[Python-ideas] Quick idea: defining variables from functions that take the variable name

Sjoerd Job Postmus sjoerdjob at sjoerdjob.com
Wed Jun 8 13:14:51 EDT 2016

> On 8 Jun 2016, at 17:19, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 11:17:26PM -0400, Eric V. Smith wrote:
>> I think we might need some helpers, and a slight change to the 
>> specifics. I'd have:
>> @binding_method
>> x = obj
>> result in:
>> x = binding_method('x', obj)
> That's a bit more promising. 
> Disadvantage:
> - what was one line is now two;
> - confusing to pass more than a single argument (plus the implicit name) 
>  to the function;
> - fails the principle "things that look similar should be similar".
> Status quo:
>    Record = namedtuple('Record', fields)
> would become:
>    @namedtuple
>    Record = fields
> which doesn't look awful. I'm sad that it needs two lines.
> But what if you want to pass more than one argument?
>    @namedtuple
>    Record = fields, True
> That will be equivalent to
>    namedtuple('Record', (fields, True))
> which is not what is wanted. And it gets worse if you use a keyword 
> argument:
>    Record = fields, verbose=True

TypeError, can't iterate over boolean

Record = fields

Although for namedtuple in particular, I'd rather have namedtuple be a class-generator:

class Record(namedtuple(fields)):


class Record(metaclass=namedtuple):
    fields = fields

And namedtuple could abuse all the g(l)ory details of metaclasses and/of eval to do its job. And that is the right solution for namedtuple. 

The cases that interest me more are typevar/symbol/Django modelfields/sqlalchemy declarative fields and all the cases where you're not constructing a class(like) thingy.
> I don't really like the way the @ syntax is being used for two 
> completely different things.
>    @function
>    def spam(): ...
> does one thing, but
>   @function
>   spam = ...
> does a completely different and unrelated thing. I'm not saying that @ 
> cannot be used for anything but decorators, but I think it is confusing 
> to use something which looks so close to decorator syntax for something 
> that is nothing like a decorator.
>> The question for me is: do we want to have something that tells the 
>> compiler that "binding_method" or "namedtuple" above are special, or is 
>> this just what the compiler does for all uses of what looks like a 
>> decorated assignment statement?
> I'm surprised you ask that question :-) What does the Zen say about 
> special cases?
> I don't think it is desirable to have developers have to go cap in hand 
> to the core devs and say "Please sir, I have a function that needs to 
> know its name, can you please add it to the privileged list of special 
> functions that work with @ please?"
> *wink*
> It should either work for any name after the @ or not at all. Hard 
> coding support for just namedtuple would be bad.
> -- 
> Steve
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