[Python-ideas] Quick idea: defining variables from functions that take the variable name

Sjoerd Job Postmus sjoerdjob at sjoerdjob.com
Wed Jun 1 12:10:22 EDT 2016

> On 1 Jun 2016, at 17:59, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:35:01AM -0700, David Mertz wrote:
>> For things like namedtuple that need more arguments, you'd need to use
>> functools.partial to create the single argument callable to match the
>> syntax.
> As far as I am concerned, limiting it to single-argument functions 
> cripples this proposal to the point that it is of no interest.
> So far I've seen exactly four real-world use-cases, plus potentially 
> Django. Only supporting a single name makes this useless for two of 
> those use-cases, and I predict all of the Django examples[1]. Using 
> partial is *more work than the status quo* which means nobody in their 
> right mind is going to use it.
> # (1) status quo
> Record = namedtuple("Record", fields)
> # (2a) my suggestion
> Record -> namedtuple(fields)
> # (2b) or if you insist
> def Record = namedtuple(fields)
> # (3) if it only supports a single argument
> from functools import partial
> Record -> partial(namedtuple, field_names=fields)()
> That is significantly more annoying than the status quo. But it gets 
> worse! Remember that partial() binds positional arguments from the left, 
> which is the wrong side for what we need. Fortunately namedtuple 
> supports keyword arguments, but what about those that don't?
> For the sake of the exercise, let's pretend that namedtuple doesn't 
> support keyword arguments, just to get an idea of how to solve it:
> Record -> partial(lambda fields, name: namedtuple(name, fields), fields)()
> And let's just hope nobody wants to call namedtuple with the other 
> arguments, verbose or rename.
> It is easy to wave your hands and say "just use partial", but not so 
> easy to *actually do so*.

I'm working under the assumption that "eventually" the functions get reworked so as to return a 1-argument function.

So (using the -> syntax)

    x -> Symbol
    Point -> namedtuple_wrapper(['x', 'y'])


    x = Symbol('x')
    Point = namedtuple_wrapper(['x', 'y'])('Point')

Adding the name as a first argument looks even more hacky to me, to be honest.

As for

    x, y, z -> expr

Should raise a syntax-error for all I care. Unless everybody agrees that it should call the naming creator 3 times? I would find it confusing, to be honest.

So it would be

    identifier -> expression


    identifier_list -> expression

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