[Python-ideas] Quick idea: defining variables from functions that take the variable name

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 11:42:39 EDT 2016

On 1 June 2016 at 16:10, Sven R. Kunze <srkunze at mail.de> wrote:
> That's the current way. If now, the compiler would assign "x" to a special
> dunder attribute/variable, that would allow __init__ to extract that name
> and use it as if it were a parameter:
> class AutoSymbol:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.name = __assigned_name__ # that's me :)

Why doesn't the assignment here set __assigned_name__ too, and
override the value assigned by the "outer" assignment?

Also, as someone else pointed out, in

a = b = c = AutoSymbol()

what would __assigned_name__ be? The advantage of a special operation
is that it gives you a way of pointing out precisely *which* name
assignment we want to remember...


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