

So evolving the standard library by introducing new ways of doing
things as the community learns better alternatives, and requiring
those new ways to be compliant with PEP 8 at the time they're
standardised *absolutely* makes sense.

The only part I don't think makes sense is modernising the APIs of
existing modules purely for the sake of modernising them - there needs
to be a stronger justification for expending that much effort (as
there was with properly aligning the threading and multiprocessing


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From brett at  Tue Jul 26 12:29:24 2016
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 16:29:24 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 at 13:03 Mark Mollineaux <bufordsharkley at>

> I've pined for this (and feel a real mental pain every time I use one
> of those poorlyCased names)-- I end up using a lot of mental space
> remembering exactly HOW each stdlib isn't consistent.
> Aliasing consistent names in each case seems like a real win all
> around, personally.

For those that want consistent names, you could create a PyPI package that
is nothing more than the aliased names as suggested.

Otherwise I get the desire for consistency, but as pointed out by a bunch
of other core devs, we have thought about this many times and always reach
the same conclusion that the amount of work and potential code breakage is
too great.


> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
> <ralph at> wrote:
> > Hi python-ideas,
> >
> > As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
> inconsistent
> > mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly
> caused by
> > the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction of
> > PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
> >
> > It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in
> fact
> > inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as being
> > too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
> > However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
> > Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
> > function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
> >
> > While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we should
> > offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
> > instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this treatment,
> but
> > unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
> >
> > What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the stdlib
> > and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly
> opinionated
> > list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and others
> > are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of
> them:
> >
> >   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
> > logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses
> and
> > methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
> > work.
> >
> >   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
> > collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime,
> which
> > uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
> >
> >   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel should
> be
> > re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but no
> > re.find.
> >
> >   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
> > which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
> >
> >   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not
> be
> > get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs set_debuglevel,
> > and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
> > pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
> >
> >   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
> >
> >   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
> > tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
> >
> > These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I
> could
> > find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject for
> > reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't
> looked
> > for those in my quick survey.
> >
> > For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a 'consistently'
> > named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the other
> > way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
> names.
> > This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
> > Pythonic and unsurprising.
> >
> > What would you think of such an effort?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ralph Broenink
> >
> >  [1]
> >  [2]
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Python-ideas mailing list
> > Python-ideas at
> >
> > Code of Conduct:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From xdegaye at  Thu Jul 28 12:30:59 2016
From: xdegaye at (Xavier de Gaye)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 18:30:59 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile devices
Message-ID: <>

Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
mobile devices) should be moved here.

IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
Python on a mobile device today is a problem.

As a reference, here is a raw estimation of the sizes of the different

     full install: 111M
     without the test suite: 53M
     without the test suite and as a sourceless distribution: 23M
     same as above but also without ensurepip: 14M

It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
use is discouraged.



From victor.stinner at  Thu Jul 28 13:00:12 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 19:00:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2016-07-28 18:30 GMT+02:00 Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at>:
> Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
> installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
> discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
> mobile devices) should be moved here.
> IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
> Python on a mobile device today is a problem.

FYI size does also matter on server: it became an important for cloud
and container images. See for example the "System Python" idea of
Fedora which comes with a truncated standard library:

- system-python-libs - a subset of standard Python library considered
essential to run "system tools" requiring Python
- system-python - /usr/libexec/system-python binary (interpreter) for
the tools to be able to run, provides system-python(abi)
- python3-libs brings in the remaining subset of standard Python library (...)

> It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
> related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
> use is discouraged.

I worked on embeded devices, and truncating the stanard library is a
common and *mandatory* practice.


From mal at  Thu Jul 28 14:07:52 2016
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 20:07:52 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 28.07.2016 19:00, Victor Stinner wrote:
> 2016-07-28 18:30 GMT+02:00 Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at>:
>> Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
>> installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
>> discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
>> mobile devices) should be moved here.
>> IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
>> Python on a mobile device today is a problem.

You may want to have a look at what we did for eGenix PyRun:

for how to create a minified version of the Python stdlib.

> FYI size does also matter on server: it became an important for cloud
> and container images. See for example the "System Python" idea of
> Fedora which comes with a truncated standard library:
> Extract:
> """
> - system-python-libs - a subset of standard Python library considered
> essential to run "system tools" requiring Python
> - system-python - /usr/libexec/system-python binary (interpreter) for
> the tools to be able to run, provides system-python(abi)
> - python3-libs brings in the remaining subset of standard Python library (...)
> (...)
> """
>> It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
>> related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
>> use is discouraged.

Sourceless distributions are not discouraged. They are essential
for commercial use cases and I would strongly oppose removing
the possibility to ship byte code only applications.

Why do you think that this doesn't work anymore ?

> I worked on embeded devices, and truncating the stanard library is a
> common and *mandatory* practice.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jul 28 2016)
>>> Python Projects, Coaching and Consulting ...
>>> Python Database Interfaces ... 
>>> Plone/Zope Database Interfaces ... 

::: We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs ::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From kevin-lists at  Thu Jul 28 14:27:55 2016
From: kevin-lists at (Kevin Ollivier)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 11:27:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 7/28/16, 9:30 AM, "Python-ideas on behalf of Xavier de Gaye" < at on behalf of xdegaye at> wrote:

>Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
>installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
>discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
>mobile devices) should be moved here.

Is the reason you're doing this as a configure flag rather than some tool that can run on a full Python distro because this is a cross-compile target?

I ask because as Victor points out, this concern is really not unique to Android or mobile development. There are numerous use cases for wanting a sourceless distribution on just about any mobile, desktop or server platform. The abundance of tools out there that try to solve this problem is a testament to how common the need is.

If Python could spit out a sourceless version of itself, complete with site-packages, that alone would go a long way towards consolidating the packaging logic into one place, and would likely solve the mobile and embedded problem as well.

>IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
>Python on a mobile device today is a problem.
>As a reference, here is a raw estimation of the sizes of the different
>     full install: 111M
>     without the test suite: 53M
>     without the test suite and as a sourceless distribution: 23M
>     same as above but also without ensurepip: 14M
>It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
>related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
>use is discouraged.

I suspect the concerns against it are the complexity of implementation, but after having done this for many years, I rather want something that is less 'smart' than the existing packaging tools I've used try to be. What I'd love personally is the ability to simply take a full Python install - system distro, venv or cross-compile target - and just package the whole thing up minus sources. I can be careful to make sure I have only what I need in it before building the release. At most I'd like to be able to specify a whitelist / blacklist file to include / exclude specific things.



>Python-ideas mailing list
>Python-ideas at
>Code of Conduct:

From vgr255 at  Thu Jul 28 18:01:08 2016
From: vgr255 at (Emanuel Barry)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 22:01:08 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
Message-ID: <>

Hello Python-ideas,
While answering a question earlier today, I realized that
types.MappingProxyType is immutable and unhashable. It seems to me that if
all values are hashable (all keys are already guaranteed to be hashable),
then the mappingproxy itself should be hashable. Should I go ahead and make
a patch for this, or is this a bad idea?


From victor.stinner at  Thu Jul 28 18:11:57 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 00:11:57 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Good idea.

Le 29 juil. 2016 12:01 AM, "Emanuel Barry" <vgr255 at> a ?crit :

> Hello Python-ideas,
> While answering a question earlier today, I realized that
> types.MappingProxyType is immutable and unhashable. It seems to me that if
> all values are hashable (all keys are already guaranteed to be hashable),
> then the mappingproxy itself should be hashable. Should I go ahead and make
> a patch for this, or is this a bad idea?
> Cheers,
> -Emanuel
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From guido at  Thu Jul 28 18:06:07 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 15:06:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I think you misunderstand the distinction between immutable and
read-only. MappingProxyType is read-only -- you cannot modify the
underlying dict through the proxy. But it's not immutable -- if the
underlying dict is changed directly (e.g. by assignment to a class
attribute) the proxy is changed too. So making the proxy hashable
would be a mistake.

What real-world use case do you have for this?

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:
> Hello Python-ideas,
> While answering a question earlier today, I realized that
> types.MappingProxyType is immutable and unhashable. It seems to me that if
> all values are hashable (all keys are already guaranteed to be hashable),
> then the mappingproxy itself should be hashable. Should I go ahead and make
> a patch for this, or is this a bad idea?
> Cheers,
> -Emanuel
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From vgr255 at  Thu Jul 28 18:23:35 2016
From: vgr255 at (Emanuel Barry)
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 22:23:35 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> From: Guido van Rossum
> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 6:06 PM
> To: Emanuel Barry
> Cc: python-ideas at
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
> I think you misunderstand the distinction between immutable and
> read-only. MappingProxyType is read-only -- you cannot modify the
> underlying dict through the proxy. But it's not immutable -- if the
> underlying dict is changed directly (e.g. by assignment to a class
> attribute) the proxy is changed too. So making the proxy hashable
> would be a mistake.

Oh, I didn't know that this was just a view over an actual dict. I guess that solves the question :)

> What real-world use case do you have for this?

Not me, actually. Someone in #python asked about an immutable dict, and I pointed them towards mappingproxy, only to realize it wasn't hashable. Maybe something like frozendict could be added, though? At this point I don't really have an opinion, so it's up to the list to decide if they want it or not :)


From tjreedy at  Fri Jul 29 03:07:45 2016
From: tjreedy at (Terry Reedy)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 03:07:45 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nnevc1$f1v$>

On 7/28/2016 12:30 PM, Xavier de Gaye wrote:
> Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
> installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
> discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
> mobile devices) should be moved here.
> IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
> Python on a mobile device today is a problem.
> As a reference, here is a raw estimation of the sizes of the different
> installs:
>     full install: 111M
>     without the test suite: 53M
>     without the test suite and as a sourceless distribution: 23M
>     same as above but also without ensurepip: 14M

I believe unicodedata is at least a couple more MB, and, I believe, 
dispensible for more purposes.

> It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
> related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
> use is discouraged.
> Xavier
> [1]
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Terry Jan Reedy

From xdegaye at  Fri Jul 29 05:51:26 2016
From: xdegaye at (Xavier de Gaye)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:51:26 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/28/2016 08:07 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 > Sourceless distributions are not discouraged. They are essential
 > for commercial use cases and I would strongly oppose removing
 > the possibility to ship byte code only applications.
 > Why do you think that this doesn't work anymore ?

This refers to this message [1] from the discussion in issue 26852.
I would not think that sourceless distributions are discouraged if I
am submitting a patch that adds an option to build a sourceless
distribution, there are better ways to waste time :)

The drawbacks of sourceless distributions:
* Quote from PEP 3147 "In practice, it is well known that pyc files
   are not compatible across Python major releases. A reading of
   import.c [3] in the Python source code proves that within recent
   memory, every new CPython major release has bumped the pyc magic
* The test suite cannot be run on a sourceless distribution as many
   tests use the linecache module.

It would be useful to know the other reasons why a sourceless
distribution is discouraged, so we might fix them. And if they cannot be
fixed then issue 26852 can be closed.


From ncoghlan at  Fri Jul 29 07:04:02 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 21:04:02 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 July 2016 at 08:23, Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at> wrote:
> Not me, actually. Someone in #python asked about an immutable dict, and I pointed them towards mappingproxy, only to realize it wasn't hashable. Maybe something like frozendict could be added, though? At this point I don't really have an opinion, so it's up to the list to decide if they want it or not :)

For most cases where this kind of capability is needed, it will be
sufficient to model a frozen dict as a frozen set of 2-tuples:

>>> data = {k: str(k) for k in range(5)}
>>> data
{0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}
>>> frozenset(data.items())
frozenset({(4, '4'), (3, '3'), (1, '1'), (0, '0'), (2, '2')})
>>> dict(frozenset(data.items()))
{0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}

The fact the frozen set is keyed by the key-value pairs rather than
just the keys doesn't matter, as you can't add any new entries at all,
and the same goes for any other discrepancies between the invariants
of the two data structures: even though the frozen set doesn't enforce
any dict invariants, their preservation is ensured by the stricter
immutability and hashability invariants.

And in cases where you want to expose a read-only view to a normal
dictionary, then you have types.MappingProxyType.

So it's not that a frozendict type couldn't be provided, it's just of
highly questionable utility given other existing features.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From ncoghlan at  Fri Jul 29 07:13:28 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 21:13:28 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29 July 2016 at 19:51, Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at> wrote:
> It would be useful to know the other reasons why a sourceless
> distribution is discouraged, so we might fix them. And if they cannot be
> fixed then issue 26852 can be closed.

"It currently makes debugging a pain" is the reason why we (Fedora &
Red Hat) chose not to go for a sourceless distribution of the standard
library as a way of reducing the default image size for the base
Fedora Cloud and Atomic images.

However, that's technically a solvable problem - given a traceback
without source contents, we (python-dev) could provide a way to
regenerate it against a full distribution with source code (similar to
the way folks are able to map stack dumps in other compiled languages
back to the relevant pieces of source code).

It's also only an argument for folks to take into account when they
consider "sourceless or not?" for their particular use case, rather
than an argument against making sourceless distribution for size
optimisation purposes easier in general.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From mal at  Fri Jul 29 07:44:13 2016
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 13:44:13 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 29.07.2016 11:51, Xavier de Gaye wrote:
> On 07/28/2016 08:07 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Sourceless distributions are not discouraged. They are essential
>> for commercial use cases and I would strongly oppose removing
>> the possibility to ship byte code only applications.
>> Why do you think that this doesn't work anymore ?
> This refers to this message [1] from the discussion in issue 26852.
> I would not think that sourceless distributions are discouraged if I
> am submitting a patch that adds an option to build a sourceless
> distribution, there are better ways to waste time :)

As I read it, David was referring to sourceless distribution of
the Python stdlib itself. That's a different use case than the one
I meant, which focuses on shipping application code without source

> The drawbacks of sourceless distributions:
> * Quote from PEP 3147 "In practice, it is well known that pyc files
>   are not compatible across Python major releases. A reading of
>   import.c [3] in the Python source code proves that within recent
>   memory, every new CPython major release has bumped the pyc magic
>   number.".

This argument is only valid if you are distributing application
code without also shipping a Python interpreter to go with it.

> * The test suite cannot be run on a sourceless distribution as many
>   tests use the linecache module.

That's true, but in production, you are typically not interested
in the test suite anyway.

The same is true for the ensurepip package, since this comes with
wheel files living inside the package directory structure.

BTW: For distutils compilation, you also need the include files,
but again, depending on your use case, you may not be interested
in supporting this.

> It would be useful to know the other reasons why a sourceless
> distribution is discouraged, so we might fix them. And if they cannot be
> fixed then issue 26852 can be closed.
> [1]

There are certainly a lot of use cases for wanting to have
a Python distribution which is small, but in most cases,
you need to do more than just remove the .py files to address
these, so I'm not sure whether we need an option in configure
for this.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jul 29 2016)
>>> Python Projects, Coaching and Consulting ...
>>> Python Database Interfaces ... 
>>> Plone/Zope Database Interfaces ... 

::: We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs ::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From vgr255 at  Fri Jul 29 08:02:32 2016
From: vgr255 at (Emanuel Barry)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 12:02:32 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

All right, this makes sense. Thanks for the reply!

> From: Nick Coghlan [mailto:ncoghlan at]
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
> For most cases where this kind of capability is needed, it will be
> sufficient to model a frozen dict as a frozen set of 2-tuples:
> >>> data = {k: str(k) for k in range(5)}
> >>> data
> {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}
> >>> frozenset(data.items())
> frozenset({(4, '4'), (3, '3'), (1, '1'), (0, '0'), (2, '2')})
> >>> dict(frozenset(data.items()))
> {0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4'}
> The fact the frozen set is keyed by the key-value pairs rather than
> just the keys doesn't matter, as you can't add any new entries at all,
> and the same goes for any other discrepancies between the invariants
> of the two data structures: even though the frozen set doesn't enforce
> any dict invariants, their preservation is ensured by the stricter
> immutability and hashability invariants.
> And in cases where you want to expose a read-only view to a normal
> dictionary, then you have types.MappingProxyType.
> So it's not that a frozendict type couldn't be provided, it's just of
> highly questionable utility given other existing features.
> Cheers,
> Nick.

From xdegaye at  Fri Jul 29 08:37:40 2016
From: xdegaye at (Xavier de Gaye)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:37:40 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/29/2016 01:44 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 > There are certainly a lot of use cases for wanting to have
 > a Python distribution which is small, but in most cases,
 > you need to do more than just remove the .py files to address
 > these, so I'm not sure whether we need an option in configure
 > for this.

No, a sourceless distribution does not "just remove the .py files", it
also does not install the __pycache__ files. The gain in size is quite
significant, more than 50%.

Right, there are more steps to a small Python than a configure option to
build a sourceless distribution, but obviously this first step is the
one that would provide the biggest gain in size.


From storchaka at  Fri Jul 29 08:50:40 2016
From: storchaka at (Serhiy Storchaka)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 15:50:40 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nnfjf1$oo7$>

On 28.07.16 19:30, Xavier de Gaye wrote:
> Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
> installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
> discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
> mobile devices) should be moved here.
> IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
> Python on a mobile device today is a problem.
> As a reference, here is a raw estimation of the sizes of the different
> installs:
>     full install: 111M
>     without the test suite: 53M
>     without the test suite and as a sourceless distribution: 23M
>     same as above but also without ensurepip: 14M
> It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
> related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
> use is discouraged.

Try to pack the stdlib in the ZIP file and use zipimport.

From victor.stinner at  Fri Jul 29 08:57:14 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:57:14 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

2016-07-29 0:06 GMT+02:00 Guido van Rossum <guido at>:
> I think you misunderstand the distinction between immutable and
> read-only. MappingProxyType is read-only -- you cannot modify the
> underlying dict through the proxy. But it's not immutable -- if the
> underlying dict is changed directly (e.g. by assignment to a class
> attribute) the proxy is changed too.

Oh right. That's why I'm not a big fan of MappingProxyType :-)


It reminds me that I wrote a frozendict PEP which was rejected :-)


From victor.stinner at  Fri Jul 29 09:04:02 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 15:04:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

2016-07-29 13:13 GMT+02:00 Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at>:
> "It currently makes debugging a pain" is the reason why we (Fedora &
> Red Hat) chose not to go for a sourceless distribution of the standard
> library as a way of reducing the default image size for the base
> Fedora Cloud and Atomic images.

In the embeded world, you have hard limit. For example, the firmware
(boot load, kernel, OS, application: everything) must be exceed 128
MB. It takes time to reduce the firmware size by 1 MB. So such obvious
solution of not embeding .py files but only .pyc is not really an
option, but just mandatory.

On the production, usually you just cannot run a debugger just for
practical reasons. For example, you cannot open a TCP connection to
the device. Only the device can open connections to a known server.

Traceback are not logged neither to not waste limited storage.

So .py files are just useless.


From stefan_ml at  Fri Jul 29 10:48:05 2016
From: stefan_ml at (Stefan Behnel)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 16:48:05 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <nnfjf1$oo7$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <nnfqb6$87s$>

Serhiy Storchaka schrieb am 29.07.2016 um 14:50:
> On 28.07.16 19:30, Xavier de Gaye wrote:
>> Issue 26852 [1] proposes an enhancement to reduce the size of the Python
>> installation by using a sourceless distribution. It seems that
>> discussion on this problem (the size of the Python installation on
>> mobile devices) should be moved here.
>> IMHO there is no need to debate on the fact that a full install of
>> Python on a mobile device today is a problem.
>> As a reference, here is a raw estimation of the sizes of the different
>> installs:
>>     full install: 111M
>>     without the test suite: 53M
>>     without the test suite and as a sourceless distribution: 23M
>>     same as above but also without ensurepip: 14M
>> It would be useful to find the references to the previous discussions
>> related to sourceless distributions, especially the reasons why their
>> use is discouraged.
> Try to pack the stdlib in the ZIP file and use zipimport.

Speaking of compression, I just saw that the ticket about compressing .pyc
files is still open, so I guess that nothing has been done in that regard.
It still surprises me that they aren't. They are classical write-once,
read-many kind of files, so not compressing them seems counter-intuitive.

Obviously, compressing everything into an archive instead of compressing
each file separately is bound to provide even larger gains, but that
doesn't deal with the fact that some things usually get compiled and
installed later than others.


From elazarg at  Fri Jul 29 10:50:25 2016
From: elazarg at (=?UTF-8?B?15DXnNei15bXqA==?=)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 14:50:25 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 22:23:35 +0000
> From: Emanuel Barry <vgr255 at>
> To: "guido at" <guido at>
> Cc: "python-ideas at" <python-ideas at>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Make types.MappingProxyType hashable

>> What real-world use case do you have for this?

> Not me, actually. Someone in #python asked about an immutable dict, > and
I pointed them towards mappingproxy, only to realize it wasn't hashable.
Maybe something like frozendict could be added, though? At this point I
don't really have an opinion, so it's up to the list to decide if they want
it or not :)

If the keys can be converted to/from valid identifiers, and the values are
hashable, then namedtuple can give you your frozendict.

- Elazar
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From chris.barker at  Fri Jul 29 15:18:11 2016
From: chris.barker at (Chris Barker - NOAA Federal)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 12:18:11 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <-8182430984798288380@unknownmsgid>

> For cases where str instances are handled differently from other
> iterables, but still within the same function, a convention of writing
> "Union[str, Iterable]" as the input parameter type may suffice -

The problem here is that often folks want to NOT allow single strings,
but rather want only an iterable of strings. But, of course, a single
string is an iterable of strings...

I'm pretty sure this is by far the most common dynamic typing gotcha
in Python ( at least after true division). Which means it may well be
worth special casing all over the place to make it easy to do right.
Personally, I'd like a solution that helps folks write correct code
even without a type checker.

AFAIK, the "solution" at this point is for every function that takes
an iterable of strings to have code like:

in = [in] if type(in) is str else in

But this is ugly and fragile in so many ways...

Perhaps there should be (maybe only in my private lib) a
"as_sequence_of_strings()" function that does this, but more
completely and robustly. Similar to numpy's asarray(), which passes
back the object of it's already an array of the type specified, and
tries to convert it otherwise.

>  typically want to consider types like str, bytes,
> bytearray and memoryview as atomic objects, rather than as containers,

There are all kinds of things that one might want to treat as atomic,
rather than a sequence -- but what is special about str is that it is
infinitely recurs able---no matter how many times you index it, you
always get back a sequence -- never an atomic object.

Most (every?) other sequence returns an atomic object (eventually)
when you index it.

So maybe the solution really is to have a character type -- then a
string is a sequence of characters, rather that a sequence of string,
and all these problems go away.

If a character object has all the methods of a string except indexing
(and iterating) it might even be mostly backward compatible....

Otherwise, special casing in multiple cases may be the only option.

Or maybe all we need is a way to spell "any iterable of strings except
a string", though that would only help type checking.

But either way, it would be great to support this better.


From michael.selik at  Fri Jul 29 22:59:09 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 02:59:09 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <-8182430984798288380@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016, 2:18 PM Chris Barker - NOAA Federal <
chris.barker at> wrote:

> The problem here is that often folks want to NOT allow single strings,
> but rather want only an iterable of strings.

The module author might, but sometimes the user might want to use a str as
an iterable of 1-len strs. It bugs me that Pandas forces me to wrap a str
of indices in a list constructor before passing it into the DataFrame

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From michael.selik at  Fri Jul 29 22:59:18 2016
From: michael.selik at (Michael Selik)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 02:59:18 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:52 AM Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at>

> Daniel Spitz wrote:
> > I'm
> > not sure and don't have a strong opinion about the original removal of
> > apply.
> I expect it was removed simply because the * and ** calling
> syntax makes it unecessary (before that was introduced,
> apply was the only way of getting that funcionality).
> If it's to be reintroduced, the operator module would seem
> to be the right place for it.

If it goes in the operator module, then the name ``operator.starcall``
seems better than ``starcaller``. I'd say ``operator.unpack`` would be
better, except for the confusion between unpacking assignment and unpacking
as arguments. I suppose ``operator.apply`` would be OK, too. Is there a
better vocabulary word for unpack-as-args?
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From python at  Fri Jul 29 23:57:21 2016
From: python at (Alexander Heger)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 13:57:21 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] An ABC representing "Iterable, Sized, Container"
In-Reply-To: <-8182430984798288380@unknownmsgid>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> So maybe the solution really is to have a character type -- then a
> string is a sequence of characters, rather that a sequence of string,
> and all these problems go away.
> If a character object has all the methods of a string except indexing
> (and iterating) it might even be mostly backward compatible....
> Otherwise, special casing in multiple cases may be the only option.
> Or maybe all we need is a way to spell "any iterable of strings except
> a string", though that would only help type checking.

I agree, the fact that a string consists of strings has bothered me as
well.  It makes some things work well but some recursive algorithms
requires special checks.  There should be a way to iterate over a string as

AtomicIterable seems a good idea, but maybe it could be just the conceptual
starting point of building up a class hierarchy of "iterability", and such
a class could be passed to the 'flatten' method proposed above in the
thread by Nick Coghlan.

Some conceptual inspiration may be taken from numpy where one can have
0-dimensional arrays which are different from scalars - and different from
n-D array with 1 element (n > 0)

In [7]: x = np.ndarray(())

In [8]: x
Out[8]: array(21.0)

In [9]: type(x)
Out[9]: numpy.ndarray

In [10]: x[()]
Out[10]: 21.0

In [11]: np.asscalar(x)
Out[11]: 21.0

 In [13]: x = np.ndarray((1,))

In [14]: x
Out[14]: array([ 17.5])
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From brenbarn at  Sat Jul 30 01:57:14 2016
From: brenbarn at (Brendan Barnwell)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 22:57:14 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Addition to operator module: starcaller
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 2016-07-29 19:59, Michael Selik wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 12:52 AM Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at
> <mailto:greg.ewing at>> wrote:
>     Daniel Spitz wrote:
>      > I'm
>      > not sure and don't have a strong opinion about the original
>     removal of
>      > apply.
>     I expect it was removed simply because the * and ** calling
>     syntax makes it unecessary (before that was introduced,
>     apply was the only way of getting that funcionality).
>     If it's to be reintroduced, the operator module would seem
>     to be the right place for it.
> If it goes in the operator module, then the name ``operator.starcall``
> seems better than ``starcaller``. I'd say ``operator.unpack`` would be
> better, except for the confusion between unpacking assignment and
> unpacking as arguments. I suppose ``operator.apply`` would be OK, too.
> Is there a better vocabulary word for unpack-as-args?

	Why not just  I suppose actually operator.caller would 
be more consistent with the existing attrgetter and methodcaller?

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no 
path, and leave a trail."
    --author unknown

From turnbull.stephen.fw at  Sat Jul 30 03:25:40 2016
From: turnbull.stephen.fw at (Stephen J. Turnbull)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 16:25:40 +0900
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Xavier de Gaye writes:

 > It would be useful to know the other reasons why a sourceless
 > distribution is discouraged,

I wouldn't say it's discouraged, except for the ethical reason that
Python is open source, and we love the idea that our users can hack
Python for their own needs.  That, of course, is balanced by the fact
that sourceless distribution is exactly such a derivative.

But I don't see why maintaining a sourceless distribution is an
appropriate use of core developer time.  On the one hand, it seems to
be something that can be done separately from the core, and there are
already many examples.

On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be demand for a "generic"
sourceless distribution -- removing source is the *easy* part.  In
fact there are many use cases that *need* variants, so it seems to me
that it would be likely to be a real hairball of optional features.
For example, as Terry mentioned not all applications need the
unicodedata module, and it's *big*, but many applications I can
imagine doing myself (spam-checking and other validation of textual
data) would include it.


From ncoghlan at  Sat Jul 30 04:28:05 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 18:28:05 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 July 2016 at 17:25, Stephen J. Turnbull
<turnbull.stephen.fw at> wrote:
> Xavier de Gaye writes:
> On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be demand for a "generic"
> sourceless distribution -- removing source is the *easy* part.  In
> fact there are many use cases that *need* variants, so it seems to me
> that it would be likely to be a real hairball of optional features.

While you're not wrong about the complexity of the problem at hand,
there are actually a few different problem domains pushing towards
offering better mainline support for stripped down special purpose
builds of the CPython runtime:

- mobile devices
- embedded devices
- self-contained binaries
- Linux container images (& even unikernels)

These are all cases where "How do we make the core Python installation
smaller?" is a reasonable question to ask (to either reduce storage
requirements or to reduce network usage), and "use MicroPython instead
of CPython" isn't always going to be the right answer (e.g. if you
need CPython C API support).

These are also all cases where the ability to automate builds and
updates encourages pushing more complexity into the build process in
pursuit of simplification and minimisation of the runtime components.

If we say "pursue this problem outside the core", then odds are pretty
good that those communities will all settle on different approaches,
and we'll end up with four (or more) redundant sets of tooling and
techniques for installation minimisation. By contrast, if we say
"pursue improved solutions to this problem as part of CPython, but
you'll need to keep these other potential use cases in mind", we
increase the changes for "one obvious way" to be formulated, even if
people have different motives for caring about the problem.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From xdegaye at  Sat Jul 30 08:18:56 2016
From: xdegaye at (Xavier de Gaye)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 14:18:56 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/30/2016 09:25 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
 > For example, as Terry mentioned not all applications need the
 > unicodedata module, and it's *big*, but many applications I can
 > imagine doing myself (spam-checking and other validation of textual
 > data) would include it.

How *big* exactly ?
The size of the unicodedata shared library is 843K on archlinux when a
sourceless distribution saves many tens of Mega bytes and a
distribution without the test suite saves about 60M.

IMHO only three options should be implemented, if the Python community
really thinks seriously about porting Python to mobile devices:
     * --enable-sourceless-distribution
     * --disable-test-suite
     * --disable-distutils-builds
The last option is to get rid of the config (LIBPL) directory that is
used to build extension modules, as one cannot expect most mobile
devices to have a proper build environment anyway.

The result would be a distribution in the 10M order of magnitude, ten
times smaller than the current size. Then we can look into
compression, the impacts of compression on the size of the memory used
by the python process and the impacts of compression on performance in
mobile devices.

The remaining savings (unicodedata, turtledemo, tkinter, unittest,
...) should be left to packagers.

From mal at  Sat Jul 30 08:29:15 2016
From: mal at (M.-A. Lemburg)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 14:29:15 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30.07.2016 14:18, Xavier de Gaye wrote:
> On 07/30/2016 09:25 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> For example, as Terry mentioned not all applications need the
>> unicodedata module, and it's *big*, but many applications I can
>> imagine doing myself (spam-checking and other validation of textual
>> data) would include it.
> How *big* exactly ?
> The size of the unicodedata shared library is 843K on archlinux when a
> sourceless distribution saves many tens of Mega bytes and a
> distribution without the test suite saves about 60M.
> IMHO only three options should be implemented, if the Python community
> really thinks seriously about porting Python to mobile devices:
>     * --enable-sourceless-distribution
>     * --disable-test-suite
>     * --disable-distutils-builds
> The last option is to get rid of the config (LIBPL) directory that is
> used to build extension modules, as one cannot expect most mobile
> devices to have a proper build environment anyway.
> The result would be a distribution in the 10M order of magnitude, ten
> times smaller than the current size. Then we can look into
> compression, the impacts of compression on the size of the memory used
> by the python process and the impacts of compression on performance in
> mobile devices.
> The remaining savings (unicodedata, turtledemo, tkinter, unittest,
> ...) should be left to packagers.

IMO, this should all be left to packagers. They will have to
patch the code base anyway to get things working in such
an environment, so there isn't much point in adding some
bits to the configure script which everyone uses, while
leaving out other important parts. This doesn't simplify
the life of packagers much, but does add maintenance
overhead for the core developers (since these new options
would have to be tested as well before release).

BTW: By not having these options in configure, you also
gain a lot more freedom as packager, since you can have
the build behave you would like it to instead of going
through the whole change request discussion process that
updates/changes to these options would entail going

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Jul 30 2016)
>>> Python Projects, Coaching and Consulting ...
>>> Python Database Interfaces ... 
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::: We implement business ideas - efficiently in both time and costs ::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

From ncoghlan at  Sat Jul 30 10:42:27 2016
From: ncoghlan at (Nick Coghlan)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 00:42:27 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On 30 July 2016 at 22:29, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at> wrote:
> IMO, this should all be left to packagers. They will have to
> patch the code base anyway to get things working in such
> an environment, so there isn't much point in adding some
> bits to the configure script which everyone uses, while
> leaving out other important parts. This doesn't simplify
> the life of packagers much, but does add maintenance
> overhead for the core developers (since these new options
> would have to be tested as well before release).
> BTW: By not having these options in configure, you also
> gain a lot more freedom as packager, since you can have
> the build behave you would like it to instead of going
> through the whole change request discussion process that
> updates/changes to these options would entail going
> forward.

Encouraging that divergence isn't free, though - it just pushes the
testing burden outward by creating a larger compatibility testing
matrix for folks wanting to support sourceless environments.

And, to be clear, I'm not suggesting we start making official
sourceless releases of CPython, nor am I suggesting we make
"sourceless builds are working" a gating criterion for versioned
releases - instead, I'm suggesting we allow interested folks like
Xavier to add the basic knobs and dials to the standard distribution,
with the awareness that they might break sometimes and requiring
patching after other folks make changes. Since the assumption is that
folks interested in this will be building from source anyway, it
shouldn't be a problem to run directly off a maintenance branch when
they need to, rather than using a particular release tag.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

From xdegaye at  Sat Jul 30 17:26:18 2016
From: xdegaye at (Xavier de Gaye)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 23:26:18 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 07/30/2016 04:42 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
 > On 30 July 2016 at 22:29, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at> wrote:
 >> IMO, this should all be left to packagers. They will have to
 >> patch the code base anyway to get things working in such
 >> an environment, so there isn't much point in adding some
 >> bits to the configure script which everyone uses, while
 >> leaving out other important parts. This doesn't simplify
 >> the life of packagers much, but does add maintenance
 >> overhead for the core developers (since these new options
 >> would have to be tested as well before release).
 >> BTW: By not having these options in configure, you also
 >> gain a lot more freedom as packager, since you can have
 >> the build behave you would like it to instead of going
 >> through the whole change request discussion process that
 >> updates/changes to these options would entail going
 >> forward.
 > Encouraging that divergence isn't free, though - it just pushes the
 > testing burden outward by creating a larger compatibility testing
 > matrix for folks wanting to support sourceless environments.
 > And, to be clear, I'm not suggesting we start making official
 > sourceless releases of CPython, nor am I suggesting we make
 > "sourceless builds are working" a gating criterion for versioned
 > releases - instead, I'm suggesting we allow interested folks like
 > Xavier to add the basic knobs and dials to the standard distribution,
 > with the awareness that they might break sometimes and requiring
 > patching after other folks make changes. Since the assumption is that
 > folks interested in this will be building from source anyway, it
 > shouldn't be a problem to run directly off a maintenance branch when
 > they need to, rather than using a particular release tag.

Then I propose that we vote to allow issue 26852 [1] to add the
'--enable-sourceless-distribution' option to configure.

I am +1 for the reasons given in my previous posts.



From guido at  Sat Jul 30 18:22:31 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 15:22:31 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

You misunderstand. There is no voting.

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Xavier de Gaye <xdegaye at> wrote:
> On 07/30/2016 04:42 PM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> On 30 July 2016 at 22:29, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at> wrote:
>>> IMO, this should all be left to packagers. They will have to
>>> patch the code base anyway to get things working in such
>>> an environment, so there isn't much point in adding some
>>> bits to the configure script which everyone uses, while
>>> leaving out other important parts. This doesn't simplify
>>> the life of packagers much, but does add maintenance
>>> overhead for the core developers (since these new options
>>> would have to be tested as well before release).
>>> BTW: By not having these options in configure, you also
>>> gain a lot more freedom as packager, since you can have
>>> the build behave you would like it to instead of going
>>> through the whole change request discussion process that
>>> updates/changes to these options would entail going
>>> forward.
>> Encouraging that divergence isn't free, though - it just pushes the
>> testing burden outward by creating a larger compatibility testing
>> matrix for folks wanting to support sourceless environments.
>> And, to be clear, I'm not suggesting we start making official
>> sourceless releases of CPython, nor am I suggesting we make
>> "sourceless builds are working" a gating criterion for versioned
>> releases - instead, I'm suggesting we allow interested folks like
>> Xavier to add the basic knobs and dials to the standard distribution,
>> with the awareness that they might break sometimes and requiring
>> patching after other folks make changes. Since the assumption is that
>> folks interested in this will be building from source anyway, it
>> shouldn't be a problem to run directly off a maintenance branch when
>> they need to, rather than using a particular release tag.
> Then I propose that we vote to allow issue 26852 [1] to add the
> '--enable-sourceless-distribution' option to configure.
> I am +1 for the reasons given in my previous posts.
> Xavier
> [1]
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From mistersheik at  Sat Jul 30 17:57:53 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 14:57:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
Message-ID: <>

It's common to want to clip (or clamp) a number to a range.  This feature 
is commonly needed for both floating point numbers and integers:

There are a few approaches: 

* use a couple ternary operators 
(e.g.  line 98, which 
generated a lot of discussion)
* use a min/max construction,
* call sorted on a list of the three numbers and pick out the first, or
* use numpy.clip. 

Am I right that there is no *obvious* way to do this?  If so, I suggest 
adding math.clip (or math.clamp) to the standard library that has the 

def clip(number, lower, upper):
    return lower if number < lower else upper if number > upper else number

This would work for non-numeric types so long as the non-numeric types 
support comparison.  It might also be worth adding

assert lower < upper

to catch some bugs.


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From mertz at  Sun Jul 31 00:41:07 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 21:41:07 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Is there some special subtlety or edge case where a hand rolled function
will go wrong? I like the SO version spelled like this (a little fleshed

def clamp(val, min_val=None, max_val=None):
    min_val = val if min_val is None else min_val
    max_val = val if max_val is None else max_val
    assert min_val <= max_val
    return max(min(val , max_val), min_val)

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at> wrote:

> It's common to want to clip (or clamp) a number to a range.  This feature
> is commonly needed for both floating point numbers and integers:
> There are a few approaches:
> * use a couple ternary operators (e.g.
>  line 98, which generated
> a lot of discussion)
> * use a min/max construction,
> * call sorted on a list of the three numbers and pick out the first, or
> * use numpy.clip.
> Am I right that there is no *obvious* way to do this?  If so, I suggest
> adding math.clip (or math.clamp) to the standard library that has the
> meaning:
> def clip(number, lower, upper):
>     return lower if number < lower else upper if number > upper else number
> This would work for non-numeric types so long as the non-numeric types
> support comparison.  It might also be worth adding
> assert lower < upper
> to catch some bugs.
> Best,
> Neil
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
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From steve at  Sun Jul 31 04:19:39 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 18:19:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 09:41:07PM -0700, David Mertz wrote:
> Is there some special subtlety or edge case where a hand rolled function
> will go wrong?

Depends on the person doing the hand rolling :-)

I'm not sure how your version would work with NANs, and I haven't 
bothered to try it to find out, but I like this version:

def clamp(value, lower=None, upper=None):
    """Clamp value to the closed interval lower...upper.

    The limits lower and upper can be set to None to mean -? and +?
    if not (lower is None or upper is None):
        if lower > upper:
            raise ValueError('lower must be <= upper')
    if lower is not None and value < lower:
        value = lower
    elif upper is not None and value > upper:
        value = upper
    return value

which does support NANs for the value being clamped. (It returns the NAN 
unchanged.) It also avoids the expense of function calls to min and max, 
and will check that the lower and upper bounds are in the right order 
even if you run with assertions turned off.

I don't think I've missed any cases.


From ian.g.kelly at  Sun Jul 31 09:10:59 2016
From: ian.g.kelly at (Ian Kelly)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 07:10:59 -0600
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 2:19 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
> I'm not sure how your version would work with NANs, and I haven't
> bothered to try it to find out, but I like this version:


py> min(10, float('nan'))

From ian.g.kelly at  Sun Jul 31 09:14:03 2016
From: ian.g.kelly at (Ian Kelly)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 07:14:03 -0600
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 7:10 AM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 2:19 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at> wrote:
>> I'm not sure how your version would work with NANs, and I haven't
>> bothered to try it to find out, but I like this version:
> Answer:
> py> min(10, float('nan'))
> 10

Ah, but the original passed the value before the boundary.

py> min(float('nan'), 10)
py> max(_, 0)

So it works, but it's somewhat fragile because it depends on the order
of the arguments to min and max.

From mistersheik at  Sat Jul 30 18:02:18 2016
From: mistersheik at (Neil Girdhar)
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 15:02:18 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


assert lower <= upper

And apologies if this has been requested before.  My search turned up 

On Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 5:57:53 PM UTC-4, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> It's common to want to clip (or clamp) a number to a range.  This feature 
> is commonly needed for both floating point numbers and integers:
> There are a few approaches: 
> * use a couple ternary operators (e.g. 
>  line 98, which generated 
> a lot of discussion)
> * use a min/max construction,
> * call sorted on a list of the three numbers and pick out the first, or
> * use numpy.clip. 
> Am I right that there is no *obvious* way to do this?  If so, I suggest 
> adding math.clip (or math.clamp) to the standard library that has the 
> meaning:
> def clip(number, lower, upper):
>     return lower if number < lower else upper if number > upper else number
> This would work for non-numeric types so long as the non-numeric types 
> support comparison.  It might also be worth adding
> assert lower < upper
> to catch some bugs.
> Best,
> Neil
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From ralph at  Sun Jul 31 14:46:32 2016
From: ralph at (Ralph Broenink)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 18:46:32 +0000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm a bit sad that I'm clearly on the loosing side of the argument. I now
believe that I must be grossly underestimating the amount of effort and
overestimating the potential gain. However, I still feel that we should
strive for consistency in the long run. I do not propose to do this at
once, but I feel that at least some collaborated effort would be nice. (If
not only for this kind of mail threads.)

If I would start an effort to - for instance - 'fix' some camelCased
modules, and attempt to make it 100% backwards compatible, including tests,
would there be any chance it could be merged at some point? Otherwise, I
feel it would be a totally pointless effort ;).

On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 at 18:29 Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 at 13:03 Mark Mollineaux <bufordsharkley at>
> wrote:
>> I've pined for this (and feel a real mental pain every time I use one
>> of those poorlyCased names)-- I end up using a lot of mental space
>> remembering exactly HOW each stdlib isn't consistent.
>> Aliasing consistent names in each case seems like a real win all
>> around, personally.
> For those that want consistent names, you could create a PyPI package that
> is nothing more than the aliased names as suggested.
> Otherwise I get the desire for consistency, but as pointed out by a bunch
> of other core devs, we have thought about this many times and always reach
> the same conclusion that the amount of work and potential code breakage is
> too great.
> -Brett
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
>> <ralph at> wrote:
>> > Hi python-ideas,
>> >
>> > As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
>> inconsistent
>> > mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly
>> caused by
>> > the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction of
>> > PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
>> >
>> > It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is in
>> fact
>> > inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as
>> being
>> > too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
>> > However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
>> > Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
>> > function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
>> >
>> > While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we
>> should
>> > offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules. For
>> > instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this
>> treatment, but
>> > unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
>> >
>> > What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the
>> stdlib
>> > and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly
>> opinionated
>> > list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and
>> others
>> > are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of
>> them:
>> >
>> >   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
>> > logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses
>> and
>> > methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
>> > work.
>> >
>> >   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
>> > collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime,
>> which
>> > uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
>> >
>> >   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel
>> should be
>> > re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but
>> no
>> > re.find.
>> >
>> >   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
>> > which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>> >
>> >   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it not
>> be
>> > get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs
>> set_debuglevel,
>> > and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
>> > pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>> >
>> >   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>> >
>> >   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
>> > tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
>> >
>> > These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I
>> could
>> > find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject
>> for
>> > reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't
>> looked
>> > for those in my quick survey.
>> >
>> > For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a
>> 'consistently'
>> > named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the
>> other
>> > way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
>> names.
>> > This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
>> > Pythonic and unsurprising.
>> >
>> > What would you think of such an effort?
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Ralph Broenink
>> >
>> >  [1]
>> >  [2]
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Python-ideas mailing list
>> > Python-ideas at
>> >
>> > Code of Conduct:
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>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
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From victor.stinner at  Sun Jul 31 15:38:44 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 21:38:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] size of the installation of Python on mobile
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
 <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Xavier is a core developer. He is free to dedicate his time to supporting
sourceless distribution :-)

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From victor.stinner at  Sun Jul 31 15:38:44 2016
From: victor.stinner at (Victor Stinner)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 21:38:44 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I dislike this API. What's the point of calling clamp(x)? clamp(b, a) is
min(a, b) and clamp(a, max_val=b) is just max(a, b). My point is that all
parameters must be mandatory.

Le 31 juil. 2016 6:41 AM, "David Mertz" <mertz at> a ?crit :

> Is there some special subtlety or edge case where a hand rolled function
> will go wrong? I like the SO version spelled like this (a little fleshed
> out):
> def clamp(val, min_val=None, max_val=None):
>     min_val = val if min_val is None else min_val
>     max_val = val if max_val is None else max_val
>     assert min_val <= max_val
>     return max(min(val , max_val), min_val)
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
> wrote:
>> It's common to want to clip (or clamp) a number to a range.  This feature
>> is commonly needed for both floating point numbers and integers:
>> There are a few approaches:
>> * use a couple ternary operators (e.g.
>>  line 98, which generated
>> a lot of discussion)
>> * use a min/max construction,
>> * call sorted on a list of the three numbers and pick out the first, or
>> * use numpy.clip.
>> Am I right that there is no *obvious* way to do this?  If so, I suggest
>> adding math.clip (or math.clamp) to the standard library that has the
>> meaning:
>> def clip(number, lower, upper):
>>     return lower if number < lower else upper if number > upper else
>> number
>> This would work for non-numeric types so long as the non-numeric types
>> support comparison.  It might also be worth adding
>> assert lower < upper
>> to catch some bugs.
>> Best,
>> Neil
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
> --
> Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
> from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
> uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
> advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
> to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From p1himik at  Sun Jul 31 15:47:54 2016
From: p1himik at (Eugene Pakhomov)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 02:47:54 +0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm on Ralph's side here. "Why is this thing named the other way?" was one
of the first questions I asked. And people whom I occasionally teach about
Python, ask the same question over and over again.

Code breakage happens (PEP 3151 - didn't know about it till it almost bit
my leg off), so we can't shy away from it completely.
Is there any link on the previous thoughts of the core devs on the matter?
Especially regarding the amount of potential code breakage.
I'm genuinely interested, as I think that this amount is negligible if the
new names will be gradually introduced along with a deprecation notice
on (end eventual removal of) the old ones.
As far as I can see, it can only do some harm if someone uses a discouraged
"import *" or monkey-patches some new methods into Python standard
classes/modules, and updates his Python installation.


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Ralph Broenink <ralph at>

> I'm a bit sad that I'm clearly on the loosing side of the argument. I now
> believe that I must be grossly underestimating the amount of effort and
> overestimating the potential gain. However, I still feel that we should
> strive for consistency in the long run. I do not propose to do this at
> once, but I feel that at least some collaborated effort would be nice. (If
> not only for this kind of mail threads.)
> If I would start an effort to - for instance - 'fix' some camelCased
> modules, and attempt to make it 100% backwards compatible, including tests,
> would there be any chance it could be merged at some point? Otherwise, I
> feel it would be a totally pointless effort ;).
> On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 at 18:29 Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 at 13:03 Mark Mollineaux <bufordsharkley at>
>> wrote:
>>> I've pined for this (and feel a real mental pain every time I use one
>>> of those poorlyCased names)-- I end up using a lot of mental space
>>> remembering exactly HOW each stdlib isn't consistent.
>>> Aliasing consistent names in each case seems like a real win all
>>> around, personally.
>> For those that want consistent names, you could create a PyPI package
>> that is nothing more than the aliased names as suggested.
>> Otherwise I get the desire for consistency, but as pointed out by a bunch
>> of other core devs, we have thought about this many times and always reach
>> the same conclusion that the amount of work and potential code breakage is
>> too great.
>> -Brett
>>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
>>> <ralph at> wrote:
>>> > Hi python-ideas,
>>> >
>>> > As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
>>> inconsistent
>>> > mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly
>>> caused by
>>> > the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction of
>>> > PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
>>> >
>>> > It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is
>>> in fact
>>> > inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as
>>> being
>>> > too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
>>> > However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
>>> > Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider providing
>>> > function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
>>> >
>>> > While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we
>>> should
>>> > offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules.
>>> For
>>> > instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this
>>> treatment, but
>>> > unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
>>> >
>>> > What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the
>>> stdlib
>>> > and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly
>>> opinionated
>>> > list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and
>>> others
>>> > are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of
>>> them:
>>> >
>>> >   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits, e.g.
>>> > logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses
>>> and
>>> > methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make it
>>> > work.
>>> >
>>> >   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
>>> > collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime,
>>> which
>>> > uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
>>> >
>>> >   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel
>>> should be
>>> > re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but
>>> no
>>> > re.find.
>>> >
>>> >   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as
>>> ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
>>> > which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>>> >
>>> >   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it
>>> not be
>>> > get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs
>>> set_debuglevel,
>>> > and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
>>> > pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>>> >
>>> >   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>>> >
>>> >   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
>>> > tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
>>> >
>>> > These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I
>>> could
>>> > find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject
>>> for
>>> > reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't
>>> looked
>>> > for those in my quick survey.
>>> >
>>> > For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a
>>> 'consistently'
>>> > named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the
>>> other
>>> > way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
>>> names.
>>> > This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
>>> > Pythonic and unsurprising.
>>> >
>>> > What would you think of such an effort?
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> > Ralph Broenink
>>> >
>>> >  [1]
>>> >  [2]
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > Python-ideas mailing list
>>> > Python-ideas at
>>> >
>>> > Code of Conduct:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Python-ideas mailing list
>>> Python-ideas at
>>> Code of Conduct:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:
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From mertz at  Sun Jul 31 16:16:55 2016
From: mertz at (David Mertz)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 13:16:55 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 12:38 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stinner at>

> I dislike this API. What's the point of calling clamp(x)? clamp(b, a) is
> min(a, b) and clamp(a, max_val=b) is just max(a, b). My point is that all
> parameters must be mandatory.
Fair enough.  I was envisioning a usage like:

bottom, top = None, None
# ... some code that might derive values for bottom and/or top
x = clamp(x, bottom, top)

But this also lets us use the same signature for, e.g.:

y = clamp(y, max_val=100)

Still, my point wasn't to argue for a signature or implementation, but just
opining that the utility is easy enough to write that users can put it in
their own library/code.

Le 31 juil. 2016 6:41 AM, "David Mertz" <mertz at> a ?crit :
>> Is there some special subtlety or edge case where a hand rolled function
>> will go wrong? I like the SO version spelled like this (a little fleshed
>> out):
>> def clamp(val, min_val=None, max_val=None):
>>     min_val = val if min_val is None else min_val
>>     max_val = val if max_val is None else max_val
>>     assert min_val <= max_val
>>     return max(min(val , max_val), min_val)
>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Neil Girdhar <mistersheik at>
>> wrote:
>>> Am I right that there is no *obvious* way to do this?  If so, I suggest
>>> adding math.clip (or math.clamp) to the standard library that has the
>>> meaning:

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.
-------------- next part --------------
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From guido at  Sun Jul 31 20:39:39 2016
From: guido at (Guido van Rossum)
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:39:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Making the stdlib consistent again
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thoughts of the core dev were expressed clearly earlier in this thread.

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Eugene Pakhomov <p1himik at> wrote:
> I'm on Ralph's side here. "Why is this thing named the other way?" was one
> of the first questions I asked. And people whom I occasionally teach about
> Python, ask the same question over and over again.
> Code breakage happens (PEP 3151 - didn't know about it till it almost bit my
> leg off), so we can't shy away from it completely.
> Is there any link on the previous thoughts of the core devs on the matter?
> Especially regarding the amount of potential code breakage.
> I'm genuinely interested, as I think that this amount is negligible if the
> new names will be gradually introduced along with a deprecation notice on
> (end eventual removal of) the old ones.
> As far as I can see, it can only do some harm if someone uses a discouraged
> "import *" or monkey-patches some new methods into Python standard
> classes/modules, and updates his Python installation.
> Regards,
> Eugene
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Ralph Broenink <ralph at>
> wrote:
>> I'm a bit sad that I'm clearly on the loosing side of the argument. I now
>> believe that I must be grossly underestimating the amount of effort and
>> overestimating the potential gain. However, I still feel that we should
>> strive for consistency in the long run. I do not propose to do this at once,
>> but I feel that at least some collaborated effort would be nice. (If not
>> only for this kind of mail threads.)
>> If I would start an effort to - for instance - 'fix' some camelCased
>> modules, and attempt to make it 100% backwards compatible, including tests,
>> would there be any chance it could be merged at some point? Otherwise, I
>> feel it would be a totally pointless effort ;).
>> On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 at 18:29 Brett Cannon <brett at> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 at 13:03 Mark Mollineaux <bufordsharkley at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I've pined for this (and feel a real mental pain every time I use one
>>>> of those poorlyCased names)-- I end up using a lot of mental space
>>>> remembering exactly HOW each stdlib isn't consistent.
>>>> Aliasing consistent names in each case seems like a real win all
>>>> around, personally.
>>> For those that want consistent names, you could create a PyPI package
>>> that is nothing more than the aliased names as suggested.
>>> Otherwise I get the desire for consistency, but as pointed out by a bunch
>>> of other core devs, we have thought about this many times and always reach
>>> the same conclusion that the amount of work and potential code breakage is
>>> too great.
>>> -Brett
>>>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Ralph Broenink
>>>> <ralph at> wrote:
>>>> > Hi python-ideas,
>>>> >
>>>> > As you all know, the Python stdlib can sometimes be a bit of an
>>>> > inconsistent
>>>> > mess that can be surprising in how it names things. This is mostly
>>>> > caused by
>>>> > the fact that several modules were developed before the introduction
>>>> > of
>>>> > PEP-8, and now we're stuck with the older naming within these modules.
>>>> >
>>>> > It has been said and discussed in the past [1][2] that the stdlib is
>>>> > in fact
>>>> > inconsistent, but fixing this has almost always been disregarded as
>>>> > being
>>>> > too painful (after all, we don't want a new Python 3 all over again).
>>>> > However, this way, we will never move away from these inconsistencies.
>>>> > Perhaps this is fine, but I think we should at least consider
>>>> > providing
>>>> > function and class names that are unsurprising for developers.
>>>> >
>>>> > While maintaining full backwards compatibility, my idea is that we
>>>> > should
>>>> > offer consistently named aliases in -eventually- all stdlib modules.
>>>> > For
>>>> > instance, with Python 2.6, the threading module received this
>>>> > treatment, but
>>>> > unfortunately this was not expanded to all modules.
>>>> >
>>>> > What am I speaking of precisely? I have done a quick survey of the
>>>> > stdlib
>>>> > and found the following examples. Please note, this is a highly
>>>> > opinionated
>>>> > list; some names may have been chosen with a very good reason, and
>>>> > others
>>>> > are just a matter of taste. Hopefully you agree with at least some of
>>>> > them:
>>>> >
>>>> >   * The CamelCasing in some modules are the most obvious culprits,
>>>> > e.g.
>>>> > logging and unittest. There is obviously an issue regarding subclasses
>>>> > and
>>>> > methods that are supposed to be overridden, but I feel we could make
>>>> > it
>>>> > work.
>>>> >
>>>> >   * All lower case class names, such as collections.defaultdict and
>>>> > collections.deque, should be CamelCased. Another example is datetime,
>>>> > which
>>>> > uses names such as timedelta instead of TimeDelta.
>>>> >
>>>> >   * Inconsistent names all together, such as re.sub, which I feel
>>>> > should be
>>>> > re.replace (cf. str.replace). But also re.finditer and re.findall, but
>>>> > no
>>>> > re.find.
>>>> >
>>>> >   * Names that do not reflect actual usage, such as
>>>> > ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23,
>>>> > which can in fact not be used as client for SSLv2.
>>>> >
>>>> >   * Underscore usage, such as tarfile.TarFile.gettarinfo (should it
>>>> > not be
>>>> > get_tar_info?), http.client.HTTPConnection.getresponse vs
>>>> > set_debuglevel,
>>>> > and pathlib.Path.samefile vs pathlib.Path.read_text. And is it
>>>> > pkgutil.iter_modules or is it pathlib.Path.iterdir (or re.finditer)?
>>>> >
>>>> >   * Usage of various abbreviations, such as in filecmp.cmp
>>>> >
>>>> >   * Inconsistencies between similar modules, e.g. between
>>>> > tarfile.TarFile.add and zipfile.ZipFile.write.
>>>> >
>>>> > These are just some examples of inconsistent and surprising naming I
>>>> > could
>>>> > find, other categories are probably also conceivable. Another subject
>>>> > for
>>>> > reconsideration would be attribute and argument names, but I haven't
>>>> > looked
>>>> > for those in my quick survey.
>>>> >
>>>> > For all of these inconsistencies, I think we should make a
>>>> > 'consistently'
>>>> > named alternative, and alias the original variant with them (or the
>>>> > other
>>>> > way around), without defining a deprecation timeline for the original
>>>> > names.
>>>> > This should make it possible to eventually make the stdlib consistent,
>>>> > Pythonic and unsurprising.
>>>> >
>>>> > What would you think of such an effort?
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> > Ralph Broenink
>>>> >
>>>> >  [1]
>>>> >
>>>> >  [2]
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>> > Python-ideas mailing list
>>>> > Python-ideas at
>>>> >
>>>> > Code of Conduct:
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Python-ideas mailing list
>>>> Python-ideas at
>>>> Code of Conduct:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> Python-ideas at
>> Code of Conduct:
> _______________________________________________
> Python-ideas mailing list
> Python-ideas at
> Code of Conduct:

--Guido van Rossum (

From steve at  Sun Jul 31 22:47:39 2016
From: steve at (Steven D'Aprano)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 12:47:39 +1000
Subject: [Python-ideas] Consider adding clip or clamp function to math
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 09:38:44PM +0200, Victor Stinner wrote:
> I dislike this API. What's the point of calling clamp(x)? clamp(b, a) is
> min(a, b) and clamp(a, max_val=b) is just max(a, b). 

You have that the wrong way around. If you supply a lower-bounds, you 
must take the max(), not the min(). If you supply a upper-bounds, you 
take the min(), not the max(). It's easy to get wrong.

> My point is that all parameters must be mandatory.

I don't care too much whether the parameters are mandatory or have 
defaults, so long as it is *possible* to pass something for the lower 
and upper bounds which mean "unbounded". There are four obvious 
alternatives (well three obvious ones and one surprising one):

(1) Explicitly pass -INFINITY or +INFINITY as needed; but which 
infinity, float or Decimal? If you pass the wrong one, you may have to 
pay the cost of converting your values to float/Decimal, which could end 
up expensive if you have a lot of them.

(2) Pass a NAN as the bounds. With my implementation, that actually 
works! But it's a surprising accident of implementation, it feels wrong 
and looks weird, and again, it may require converting the values to 

(3) Use some special Infimum and Supremum objects which are smaller 
than, and greater than, every other value. But we don't have such 
objects, so you'd need to create your own.

(4) Use None as a placeholder for "no limit". That's my preferred 

Of course, even if None is accepted as "no limit", the caller can still 
explicitly provide an infinity if they prefer.

As I said, I don't particularly care whether the lower and upper bounds 
have default values. But I think it is useful and elegant to accept None 
(as well as infinity) to mean "no limit".
